MTL - Becoming A Dragon In A Martial Arts World-Chapter 285 Yin air bug? The second LV5 planet ability!

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  Chapter 285 Yin Qi Bug? The second LV5 planet ability!

  During reverie, those true emperors and gods in the distance also finished eating that strange long worm.

  At this moment, Bai Chuan turned his head and looked at the old dragon Aoqing who was about to come over.

   Now that things are settled here, it's time to leave too.

  He also couldn't wait to take a look at the ability model of that weird long worm.

  For example, where did the other party come from, and what abilities did they have.

  The joyous harvest moment is coming.


   "Well, let's go."

   Needless to say, Bai Chuan's faint voice interrupted the old dragon's words, and he took the lead in flying towards the direction he came from.

  At this moment, with the departure of the **** corpse, and even lost the most important treasure, the no-fly domain here naturally disappeared.

  Unfortunately, even now, Bai Chuan still doesn't know how this no-flying domain was born, presumably it should be the special power of that **** corpse.

  Suddenly, countless true emperors and gods turned into streamers of light and flew towards the sky.

  The one headed by it is a holy and nimble dragon.


   A month passed in a flash.

   At the foot of a beautiful mountain.

   "Senior, I'm leaving. Xu has been missing for a long time now, and he still has important matters to deal with. After Xu has dealt with it, if senior doesn't give up, come talk to senior again."

  A man in a book-length gown, quite elegant, cupped his hands at the huge real dragon, his eyes full of gratitude.

   "Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable. Senior, that old Taoist has also taken a step ahead..."


   "Praise the white god, my lord..."

   "My lord, we will wait for your instructions in this world..."

   "Senior White..."

  Suddenly, countless voices of farewell sounded continuously, but none of them mentioned gratitude or reward to Bai Chuan.

  Because they know that their gratitude may be no different from a great gift to mortals, but to a great supernatural being like Senior White, it may not even be as good as a good and cherished meal.

  The only thing they can do is to keep it in mind, to see when the senior needs help, and then they just show up, or use their own power to find some special and cherished creatures to cook and give them to the senior to taste.

Among these people, some left voluntarily. Those were relatively strong and determined people, or they had been missing for too long. There are still many things to deal with in this world, such as orthodoxy, inheritance, family or enemies; among them There are also passive ones, those who wanted to stay and follow Bai Chuan, but were driven away by him personally.

  After all, Bai Chuan is anxious to check the ability model of the strange long worm, to see if there is any good ability to strengthen, so naturally he doesn't want any existence to follow him.

   Otherwise, among the group of true emperors and gods, Bai Chuan is sure that more than one-third of them are willing to stay and follow him.

  Not to mention his strength, just because he got the mysterious bronze chain, the source accumulated over the years is not a small amount.

  For these true kings and gods, the temptation of this source is not so great.

  If other people suddenly get the followers of so many true kings and gods, they will be overwhelmed with joy, but for Bai Chuan, it is just a burden.

  The fact that his ability panel evolution requires deep sleep determines the path he will take in the future, and he must be alone.

  The avenue is long, but he walks alone.

  In just a quarter of an hour, this place has returned to a deserted place from the previous bustling.

  Two real dragons, one big and one small, were left behind.

  Under the influence of Bai Chuan, the old dragon Aoqing also gradually got used to using the dragon body to talk to Bai Chuan.

   "You can go too, let's talk about it after you finish dealing with the Fuchu affairs."

   "You and I are all of the same race, so there is no need to say more."

   Glancing at the old Long Aoqing who was hesitant to speak, Bai Chuan didn't say anything, but reminded the other party.

"Fuzhong?" Hearing this, Ao Qing was still a little hesitant. He didn't know how to express that he was taken aback by this mysterious senior, and then his expression suddenly changed. Given the circumstances, his disappearance, that group of beings must not miss this opportunity.

  His house is in danger!

  Subconsciously, such a thought flashed through him, and then he looked at Bai Chuan again. It is obvious that Senior Bai can say that, and he should have solved this matter for him.

   Ao Qing's huge dragon eyes subconsciously flashed a hint of gratitude.

  He seems to owe a lot to this mysterious senior of the same family.

   "Senior White, thank you for your kindness, Ao Qing left first."

  After reading this, his expression became solemn, and he respectfully performed a great gift among the same clan.

   Not only expressed gratitude, but also expressed surrender, and will respect each other in the future.

  After the ceremony, he swung his dragon body and began to climb the clouds.

   "By the way, take this."

   Right at this moment, Bai Chuan's faint voice came.

  At the same time, a group of small colorful light clusters shot directly towards Ao Qing.

   Subconsciously, Ao Qing stretched out his dragon claws to catch the foreign object.

   And after such a pick-up, he was stunned again, because at this moment, what was in the center of his claws was a ball of "source"!

   is the source of what he wants to obtain at the risk of stepping into the depths of the underworld during this trip!

  At first, he didn't even have any hope. It's not bad that he was able to live in the end. After all, he was his heir Shi Ye Ming Ye.

  But never expected that at this moment Yuan fell into his claws.

   "Bai, Senior White..."

  For a while, Ao Qing's mood also became extremely complicated, and she couldn't help holding the ball and muttering to herself.

  The next moment, he suddenly turned his head back, but at this time, the misty sacred dragon that stood here before, always seemed to be calm and profound in his eyes, had already disappeared, leaving only the white clouds still, and the breeze blowing slowly.

   "It's really a strange person!"

  At this moment, Ao Qing, who used to support the entire ethnic group by herself, felt for the first time that someone above her was backing her.

  Is this what it feels like to have the protection of a powerful clan?

  Is this the style of an expert?

  Something reassures the dragon...

  Whispering inwardly, Ao Qing silently made a decision.

  In the future, no matter what senior wants to do, even if he betrays this world, he will unswervingly follow in the footsteps of senior.

  That’s right, the spiritual power that Bai Chuan exuded earlier, the power that was incompatible with this world, and the mysterious methods that were displayed at that time were not fools.

   It's just because the other party is powerful, unfathomable, and has great kindness to themselves. Few people think about it in that way.

  Perhaps in the future, even if this mysterious strong man is really planning to do something wrong with this world, as long as they don't want to destroy the world they live in, then they can pretend to be invisible.

  However, at this moment, Ao Qing silently decided to go all the way to the dark!

  It doesn't matter whether the front is bright or dark.

  With Senior White present, the Dragon Clan exists in this world; if Senior White is not present, the fate of the Dragon Clan will also disappear in this world so why not.


   On the other side, after giving Ao Qing a negligible lump of resources among the many possessions in the chain, Bai Chuan left decisively.

  What the old dragon did gave him a real sense of belonging to the mysterious race of dragons he once and now longed for.

  Dragon, what a strange creature...

  Although due to his own reasons, he cannot carry the hope of the entire ethnic group as Ao Qing Xiyi said, but it is still possible to give a little help.

  As long as it does not affect his purpose, Bai Chuan has always been easy-going.

  Three days later, Bai Chuan finally used his own light spot ability to create a temporary location suitable for him to view the ability model and even evolve into sleep.

   And this, he also calmed down again, and silently opened the ability panel.

  Accompanied by the flash of the familiar black line, Bai Chuan entered the gray panel space again, and a familiar ability panel popped out immediately.

Without stopping any longer, Bai Chuan just glanced at his own panel that already had so many abilities that looked like a vast sea of ​​stars, and then looked at the ability structure library. Suddenly, in a dark and deep space, a strange and strange worm with a sense of transparency He screamed and leaped out.

  The newly added ability model suddenly popped up on the weird worm model that came to life:

  ‘Race: star-eating insect/larvae. '

  'Abilities: Assimilation LV5 (planet), Yin Qi manipulation LV5 (inner), false attack LV4 (extraordinary), spiritual shock LV4 (extraordinary), reproduction LV4 (extreme)...'

  Looking at the ability panel, Bai Chuan froze for a moment, a pair of invisible eyes transformed from consciousness, fixedly staring at the first ability in the panel.

  At this moment, his eyes can no longer accommodate other abilities


   Subconsciously, he took a deep breath, and it took him a long time to slowly recover his shocked heart.

   Not surprisingly, just the ability of the first LV5 (planet) level makes this ability model extremely precious, let alone a series of abilities behind it.

   This is an extremely luxurious ability model, and its degree of luxury may only be comparable to the complete bloodworm model.

At the same time, this is also the second planet-level ability he has encountered, and compared with the blood worm, he needs to find the other half by himself, and the incomplete LV5 of the spiritual power system gods, the initial state of this ability is Complete, there is no need for him to worry about anything!

   "This is a big profit!"

  Looking at this ability, Bai Chuan couldn't help sighing.

  No one would have thought that he would obtain such a terrifying ability model just by obeying his own will and wasting time to save an existence that is tentatively called his own race under his own principles of life.

  My own luck is no one else.

   Glancing at the racial suffix of the entire ability model, Bai Chuan understood that this is a terrifying existence that should be comparable to bloodworms when fully grown, that is, his current strength.

  If the development route of the blood worm is to transform the external environment, then the development route of the star-eating worm is to use the external environment to assimilate and change itself to adapt to the environment and become stronger.

   These are two terrifying existences that have reached their limits in different fields.

  However, such a terrifying existence made him meet the other party when they were young.

  If this is not the case, then the battle in the depths of the underworld, when you are separated from your own home court and on the opponent's home court, it should be extremely tragic, and it is even hard to tell who will die in the end.

  However, God is on his side this time.

   "Come on, let me take a look at your mystery."

   After taking a few deep breaths and calming down, Bai Chuan slowly clicked on the ability introduction of this ability model.

  In an instant, a brand new panel popped up, and the specific information of each ability appeared in front of Bai Chuan:

  【Assimilation: An ever-changing body, between the tangible and the intangible. Live in the body of a strong person, absorb everything from the other party and turn it into your own merits, strengthen yourself, and gradually grow and assimilate yourself into the appearance of the other party as time goes by. On the day of success, you will perfectly possess all the power of the boarder , the strength changes with the boarder. 】

  【Yin Qi Manipulation: The star-eating worms absorb and assimilate the special exclusive ability through boarding in the target, and can manipulate the energy called Yin Qi as they like and completely according to their own wishes. 】

[Fake attack: No matter how strong one is, there will be a time when he is weak. This is the ability specially evolved by the star-eating worms for their own boarding success. It can pretend to be any creature or even an inorganic object that has lost its life. The moment they approached, the attack invaded the target's body. 】

  【Spirit shock: The star-eating worms absorb and assimilate special exclusive abilities through boarding in the target, which can carry the soul and spirit level that shocks the surrounding creatures during the attack. 】

  【Reproduction: The ultimate specialized reproductive ability that a biological body can achieve. The owner of the ability can give birth to a group under his own control while consuming his own nutrients. The group has a part of its own power. 】

  Looking at the specific information on the abilities above, Bai Chuan also gradually became aware of this strangeness... Oh, no, it is the Star Devourers who have a concept from vague to concrete.

  It seems that his original guess was wrong. This long worm is not the source of yin qi he guessed before—the yin qi worm, but the more mysterious and powerful star-eating worm.

  A kind of bug that is powerful or not depends on whether the boarder is strong or not.

  Obviously, the target of this star-eating worm is the unlucky **** corpse. It seems that why the **** corpse has become what it is now is also clear—it is targeted by the star-eating worm!

  At this moment, in the ability model of the Star Devourer, the Yin Qi Manipulation and Ling Zhen were assimilated and evolved from the **** corpse.

  Suddenly, even though Bai Chuan has reached the star level now, he still can't help feeling envious of the talent of this race.

   This is simply for lazy people!

You don't need to think about your strength at all, you just need to disguise yourself, and then wander around looking for the target. After using the instinct to attract, you meet a strong person at the star level or half-step planet level, and wait for the opportunity to board the strong man. Then there is a long wait for growth.

Thinking about it, if this star-eating worm hadn't met him unluckily, it wouldn't take long before it would replace the mysterious **** corpse and become a new half-step star-level powerhouse. Then, with the help of this power, it might be possible to bring this world to its knees. All the main gods and celestial gods were swallowed up by the host, and as time became stronger, until finally the mysterious existence that might exist behind the source of the aura was swallowed up by the host.

   This is astonishingly like the previous "Zhou", with the protagonist's script!

  Unfortunately, it unfortunately met Bai Chuan when it was young, and its rise was blocked by someone Bai Chuan.

  For a while, even Bai Chuan couldn't help but chuckled under the inexplicable sense of joy rising in his heart.


  (end of this chapter)

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