MTL - Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration-Chapter 242 "Engineering equipment"

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  Chapter 242 "Engineering Equipment"

  "...Very, unfortunately, Grand Duke, with our level alone, we are completely unable to analyze the technology used in this strange box..."

  In a hidden galaxy, a group of scientific research teams who came from nowhere are tremblingly reporting their research results.

It is normal in the galaxy to know nothing about the research of unknown technology. After all, no one knows whether there are some civilizations who like to study black technology just to watch the future generations rack their brains. meaning, but extremely difficult to solve the mystery.

  However, the eyes of these researchers are full of fear, and the body that should be perfectly controlled is shaking uncontrollably. The ability to control emotions after genetic modification seems to be completely invisible to them.

  There is no other reason, because the shadow sitting on the high position opposite them is the rumored leader of the evil forces who "kills people like hemp but asks what is a person"-the Grand Duke of Silver Star.

  It is not so easy to overcome the fear instinct in the genes. How to remove the "fear of death" from the genes without leaving any future troubles is also a difficult problem that galactic biologists are currently solving.

   Faced with the death threat of "failure to fulfill their duties", this group of scientific research teams is inevitably terrified.

  However, while they were sitting on pins and needles waiting for the death sentence, the leader of the evil force miraculously let them go.

   "...It's okay, this is what I expected. I never expected you idiots. Go and lie down on the "return spaceship" by yourself, and you can get out after a while..."

   This unexpected joy made the scientific research team stunned in place immediately, and it took a long time before they left here as if they were amnesty.

  As the group of scientists disappeared into the hall, the light of the stars also shot here as the spacecraft changed its course.

  The light climbed up the stairs little by little, and finally illuminated the figure on the throne.

  He is the Grand Duke of Silver Star, an "independent person" who is not under the jurisdiction of any civilization.

He drove his car and formed a force with a group of greedy followers. He flourished in the black world of the galaxy, faintly becoming an existence similar to "curator" and "virtual realm walker" .

All kinds of dirty work that is inconvenient to explain can be taken over by them, so they have a lot of "customer lists" that can cause a sensation. This is one of the reasons why they can still remain independent. best helper.

  Even if there is a civilization that is determined to eradicate this cancer, it will stop the action for unknown reasons. So far, this is still one of the mysteries of the galaxy.

  Some people think that the Grand Duke has reached some kind of deal with those civilizations in order to be alone, but the actual reason is only clear to those who have experienced it.

  That is, his car has extraordinary terrifying power, which is even enough to make a civilization pay a heavy price.

   99% of his ability to get to this level is due to this spaceship that looks like a battleship but is not a battleship, and its name is "Bright Star".

  But only the Grand Duke himself understands that the real name of this spaceship—

   "—'Stellar Engineering Equipment Type B', how long will it take before you are fully charged?"

  Yes, his spaceship, which has terrified countless warship commanders, does not have a lofty name, nor is it a "bright star" in the second grade, but is simply called "engineering equipment".

   Hearing his inquiry, the automatic operation program on the spacecraft listed a number, which is about thirty-six Earth days in conversion.

  In the past, the Grand Duke was too late to be happy with such a short charging time, but now his face was clouded and he looked very anxious.

  At this time, from the perspective of the galaxy, you can see that the Grand Duke's car is hovering above a star. The hull that looks like a galaxy road has revealed its original shape at some point, revealing weird geometric edges and corners.

  The strange device shaped like a ring slightly traps a part of the star, and with a beam of light from the spacecraft directly shooting the star, the star expands at a slow but firm speed.

   This is how his car is charged, inducing a star’s supernova explosion, and then using a neutron star, a kind of star remnant after the supernova explosion, as the driving force of the spacecraft.

   Once, a neutron star was bound under the ring device of this spacecraft, and the matter of the neutron star was extracted in a way that the Grand Duke could not understand, and then sailed by it.

   This is the origin of his spaceship "Bright Star", and also the origin of his title of "Silver Star". After all, it looks very handsome to walk with a neutron star.

  However, due to one of his misoperations, he released the bound neutron star, and flew towards No Man's Sky at a speed of 20,000 kilometers per second, unable to catch up.

  The current spacecraft is sailing on the only remaining neutron star matter, and even the jump engine on the spacecraft cannot work again.

  In order to prevent the spacecraft from being "stranded" in space, the Grand Duke is almost desperately using the spacecraft to induce a supernova explosion, and then recover the neutron star.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to use the neutron stars already in the Milky Way, it’s simply because those known neutron stars are too far away, and the neutron star material stored in the spaceship is no longer enough to sail here, so he can only rely on the function of the spaceship itself to hope to create a neutron star to supply the voyage.

   However, contrary to expectations, this method is not stable. So far, he has created two black holes and more than ten white dwarfs, but there are no neutron stars.

  In addition to the dilemma of running out of fuel, the Grand Duke also gradually discovered a terrifying fact as the events of the galaxy progressed.

   That is, his car seems very unusual.

   He once thought it was a spaceship of a lost empire that had disappeared. After all, the jump engine that came and went without a trace seemed to be a technology that only the lost empire could control.

But when he was hiding in a corner of the galaxy to watch the drama of "The Unexpected Enemy", when the "Central Processing Unit" of the "Guardian" exploded, he found that the means used by the "Unexpected Enemy" seemed to be very similar to his car. resemblance.

   Not similar, but exactly the same! Even the ship types have a very high degree of coincidence! It made him realize what it was that made him so powerful.

  Although it hasn't been exposed yet, he knows that it is almost certain that he will be found when someone with a heart comes to his senses.

   At that time, what awaits him will not have a second end other than destruction. Who will give life to the suspected spies of the "accidental enemy"? At that time, even those dignitaries who have been mastered by him will not be able to keep him.

  So in order to survive, besides triggering supernova explosions more and more frantically, he also pinned his hopes on one of his collections.

  —A case that appears to hold a galaxy.

  (end of this chapter)

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