MTL - Be Pampered and Spoiled-Chapter 82

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All of a sudden, the topic of #她两同交了# once again appeared on the first pages and homepages of major mainstream media.

Netizens who have already eaten part of the melon are all waiting for the artist to give a response, whether it is to admit it or deny it, at least let it go!

Because the managers of both parties announced that the time was late at night, many netizens couldn't help but let out a desperate roar from the bottom of their hearts—throwing a bomb in the middle of the night, these CPs are too immoral!

And what day is it today?

It just so happened to be Thursday!

What does Thursday mean? It means that tomorrow you have to go to the last day of class and school before you can rest!

Therefore, on the last day, it must be quite difficult!

The netizens who have been squatting in front of their mobile phones and computers watched the time go from 2:00 Beijing time to 3:00, and finally to 4:00.

If they don't sleep anymore, they will really practice immortality all night long.

The sad and angry netizens glanced at the sky that was about to break dawn, greeted the sky silently and climbed into bed to sleep, and silently shed tears that they couldn't eat melons.

In order to appease the wounded netizens, Zuo Xian and Lu Xingxian took advantage of the spare time after a drama had just finished, and hid in their dens to discuss it together.

"Why don't you give me a response?" Zuo Xian held his chin and glanced at the comments below, there are countless more messages every time it is refreshed.

She tried to search the names of herself and Lu Xingxian in the Weibo search bar, and sure enough, there were a lot of questioning posts in real time below, and some people even wondered if the managers of both parties were CP fans with ulterior motives. It was hacked at the same time.

In addition, there are naturally many messages of resentment about why today is Friday, and I can only nervously touch the happy fish.

"You can post it if you want." Lu Xingxian said casually.

Zuo Xian glanced at her sideways.

Sure enough, on the mobile phone in Lu Xingxian's hand, even the interface for posting Weibo has been called up. After typing a few words on the keyboard repeatedly with his slender fingers, he deleted it again, as if he didn't know what to do. It's fine to say something.

Zuo Xian suppressed a smile, "A Xian, what are you doing?"

"It's nothing." Lu Xingxian exited the interface, took a look back, and saw that Zuo Xian didn't seem to continue to talk about public things, so he asked, "What?"

Zuo Xian finally couldn't take it anymore, and fell back clutching his stomach—it's so much fun to tease Lu Xingxian like this!

Lu Xingxian is always like this, he looks more upright and unselfish than anyone else, but those big principles always stand aside on his side.

Rules and bottom lines, in her case, are always broken!

"What are you doing..." Zuo Xian murmured, touching his lips with one hand.

After "Stop Killing" was finished, the two of them actually didn't do anything for the past two days. During this time, Chen Shuang was busy handing over with Universal and taking care of the leftover mess of Juxing. He was so busy.

These things that she can take care of by herself, simply don't care about Zuo Xian - anyway, these two little ancestors, who are watching the fun, don't think it's a big deal.

There is Ruan Zhu staring at it, and he is not afraid of piercing the sky.

So Zuo Xian, who was bored but rarely had a rest, simply lay down on the salted fish, eating, drinking and lodging at Lu Xingxian's place, so he just brought his luggage over here.

Zuo Xian thought for a while, adjusted the phone camera to the front mode, then hooked his finger at Lu Xingxian, and said, "Ah Xian, turn your head away."

Lu Xingxian was looking for socks and underwear for Zuo Xian. Hearing this, he raised his head and wanted to know what Zuo Xian asked her to do. Suddenly, Zuo Xian kissed her directly.

She froze for a moment, but smiled in an instant.

Zuo Xian saw the right moment and immediately pressed the camera button.

The two people on the camera, one tall and the other low, one above and one below, although kissing, revealed wireless intimacy and happiness, even the eyes that looked at each other revealed incomparable warmth.

Only then did Zuo Xian clear his throat, stepped back, and quickly tapped his fingers on the keyboard:

Zuo Xianxian:

Hello everyone, I'm Zuo Xian, and I'm hanging out with Lu Xing.

The picture below is naturally accompanied by the picture taken just now. Although it is a bit blurry and unclear, it seems to be more natural, without the feeling of posing.

Zuo Xian zoomed in and zoomed out the photo many times with a smile, then shook his phone at Lu Xingxian with a smile, and said, "Is this good?"

"Okay." In fact, Lu Xingxian didn't see what Zuo Xian posted, but everything was good.

And after the incident of Lu Xingxian and Zuo Xian running away, #她两同一直了# instantly exploded the trending searches, but immediately after, #我是左仙,我和Lu Xingxian在一个#This sentence pattern, Once again, it has driven the trend of the Internet, and many big Vs and fans who follow idols have also started to quote it!

You have been removed from the group chat: I am the author and I am with my readers! Ha ha ha ha!

A star in the sky: good and crazy.

What is the source - the source is, Lu Xingxian replied.

Lu Xingxian:

[Forward Weibo] Zuo Xian and I are together.

However, Lu Xingxian's accompanying picture is not the same picture as Zuo Xian's, but a very plain one...a sneak photo.

The people who took the pictures were obviously very skilled.

The time should be the list after school in summer, the sky has been dyed red by the burning clouds, a long-haired girl is lying on the table and falling asleep, the sun shines through the curtains into the window, leaving scars on her body. A brilliant trace.

Behind the girl, there is a group of boys who are discussing things, but their heads are turned to them, and there is a pink envelope on the table... It is a very beautiful scene in itself, but unfortunately, the faces of the boys are all stamped mosaic.

This picture... has a very different meaning.

Some netizens once again recalled that Lu Xingxian said before that the time he met Zuo Xian was 18 years earlier than the filming of "King's Landing"...Combined with Zuo Xian's current age, isn't that a birth? Just met? !

Wow, childhood sweetheart!

He also defeated a group of suitors' childhood sweethearts!

The bamboo horse race is high!

As for those who still say against it?

Is it useful to object! If everyone is together, it is still useful to oppose it!

It's all done, if they are fans, what else can they do!

Fans who originally thought that Zuo Xian was not good enough for Lu Xingxian, and even fans who thought Lu Xingxian and Zuo Xian were not suitable, suddenly started to turn against each other!

And the defection is very righteous!

Ordinary Lu Xingxian: We Xianxian grew up surrounded by stars since we were young. We have never had any scandalous girlfriends or girlfriends since we debuted. They are clean and clean, which shows that the friendship is deep enough!

Both golden and red hair are aristocrats: Take back what I said yesterday, we Xingxian are not blind! Zuo Xian is good enough!

As the saying goes... if you **** it, it must be good!

He didn't take it seriously, but once he found out that before Lu Xingxian and Zuo Xian were together, Zuo Xian was a very sought-after beautiful girl, then things would change immediately!

However, Zuo Xian was dumbfounded after seeing all this.

She looked at the photo over and over for a long time, only to realize that the person in the photo was actually herself in junior high school.

— But when was this photo taken? !

Lu Xingxian reminded coolly, "You may not remember. On the last day of the graduation exam in the third year of junior high school, you handed in the paper early, and you couldn't leave the exam room, so you fell asleep."

Zuo Xian thought for a while, oh, it seems that there is indeed such a thing.

The exam on the last day of the third year of junior high school was itself a preparation for high school.

But since she was a child, her grades have been quite good. In addition, on the night before the exam, Lu Xingxian even touched the questions for her. Before the exam, she made a surprise attack. Almost 80% of the questions were the same, so What she wrote was quite smooth, and naturally she had to hand in the paper in advance.

But after handing in the papers, I couldn't leave, so I just lay there and fell asleep, because I was too sleepy because I studied too late the day before, and I slept for a long time.

But this photo...

Zuo Xian blinked his eyes, looked at the male students who were not mosaiced in the original picture, and expressed deep apologies to them—these precocious male students were going to go to Joa Xian through her. coming.

Alas, pitiful and deplorable.

Hehehehehe, Ah Xian is hers now anyway.

her girlfriend.

"But it feels good to be open." Zuo Xian sighed long.

Lu Xing looked at her leisurely, "What's wrong?"

Zuo Xian sat up from the sofa with a smile, pulled the skirt that had slipped down to his thighs, and said confidently, "In this way, if we are still on the same crew in the future, we can be aboveboard!"

...That said, it seems that the two of them were having an affair in the past.

Lu Xing suppressed a smile, and nodded her nose, "Did you hide before?"

"That's not true." Zuo Xian was taken aback for a moment, thinking about it, it really is.

Since the two of them filmed "Stop Killing", in fact, their relationship has not been deliberately hidden anymore.

After all, the production team itself is remote, has little communication with the outside world, and each signed a confidentiality agreement, so there is nothing to worry about.

Since there is nothing to worry about, why bother to hide.

It's not necessary at all.

"Speaking of which." Zuo Xian's eyes lit up, he cleared his throat and said, "Miss Lu Xingxian, let me interview you with a question."


Zuo Xian climbed up the pole, pushed Lu Xingxian down on the sofa, put his hands on the sides of her head, and said condescendingly, "For the future, we will play real couples with Zuo Xian in the play. Are you feeling stressed?"

Lu Xingxian was smiling all over his face, and was about to answer, when suddenly, the entrance door rang.

The two were taken aback, and subconsciously looked towards the entrance.

I saw an old man with gray hair, using a cane as a pole to carry things, hanging a lot of packages and coming in from the entrance, followed by two pairs of parents, discussing something in full swing.

Zuo Xian was still in a daze, and instantly met the eyes of the old man who was patrolling the living room, and their gazes also collided—

"Oh, is Xianxian really here?" The old man burst into laughter when he saw Zuo Xian.

She put down the things in her hands, and was about to walk towards Zuo Xian, rubbing her hands together, Zuo Xian, who was familiar with her movements, knew instantly that Grandma Lu was going to hug herself.

However, Lu Xingxian's movements were faster than Lu Ninghuai's.

She quickly pulled out the air-conditioning quilt on one side, and covered Zuo Xian's body completely, stood up calmly and said, "Grandma, follow parents, uncles and aunts to put things in the kitchen first."

But the hand behind his back waved at Zuo Xian indistinctly.

The elders naturally noticed that Lu Xingxian was trying to dismiss them... Although he didn't know why, it was not good to lose face.

Only when Zuo's mother turned the corner, she turned her head and gave Zuo Xian a sneaky look.

Only then did Zuo Xian curl his lips aggrievedly, jumped off the sofa, and tiptoed back to the room to change clothes - who knew these parents would make a surprise attack!

She is comfortable in Ah Xian's house, it's wrong to not want to wear underwear!

But her mother really understood her, she knew it at a glance.

Zuo Xian rubbed his little butt, thinking that he would have to hide behind Ah Xian for a while - otherwise, each of these parents would love to spank people's buttocks and palms, so she wouldn't be able to lie down and sleep at night!

Read The Duke's Passion