MTL - Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration-Chapter 247 "Mechanical Invaders"

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  Chapter 247 "Mechanical Invaders"

   "—Then, we are leaving."

  Time moved forward a little bit, to the time when Li Wenyuan and his family were about to leave through Yinxin's "Alien Gate".

  With the help of the technology provided by "technical subspace preparation", Li Wenyuan made dozens of "miniature galaxy" boxes, large and small, filled with 90% of his belongings.

Ether Dragon and "Pressolin" don't have any opinion about being in the subspace for a period of time. One of them is an existence that has experienced the big bang of the universe, and the other is the existence that has traveled a long distance from the subspace. to the galaxy.

  The subspace is just another "place of life" for them, unlike the vast majority of beings who regard the subspace as a scourge and are afraid to avoid it.

  Grey Wind has only one super planet purely composed of nano-robots, her moving is simple, after all, everything in her "civilization" is actually composed of nano-robots.

  As for the "Far Traveler", "Paradise Servant" and "Galaxy Companion", they are also installed in the improved "Miniature Galaxy", so maintaining a normal life for a certain period of time is not a problem.

   Only the loading process of the "Sky Veil Battleship" is a bit troublesome, and the principle of "healers cannot heal themselves" is also applicable to it.

Thanks to Li Wenyuan's deep enough understanding of the subspace, he temporarily built some subspace engineering ships. It took a long time for the "Sky Curtain Battleship" to produce the "subspace" that is closest in nature to the subspace itself. It was packed into a special "subspace box".

This subspace box is different from other "miniature galaxies". A subspace is installed inside in a matryoshka style, so as to prevent the "Sky Veil Battleship" from being under its own mass due to its appearance in the real universe. collapse.

   After this, it was Li Wenyuan's turn.

  Although it has always been because consciousness can be transmitted to various spaceships, observation stations, drones and even synthetic humans, it seems that he can come anytime, anywhere.

   But his body has always been on the earth and has never changed. The big light ball surrounded by many mechanical structures and pipelines will not transform into a flying robot.

  Because he would be basically isolated from the outside world in the "miniature galaxy", his big light sphere was finally temporarily transplanted to a spaceship.

  After everything was prepared, they could be packed into a spaceship, and this spaceship was disguised in the style of Gray Wind, and came to the super giant structure of the galaxy together with a group of nano-warships for guards.

  The galaxy spacecraft busy here did not notice these "unexpected visitors". Occasionally, the passing spacecraft, after confirming that the other party's signal was the "coordinator", just said hello and went about their own business.

  Everything seemed to be in order, and Gray Wind also asked at this time:

   "It is said to leave... But how to do it? This super giant structure does not seem to be well-built, can it be done to the extent you need?"

   Regarding this question, Li Wenyuan is confident.

   Judging from some information collected on this galactic center giant structure, when humans built it, they really had the idea of ​​fully completing it at first.

  But the "structure" of the giant structure is like this, even if it is not completed, only a part of the structure can still function.

  In addition, the excessively enlarged galactic black hole also indirectly led to the unfinished end of the giant structure.

  Humans found that this thing can be used after repairing about 40% of it. Anyway, it can’t be returned, so it just rots like this.

  The construction is complete, and the final impact is only the distance that the "alien gate" can reach.

  So this "Alien Gate-Galaxy World" became an unfinished giant structure, and it was not used again until today.

  The link established long ago informed Li Wenyuan of the information here, and the records in the memory of the "Active Purification Protocol" gave Li Wenyuan the method to activate this place as a "member of the galaxy".

  【Identification Code: Guardianship Matrix】

  【Request received: activate the alien gate】

  【Equipment restrictions are lifted, please confirm: Is there any galactic civilization that has reached the corresponding level? 】


  【The alien gate is starting, please confirm: destination】

  For a moment, the super giant structure covering the black hole in the center of the galaxy trembled a little.

   This tiny tremor was not noticed by anyone because of its huge body, and the black hole in the center of the galaxy also changed slightly accordingly.

  The gravitational force generated by the black hole seemed to be gathered near Li Wenyuan's spacecraft in a controlled manner, and soon formed a gravitational anomaly area around him.

   This gravitational anomaly enveloped the entire space of the spacecraft and the **** fleet, gradually distorting the surrounding scenery until it formed a dense black curtain, as if being in a black hole.

   But the link with the alien gate has not been interrupted, and the destination provided by the "alien gate" is still flashing in Li Wenyuan's virtual world, asking him to confirm the location.

   Not unexpectedly, he chose the first place in the record where humans used the "alien gate".

   This is also the only galaxy that has been named "Elliptical Galaxy Alpha" by humans.

  Li Wenyuan knew that after this, he would no longer be in the greenhouse of the "Curtain Galaxy", and he needed to face any danger from the outside world.

   But this is the first starting point to trace the footprints of human beings. He believes that human beings will never perish outside the galaxy.

  As the "doctor" said in the "observation terminal" record, Li Wenyuan also looks forward to seeing each other in the future.

  After the destination was selected, the gravitational anomaly increased suddenly. Li Wenyuan didn't know if someone in the galaxy had discovered this anomaly, but this matter has nothing to do with him.

  The shifting star seems to be appearing outside the "dark curtain" covering the fleet, although looking from the inside of the gravitational anomaly area, there is no change at all.

  But the premonition in the dark told him that he was moving away from the galaxy at an incredible speed.

  After reaching a certain limit, the gravitational anomaly disappeared suddenly, and outside the dark gravitational curtain that was removed like a broken cocoon, there were dazzling stars.

  The super-giant black hole that should be right in front of us has also turned into an ordinary galaxy.

   After sensing for a while and finding that the "alien gate" could not be contacted, Li Wenyuan knew that he had come to the outside of the Milky Way, the "elliptical galaxy Alpha".

   " this is beyond the Milky Way? It seems ordinary, no different from the Milky Way..."

  Grey Wind was a little bit depressed, she seemed to feel that this "romantic" journey should not be like this.

   Li Wenyuan remained vigilant, carefully observed the interior of the galaxy, and used powerful sensors to sense the situation of other galaxies around him at the same time, and at the same time replied to Gray Wind:

   "There are still abnormalities. Although the residual degree is very small, this galaxy, and all the galaxies around it, used to have extremely large spiritual coverage."

   "It is almost undetectable now, but the concentration is much higher than the average value of the Milky Way, with a gap of tens of thousands of times. Perhaps the aborigines here have studied psychic power beyond our imagination."

  While he was carefully preparing to "settle down", all the aborigines in this elliptical galaxy seemed to have received the "oracle" from the "god" at the same time.

  These magical creatures have far more efficient information transmission efficiency than the galactic civilization, and under the infection of psychic energy, they have almost expanded into a connected spiritual network.

  The "oracle" from "God" instantly caused their panic:

   "—My people, a group of despicable invaders have come to our homeland."

   "That is a group of twisted horror creatures, operating a disaster called 'machinery', intending to slaughter us all."

   "This is a crisis, and this is also a trial! Only those who pass in the end can be promoted to the new 'God'!"

  (end of this chapter)