MTL - Beasts Are Just For Me To Bond With-Chapter 836 Calculations 【Subscribe】

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   "The Eye of Heaven is the eye of the Dao of Heaven. After the consciousness of Dao of Heaven is born, the Eye of Heaven will no longer appear..."

   "Perhaps the heavenly way of the earth has not yet given birth to consciousness, so you can awaken the heavenly eye."

  Chen Wen pondered Ah Fu's words, and thoughts kept flickering in his mind.

   Is it true that the Heavenly Dao on Earth did not have consciousness, so he awakened the Heavenly Eye?

  Although the earth began to have aura and extraordinary creatures because of the advent of a mysterious place a hundred years ago.

   But did the heavens on earth also start to be born a hundred years ago?

   This must be a question mark!

   What is even more thought-provoking is that many monsters, gods and beasts in the world of mountains and seas have appeared in the myths of various countries.

   This is no coincidence.

  Chen Wen pondered for a long time, looked at Ah Fu and asked, "You said... During the battle against heaven, a ray of consciousness of the Dao of Heaven escaped?"

  Ah Fu nodded and replied: "That's what my father said."

  After the words fell, it suddenly thought of something, and looked at Chen Wendao with wide eyes: "You mean... the earth's heaven is the ray of consciousness of the mountain and sea realm that escaped back then?"

   Chen Wen nodded.

  Huo Xiao thought for a while, then nodded in agreement: "This possibility cannot be ruled out!

  If not, how could the demon gods in the world of mountains and seas be so consistent with the gods and beasts in the myths of various countries?

   You must know that the myths of various countries have appeared as early as thousands of years..."

   "Thousands of years ago..."

  Ah Fu recalled it for a while, and then said solemnly: "That happened to be after the war against heaven."

   For a while, the beast masters and pets in the hall were silent.

   Judging from the currently known information, after the Battle of the Heavens, a ray of consciousness of the Heavenly Dao in the Mountain and Sea Realm probably fled to the earth.

  Under the subtle influence of this consciousness of the Dao of Heaven, the demon gods in the mountains and seas appeared in the myths of various countries on the earth.

  But if this is the truth, the earth’s heavenly way may have been replaced by the conscious mountain and sea world’s heavenly way.

  In that case, the earth and heaven must have had self-awareness long ago.

  Since this is the case, it stands to reason that Chen Wen shouldn't be able to awaken the Sky Eye.

  In Bai Ze's words, the Eye of Heaven is the eye of the Dao of Heaven, and it is the power held by the Dao of Heaven.

   But unfortunately, Chen Wen awakened the Sky Eye!

  Therefore, either Bai Ze lied, or the Dao of Heaven had some schemes against him.

  For a while, even Chen Wen couldn't help but began to doubt life.

  Before today, he always thought that it was Chen Wen from another world who cheated on him.

   But now, he wasn't sure.

  After all, whether it is Tiandao who is behind the scenes or Bai Ze who is behind the calculations, he has the ability to make his strength improve so quickly.

   Similarly, both Tiandao and Bai Ze should have the strength to build a system.

  Different World Chen Wen... With the abilities of Tiandao and Bai Ze, it may not be impossible to create a phantom to deceive him.

   As for the space-time coordinates, it may be a trap.

"I am so silly!"

   "Chen Wenzhen from a different time and space is so powerful, why would he need me who is only at the level of a great saint to help him?"

   "Maybe waiting for me to travel through time and space, what greets me is not myself in a different time and space, but a powerful demon **** or the consciousness of heaven waiting to be seized..."


   "I don't necessarily need to take the initiative to travel through time and space!"

   "If I am really calculated, maybe the day I advance to the Great Sage, this space-time coordinate will activate by itself!"

   "The so-called 100 billion points and the so-called active time travel are actually just to reassure me and let me boldly improve my strength!"

  Thinking of this, Chen Wen suddenly felt a boundless chill in his heart.

  At this moment, he felt that there was an abyss in front of him, and he had already stepped into the air, leaving only one foot still on the ground.

  In addition, he also felt that many silk threads were wrapped around his body, as if he couldn't help himself like a puppet.

  At this moment, Huo Xiao tapped on the chair lightly, waking up Chen Wen who was sweating profusely.

   "Don't overthink it!"

  His face is calm, and his voice is calm and thick, giving people a great sense of security.

   "The way of heaven in the mountains and seas was overthrown by the gods, and in the end there was only a wisp of consciousness left in embarrassment."

  "Although Bai Ze is proclaimed the emperor among the gods, he is still unavoidable to encounter calculations, and he has ended up in the current situation where he does not know whether he will live or die."

   "Don't look at them as powerful, but they are actually losers!"

   "Since that's the case, what else do you have to be afraid of?"

  While speaking, his gaze met Chen Wen, and he said loudly: "Perhaps Bai Ze or Tiandao have left hands and feet on you, but you have always been the only one who can decide your own destiny!"

   These words were like a slap in the face, directly waking up the cranky Chen Wen.


  Whether it is the Heavenly Dao of the Mountain and Sea Realm or the God Emperor Bai Ze, they are all just losers.

  Since they have failed, there are ways to deal with them.

  Why should he be in constant fear?

   Besides, fear doesn't solve anything!

  After thinking it over clearly, Chen Wen looked at Huo Xiao and said, "I understand, my fate is up to me!"

   Speaking of the second line in the second sentence, he couldn't help laughing.

  Although he said it in a joking tone, Chen Wen felt a little more confident in his heart.

  Seeing this, Huo Xiao nodded slightly.

   Then, Bai Ze and Huo Xiao asked Ah Fu all the questions about Bai Ze and Tiandao, but they didn't gain any new important information.

  After the questioning, Chen Wen returned to the previous topic: "Now I have found a way to complement the Sky Eye of the Bai Ze clan.

  However, this method has extremely high requirements on physical and mental strength.

  If the requirements are not met, forced promotion will only lead to the result of falling.

   In terms of mental strength, Yu'er is not far behind now.

  But in terms of physical fitness, it is still a long way from the requirements for promotion.

  The purpose of my visit this time is to ask if there is any way you can help Yu'er improve her physique? "

  Ah Fu looked at Chen Wen in surprise when he heard this, and said, "Since you know that Bai Ze is my father, you still want to help Yu'er awaken the Sky Eye?"

   It may be the reincarnation of Bai Ze, and Bai Yuer also has a lot of possibilities.

  Bai Yuer also secretly looked at Chen Wen at this moment.

"so what?"

  Chen Wen looked at Bai Yu'er, and said, "Bai Ze is Bai Ze, and Yu'er is Yu'er, I can tell the difference.

  As long as Yu'er lives up to me, I will naturally not feel sorry for it. "

  Bai Yuer heard the words, and hurriedly said: "Even if I were Bai Ze, I would not be sorry for you, meow~"

  Chen Wen glanced at it and said, "Don't think too much, how can there be such a lazy Bai Ze in this world?"


  Bai Yuer squinted her eyes, and after a while, she said, "It's all taught by my father!"

   "Yu'er, is your skin itchy again?"

  Ah Fu was so angry that he immediately wanted to hang Bai Yuer up and beat him.

  But Bai Yuer has already hid behind Chen Wen.


Breathing out a breath of white air from his nose, Ah Fu suppressed his anger, and then looked at Chen Wendao: "I do have a method to help Yu'er improve her physique, but this method requires the blood essence of a hundred kinds of beasts of the same level .”

  Hearing the words, Huo Xiao frowned and looked at Ah Fu and said, "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

  If what you need to improve your physique is the blood essence of beasts of the same level, then naturally the sooner the better.

  A Fu explained: "This method does not change the amount of blood essence of pets of the same level.

  At the epic level, in order to raise the physique to the limit, one thousand blood essences of pets of the same level are needed.

   At the Extraordinary level, 10,000 types are needed.

  It's too much trouble, and..."

   Having said that, it snorted confidently, and then said: "I'm not a fighting beast, why do I need such a strong body?"

  It knows the character of its own beast master. If it is really that strong, it won't be able to catch fish at all.

   "The descendant of Baidi actually said that he is not a fighting beast?"

   Regarding this, Chen Wen can only say hehe.

   "The blood essence of one hundred legendary beasts?"

  Chen Wen thought for a while, nodded and said: "Leave it to me, I will collect it as soon as possible."

  Huo Xiao said: "Later, I will have someone check the treasure house in Shanhai City. There should be a lot of blood essence of legendary monsters in it."

   "Thank you, General!"

  Chen Wen hurriedly expressed his thanks.

   In this case, it will be less difficult for him to collect.

  Next, Huo Xiao asked Ah Fu to take Bai Yuer to play for a while, while he himself gave Chen Wen some pointers.

  During the period, he also displayed his skills for Chen Wen to observe, which increased Chen Wen's comprehension of the laws of the metal system by 3%.

   Soon, it was night, and Bai Yuer came back with Ah Fu.

  Chen Wen took Bai Yuer back to the Beast Familiar Space, and then bid farewell to Huo Xiao.

  Before leaving, Huo Xiao told Chen Wen about the blood essence of legendary pets in Shanhai City.

  47 types!

  Hearing this number, Chen Wen couldn't help but gasp.

   It is conceivable what kind of cruel battles have been experienced in the mountains and seas during this period.

  After returning to Earth, Chen Wen quickly contacted Li Wenxuan.

  After comparing the types of blood essence in Shanhai City, the country also stated that it can provide 29 kinds of blood essence.

  In an instant, there were only 24 kinds of essence and blood in a hundred kinds.

   None of this required Chen Wen to pay any price.

  At Chen Wen's current stage, he and the country already complement each other.

  He does not ask for anything in return when he contributes to the country, and when he needs the support of the country, the country also fully supports it.

   Immediately afterwards, Chen Wen flew directly to the headquarters of the Beast Masters Association.

  With the real dragon avatar on his back, Chen Wen was thinking about his next plan.

  Considering that comprehension of laws will become more and more difficult, he had previously considered using the ability of the sky eye to concentrate on improving the comprehension of single-system laws.

   In this case, he can quickly raise his strength to the level of a great saint.

   But now, he is a little afraid.

  The Great Sage level is very likely to be the node, the time node when the behind-the-scenes chess players attack him.

  He said "my fate is up to me", but this is not the reason for him to despise Bai Ze or Tiandao.

  He has no right to despise!

   Therefore, he needs to constantly arm himself and strengthen himself before he advances to the Great Sage, so that he can have the strength to fight against Bai Ze or Tiandao.

  Thinking of this, Chen Wen's head hurts.

  That's Bai Ze and Tiandao!

  You must know that Bai Ze was once the five emperors of the demon clan, and he is very likely to be a powerhouse at the same level as the demon emperor and dragon emperor.

  The Demon Emperor and the Dragon Emperor are at least terrifying existences who have comprehended the laws to the fifteenth heaven.

  As soon as he is promoted to the Great Sage, he may face such an opponent. Chen Wen feels desperate when he thinks about it.

  Of course, the current Bai Ze should not be in his prime, this may be his vitality.

  As for Tiandao, he doesn't know what kind of existence Tiandao should be, let alone how to deal with Tiandao.

   In this regard, Chen Wen can only continue to encourage and hypnotize that he can do it, and he can create miracles.

   "After all, I am a Miracle Beastmaster!"

   Smiling wryly, Chen Wen pulled himself together and continued to think about how to improve his strength.

   First of all, comprehend the law.

  He still needs to use his eyes to comprehend the law, but he is not in a hurry to step into the tenth heaven.

   "Five elements, creation, space, power, chaos, time..."

   "I comprehended all the laws until the ninth heaven was perfect, and finally advanced to the tenth heaven together. I don't believe that I am still an ordinary great saint-level powerhouse like that."

  Of course, Chen Wen also knew that this was unlikely, because he didn't have so much time.

  Before the full-scale invasion of the mountains and seas, he must be promoted to the great saint.

   After all, there are strong people who plot against him, this is just his guess.

  It is impossible for him not to advance because of this guess, but to sit back and watch the mountain and sea realm invade in an all-round way, and watch his compatriots, relatives and friends being massacred by monsters.

  Secondly, it is the improvement of pet beasts.

  If he advances to the Great Sage, the chess players behind the scenes may attack him, but what about Ah Bao and the others who advance to the Great Sage?

  He doesn't know, but he wants to try.

   At the right time, he will let Ah Bao and them be the first to advance to the Great Sage!

  If it’s okay, he will try his best to improve the strength of Abao and the others, so that Abao and the others can protect him in this crisis.

  This is actually risky.

   On the one hand, it is Abao who advances, which may also allow the chess players behind the scenes to attack him.

  On the other hand, Abao, they may also have been manipulated by some gods.

   You must know that Bai Yuer is the granddaughter of Bai Ze, Mu Linger is the descendant of Mu Shen, and the Heart of Time at Dusk may not be born...

   Even so, Chen Wen can only believe in them first.

  Finally, system points are used.

  Recently, he has not used system points much.

  The reason why he doesn't use system points is mainly because even without the system, his strength improves very quickly.

  So he wants to accumulate system points, so that he can travel through time and space to help Chen Wen in another world after reaching 100 billion.

   But now, Chen Wen feels that Chen Wen from the different world may be a scam.

  Since this is the case, these points are naturally useless.

   You know, he now has more than 17 billion points, and he doesn't know how many good things he can get out of so many points.

   As for whether using the system will suffer from calculations...

  He has relied on the system for countless times along the way, and has already had a very deep connection with the system. Under such circumstances, he doesn't care about deepening the connection.

  And as his strength improved, he gradually understood the essence of some systems.

  The three functions of the lottery roulette, shopping mall and fortune furnace are mainly the application of the law of creation, the two functions of the small black house and the gambling square are mainly the application of dreams, and the detection radar is the application of the sky eye.

   As for the remaining gates of law, catalog of beast gods, and space-time coordinates, Chen Wen also had a vague guess.

  As his comprehension of nature and his understanding of dreams improve, some functions in front of the system will not cause any danger to him at all.

   While thinking about it, the real dragon avatar crossed the mountains and seas, and carried Chen Wen to the headquarters of the Beast Masters Association.

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