MTL - Be Pampered and Spoiled-Chapter 57

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That artist is considered an older person.

Because of this variety show, he became an instant hit in later generations, and he can be regarded as one of Juxing's favorites—and also a shareholder of Juxing Zhan with a small share of the shares.

It is also because of this that when he does some nasty things, he is even more unscrupulous - those who can be succeeded by him, the entertainment industry looks around, even high school students who have not yet reached the age of 1, have already thought of it at all costs in order to gain a way out. There are more than 30 artists who want to be promoted, and these people can be found everywhere in places like Juxing.

There is no way to play, and there is a contract, so I can only fight on my own, but because of the pressure from above, I can't get any good resources, so there is only one way left.

And because she attended the school for one year according to the regulations after signing the contract with Juxing, she didn't appear in the company much.

It wasn't until she won the audition for the first TV series—that is, "King's Landing" that this "old senior" took a fancy to her and actually set his mind on her.

It's a pity that this person dug his own grave and touched things that shouldn't be touched.

In the end, he became a vicious dog that everyone in the circle yelled and beat, and even Juxing was scattered. In just half a year, the announcements of tax evasion, tax evasion, fake accounts, unspoken rules, and so on were almost all over the Weibo homepage. For a whole month!

However, Zeng Xiaoyu didn't know what the 'good show' was, so he could only blink his eyes pitifully and follow Zuo Xian's buttocks, and took out a small black umbrella from one side of his backpack, intending to put it on for Zuo Xian.

Zuo Xian was wearing sun protection clothing when he got here. After all, the summer sun in H City is also very hot, and it is too uncomfortable to be baked on the body all day.

It was too hot to take off because I couldn't work anymore.

When Zeng Xiaoyu went out, she was told by Chen Shuanglian to take a good look at Zuo Xian and not let her get tanned.

Otherwise, returning to the crew after two days of exposure will cause trouble for the crew, and the effect will not be very good when the audience watches it later. After all, if there are two color differences in the skin color, the makeup artist and lighting engineer will also Very embarrassing!

It can be said that she is a very conscientious twin sister!

Zuo Xian took a look at Zeng Xiaoyu who was covered in big bags and small bags, and was carrying a water bottle in his hand, he took the initiative to take the umbrella, took the water bottle in his hand and drank a couple of sips, lightening Zeng Xiaoyu's burden , sighed and said, "Then let's go home, rest for a while at noon, and go back directly at night. We can't delay the filming in the group too much."

Although it is said that she has asked for two days off, she is the protagonist, and she can go through more than a dozen storyboards in two days.

Without her, all the plots related to her could not be filmed, and the whole team was wasted there, and neither she nor the director wanted to use a double, so the post-production was completely troublesome.

"Then this way..." Zeng Xiaoyu hesitated for a moment.

Zuo Xian glanced back at the street.

Without the control of the director's team, the person in charge of the venue removed the banner.

The nearby tourists have gradually returned to the hustle and bustle of the holiday. If she hadn't had no makeup and was wearing her usual clothes, she would have been surrounded by the hospitable citizens of City H long ago.

Zuo Xian smiled and turned around, "Let's go first, this show..." She said meaningfully, "I'm afraid it will come to an end here."

Zeng Xiaoyu followed Zuo Xian to leave ignorantly.

It's not very easy to take a taxi here, the two waited for a while on the side of the road, because they were worried that Zuo Xian would be exposed, so they didn't make it too late to grab the car from someone.

Zeng Xiaoyu was as thin as a bean sprouts by himself, and he couldn't compete with the tourists who rushed to eat at noon. Suddenly, he was deadlocked here.

The two sat under the tree with sad faces and ate ice cream, Zuo Xian licked the ice cream all over his body, and said depressedly, "Tell me why we memorized so little today..."

Zeng Xiaoyu was aggrieved, "This is a tourist area, and now it's the peak season..."

That's why it's harder to get a car.

Also expensive! They are all black cars!

Zuo Xian was also depressed.

Just when the two were worried, a girl suddenly walked by.

The girl is wearing an open-back suspender floral dress with a woven light-colored straw hat on it. There is also a flower decoration on the left side of the straw hat, which matches the midsummer at the moment.

Zuo Xian blinked the glasses hidden behind the sunglasses, turned his head suddenly, and whispered to Zeng Xiaoyu, "Look, beauty!"

Zeng Xiaoyu turned her head in horror, "You have sister Xingxian!"

Zuo Xian is very innocent: "..."

"You, you..." The girl seemed to be coming directly at them.

Seeing that she was holding sunglasses in her hand and took off the hat she was wearing when she walked beside them, Zuo Xian blinked, patted her buttocks and stood up from the ground, and said with a smile, "Are you okay? "

The girl blushed, stared at Zuo Xian for a while, and then said blushingly, "You, are you really Zuo Xian?"

Zuo Xian lowered his head, slid the sunglasses down to the tip of his nose, then quickly pushed them up, put a finger in front of his mouth, and said, "Shhh!"

The girl screamed silently on the spot, stomping her feet back and forth on the ground.

"I, I am the one who called the police just now, that enthusiastic citizen!" The girl rubbed her hands nervously, shifted the hat under her armpit, introduced herself briefly, and said, "You couldn't get here just now. Car? How about I take you off?"

"Is it convenient?" Zuo Xian was taken aback.

She thought that the girl in front of her was a tourist who came here during the holidays.

"Convenient!" The girl nodded quickly, pointed to the cute looking car, and said, "I've turned on the air conditioner in the car for a long time, so you won't get too hot when you go up."

This girl is so cute.

Zuo Xian smiled, "Then I'll trouble you, my assistant and I have been waiting here for a while."

Zuo Xian got out of the car after being sent to the front of the hotel by the girl along the way.

Because it is only a temporary place to stay, the hotel looks very small, and it is even more cramped among a group of residential buildings.

But this is also something that can’t be helped—it’s not easy to book a room during the peak tourist season, and a slightly better place is ridiculously expensive. easy.

It's such a small place, without TV and communication equipment, and there are only two beds and an electric kettle in the room - two thousand yuan for three people for two days!

Before entering the door, Zuo Xian was stopped by the girl behind him again.

Zuo Xian turned his head, and the girl was standing beside the car with a DSLR in her hand, watching the way back and forth nervously, smiled at her, and said, "I, can I take a photo with you?"

"Okay." Zuo Xian smiled, and asked Zeng Xiaoyu to help take a photo.

There is a free washing place in the hotel, and after the girl paid 20 yuan, she asked Zuo Xian to sign her name on the back.

The hotel owner didn't recognize who Zuo Xian was, he leaned against the wall and was eating melon seeds, he smiled cheerfully, "A big star who came to travel?"

Zuo Xian didn't have a very good impression of the owner of this hotel, so he said casually, "No, it's fake, it's a forged signature, one sign costs five yuan, and I can get two cents if I sell one."

The boss curled his lips, as expected, he stopped watching the excitement here, but picked up a handful of melon seeds again, turned on the small TV, and spit out the melon seeds outside the store, and by the way, have nothing to do with the cleaning aunt who is in charge of this area They quarreled like they were looking for something.

This has been the daily routine for the past few days. The boss is greedy for petty gain and lazy, and often throws a pile of **** at the door of the store.

The cleaner in charge of this area has said many times, but the boss ignores it each time. The cleaner can only add countless jobs for no reason, after all, this is within the area she is responsible for.

Zuo Xian shook his head, handed the photo to the girl, and winked at her again.

The girl understood, and didn't call Zuo Xian's name again, and didn't say anything loudly—who knows if this greedy boss will use Zuo Xian's living here as a gimmick the next day.

Just before leaving, he said, "Zuo Xian, come on... Besides, you, you are really beautiful..."

After speaking, the girl ran away in a hurry.

Zuo Xian shrugged, ignored the smiling boss, and glanced at the time.

When I went upstairs, Chen Shuang was indeed still in the room, typing something quickly on the computer, looking a little irritable.

Seeing that it was Zuo Xian who came back, Chen Shuang stopped working and talking, but glanced at the beeping mobile phone, pulled himself together and said to Zuo Xian, "You're back?"

She didn't seem surprised at all, and after seeing Zuo Xian came back, she said, "What do you want for lunch? I'll go out and buy."

A well-behaved manager suddenly became her personal nanny.

Zuo Xian felt slightly sour.

At this time, the phone in Chen's hands rang again, and then she glanced at it, her brows were furrowed, and her expression was a little impatient.

However, the moment before she hung up the phone, Zuo Xian's hand stopped her.

The mobile phone is just a flip phone that has not yet been eliminated. Because of his identity, Chen Shuang has three mobile phones in his hand, and this one is mainly for contacting the company's internal personnel.

Two words jumped on it: Boss.

What's interesting is that the text messages that flashed across the top of the screen were all abusive to Chen Shuang.

The words are not ugly, but they are very embarrassing.

Zuo Xian's expression turned cold.

She glanced at Chen Shuang, then stretched out a finger, looked directly at Chen Shuang expressionlessly, and then pointed to the bed.

Chen Shuang was taken aback for a moment, and didn't know what to do—it was obvious that the girl in front of her was just a girl who had just passed the age of nineteen, but at this moment, under the inexplicable oppression, she couldn't even utter a single word, and she behaved obediently. Following Zuo Xian's eyes and pointing movements, he sat on the edge of the bed.

Zeng Xiaoyu also cowardly found a bed with her butt, and sat next to Chen Shuang.

The two leaned shoulder to shoulder, as if they were children who had made a mistake.

They hugged their small schoolbags, anxiously waiting for their mother, who was answering the phone call from the head teacher, to end, and not so happy to prepare for the coming storm.

The phone was quickly connected by Zuo Xian, and as soon as he turned it on, Zuo Xian held the phone a little further away from his ears.

An exasperated male voice came from the other end of the phone, "Chen Shuang! How dare you hang up?! Do you know that this show is on fire right now? If you mess up the liquidated damages and sell you, you won't even be able to pay for it—! You don't want to **** do it anymore Just get out of my way!—”

Zuo Xian scratched his ears.

Originally, she still wanted to pay respects first and then fight, but now it seems that she doesn't need it anymore.

Chen Shuang was there with a moment of embarrassment, as if he didn't expect that his situation in front of the company and his boss would be cut open by Zuo Xian and exposed in front of several people.

Zuo Xian didn't seem too surprised, she even smiled.

Hearing the wrong voice on the other end of the phone, he gasped and asked, "Who are you? Where's Chen Shuang? Let her answer the phone—I tell you, if she doesn't explain this to me clearly today, let her pack up and give it to me. Get out, old man!"

Before he could say a few more words, the other party started yelling again.

"Okay, just get out." Zuo Xian sat on the side cabinet by the wall, glanced at some dust floating on the cabinet, and sighed in his heart.

In fact, she had already been thinking about the termination of the contract.

But because of the direct termination of the contract, she was worried that too much time would be wasted due to lawsuits and unnecessary involvement, which would delay the filming process and miss "King's Landing", so she had been procrastinating before.

It's just that the matter is up to now, it seems that it is not a question of whether she wants to waste time or not - but, as long as the contract is not terminated, then her personal freedom is not in her hands, like today's variety show, it is likely to continue to happen again .

And Chen Shuang's situation in the company will only be more sad.

She didn't want to affect the future relationship between Chen Shuang and herself because of these trivial matters.

The other end of the phone was blocked by Zuo Xian, and then, he finally remembered who the person on the other end of the phone was, hesitated for a moment, and said through gritted teeth. "Left Xian?!"

"It's me." Zuo Xian curled his lips, glanced at the watch in his hand, suddenly rolled his eyes, coughed lightly, and said, "Sister Xingxian asked me about the termination of the contract yesterday, boss, how can you do this time?" Really offended the wrong person!"

After finishing speaking, Zuo Xian didn't wait for the other side to recover, and hung up the phone first.

Chen Shuang took the phone with a dazed expression, looked at Zuo Xian and said incredulously, "When will Lu Xingxian..."

She seemed to have thought of something, her incredulous expression turned into deep thought, and then she nodded as if she had figured it out, "Oh, that's right...the relationship between you and Lu Xingxian is already like this..."

Zuo Xian's face was filled with black lines.

What does it mean that the relationship between her and A Xian is like this!


She and A Xian are almost like that!

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