MTL - Becoming A Dragon In A Martial Arts World-Chapter 309 New sister? Master nuclear energy?

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  Chapter 309 New sister? Master nuclear energy?

  Why such a guess is also very simple.

  The forbidden technique used by the black robe, the chain that traps Shilong, is itself a technique created by Cang Lan imitating the magic weapon in his hand, and this technique can only be learned by the existence of the binding fairy rope.

   On this point, Bai Chuan also came into contact with Xianxiansuo to understand why he couldn't learn this forbidden technique in the first place.

  The Light Cannon is a technique created by the Lord of Radiance to imitate the Starship Destroyer Cannon, and it is also his favorite signature skill.

  In addition, there were rumors in the past that a certain Tianzun once stepped into the depths of the underworld.

  At first, Bai Chuan thought it was Sun Tianzun, but he didn't expect it to be the grandson of Guanghui!

  Probably it was the last split truth of Canglan in the past, which was used by Guanghui as a pawn.

  From this point, Bai Chuan once again saw the power of star beasts and immortals.

Just carrying some of his descendants' strength, he can have so many means, and even made one of his family members completely turned into a complete living being, giving birth to two special abilities - [Star Asylum] , 【radiation absorption】.

  The former is completely a gift from the other party, while the latter is the ability born from the sublimation of the other party's power in Bai Yuan.

   Should he say something, are star beasts and true immortals so terrifying?

  In the next moment, Yanlong passed through this whirlpool-like world passage.


   Medium domain.

  An unknown peak.

   "Hey... the fire of the great sun has been touched? Let me see who is destined to be able to visualize the vest that I deliberately hid...

  A young man who was unfortunately ruined? Because the enemy has a genius breakthrough...bringing the power of the sect to the door, the blood stained the chance, I fell off the cliff and met the [Day Vision Picture] that I only passed down a few copies...

  It’s really miserable, but Brother Ao, your waistcoated Cyanwood Sect has developed so well..."

  Among the lingering clouds and mist, a dragon with a crown on his head and a blood-red crystal armor muttered to himself,

However, at this moment, he suddenly paused, the dragon's claws scratched his belly, the dragon's tail behind him swung inadvertently, and then he suddenly raised the dragon's head to look somewhere, surprised and delighted: "Father God is back? "

   "Senior is back? Brother Shi... Seriously?"

  Hearing this, a "true dragon" with a blue body next to him also raised his head, and then glanced at the other party's inadvertently wagging tail.

  Unexpectedly, the other party had already stood up in a hurry and walked towards the outside. As for the young man who touched the most special type of power under his control, he had already been left behind, and whether he could really understand it could only depend on himself.

  The flaming red dragon walked out of the hall cheerfully, looking around excitedly, looking for that familiar and huge figure, like a repair dog who heard the sound of its master coming home.

  However, instead of a thousand-meter-large flame dragon, what was waiting was two small figures whose sizes he could barely distinguish?

  One of them exudes his familiar aura—that is the Father God he has been thinking about!

The giant dragon paused, squinted its eyes and looked carefully, seeing that small figure and another figure that was even smaller but was held by the former, an ominous premonition arose in his heart for some reason, because He felt why the other party's breath was slightly familiar...

  The next moment, the figure and Bai Chuan spoke: "...It seems that you are all here, come on! Shi, Binghai, you brothers and sisters, come and meet your sister?"

"younger sister?!"

"younger sister??"

The dragons who had just arrived exclaimed directly, Tianlong's eyes widened, and the black dragon almost staggered and fell down, each with a tone of unbelievable, puzzled, and even subconsciously looking at the side The smallest Yunhailong seems to be a little strange.

  However, in the center of the dragons' sight, Yun Hailong, who had passed through a new life, also blinked his eyes in confusion, with a somewhat dazed expression.

  The next moment, they suddenly flashed a thought that shocked the dragon, could it be...

  Father, besides Xiaohong, is there other dragons outside? !

   At this time, Bai Chuan looked gently at the little girl beside him, and comforted in a low voice: "Don't be afraid, they are all my family members. From now on, you can just call them brothers and sisters."

Then he stroked her hair and then gently pushed it in front of her, saying: "Hey, it's a long story, let's talk about it later... Xiao Yuan, oh, that's the child's name, Bai Xiaoyuan is your last sister..."

   "...Is that so." Although I haven't figured out the situation yet, even the younger sister's body shape is a bit strange,

  But after all, I have experienced this similar situation once before, so Bing Hailong scratched his head, and gently stepped forward and lowered his huge dragon head, looking at the little girl in a black dress and said gently:

   "Hello, sister Xiaoyuan, I am the second follower of Father God - Bing Hailong, you can come to me when you have time..."

   "...Xiao Yuan, my name is Feng Yulong. If you need help, you can come to me. Of course, you are welcome if you have nothing to do."

   "...My name is Heilong! Since you are my younger sister, if anyone dares to bully you in the future, you will come to find me, and my brother will definitely help you beat him!"

Facing the gentle voices of so many giant dragons, Bai Yuan, who had never experienced this kind of feeling before, also took a few steps back at a loss, one small hand subconsciously hugged the mask Bai Chuan gave her tightly, and one small hand was nervous. The one who asked for help didn't know where to put it, and turned to look at Bai Chuan.

   But at this time, how could Bai Chuan step forward to interfere with the friendly exchanges between the family members?

  So, he just nodded and smiled encouragingly.

  Bai Chuan's non-response made Bai Xiaoyuan a little discouraged. She looked at the many dragons who looked at her gently, her little face flushed, and she put on the mask as if she was running away with her head down.

   After a while, an inaudible and slightly waxy voice came from behind the mask:

   "Brothers and sisters... good..."

   "Oh hoo—"

Nuo Nuo's voice, with the unique breath of cubs, directly pierced Bing Hailong's soft heart, making her recall the memory of her younger siblings being taken care of when they were young, subconsciously wanting to get closer and have a good rub .

The eyes of the other giant dragons next to Ice Sea Dragon also lit up, and their nostrils expanded a lot unconsciously when they inhaled. Under the influence of Bai Chuan, all the dragons who are his subordinates, no matter which one they have, have a certain affection for their cubs. Love inclusivity.


  Suddenly, the little girl named Bai Xiaoyuan suddenly became the favorite of all Bai Chuan's family members.

Even those followers looked at this scene with a smile, because they knew that from today on, this little girl who looked a bit ordinary and even shy would rise to the sky in one step and become even more untouchable than the starting dragon and the others. The presence.

  Don't say anything else, just know a thing or two from the same surname "Bai" as the adult.

  However, at this time, Shilong was slightly sad, looking at Bai Chuan with a feeling of wanting to cry.

  He seems to have seen the favor of God the Father gradually shifting.

  Because he finally remembered where the faintly familiar aura was on the little girl in front of him!

   It was the black robe that was killed by the support of the Father God at the beginning of the original star!

   But why, his sister who just appeared has something to do with the intruder?

  Furthermore, Father God was willing to transform into an unaccustomed human form in order to accommodate her, and even became as insignificant as a human being.

   In addition, she, she actually inherited the surname of God the Father!

   This is a beautiful thing that he dare not even dream of! !

  Besides, it took so long for Father God to come back this time. Could it be that Father God has been with my sister all this time?

  Suddenly, Shilong felt a strong crisis from the other party—the other party might want to take away God’s favor from him!

  He may not be the favorite cub of Father God soon...

  Thinking of this, Shilong felt that his sadness was about to flow upstream...

   "Ashi, what are you still doing there? Why don't you come over to see your sister?"

  Bai Chuan in the distance looked at Shilong outside the group of dragons who seemed to have something wrong, remembered that he was like this when Xiaohong appeared last time, and hurriedly called out.

   "Huh? Oh, here I come..."

  Caught off guard, Shilong, who was interrupted before the sadness was brewed, also hurriedly responded, and then walked forward slowly, showing a kind smile and said softly.

  In any case, he is the eldest brother, how could he be rude in front of his sister.

   Moreover, among so many "people", God the Father still remembers him!

   What does this mean?

   God the Father has not forgotten him!

  He is still Father God's favorite cub!


   After looking at Xiao Yuan who had gradually fallen into a deep sleep, Bai Chuan let Bing Hailong and the others take care of him.

  As for Shilong, he was the first to accept the new harvest he got this time—the ability to shrink in size.

  Although after getting used to the big body, I don't like the small body very much.

  But Bai Chuan also knows that you may not like to use some abilities, but you must not have them.

   After all, there will always be a day when it will be useful.

  So, he still gave Shilong the ability enlightenment he got from Xiaoyuan, and then let him pass it on to other dependents.

   This is not a special ability, but a special skill that combines several abilities—

Condensing one's own energy to produce a special energy ball, and then completely energyizing oneself, incorporating most of the energy into that energy ball, and only the remaining part of energy is followed by the structure of the human form Change.

This is the principle of his transformation, but this way of turning part of his own flesh and blood into energy will eventually make the shapeshifter have to allocate energy to control that part of energy at all times, resulting in a sense of restraint, such as Not as comfortable as my original body.

  So, apart from being with Obuchi who is only in human form, he generally doesn't like this feeling.

  After everything was dealt with, Bai Chuan also started the last busy work, asking Xiaohong to copy his own special energy light spots, and then the two worked together to create energy light spots to create the planetary dragon body.

  The energy obtained from behind Abyss fully complemented his last piece of the puzzle—radiation absorption spots.

   This is a far more powerful light spot than the photosynthesis light spot!

  Of course, he prefers to call it Devouring Spot of Light!

  【Radiation Absorption: The sublimation of mysterious power, which can absorb high-energy substances, such as ultraviolet rays, cosmic rays and other radiant energy, and convert them into the energy they need. It seems to be full of certain expectations. 】

  There are not many explanations for the ability, but the effect is extremely powerful. You must know that the energy released by stars—nuclear energy is only a part of it that can be absorbed.

   That is to say, maybe he can try to devour the power of stars now?

   Perhaps even mastering nuclear power?

  And the ability seems to represent the will of a certain existence.

  Obviously, this is one of the opportunities Xiaoyuan got, and it is also the only ability he got from him. As for the other ability, he, Bai Chuan, decided to give up.

  Because that means that there was once such a life in the world who devoted all his energy to this girl and created such a miraculous ability.

  He already felt guilty about Xiaoyuan, so he naturally didn't want to tarnish this sincere heart:

  【Shield of the Stars: The mysterious beast burns out its own miracles, and where the starlight exists, it can absorb the power of the starlight to give the target a shelter from the starlight, preventing the erosion of negative energy. 】

  Among these two abilities, he seemed to be able to see two miserable lives who supported and depended on each other.

  Compared with other dependents, this subordinate of his has suffered too much.

  During those years of companionship, Bai Chuan knew that the "star" held a very important weight in this girl's heart, almost comparable to him before.

  Long sighed, Bai Chuan also concentrated his mind and released a large number of black and white energy light spots on himself.

Bits of black light dots like black holes interspersed with faint white light dots began to fly up from Bai Chuan's side silently. As soon as Hajime appeared, he completely dyed this place in gorgeous and dreamy colors, making everything around him radiate. It can seem to be transformed into a tangible thing, showing a distorted posture and being absorbed by a black hole-like light spot,

   Here, even the existence of light cannot escape!

  Because light is also just a kind of energy.

   This is the power born from the ability he got from Xiao Yuan, terrifying and powerful.

   Especially after combining with the power of light spots, under the endless light spots, after he stepped into the starry sky, with the existence of this ability, the energy will be able to reduce a lot of burden.

  At the same time, there is a new kind of energy in his body—nuclear energy?

   Of course, whether it is nuclear energy or not, he is still unclear.

I only know that this is a kind of energy with a higher level of biological energy than spiritual power, and its explosive power is more terrifying than spiritual power. Of course, the enhanced destructive power will naturally lose its color in terms of versatility. .

  Now he needs to consider the powerful high energy of such a fusion of energy, as well as the panacea characteristics of spiritual power.

   Unfortunately, he still has no idea about this.

  Amidst his thoughts, Bai Chuan also calmed down quietly.

  At this moment, a large number of light spots are continuously released from this mysterious unknown place, spreading towards the entire planet.

  And compared to before, now that he has a nuclear energy spot, he doesn't need to store a large amount of energy before releasing it.

  Because there are energy rays everywhere in the starry sky, and these energies that he could not use before have all become his wealth now, swallowing up all who come.

  Even if he hadn’t added a layer of original light spots at the bottom of this nuclear energy light spot, perhaps the energy in the planet would be swallowed up by his light spots at this moment.

  Time began to pass slowly.

  The energy between the heaven and the earth began to become more and more intense, and the first sensory change brought about was—

  All kinds of monks feel that there are more and more seedlings with outstanding talents. The group of people who used to be called the arrogance of heaven have long been unable to hold their heads up in front of the monsters emerging from the great world of this era.

  At the same time, with the birth of Tianjiao and evildoers, the Shilongs, who are the source of the extraordinary, also feel that they are getting stronger.

  Of course, it was Bai Chuan who benefited the most.

  The energy storage pool in the past has already been crazily increasing.


  (end of this chapter)

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