MTL - Be Pampered and Spoiled-Chapter 96

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Seeing such a scene, the staff who were waiting to be fed...all of them quietly put down the lunch boxes they had finally grabbed in their hands, and retreated within the safety line.

The safety line represents the line where a single dog is about to be completely crushed into a dog by the light wave of love.

Coincidentally, there is a white line and a fence in front of the gate, which is where some fan leaders are allowed to shoot inside and outside the venue to release some Reuters photos and raw pictures for the actors in the group.

Of course, even if it is a high-definition camera, if it is shot from that place-it can already be regarded as a high-level blur, so there is no need to worry about revealing any secrets.

Because the two of them were not on guard this time, many people in the group filmed this scene, and the filming director was not only filming, but also laughing while filming.

A little brother in charge of filming suddenly had an idea and turned the camera lens to the director who was having fun, and then switched to an extremely perfect angle of view.

Two glamorous people embraced at the end where the crowd could see, and the slightly shorter girl jumped up in each other's arms, as if the whole person was about to be squeezed into each other's arms.

The tall man's expression is doting, like melting frost and snow. He lowered his head, even if he couldn't see it, he could tell from the other person's behavior that it was all pampering and pampering.

And not far away... the director with the camera on his shoulders, with one eye stuck behind the camera, from time to time to ensure that the picture is not out of frame, with a silly smile on his face, and even a 'goose goose goose' smile Voice.

...It's really quiet time.

Lu Xingxian came back early and brought so many delicious foods. This behavior simply made the familiar road more convenient for everyone in the group.

All of a sudden, the familiar and the unfamiliar all sat together, staring at the food on the table with some kind of green light shining.

Zuo Xian held Lu Xingxian's hand, talked to the director, and took her to a nearby hotel.

Although there is a rest room here, because modern dramas are not as cumbersome as ancient costumes and fairy tale dramas, there is no separate rest room for them. Many actors will choose to go back to their respective residences after finishing their shooting tasks for the day.

Lu Xing let Zuo Xian take her hand and walked outside.

The surrounding area is full of filming crews, and there may even be more than two crews shooting scenes in one villa at the same time. They are all from the same profession, so they don't worry about what will be exposed.

—they have nothing to reveal anymore, all the gestures of showing affection now seem to be in line with the common wish of Lu Xingxian and Zuo Xian.

It would be best if the world knew that the two of them were together.

That's good.

"Ah Xian, take a rest here." Zuo Xian arranged everything in an orderly manner, and led Lu Xingxian straight up to the double room on the third floor.

The things in the room were not even brought by the hotel, but the things that the two of them used frequently. Lu Xingxian saw all this, even though he was too tired to open his eyes now, but his spirit was very excited.

With sore eyes open, she embraced Zuo Xian into her arms, and gently rested her chin on the top of Zuo Xian's head. Feeling the faint fragrance coming from below, she said, "Thank you, Xianxian."

Zuo Xian blushed, looked around the layout, "Don't thank me..."

It can't be regarded as meticulous in itself, but even so, Zuo Xian always lost things and ran home many times before he got everything.

But speaking of it... Ah Xian's underwear cups are really not the same size as hers.

It's heavy in the hand, and it's a lot bigger.

Zuo Xian tried wearing it around his was even a little empty, wishing he could fill it up with a steamed bun.

Lu Xingxian simply went to wash up, and when he came out, Zuo Xian had already prepared the hair dryer with a smile on his face, and was kneeling by the bed, waving at Lu Xingxian.

Lu Xing paused for a while, then walked over, lying on Zuo Xian's lap, enjoying her service with his eyes closed.

"Ah Xian, have you used essential oil?" Zuo Xian picked up a lock of Lu Xingxian's hair, put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed it gently.

It is very fragrant, but it seems to be missing something.

Lu Xingxian was a little sleepy, and only shook his head slightly.

Zuo Xian took out something he had prepared from behind his buttocks, enthusiastically finished rubbing the essential oil on Lu Xingxian, and then picked up the hair dryer to blow it on.

When the sound of the hair dryer disappeared, Zuo Xian still didn't leave, but looked down from a high place, and carefully looked at Lu Xingxian's eyebrows and eyes.

After waiting for her breathing to be steady, Zuo Xian sat up quietly, moved his position, and put Lu Xingxian on the bed safely, and covered him with a small quilt.

…I have to say, this kind of caring feeling is really good.

After she returned to the group, she was surprised to find that everyone looked at her with a more friendly expression.

Even the staff who had never met before met her eyes not only with a kind smile, but also with some inexplicable feelings.

Zuo Xian knew that this was Lu Xingxian's invisible influence on everyone, although he knew it in his heart, he didn't say anything.

As soon as she returned, she hurried to Zeng Xiaoyu's side, and said in a hurry, "How about it, did you miss that scene just now?"

Zeng Xiaoyu patted her small chest, raised her head, full of vindictiveness, "No! And I bought a video camera after I got my salary. Sister Xianxian, don't worry, I asked Sister Quping for advice. It's absolutely high-definition!"

"Why did you buy the video camera?" Zuo Xian was taken aback.

"Slap you!" Zeng Xiaoyu clenched her fists.

Zuo Xian patted her on the head dumbfounded, thinking what a silly child.

"Give me the check later, and I will reimburse you for the camera." She tilted her head, "Don't you like photography very much? It just so happens that there is a cousin in my family who also likes photography. You can go to her when you are free. Learn the basics of photography, she also has a lot of open classes, all of which are dry goods, I will give you the admission ticket, if you are free, go and listen."

Before Zeng Xiaoyu could say her refusal, she was blocked by Zuo Xian's words like cannonballs. It took her a while to digest Gao Neng, but she had already forgotten what she wanted to say, and said in a daze, "Who, who?"

"Zuo Churui." Zuo Xian stroked his chin, and then said a little doubtfully, "But it seems that the stage name in her circle is Zuo Ke..."

Zeng Xiaoyu hissed, his eyes widened, "Master Zuo!"

She tightened the corner of Zuo Xian's clothes, unable to conceal her excitement, and said, "It's really Zuo Dashen! She, didn't she go abroad to study a few years ago!"

"I just returned to China a while ago." Zuo Xian smiled, thinking that luckily he guessed right, and said, "Will you go?"

"Go, go!" Zeng Xiaoyu pecked like a chicken, "I'm definitely going!"

Even if you don't have time to go to the venue in person, the classes of Zuo Dashen are basically broadcast live on the Internet. After you have the tickets, you can watch them at home when you have time!

Woooooooo so touched, Zuo Xian is really the best boss of the year!

In a blink of an eye, it was time for Zuo Xian to follow up with the filming.

Because it is a modern drama after all, and generally speaking, it is more realistic. There are no particularly large-scale scenes such as "car accidents" that require outdoor productions. Overall, they can be regarded as stable.

The preparation time in the early stage was much less, and the sudden gap caused Zuo Xian to be a little uncomfortable. After all, in the previous "King's Landing" and "Stop Killing", sometimes it took several hours to prepare just for the special effects equipment.

It is really rare to have everything ready in an hour like now.

The girl in the mirror has red lips and white teeth, and her facial features seem to have been carved by the most precise machine. No matter where she looks at it from, they are all perfect like a top-notch painting.

If she doesn't move, it's a perfectly finely carved porcelain doll.

As if thinking of something suddenly, the porcelain doll blinked her eyes, her eyes were a little confused, her red lips parted slightly, and she said softly, "Are you ready?"

The make-up artist was taken aback, and secretly complained to himself—they are all women, what's the matter with being stunned by other women!

How many beauties in this circle have never seen before! So unprofessional!

"It's ready." The makeup artist said hastily, glanced at Zuo Xian's neat hair accessories, watched the other party sizing up his appearance, and suddenly said, "By the way, what is your next scene? "

Zuo Xian looked back and did it himself, messing up the neat bun. The leather rope was loosened to the end of the hair, and then he clenched the last position and shook it. Suddenly, a lot of broken hair fell down, and he added it for no reason. A touch of messy beauty.

She smiled, and then said, "Next, it's a scene of domestic violence."

As she spoke, she moved her wrist.

Si Rou in the play was actually the Wudan character in the opera before completely becoming a housewife.

Because of practicing opera all the year round, Si Rou's posture is also very perfect. Zuo Xian happens to have martial arts skills. a standard.

This is also an important condition for Pan Rou to set her up as Si Rou in the first place - after all, she was born in martial arts in the circle, but she is a woman with good looks and a relatively soft body, and she may not be able to find a second one even with a lantern.

There was only Zuo Xian.

But in the next scene, Si Rou broke out completely. After the scumbag accidentally hurt her father, she caught the scumbag and the **** woman on the bed, and then angrily rushed up to beat them violently.

Zuo Xian couldn't help but smile "hehe", motioned to Zeng Xiaoyu who had been waiting for a long time, twisted his neck, and said forcefully, "Go, beat someone!"