MTL - Beasts Are Just For Me To Bond With-~ end of March

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  Book friends should have seen it, Xiaodao has recently published a new book.

   Beast Master has been written for so long, and it is finally coming to an end.

  The new book was originally written about Xiuxian + Zhutian, but after talking with the editor on the eve of the book release, I decided to write an original one, so the saved manuscripts could not be used anymore, so that the two books have been updated together some time ago.

   Xiaodao's codeword speed is very slow, and it is too difficult for Xiaodao to write 8,000 words a day.

  So I want to ask for a period of time off for Yushou. On the one hand, I can concentrate on writing a new book, and on the other hand, I want to think about how to give Yushou a finishing touch.