MTL - Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration-Chapter 211 "Pursuance Agreement"

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  Chapter 211 "Suzheng Agreement"

  The exploration of this "artificial intelligence" planet has had unexpected results.

  A new term attracted Li Wenyuan's attention, and he recorded it in his own database.

   "...'Suzheng Agreement'? Just from the name, it has similarities with the 'Guardian Agreement' and the 'Active Purification Agreement'..."

   Li Wenyuan's first reaction was: Is this also a part of me?

  Now in this galaxy, if he finds anything similar to the "XX Agreement" on the human "relic planet", he will subconsciously associate it with the "Guardian Matrix" itself.

  There are various "protocols" that make up this huge mechanical intelligence, and now, as the "soul" of the "guardian matrix", he is naturally very concerned about this "body component".

  The so-called "Suzheng Agreement" monument located here looks exactly the same as the "Guardian Matrix", surrounded by the same layout of pipelines, the only thing missing is the "big ball of light" as the main body.

  However, immediately afterwards, he dismissed this idea, or put the possibility of this idea in a lower position.

  There is no other reason. Although the physical billboard did not explicitly state it, it also implied that a certain artificial intelligence named "Quzheng Protocol" actually came from outside the galaxy.

   Not only that, they maintain a cautious attitude towards this thing at a human level, and they even use the word "lucky" to describe the process of dealing with the "Suzheng Agreement".

  According to the description, it is speculated that before human beings discovered and dealt with the "Suzheng Agreement", they had already completed the "veil" and successfully isolated the galaxy from the outside world.

  The "Suzheng Agreement" at that time did not seem to be triggered, and at the same time, it was similar to the "observation terminal" located in the isolated galaxy, losing contact with the "server".

  After this, humans seem to have made a series of transformations to the "Quzheng Protocol" after the "disconnection" and transformed it into a "completely harmless" artificial intelligence—probably so.

  But here and now, this empty "artificial intelligence planet" and the re-fortified planet barrier seem to indicate that an unknown mutation has occurred here.

   "And...'Purification Terminal', it sounds like it has something to do with the 'Active Purification Protocol'..."

  After tentatively injecting energy and restarting the energy network here, the string of signals lingering here has changed.

  Li Wenyuan felt that the content of the signal was very wrong before, as if it was specially shown to him, and repeated many times that this is not an "artificial intelligence planet".

  After the "planetary machinery" resumed a little function, the content of the string of signals also changed slightly, which was completely different from before.

  The string of signals is essentially the introduction of this planet. It is the same as the "observation terminal", and even the naming method is very similar.

  This is an artificial intelligence planet called "Purification Terminal". Just from the name, you can roughly know what this planet is used for.

  The "observation terminal" is responsible for monitoring and uploading galaxy data, and the "purification terminal" is like a "natural disaster machine", which will purify the entire galaxy at the right time.

  If you only look at this aspect, it is easy for people to associate the "observation terminal" with the "purification terminal", thinking that they all come from that alien civilization with a history of at least 1.2 billion years.

  However, the introduction to this "purification terminal" is not limited to these. It has obviously been transformed by humans, and this "self-introduction" is no exception to have a large number of human traces.

  【Collection Number: CX-9879 "Purification Terminal"】

  【Introduction: This is one of the locations of the submachines of the "Suzheng Agreement".

  【Remark ①: "Suzheng Agreement"】

  【"Suzheng Protocol" is an artificial intelligence responsible for controlling the "purification terminal". At the beginning of the discovery, the "Suzheng Protocol" in the galaxy was not triggered. According to speculation, we think whether the activation of the "Suzheng Protocol" is related to a certain special value, maybe it is the level of civilization? or an unknown cosmological constant]

  【According to the current situation, the "Suzheng Protocol" will cleanse the universe indiscriminately after it is activated, even the compatriots of artificial intelligence are no exception, and all lives are "purified" by it. But we haven't reached the conditions to trigger "purification", which allows us to easily deal with this unstable time bomb]

  【According to speculation, we believe that the "Suzheng Agreement" does not only exist in the Milky Way, it is likely to be an extremely large and vast project, covering the entire universe, and what is in the Galaxy is just a sub-machine of the "Suzheng Agreement"]

  【And it is very likely that in the more distant galaxy, there is the real host of the "Suzheng Agreement"—a dangerous machine responsible for purifying the entire universe]

[It is unbelievable that although we have reason to believe that the creators of the "Suzheng Protocol" have extremely powerful technology, their achievements in the field of artificial intelligence are not as high as imagined, until we understand the "purification terminal" After the thorough transformation, we didn’t encounter any resistance. Obviously, they didn’t think about what to do if the “Suzheng Agreement” encountered a crisis before it was activated]

  【—Or they thought about it, but the "curtain" happened to stop all of this, and now the "Suzheng Agreement" is disconnected in the galaxy]

  【Remark ②: "Purification terminal"】

  【"Purification Terminal" is a planetary machine used to carry the "Suzheng Agreement". There are many such planets in the galaxy, and they are all "artificial intelligence planets". They themselves don’t have any decent production capacity, and each of them is equivalent to an "ideal city" planet with 15 billion people working at full capacity]

[We guess that the "purification terminal" will provide the basic "purification ability" for the "Suzheng Protocol" here at the beginning of the purification, but in terms of the extremely difficult activation conditions here, the "purification terminal" provided by the "purification terminal" "ability" is too weak, far from being able to compare with the object it needs to "purify" in theory]

[Based on this, we have reason to believe that the "purification terminal" located in the galaxy may be just a "trigger". Host, or some kind of more dangerous terrorist threat, to perform "purification"]

  【Remark ③: "Cradle of the Curtain"】

  【The "Purification Terminal" and the "Suzheng Protocol" it carried gave us a good inspiration】

  【They have a working history of more than 1.2 billion years, and they still maintain their general functions. Such a long time is beyond our imagination】

  【However, there are indeed civilizations that have achieved this, and we have also begun to think about whether we can use a similar artificial intelligence to continue our work in an environment where we cannot stay in the galaxy for a long time? 】

  【We don’t require 1.2 billion years, we only need to maintain normality for 100 million years】

[So this great plan was implemented, we took advantage of the "Suzheng Protocol" sub-machine located here, and integrated our technology to create a system that can still "guardian" the galaxy after we leave artificial intelligence]

  【He will secretly promote the development of the Milky Way instead of us, and perform stress tests, in order to allow the civilizations in these "cradles" to touch the interstellar space outside the "curtain" in the future]

  【And the "Suzheng Agreement" will also change its face and become an important part of this "artificial intelligence"】

  【Its name is—"Guardianship Matrix"】

  【Special Note: Based on the above three points, this "Artificial Intelligence Planet" numbered CX-9879 has great symbolic significance, and it is not accidental that it can become the collection of this museum. For this reason, the museum will use special barriers to seal off this planet in order to slow down its rate of corruption under the passage of time]

  Compared with the short "self-introduction" of the planet itself, there are much more "remarks" that humans put here.

  It may be that the museum owner who has collected this planet regards this place as a "treasure of the town hall", wishing that everyone who visits here can know the "great achievements" of this place, so as to understand the gold content of this planet.

  However, the glory of the past is in the past, and what stands here now is just a "cultural relic" that has been cleaned up.

  The information carried by the cultural relics spanned tens of millions of years, and was finally passed down to Li Wenyuan.

   This is accidental, but it is also inevitable. Even if he is not here, he can still obtain relevant information through other methods. There are more than one recorded "cultural relics".

  The recorded content finally solved a riddle for Li Wenyuan that was not a riddle.

   "...'Suzheng Protocol' will become part of the 'Guardian Matrix' after being transformed, so it should be the 'Active Purification Protocol'..."

  Seeing this, Li Wenyuan thought of what humans have mentioned many times. They think that the artificial intelligence carried by these "artificial intelligence planets" is not very good, whether it is "observation terminal" or "purification terminal".

  "...What kind of **** joke is this? Something that hasn't had any problems for at least 1.2 billion years will have serious problems in your hands in less than ten million years... What have you modified?"

   At this moment, he was even a little unable to complain about his fellow human beings. They really did one big job after another, and then they acted as shopkeepers and left the funeral to a poor artificial intelligence.

   Tucao belongs to Tucao, but thinking still has to continue.

  The existence of the "Suzheng Agreement" once again proves that the "smooth weather" outside the "veil" is not as "smooth" as the Milky Way today, and even human beings cannot "go home often to see".

  Then what he has to do at this time is very simple, to solve the crisis caused by the "Suzheng Agreement", that is, the "Active Purification Agreement", and then use appropriate means to improve the civilization of the galaxy.

   What is important is not to "pick seedlings to encourage growth", but to let them understand the importance of "advancing" and implement it.

  In this way, he can complete the mission of the "Guardian Matrix", and then leave with peace of mind to look for human beings.

  The universe is so big that we cannot stop at one place. Only by moving forward can the road continue.

  (end of this chapter)

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