MTL - Becoming A Dragon In A Martial Arts World-Chapter 295 A Change of Mindset, Starship Gate

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  Chapter 295 Change of Mindset, Starship Gate

  Among the spectacular explosion, a damaged wreckage seemed to be hit by the strong shock wave brought by the explosion, and fell towards the ice field below at the speed of thunder.

   "I can't let you run away."

  Seeing this, Bai Chuan understood what was going on in a flash of his mind, it wasn't because of the Sun Tianzun's fraudulent corpse or something, the panel had already told him whether the other party was dead or not.

   Don’t forget that this is a high altitude. Now that Sun Tianzun is dead, he naturally loses the power to maintain the high altitude, and falls back to the ground under the influence of gravity.

  Reading this, he also followed the falling wreckage and flew away.

  The descent is always faster than the ascent, just less than a quarter of an hour.

  Bai Chuan returned to the ice field one after the other with the wreckage.


  Amidst the heavy roar, Bai Chuan landed near the wreckage.

   This is the first Heavenly Venerate he has met after death, without showing any strange and huge body.

  ‘It seems that this Sun Tianzun should be a person...’

'this is…? '

  Just thinking about it, Bai Chuan suddenly saw the specific situation inside the missing chest of the Sun Tianzun with sharp eyes, and was shocked in his heart.

   What appeared in his eyes was: the extremely precise circuit structure flickering with electric sparks, mixed with some scorched but still wriggling flesh and blood.

This is the interweaving of flesh and machinery, the vitality of flesh and blood and the cold texture of metal. Under a skillful means, the two unrelated substances are combined into the current strange state, and an indescribable subtlety appears. balance.

  But now this wonderful balance has been broken by him.

What's happening here?

   Sun Tianzun is not human? Or transforming people? Or is it?



   Before Bai Chuan could think about it, he suddenly heard a mechanical intermittent sound.

   It was the voice coming from the brain of the dead Sun Tianzun.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Chuan saw Sun Tianzun's eyes, which were already miraculous and star-like, light up again, but this time what appeared in his eyes was not the dazzling light like stars, but the pale green eyes pouring down like waterfalls. The data stream, the majestic data stream fell from the eyes of the opposite party at a speed that dazzled Bai Chuan.

  After a few breaths, the data flow disappeared, and a mysterious green light burst out from the opponent's eyes, trying to sweep Bai Chuan.

   Subconsciously, while Bai Chuan's dragon body retreated violently, it released the original star-eating worm to block in front.

  In an instant, Bai Chuan felt the message from the mysterious green light in the mind of the star devouring insect:

  【The target does not match, the authority cannot be transferred...】

  Seeing this, Bai Chuan was taken aback for a moment, okay?

  He calmed down and began to wonder what happened.

   As for the shock or something, to be honest, from the moment he saw the starship under the ice sheet, he was already familiar with it.

  Then he retracted the star-eating worm split, and put the energy of a newborn spot of light in the past.

   Then what appeared in front of him was the same information as before.

  After a few times, he stopped probing and began to consider the current specific situation.

  First of all, he killed the Sun Tianzun in front of him, and the other party seemed to have said something before: It is forbidden to step out of the Tianyuan Realm.

  Tianyuanjie presumably refers to this world, and then think of the vague hints from the powerhouses in the world before, that a certain mysterious existence has been erasing this information.

  This mysterious existence may be Venerable Sun. Of course, with the current situation of Venerable Sun, there is no guarantee that there is a real controller in this world.

  Or maybe Sun Tianzun was originally created by that mysterious man?

   From this, it can be concluded that this mysterious man does not want the creatures inside the world to know that there are other worlds outside this world, and he does not want them to step out of this world.

   As for the purpose, it is still unknown.

  Maybe it's because of the danger outside, for protection; or it's purely for your desire to control?


Bai Chuan suddenly thought of the former God Corpse Venerable Tianyuan. From the memory of the other party, he saw the other party stepping into a mysterious dark and deep space. He didn't understand what it was before, but now it seems that it is outside the world. .

Perhaps it is precisely because Venerable Tian Yuan, the most powerful person in the world, encountered the invasion of star-eating insects inexplicably outside the world, and hastily returned to the inside of the world just after stepping out of the world, and told the mysterious person about his experience at the last moment Or Sun Tianzun.

  So it caused the other party to misunderstand, and felt that the outside world was extremely dangerous. In order to protect this world, no other creatures would know this information.

   But in this way, how can he explain the starship he saw before?

  Since there is a starship, the other party should be aware of the situation outside. It must have come in from the outside.

  So, the blockade is because the other party is fleeing?

  If it is fleeing, it is clear that the other party does not want other creatures to go out.

  But how can the other party confidently evade the pursuit, just to prevent the creatures in the world from going out?

  Just because you can’t get out from the inside doesn’t mean you can’t see it from the outside.

  For such a large planet, as long as the pursuer is nearby, wouldn’t it be nonsense to say that it can’t be found?

Moreover, he has not been in this world for a short time, but apart from the scene he saw when he flew up to the sky not long ago, which looked like the land of the planet world, he couldn't see the relationship between this world and the planet world at all. what connection.

  Not to mention the stars that should exist near the living planet, which can be considered as the stars have died, but what about the other stars that represent the distant starry sky?


  This world not only has no stars, but also no fixed sun. There is only complete darkness and bleak sky between the sky and the earth.

  Dark sky represents daytime.

  If it weren’t for the existence of the Sun Tianzun, the sun chariot that acts as the sun, in the eastern region, there would be no normal day and night in the eastern region.

   Then, is it because the other party has some wonderful means?

  Hey, why do I feel more and more confused, and the more I know, the more I feel confused.

Bai Chuan, who wanted to sort out the incident, rubbed his eyebrows helplessly. He realized that the information he knew was still too little. No matter how much computing power was given to him, he would be that him after all, and he could not rely on the few few information out of thin air. Information deduces everything.

  Then the authority that Sun Tianzun wants to transfer to himself, do you want it or not?

   Realizing that the more he thought about it, Bai Chuan became more and more confused. He stopped thinking and began to consider whether to accept this mysterious authority.

  He is thinking about what kind of authority this authority is. Is it the source of spiritual power in this world or is it related to that starship?

   I don’t know if there are still people inside the starship.

  Bai Chuan scratched his head, weighing the pros and cons.

  The sun Tianzun in front of him is dead, and he still leaves him with a big problem. He is not allowed to use the split body to accept authority at all, and he has firmly identified his own body. Is it because his body killed the other party?

   "Beep beep..."

  After a cup of tea, when Bai Chuan hadn't made up his mind, under a burst of hasty voice, the green light from the divine eyes of Sun Tianzun in the distance began to turn red and flicker continuously.

  In an instant, Bai Chuan had a feeling in his heart that the other party was "out of battery"!

  It’s right to think about it, the other party has been dead for so long, how can there be so much energy to maintain the transfer of authority for so long.

   But this is also invisibly reminding him to make a decision quickly, should he give up or accept it?

  At this moment, Bai Chuan was full of thoughts in his heart, and countless thoughts came to his mind, both agreed and rejected.

"Horrifying fear!"

   "I'm afraid of this, and I'm afraid of that!"

  “It’s good to be cautious, but it’s also not good to be too cautious!”

   "Since when did I become so indecisive? Am I really that vulnerable?"

   "If this continues, the depths of the starry sky will be full of unknowns, and the dangers will be unknown. How should we deal with this mentality when we step into the depths of the universe?"

   "Where is the decisiveness of the past, the mentality of grabbing opportunities at all costs in order to be strong?"

  The next moment, Bai Chuan closed his eyes, feeling ruthless in his heart, opened his eyes again, exhaled slowly, his eyes were full of determination.

   Within a few steps, he walked into the green light emitted by the Sun Tianzun.

  【The target has been discovered, the authority is being transferred, do you accept it? 】


   A firm and forceful answer sounded.

  In an instant, Bai Chuan felt a cool feeling flow through his mind.

   Bits and pieces of information began to emerge, allowing myself to absorb them.

   I don't know how long it took, but when he came back to his senses, he found that he already had an extra perception and some information.

  That perception is a bit similar to my previous star-eating worm, but it is more advanced than the star-eating worm. It seems that the authority of the star-eating worm is the second-class authority of my own, and I can grant it to release at any time.

   In other words, I can already dominate this world, and I can choose a target at any time to let the other party get the position of Tianzun.

  Of course, whether the opponent can really become a Celestial Master depends on whether his own strength is strong enough and the precipitation of time.

  After all, this authority can at most allow the other party to eliminate all the bottlenecks of cultivation, and the cultivation and precipitation of spiritual energy still needs to be done by oneself.

   In other words, he seems to have obtained the aura system of this world.

  Gently lifting the dragon claw, feeling the lingering spiritual power appearing out of nowhere from the fingertips, Bai Chuan thought silently.

  Of course, more doubts still need to go into that starship by yourself.

  All the truth of this world, even the starry sky information he wants to know, is hidden in that huge starship.

   And the permission he got belongs to that starship!

   Well, it's time to figure it all out.

  Thinking of this, Bai Chuan, whose mentality seemed to have slightly changed, jumped up again, and headed for the position guided by the authority.

   Here, on the snowy ice field, there is a real dragon hovering into the sky and flying towards the distance.

  Of course, when he left, Bai Chuan did not forget the body of Sun Tianzun.


  Seven days later, when he reached the vicinity of the starship, Bai Chuan finally scanned the ability model of Sun Tianzun.

  However, he was not in a hurry to check. The most important thing at the moment was the starship and the large amount of information in it.

   While meditating, on the ice field in the distance, a majestic snow mountain stretching for an unknown number of miles appeared in Bai Chuan's eyes.

  The biting cold wind kept blowing, and heavy snow fell to the ground one after another, making the snow-capped mountains in the distance even more precipitous.

   This is this world, whether it is in the eastern region or the western region, it can be regarded as a famous super snow mountain—

   Death Snow Mountain!

  The mountain lives up to its name, but those who step into the snow-capped mountain will not only lose their sense of the heaven and the earth, and will not be able to get the slightest supplement of power, but also suffer from being continuously absorbed by the devil-like snow-capped mountain.

  As for practitioners, once they lose all their strength, how are they any different from ordinary people? Even if the body is relatively strong, how can it resist this icy and snowy land where there is no living thing left?

  Even if the ice dragon, who can endure the cold, stays in this area without demons and spirits for a long time, it will gradually lose its supernatural powers and turn into a bewildered mortal beast, gradually dying.

  Even the most powerful ice dragon is like this, how can other beasts with extraordinary power be any better?

   Over time, this place has become a desperation for extraordinary creatures.

  But at this moment, Bai Chuan knew very well that all of this was deliberately done by Sun Tianzun or that mysterious person.

  Everything is intended to expel those intelligent beings away, and cannot get close to it.

  Because this snow mountain is conveniently located under this starship!

  In other words, it is this starship that created this snow mountain, and the terrifying forbidden spirit Jedi is also a normal function on the starship.

  As Bai Chuan's bright dragon eyes lit up, a crystal blue-green light flashed, and his dragon body was covered by a layer of authority.

  In an instant, this snow-capped mountain of death lost all its magic to Bai Chuan. It was no longer a monster that crazily absorbed spiritual power, but an ordinary snow-capped mountain.

  The shadow of the dragon flashed past, and soon he came to a snow-capped mountain valley that looked like a portal.

   This is exactly an entrance to the starship.

  The next moment, he activated the gate of the starship according to the information given by the authority.

   "Buzz buzz..."

  In an instant, amidst the crisp humming sound, there was a loud noise like an avalanche.

   That was because the gate of the starship that had not been opened for a long time was activated, causing an avalanche to begin on the snow mountain.

  The endless snow surged like sea water, rushing towards the only canyon here under the factor of gravity.

   Regarding this, seeing this spectacular disaster, Bai Chuan didn't even blink his eyes.

  Because he knew that it was just an avalanche, which would not affect the opening of the starship gate at all.

   As expected, a light suddenly lit up in the center of the canyon in the next moment, an unusually bright light.

  Under the light, the invisible film spread instantly, and the avalanche stopped.

  Then the light spot slowly began to rotate, as if the space was distorted, and amidst the invisible fluctuations, a huge metal door with a height of 1,000 meters appeared in Bai Chuan's eyes—

  Starship Gate is here!

   "Boom boom boom..."

  Accompanied by loud thunder, the metal door slowly moved and opened, revealing the mysterious inner space that had not been opened for many years.


  (end of this chapter)

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