MTL - Becoming A Dragon In A Martial Arts World-Chapter 302 The battle at the soul level, the call of the Father God!

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  Chapter 302 The battle at the soul level, the call of God the Father!

  At this most critical moment, Bai Chuan completely calmed down.

  Looking at the swiftly slamming big hand that covered the sky, the muscles of his four claws bulged, and he shook violently,

  In the next moment, the energy of the whole body turned into firewood to ignite the black and gold two-color fire after sublimation.

   This is a mysterious fire born from the fusion of the dragon's breath fire that can ignite the soul, and the golden flame that can ignite even the air and turn it into fuel to burn all things!

  Although his ability level is only LV4, it has gathered all the power of two LV4 (extreme) level abilities, and he has accumulated all the power of flames since he was weak. His power is no longer as simple as it seems!

   Just like in the past, with the cooperation of several low-level abilities, the power of its dragon chant is explosive.

  In an instant, the blazing fireworks seemed to have received a huge blessing, and suddenly rose upwards,

  The speed of its ascent was so fast that there was a faint dragon chant faintly in the void!

  The void is constantly distorted by the extremely hot heat, and the boundless light bursts out, causing the darkness to quickly recede, turning it into a place of brilliant light!

  Among them, a long flame dragon exuding a vast and majestic aura rises from the ground, its appearance is lifelike, like a living thing,


   It looks like a black and gold two-color flame chain is wrapped around the two huge animal claws!

   However, this black gold dragon-shaped flame is not a decoration, it carries deadly power!

  In an instant, immeasurable heat began to be released continuously, crazily burning the animal claws that were surrounded by thick animal fur!

   "chi chi chi chi..."

  A series of teeth-stinging burning sounds began to sound continuously, and a large amount of animal hair was burned and turned into black powder, emitting a choking stench.


  The ferocious roar of the beast resounded, driving the yin energy here to shake continuously, as if the sky and the earth were shaken, and a pair of beast claws covering the sky were about to break free.

  But at this moment, the dragon-shaped flame exploded!

  In an instant, flames gushed out from the dragon-shaped flames like sea waves, sticking to the black shadow giant like a bone gangrene, burning continuously.

  A large amount of black animal hair began to turn into fuel and continuously burned, and as the flame spread, it continued to turn into black powder and fell.

  In a few breaths, this huge black shadow beast that seemed to hold up the sky and the earth completely turned into a blazing torch, and the infinite heat and endless light completely illuminated the place, as if it were daytime.


  Amidst the heavy collapse sound, a black gold dragon-shaped flame flew out of the boundless sea of ​​flames, fell to the ground and turned into a flame dragon with four claws surrounded by flames.

  As soon as he landed, Bai Chuan uncontrollably fell down with his four paws.

  He hasn't been so tired for a long time. The previous round of flame explosion directly exploded all the heat he had accumulated over the years, just to burn the sky-supporting beast shadow.

  The momentary sense of emptiness brings weakness and weakness.

  Now he has completely run out of heat in his body, all exhausted by this newly born innate ability.

   While panting, Bai Chuan suddenly discovered that the surrounding environment began to change.

   There was a slight ripple in the void, and then it shattered like a mirror, and the huge black shadow beast burning with raging flames also shattered and disappeared.

  The space that appeared in front of his eyes was much smaller than before, and a huge corpse lay quietly not far from his eyes.

At this moment, the appearance of the huge corpse is exactly the same as when he saw it in the past, except that more than half of its right foot has disappeared, showing a huge penetrating wound, from which wisps of putrid smell continue to escape, The ferocious and rolling white fat long worm can be vaguely seen in it—

   That was the trace left by him with a spear shot when he was escaping.

"this is?"

  But facing this situation, Bai Chuan couldn't help frowning. While the flames on his body were extinguished and he returned to his flesh and blood, he kept looking around.

  There is no burning sea of ​​fire here, no shadows of beasts covering the sky, no darkness here.

  There is only one side of the white space that will always fall into dead silence, and a **** corpse who is half dead and half asleep and suffering from star devouring insects.

   Could it be that everything he saw before was an illusion?

   No, it's not!

As soon as the idea came up, Bai Chuan shook his head and vetoed it. The feeling of emptiness in his body cannot be deceived. He had indeed exploded all his flame power before, and now he has started to accumulate heat and pour it into the black gold fire. .

   Right at this moment, the figure as huge as a mountain in front of him suddenly and quickly emitted a putrid stench, and the faint breath of life that existed before completely disappeared, turning into a corpse—

   This is the shock of losing life!

  Bai Chuan was taken aback for a moment, and then his heart suddenly became clear.

   Presumably what he just faced was the soul of Canglan, which is its original face——Xuanxu Demon Ape,

  In fact, his physical body has never moved since entering this space, but his soul consciousness has already unknowingly experienced a battle at the soul level.

  And he unknowingly used the flame aimed at the soul level, and completely burned the opponent's soul into ashes in a burst of breath.

   In this way, Cang Lan's body completely lost the wave of life.


   While pondering, the divine corpse in front of Bai Chuan rioted again, but it was the descendants of countless star-eating insects parasitic here who lost their physical support and ran away.

  The dense Yin Qi condenses into mottled Qi vein channels, which spread to the entire space like spider webs. The whiteness is no longer, and thick shadows begin to cover.

  Endless white and fat long worms gather into a majestic sea of ​​worms, or if thousands of horses are galloping, or hit from the air veins—

  At this moment, there are countless white, fat and tender worms everywhere.

  The terrifying aura came with hissing sounds mixed with the power of [Ling Zhen], as if it wanted to completely tear apart all the creatures that dared to block in front of the opponent.

   "It's just the descendants of the star-eating insects. I killed your king and the real source. Are you afraid of you?"

  Seeing this, Bai Chuan's expression remained unchanged, he shook his head and smiled, the power belonging to the star-eating insect exploded in an instant, emitting a wave of breath unique to the star-eating insect, and in an instant—

  All the rioting Star Eaters froze, losing their breath of life.



   Like dumplings, a large number of long insects that came from the sky with the help of Yin Qi veins lost their vitality and fell to the ground.

   "Then, it's time to acquire Canglan's true ability model."


   Seven days later,

There are several thatched houses scattered in an orderly manner. A few women with curly hair are washing the clothes of the whole family in the river water with their feet below their knees. Not far away, yellow-mouthed children in twos and threes are playing. .

   However, at this moment, there was a ripple in the void not far away, and then a huge figure slowly walked out of it.


The thick, scaled dragon claws crashed to the ground, a majestic head covered with lush mane grew on the slender snake-like body, and a pair of bright eyes formed by the convergence of flames, the most eye-catching thing is It is a mysterious black and gold two-color fire lingering on each of its four claws!


   "Dragon, Master Dragon King has appeared! Master Dragon King has appeared!"

   "Master Dragon King bless you!"

  As soon as this mysterious creature appeared, several women and children around screamed, and they all ran back to the ground and knelt down to it.

  The ear-piercing screams from the village women and children made the surrounding young adults who were farming in the farmland also rush towards this side.

  Suddenly, dark figures kept coming.

  Is this a village connected to the underworld?

  After looking at the bright sun chariot in the sky that hadn't been seen for several days on the heavenly orbit enchantment—after the Sun Tianzun was solved, the sacred chariot Baichuan left behind that gave the earth light was handed over to the old dragon Aoqing for management.

  Bai Chuan just lowered his head, looked at the woman who bowed to him in fear, and the figures who were about to gather, a thought flashed in his mind.

   Immediately after, he stepped out again and disappeared, leaving only a group of young and strong men who came late.

  After leaving the village that he had inadvertently alarmed by him, Bai Chuan flew towards the western region.

   Now it's time to call back his dependents. He has too many things to deal with at the moment, and he needs them to share with him.

   Speeding all the way from the sky above, from time to time with the help of the huge position between the sky and the earth, completely disappearing itself as if teleporting, and reappearing across a long distance.

   In less than a day, Bai Chuan came near the boundary of the western region, and in an instant, the power of authority at the level of Tianzun flickered, and the billowing spiritual power spread out, completely controlling the entire world.

After a few inductions, Bai Chuan "saw" his four dependents—Shilong, Green Hailong, Black Dragon, and Tianlong. Among them, Shilong was sleeping soundly. He poked it, and then quietly passed on a thought.

   Meanwhile, the Western region.

  The Kingdom of the Giant Dragon, this is a country belonging to various non-human and extraordinary creatures. It is located in the south of the entire western land, and it is like a huge monster with claws and claws spreading across the entire south.

  The supreme leader of the entire country is a great dragon with four different attributes, but can strike the gods with his own power—

One is wearing a magnificent crown and covered with a layer of fiery red indestructible crystal armor. The flame dragon claims to be the first dragon. The world calls him a great sage and a flame monarch. Net a god.

  The second is that the whole body is shrouded in endless lightning, and the thunder and lightning dragon that controls the power of heaven is extremely fast.

  The third is the poisonous dragon that occupies the entire swamp forest and calls itself the Green Sea Dragon...


  But on this day, Shilong, who was sleeping soundly in the magnificent palace at the top of the entire dragon kingdom, suddenly woke up, the dragon body trembled, and slowly opened a pair of burning dragon eyes.

   His eyes were full of bewilderment, but there was also a trace of surprise.

   "I seem to feel the breath of God the Father?"

  It propped up a strong dragon body from the magma exuding thick heat. Its slender neck couldn't help but look up and look around, driving the fiery red crystal crown on its head to drip drops of magma.

For so many years, it has been fighting in this world with its three brothers and sisters for so long, and has experienced countless crises. It is also because of these countless battles that it has been able to completely transform the strongest posture given to it by the Father God. made the norm.

It tilted its head and looked at the empty and deserted palace all around. It couldn't help raising its paw and scratching the dragon's face in wonder, and muttered, "Strange, is it an illusion? Or, hey, I miss my father already." Are you hallucinating?"

At the end, it twitched and rubbed its paws, left the magma pool, paced back and forth, and murmured to the air, "Father God, what's going on with you, do you need Shi to go?" help you..."

   "Ah Shi has drawn up a big force here, waiting for your call at all times..."

   "Well, that's not right, bah bah bah bah, Father God is so strong, why is there any crisis that needs me."

   "Oh, so entangled..."

   While talking, it also left the palace, came to the highest point of the kingdom, and squatted down, looking at the vibrant inhuman kingdom below, and nodded its paw listlessly.

  However, at this moment, another light touch appeared, carrying a message.

   "Father God! Really, really the call of God the Father?!"

In an instant, the bored Shilong jumped up instantly, feeling the familiar aura engraved deep in his memory, his dragon eyes instantly widened, full of surprises, and the slender dragon tail behind him even swayed inadvertently Get up and look like a puppy.



  White breath exuding thick hot air could not be restrained from blowing out from Shilong's nostrils, but Shilong, who was so excited at the moment, had already ignored this little indecent gesture.

  The excited mood had no time to calm down, so it suppressed the trembling dragon body, impatiently stimulating the mental power to touch the information in that thought, and began to carefully read the information in it.

   "Aw, ho—!"

  After a few breaths, Shilong, who had finished reading, was full of surprises in his heart. He could no longer suppress the excitement in his heart, and raised his head and roared.

  Rolling with strong emotions, the dragon's chant spread far from the highest point of this country, disturbing the long white clouds in the sky here, and dyed them into red and fiery clouds full of festiveness.

  The resounding dragon chant resounded through the sky, causing the citizens below to look up. Among them, the ministers of the kingdom were even more puzzled, not knowing why the majestic Lord of Fire—His Majesty Shilong was so excited.

  An old man with a lizard appearance and a cane at the bottom heard this, but tremblingly raised his head that was about to lose his teeth, and shouted: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, pay attention to your majesty..."

  After a few breaths, a resounding dragon chant resounded from the highest places in several other splendid palaces, and the emotions contained in it were exactly the same as the former one, as if they were echoing each other.

  At this moment, all the subjects of the dragon kingdom are confused. No one knows why their majesty is so surprised today. Could it be some kind of happy day today?

  However, the doubts of these subjects could not be answered by their majesty. Perhaps their majesty was already so excited that they left it behind.

  After a few breaths, among the several palaces, a dragon wing stretched out, flying out like a giant dragon covering the sky and gathering towards the center.


  (end of this chapter)

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