MTL - Becoming A Dragon In A Martial Arts World-Chapter 299 The idea of ​​the dragon of the planet, a creature of LV6 level?

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  Chapter 299 The idea of ​​the dragon of the planet, a creature of LV6 level?

  After watching the projection, Bai Chuan clicked on the remaining few important projections to watch.

   After a while, after watching everything, he couldn't help feeling more confident about the idea that appeared in a flash of inspiration.

  As the saying goes, as a dragon, if it has a dragon body as huge as a planet, how can it dare to be called a dragon?

  As Bai Chuan, who grew up from a small snake, it was because of his size that he got to where he is today, so he always believed that size is strength,

   Big is justice!

   If one day he grows to the size of a planet, even if there is no other power, just his own physical power, and the biological magnetic field and gravity brought by the huge mass, who would dare to underestimate it?

  The vast and boundless starry sky, the starry sky that he used to look up to and dream about when he was weak, has finally revealed its mysterious corner to him now.

Although the starry sky is vast and boundless, it is not lonely. Just the creatures he has learned that may come from the starry sky include blood worms, star-eating worms, source of dragon blood, fugitive fleets, and the parent star behind them, with all kinds of creatures. Civilizations attracted.

When he really stepped out of the planet, it meant that he would bump into it one day, especially the "Luo" civilization with a lot of words in this fugitive fleet. His intuition told him that there would be a possibility between them one day will hit.

  So, if he doesn't have the size and strength of a planet for the first time, he will be very disturbed.

   Only with real planet-level power can he feel at ease.

  Is there any dragon in the world that is not as good as a giant mountain beast?

   But according to the normal situation, even if he has the panel ability, it is not that simple to reach that level. Perhaps it will take a long time for him to grow into the dragon of the planet.

   After all, for living things, it is not as easy to grow to such a large size as to scale up their body size.

  The bones, internal organs, flesh and blood, skin, scales...and the most important nervous system all need to undergo countless renewals.

   Otherwise, what will appear will be a huge and slow living target, or a monster with twisted flesh and blood?

   Biology, after all, is a perfect system that is delicate and perfect and cannot tolerate a single error.

  And each of these changes requires a long time of trial and error to change. Even if he has the ability panel to shorten it, it cannot be achieved in an instant.

   Unless he can directly obtain a star beast, directly obtain the opponent's ability model, and refer to the opponent's body structure.

  Even if it is a child, after all, his ability panel is not picky,

  Of course he is an adult, and he can't take it now.

  Star Beast, this is the content of the next few projections. It appeared in the Dr. Tang who left the projection. It was a mysterious creature that disappeared in a flash in the later recall.

  In the universe, there are always some perfect creatures who are blessed and loved all the time. As long as they are adults, their size and strength can rival the might of a planet.

  These existences, just growing from childhood to adulthood, means the destruction and devouring of a planet.

  And this planet cannot be an ordinary planet, it must be a planet with life!

  The quality of this life planet, that is, the more intelligent life there is, the stronger its power after being devoured.

   That is to say, only after the destruction of a civilization and a planet can a real star beast be born.

  Bai Chuan even suspected that the real identity of the source of the dragon blood was a star beast!

   It may even be the existence of extremely noble blood in the huge race of star beasts.

It's a pity that star beasts are rare and hard to find. Even Dr. Tang, who has seen countless advanced civilizations on his home planet because of its special home star, has only seen one half-adult star in the "Luo" civilization in his entire life. beast.

  However, it is so precious that it has a unique position among many advanced civilizations.

  Based on the above information, Bai Chuan suspects that these star beasts may possess LV6 level abilities that he has never come into contact with.

  LV6, this is an ability he has never seen since he grew up.

  So, although his time seems to be a lot at present, it is really not as abundant as he imagined.

   Fortunately, with the help of this cultivation civilization that has developed for tens of thousands of years, and the special environment of this planet, he may achieve cornering overtaking—

   Climb to the sky in one step, and be the first to obtain an incarnation outside the body—the dragon of the planet!

  Even if this might be just an external force, not completely his power, and it might not be as powerful as a real adult star beast,

   But it doesn't matter, external force is also a part of his own strength, and it can be used as his hole card and his way of protecting himself before he has fully grown up.

  Of course, whether this plan can be successful or not, he still needs to try a little bit, and he has not fully received the "inheritance" brought by this fleet from the ruins of its parent star.

  He has never looked at the mysterious magic weapon, nor the cultivation cheats that created the aura system of this civilization.

  Thinking of this, Bai Chuan affected the authority in his body, and now he understands what this authority is, it is—

  Part of the counterfeit authority of that mysterious magic weapon!

  Speaking of it, in fact, he has already obtained part of this magic weapon.

  Bound Immortal Cable, the magic weapon that helped him easily kill Sun Tianzun, was just a small part on it.

   Once accomplished Venerable Tian Yuan in the old era, and now he has helped him a lot.

  If it wasn't for this magic weapon that helped him seal off the opponent's control over this world, it would not be so easy for him to kill the opponent.

  So, he became more and more curious and looking forward to the body of this magic weapon.

   Helped this fleet escape the pursuit of advanced civilizations countless times, and then covered the entire planet with its own power, and moved into the mysterious space to hide.

  How powerful should its real power be?

  And, the real source of this magic weapon was born—the relic on the home planet of the fugitive fleet, how powerful is the civilization represented by that relic?

   While thinking about it, Bai Chuan has followed the perception from his authority to the most important position of the entire starship—

  Powertrain engine location!

  Accompanied by the opening of a light door, what appeared in front of Bai Chuan was an unfamiliar instrument that occupied the entire power room. It was shaped like a huge base, and above the base was a transparent blue light shield that was surrounding the entire base—

   Right above the center of the base, in the midair inside the blue light shield, an ancient bronze-colored clock is quietly floating, and inside the clock, if you look carefully, you can see a fruit emitting colorful light.

The dense and suffocating spiritual power is flowing quietly under the shield in the form of a liquid. In the entire power room, if you look closely, you can even see the faintly visible solid spiritual power (spiritual stones) piled up in the spiritual power bottom of the sea.

  From a distance, it looks like a sea of ​​golden liquid, a mysterious ancient bronze clock is suspended in it, and a colorful light shines from its interior from time to time.

  Bai Chuan understands that this fruit is the fruit of rhythm once owned by Venerable Tian Yuan, which represents the highest crystallization of power in this world, and possesses the power to induce mysterious positions.

This is not what the original power room looked like. The original power engine of the starship had already been removed and replaced to another location. Not only that, but the entire power room was transformed by later researchers into the most important engine on the entire Tianyuan star. Location.

  Because there is a mysterious magic weapon that created a strange scene on this planet—the mysterious ancient bronze clock.

  The expansive spiritual liquid below it, which seems to be like a vast ocean, is the energy that supplies this clock to run the planetary barrier, and it is supplied by this party and the gods.

  At the same time, after Bai Chuan directly controlled the authority of Tianzun, the spiritual power that was born out of nothing also came from this ocean of spiritual power.

The birth of this sea of ​​spiritual power comes from the ingenious design of those researchers in the past, but for those who use that authority to cultivate to the divine realm and above, every time they practice, every time they exert their power, every time they restore the body Spiritual power will appear here through the ancient clock through a part of its spiritual power invisibly.

   Even Tianzun is no exception to this point, but compared to the existence of the gods, they know a wrong truth: there is a way (the fruit of rhythm) between heaven and earth, and they are creatures that coexist with the way.

  If the Dao exists, they will last forever; if the Dao is destroyed, they will fall to the altar and fall.

  So, even if it is for oneself, in addition to the transmission of spiritual power that is used in normal practice, one must also actively store a large part of one's spiritual power here according to a certain period of time.

  This is also the reason why every **** of heaven will spontaneously harvest human faith and all power.

  The purpose of everything is just to reduce the pressure on oneself, and to bring in mortals who shouldn't be involved in this spiritual power supply system, even if the price is that those mortals will die.

  But there are so many ants, cows and horses, there is no rebirth, anyway, those mortals can give birth.

   Those who stand at the highest position in this world are not the strong human beings after all, but the alien creatures who occupy the magpie's nest.

   Human beings are not exterminated, thanks to the fact that human beings are able to survive, and they are weak while possessing wisdom.

  Unfortunately, with the death of all the Heavenly Venerates, this huge sea of ​​spiritual power has lost its biggest supplier, and it has already attenuated by nearly one percent.

  Of course, there should be another reason why Bai Chuan collected all the god-level powerhouses of the Dalong Dynasty.

  At this time, Bai Chuan also suddenly thought of the true kings who had been taken into his own small world when he was fighting with the Heavenly Venerable Conferred God.

   After all, the normal spiritual power suppliers in this world are suddenly reduced by half, and the reduction of the spiritual power sea is almost inevitable.

   It seems that we need to find a time to release those people.

  Bai Chuan turned his thoughts in his heart, and immediately withdrew his gaze.

  He came here not just for sightseeing, but to take this mysterious bell-shaped magic weapon into his own hands!

  The next moment, the star-eating worms flew out separately, and the majestic spiritual power gushed out like a tide under the traction of the immortal lock, engulfing the black dragon and rushing towards the ocean of spiritual power.

  He is obviously planning to imprint all the spiritual power in this place with his own mark, and then use this majestic spiritual power to directly and completely control this magic weapon bit by bit!

  Accompanied by the gushing out of invisible spiritual power, strange rays of light emerged inexplicably in the void of this area, dyeing this ocean of spiritual power like ink.

  The golden light exploded continuously, and the golden waves splashed drop by drop, as if a giant beast appeared in this golden sea!

   Of course, it is true.

  Bai Chuan's majestic spiritual power, with the help of the fairy-binding lock related to the mysterious magic weapon, directly transformed into a ferocious black-colored dragon in this spiritual sea!

  The ink-colored dragon swings its slender dragon body, and continuously spews out sticky ink-colored dragon's breath in the golden light and spiritual sea while swimming swiftly.

  As soon as the dragon's breath appeared, it quickly spread towards the golden light and spiritual sea, turning into a pitch-black sea of ​​ink.

  As the scope of the ink sea becomes larger and larger, the black dragon hidden in the spiritual sea seems to be staring at the ancient clock suspended above the spiritual sea.

  In an instant, the black sea waves churned, rolling up huge black tornadoes and crashing towards the ancient clock.


  The ancient clock was shaken, and under the shocking black tornado, the ancient clock involuntarily let out a clear chime.


  The sound of a real bell spread to the entire void, and everything it passed solidified, even the astonishing black tornado was involuntarily frozen and immediately collapsed.

   Also at the moment when the black tornado collapsed, a muffled groan sounded out.

  That is Bai Chuan's spiritual power that was destroyed by the earthquake. This magic weapon is resisting Bai Chuan's refinement,

  Even if he possesses part of the authority of this magic weapon, as well as some of the small objects, but the authority is nothing but a fake, and the small objects are small objects after all.

   In this regard, Bai Chuan is also well aware that the more powerful the magic weapon is, the more difficult it is to recognize its owner. Maybe it can be used, but the real refining is difficult.

  After all, the real power of this magic weapon is enough to cover and move the entire planet, and even more than that. Is this kind of power that he can easily refine now?

  If it were really that simple, no one would be able to refine this fugitive fleet after tens of thousands of years.

  He, Bai Chuan, would also think that this magic weapon might be from Xibei.

   From this, he can infer that the essence of this magic weapon may be above the real star level, or even higher.

What he wants right now is to initially refine it, imprint his own spiritual imprint into it, and truly sense it, instead of borrowing the authority of that foreign object, which is just a trick of the fugitives after all. product of.

   While thinking about it, Bai Chuan replenished his mental strength again, and started the next round of refining.

   Isn’t it spiritual power? With the help of countless light points of energy, he has countless ego, and he can completely maintain his spiritual power in a perfect state, and initially refine it with water grinding.

  With such thoughts in mind, Bai Chuan began to struggle with this mysterious ancient clock.


  Time flies by, and five years have passed in the blink of an eye.

In five years, if it weren't for the spiritual power supplied by the gods in the western region, as well as the true kings and mortal armies released behind him, with the desperate help of many true kings, this spiritual sea would really be completely wiped out. Exhausted.

   What awaits him at that time will be the failure of refining and the return of Tianyuanxing to the starry sky.

  However, if this is the case, two-thirds of the high-energy spirit stones under the spiritual sea have disappeared, and the spiritual sea has dropped to only 30% of the original.

   Fortunately, with such a huge effort, he finally completed his first small goal——

   Preliminary refinement of the mysterious ancient clock!


  (end of this chapter)