MTL - Be Pampered and Spoiled-Chapter 76

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Noticing Zuo Xian touching his buttocks, Lu Xingxian paused for a moment while making the bed, then continued making the bed for a while, hesitated for two seconds, and said, "Xianxian, are you uncomfortable?"

Zuo Xian was taken aback, turned around and said, "No, why do you ask that?"

Lu Xingxian looked a little hesitant to speak, turned his head and saw a little black border showing around Zuo Xian's waist, "From now on... try to buy light-colored underwear for your health, it's good for your body."

Zuo Xian's hand on his hip froze.

Lu Xingxian continued to finish the second half of the sentence, "Don't buy the style so tight, you are still in the development stage, so a looser one will be more comfortable."

Zuo Xian: "..."

After finally waiting for both of them to lie down, Zuo Xian quietly turned on the screen of the mobile phone under the blanket, and took a peek at it under the dim light.

So depressed.

- She was thinking, if she wants to take a bath with A-Xian or something, she should dress a little more sexy.

Zuo Xian pouted aggrievedly, hugged his little quilt tightly, rolled twice on the bed like fried eggs, and fell asleep.

Lu Xingxian, who was on the side, listened to the movement beside him finally stopped, and raised the corners of his lips.

Because as early as before, Zuo Xian had already been on the front page of countless news and hot searches by virtue of "King's Landing" and some oolong incidents that followed, and it can be said that he has gained quite a high popularity on the Internet.

As a result, Zuo Xian's Weibo fans have already reached 20 million fans in such a short period of time without the release of a new movie!

What? Are fans bought?

Before that, Weibo deleted a Weibo that was mistakenly posted by Qing Fan!

Do some people who really buy fans have no points in their hearts! Slap in the face!

It is also because of this that when the news that Zuo Xian stayed in the hotel with a stranger and the lights didn't go out until after twelve o'clock was revealed, he was pushed to the forefront almost instantly!

After all, with a real 20 million fans, it's not just a show!


#Suspected well-known actors with the surname L#

Under these two microblogs, countless marketing accounts have begun to take the rhythm, and it seems that the trend of the wind is not good for Zuo Xian at all.

Samoyed from the husky family: Wow, I was slapped in the face just after getting a wave of favors. I already knew how an actor with nothing could have such confidence.

Muzi Erri: At that time, I thought the approach was very tricky, but in the end...let's wait for the follow-up.

When Zhongyou got up in the morning and read this message, he was almost so frightened that he couldn't hold his phone steady.

She is a die-hard fan of Zuo Xian, and even paid attention to Zuo Xian earlier than everyone else.

At that time, when Zuo Xian was just an unknown model with only 10,000 to 20,000 zombie followers on Weibo, she had already followed her.

To be honest, it is actually fate.

Zuo Xian's style of walking is different from the style of the models that the public is more familiar with - she is the kind of woman with fierce breasts. Even after going on stage, she has been put on by a makeup artist, but it looks as if she can see April on her body. sunny spring.

Her mother was also in the process of chemotherapy, and she was surprised when she saw Zuo Xian's tablecloth style by chance. Later, her mother fell in love with this little girl, but the two siblings became a real star group.

She is a staff member of the entertainment media. Occasionally, if there is any trouble in the industry, they will always be the first to know.

But even if there are any rumors, all those who can enter the infield and get close to the life of real stars have signed non-disclosure agreements in private-if the secret is leaked, if it is investigated, this person is considered to be in the entire industry circle. It's completely cool.

No one wants to sacrifice their own future.

Therefore, even if something really happened, they would definitely not choose to expose it. At most, they communicated in private, and finally let it rot in their stomachs.

But they didn't even hear the wind of this matter!

Therefore, Zhong You's first reaction was that Zuo Xian must have been deliberately framed!

And at this time, Zuo Xian, who was worried about being "framed" by Zhong You, was pitifully putting his knees together, half kneeling on the carpet in the hotel and being scolded.

The person who scolded her was none other than Lu Xingxian.

From time to time, Zuo Xian quietly raised her head, secretly taking a look at Lu Xingxian who was walking back and forth in front of her.

Then, the moment Lu Xingxian's eyes swept over him, he lowered his head with lightning speed—in short, try not to make eye contact with Lu Xingxian!

She is guilty right now! We have to think of countermeasures!

How could Lu Xingxian not see Zuo Xian's obvious state.

Seeing Zuo Xian's aggrieved appearance, she also felt distressed, but this matter...

She couldn't help but put her hips on her hips and sighed, Zuo Xian was just being too stupid.

When she was still sleeping in the morning, she was awakened by a series of noisy phone calls.

The caller was her manager, Ruan Zhu.

Because Lu Xingxian had not shy away from confessing his relationship with Zuo Xian before, as her most familiar work partner, the manager naturally knew the thoughts of his artist.

Lu Xingxian can be fine by himself, but if he got into trouble with her, he might just wait for the storm to pass and let it go with a smile. After many years, it will only be a joke and he won't take it to heart.

But if it offends Zuo Xian, then it won't work.

The dragon has reverse scales, which will anger you if you touch them.

Zuo Xian is the only reverse scale buried deep under Lu Xingxian's neck, the softest part.

So after the team received the news, they started operations overnight, trying to figure out the ins and outs of the matter.

But this time, things were very strange.

The one who broke the news about this incident was a media that, although relatively well-known, hadn’t actually gotten relatively new entertainment news for a long time. There is nothing new, and the company team is not considered brilliant, just barely making ends meet.

But this time...uncharacteristically, on the premise that they didn't receive any news at all, they directly exposed this substantive news that would definitely arouse heated discussions.

What's more, it even cost a lot of money, and directly got this news into the middle of the hot search at midnight—with Zuo Xian's name, even if he couldn't climb to the top floor, at least he would never lose money, and he could instantly sell Shu Xun's company After the title was played, a wave of blood returned quickly in a short period of time.

And what's even more weird is that they have already received the news, but why hasn't Zuo Xian's team made any movement until now?

Although Zuo Xian signed a new contract with Universal, after all, the handover of artists is very troublesome, and then because of the completion of "Stop Killing", including the later arrangements and schedules, they are all crowded together. The company's public relations team has no obligation To take over an actor who is not from their company, so it was only after she informed that they started to operate.

But Zuo Xian seems to be like a completely fine person!

The phone call was only halfway through, and Zuo Xian had already woken up.

She's also used to being heartless... Or maybe she's experienced too many storms and waves, so she doesn't take these things to heart at all.

When she was woken up, she hadn't slept enough and was dizzy for a while, until she saw Lu Xingxian's dignified expression, she was shocked instantly as if she found out that she had relatives in the middle of the night!

—So, it became what it is now in a short while.

Zuo Xian felt that he was about to kneel down with a keyboard under his knees and put a durian on top of his head.

She looked at Lu Xingxian pitifully, and said in a low voice, "Don't be angry, Axian, I'm just worried that you won't agree, that's why..."

"Cut first and play later?" Lu Xingxian continued the topic for her. Although he was still angry, he had softened a part after all.

After all, the matter has already happened, it is obviously useless to teach Zuo Xian a lesson now.

Zuo Xian shrank his head in fright, and couldn't help but want to touch his butt, but remembering what Lu Xingxian asked her yesterday, he stretched out his hand halfway and retracted it.

She curled her lips wanting to cry but without tears, "Yesterday you said you wouldn't get angry at me!"

Lu Xingxian: "..."

Zuo Xian: Sure enough, I can't believe what Ah Xian coaxed her! How long has it been! Not even a day, and immediately changed his mind!

"A Xian." Zuo Xian stood up, stepped forward and shook Lu Xingxian's arm coquettishly, and then buried his head in her arms, "Don't be angry, didn't I just confess to you?"

Since she was in charge of this matter, there is naturally a way to get it back.

Lu Gaofeng's side is quite large, but it was revealed that she lived with strangers in the top-floor room that only officially invited artists can stay in, but as for many...then there is nothing at all.

As for the artist, actor, and director surnamed L...Looking at the entire top floor, at least she can name four or five!

But as for how the netizens will make up their minds, it will not be her business for a long time.

Lu Xingxian looked down, obviously still angry, but still took the initiative to open his legs so that Zuo Xian could snuggle into her arms.

Zuo Xian is someone who can climb up the pole, and after a while, he sat on Lu Xing's idle lap smoothly.

Sensing Lu Xingxian's softening attitude, Zuo Xian smiled and kissed her, and reasoned with Lu Xingxian, "Ah Xian, look, we lived together on the top floor yesterday, right?"


"The person surnamed L must be you, right?"

Lu Xingxian hesitated for a while. Although he thought this description was a bit weird, he still nodded, "Yes."

Zuo Xian glanced at her secretly, then coughed dryly, "Then what did we two do in our room last night?"

When Lu Xingxian was talking, he paused for a moment, his face was flushed, his eyes drifted slightly, but he said very forcefully, "Read the script!"

Zuo Xian pouted, seeing Lu Xingxian's guilty conscience, and shouted, "There's more!"

Lu Xingxian blushed, did not dare to look at Zuo Xian, and said embarrassedly, "I did what lovers would normally do."

"That's it!" Zuo Xian clapped his hands, "Anyway, the press conference of "Stop Killing" is coming up soon, so let's just tell the truth!"

Lu Xing was taken aback for a moment.

But what Zuo Xian said to her just now can be fully announced to the public, not just reading the script?

Finally, Lu Xingxian, who connected all these together, raised his head, looked at Zuo Xian suddenly, and said with a shocked expression, "You..."

Zuo Xian held Lu Xingxian's cheeks in a favorable manner, smiled and bowed his head straight to press a kiss, and said, "This is my 'more deliberate' thing!"

Read The Duke's Passion