MTL - Becoming A Dragon In A Martial Arts World-Chapter 329 What's the use of the gray heart? close call

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  Chapter 329 What is the gray heart used for? close call

   While his thoughts were floating, Shan had already stood up again. He was carrying a huge sword, a big bow and spear as tall as a man, and came to the edge of the deck in a fully armed appearance.

  The next moment, he raised the gray heart, brought it to his mouth, then took a bite and swallowed it.

   Then, he jumped.

  The tall and burly body suddenly jumped off the big ship, passed through the white barrier and fell into the gray scenery outside.

  Like a holy god, he sacrificed his life for righteousness and jumped into hell.

   In just a few breaths, he disappeared. All that remains is the whistling wind.

  Aside, looking at Bai Chuan who jumped down alone, thoughtful.

  Before just saying that girls can’t do it doesn’t mean he can’t do it.

  Although the gray fog is dangerous, it should not mean that there is no solution. Otherwise, how would those creatures living in the wild survive?

  It is impossible for those creatures to be completely strong, and it is normal for the weak to know how many things.

  Everything in the world, no matter what crisis it faces, as long as it is not extinct in an instant, there is always a way to face it.

  The act of biting Gray's heart at the last moment is definitely not useless.

  Grey fog, one day he will face it in person.

  After all, he can’t stay by the girl’s and youth’s side forever. There is no banquet in the world. The little lizard land is still waiting for him, and he has to leave this galaxy.

  In that case, why didn't he take this opportunity to investigate, and if there was nothing he could do, he would come back within an hour.

  After reading this, Bai Chuan decided to go out later!

  Of course, the main reason is that the missing person has a relationship with him.


  Not long after Shan disappeared, the deputy captain Ren dismissed the crowd, and now the fog was approaching.

  Even if Shan had already said that, Ren did not intend to sit still, but just waited.

  As the backbone of everyone, they have made such a decision, how can they shrink back as followers?

  If this were the case, today's sand castles would not be established!

  The huge hunting boat slowly lit up two extremely bright light beams from the gray night, illuminating the area within 50 meters ahead, and spreading the hazy light spots far away.

  Like a stormy night by the sea, standing in the dark to guide the direction of the eternal light.

This hunting boat set sail from the darkness, and slowly circled the edge of the Isle of Life at a turtle speed, and the thick and loud long sounds spread far away, as if a wanderer was constantly calling to return home loving mother.

  In the cabin, Bai Chuan kept searching for the things in the house. He remembered that when he left the isolated city, Zhou Yun collected the spirit organs that he dissected before and put them in his backpack.

  But, why can't he find it no matter what... Could it be?

  Bai Chuan paused, thinking of a certain possibility, maybe that kid Zhou Yun also took out the backpack containing the viscera?

   "Maomao, are you going out to find your brother?"

  Beside, the girl sitting on the bed spoke softly, her voice was soft, light and slow, like a light cloud.

   "Can you take me with you?"

  The girl picked up her small bag, and looked at the magical and cute cat in front of her with some hope.

  The girl is clear about the magic of her cat, and she doesn't doubt it at all.

  It is like your most precious treasure, when you are most dangerous, it leads you to rush out of the dark and dangerous place.

   Now, she has lost her brother, and she has only one cat left, and she doesn't want to lose it again.

  Bai Chuan raised his head, quietly staring at the girl, staring at those red eyes that implied hope, feeling the other party's determination.

   After a long while, he still shook his head slightly and rejected the other party.

  The girl is too weak now, or in other words, there is too little time left for her to grow.

  In the current dangerous situation, even a single who has reached the second rank dare not say self-protection, let alone her.

   Now, even he dare not guarantee to protect the other party.

Ignoring the girl's increasingly disappointed eyes, Bai Chuan walked to a corner of the room, picked up a small tube of sparkling crystal tube, and the mysterious liquid with hints of purple in the navy blue color followed him, and between the crystal tubes Shaking constantly in the middle, emitting a halo of misty light.

   That was the ability potion he created after his body reached its limit, taking advantage of the excess energy—digestion and absorption LV2.

   After observing the group of Sandcastle people who were exercising their bodies for a period of time, he carefully considered the abilities he planned to bestow on the pair of brothers and sisters. The stronger the siblings, the more information, secrets, and resources he can get.

   Among other things, he only needs a large amount of energy-filled meat, and the stronger the pair of brothers and sisters, the more points they have, in order to be able to exchange them.

  It's a pity that he just finished making it, and before he had time to give it, the incident before him happened.

   While thinking, Bai Chuan placed the tube of potion emitting a mysterious halo beside the disappointed girl, pushed it with his paws, and then quietly stared at her.

   "Give it to me?"

  Zhou Xiaoxiao pointed at herself in a puzzled way, and didn't have time to think about where the crystal tube storing the strange liquid came from.

  Bai Chuan nodded lightly.

  The girl squatted down and picked up the potion...

  Five minutes later, after spending a lot of effort, Bai Chuan looked at the girl who finally drank the potion and fell asleep in silence.

  From the previous exchange of glances, he understood that if the girl could not be allowed to leave temporarily for some reason, then even if he refused the other party's companion, she would still follow him secretly after he left.

   Time is running out!

  Thinking, Bai Chuan walked out with a spirit organ that should be roughly the size of a baby's heart in his mouth.

   Fortunately, when he watched Zhou Yun massacre the high-level "figure", even though he didn't know the function, he dissected a lot of internal organs, and then found the only one left in the girl's bag.

   It can also be seen from this that Zhou Xiaoxiao has already thought of something from Shan's behavior. Cleverly went back to the house and found the only soul organ, and wanted to invite him to go down with him, or even go looking for it by himself if he disagreed.

  Unfortunately, she is still too tender.

  Thinking that he lied to the other party that after drinking the potion, he took the other party with him. As a result, as soon as he drank it, he felt sleepy and lay down. Bai Chuan also smiled.

  The next moment, Bai Chuan, who quietly came to the edge of the deck, also bit his guts and swallowed.

  In an instant, he felt a stream of ice flow from his mouth straight to his chest, flowing all over his body, as if he was in an ice cave, his whole body was extremely cold and stiff.

   This is not just the coldness of the body, but also the coldness of consciousness and emotions.

  At this moment, all the thoughts in his body were greatly reduced, as if he had fallen into a state of being calm and calm.

  Bai Chuan thought of the burning sensation when he came into contact with the gray mist before, and the impulse that appeared in his heart, and guessed that maybe this coldness was the adverse reaction after he was exposed to the gray mist.

  Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated, stretched out his left paw to pass through the white barrier, and after not noticing any reaction, he jumped off the deck decisively and disappeared into the world.

  The next moment, under the contact of a large amount of gray mist, the burning sensation continued to appear, and the body that was slightly stiff before regained its softness and flexibility.

  Bai Chuan could only feel a large amount of gray mist sticking to his body, like a living thing, and never let go. From a vague look, it seemed that his size had grown a little bit.

   Fortunately, no bad reactions have been noticed yet.

  Flexibly rotating his body, avoiding the slow-moving hunting boat, Bai Chuan landed on the soft sand. Suddenly, a soft and loose feeling came from the soles of the feet.

  He began to run towards the continent of life not far away.


   At the same time, somewhere in a sandy hole.

Three bewildered figures slowly appeared, walking slowly from the cave, leaving a series of bloodstains along the way, and a large number of scarlet eyes in the surrounding darkness continued to light up, peeping at the three slightly small figures , but he was afraid of the huge shadow of a shambling beast behind those two figures.

  The emaciated camel was bigger than the horse, and the leader of the injured earth-sand beast was still not something ordinary beasts could easily peep at.

   However, looking at the increasingly unbearable movement in the darkness, it is not known how long this shock can last in the gray fog.

   "Brother You, wake up, cheer up!" Zhou Yun, whose face was full of minor scratches, anxiously called out to the tall figure leaning on his shoulder, while constantly moving forward with difficulty.

  On one side is an equally tall figure bent over and guarding the surroundings.

   "Cough cough..." The tall but weak figure You Fei coughed feebly, "Zhou, boy Zhou, put me down, I, I can't..."

   "Don't say stupid things, hold on!" Zhou Yun interrupted the other party.

"Listen, listen to me," You Weili raised his hand and patted the young man, motioning for the other party to stop first, then called back the partner on the side, intermittently supported the young man's shoulder and said, "Boy, leave me alone. My injury is too serious, you are just dragging me with you, the animals around are getting more and more impatient, if this continues, we will all die, Xiaoshi, take him away..."


  The leader of the earth sand beast who looked around vigilantly behind him responded as if in response, a little sad.

  The man named Xiaoshi next to him was silent, subconsciously clenched the bone bow in his hand.

   "..." Zhou Yun lowered his eyes, his lips were trembling, unable to speak, but his body was as fixed as a nail.

  Anyone with a discerning eye knows that letting go of burdens is the best choice, but the words "abandon" and "leave" are so light, but to Zhou Yun they are so important.

   If Brother You didn’t save him, he wouldn’t have been seriously injured by Wuling’s attack. How could he, who was rescued by Brother You, abandon him?

"Let's go! Be a real man, don't be such a mother-in-law!" You Fei got angry, turned to look at You Shi next to him, and said softly, "Why, Xiao Shi, you don't listen to me anymore? If this continues, everyone will die! "

   "Don't think about yourself, don't you think about your relatives? Xiaoshi, what will your brother do if you die? And you, kid! Your sister is still waiting for you!"

  As soon as these words came out, the two people who were silent suddenly froze...

   "Brother, take care!"

  Finally, You Shi gritted his teeth and knelt down directly. After bowing, he stretched out his big hand to catch Zhou Yun, who was about to resist, and walked towards the leader of the earth sand beast who was also injured.


  In the fog.

  Scarlet eyes, hazy figures and beasts flickeringly, appearing suddenly from time to time, breaking and flying from time to time, the thick gray fog that stirred became more and more chaotic,

  The crimson color bloomed, and the billowing blood energy turned into various visions, mixed with the sound of thunderous knives to shatter everything.

A one-eyed burly man with a pale face and a numb expression not like a living person guarded a weak young man behind him, mechanically slaughtered the attacking fog spirits, raised his big bow from time to time, bent the bow and set an arrow, the arrow was as bright as lightning, and struck break the darkness.

  Of course, no matter how the big man slaughtered, the attacking fog spirits seemed to never decrease, and at the same time, he needed to protect the young man behind him, so that he had to fight and retreat.

   The fog is getting thicker.

  In the darkness, the icy cold wind moved, rolling up the long yellow sand and turning it into yellow clouds. In the sky covered with yellow clouds, the ground seemed to be moving, rustling, as if some large object was quietly moving underground.


   "Boom boom..."

  In the sandstone cave, the sound of heavy footsteps is clearly visible, mixed with the sound of panting and dripping water.

  The leader of the earth sand beast, who was already injured, brought two heavy humans, and his speed became slower and slower.

   Tempted by the splashing sweet blood, the scarlet eyes peeping around got closer.



  The next moment, as if a critical point had been reached, at the moment when the first slapping sound appeared, there were successive slapping sounds, and the extremely scarlet eyes finally rushed out of the darkness!

  It seemed like a ray of red rays of light shot continuously, and in a blink of an eye, it was attached to the wound of the leader of the earth sand beast, followed by a creepy sucking sound.


   Under the severe pain, the leader of the earth and sand beast finally couldn't bear it, staggered and fell directly to the ground, and Zhou Yun and the two above fell down together.

  At the last moment, the leader of the Earth Sand Beast endured the pain and fought his way out, using himself as a shield to block Zhou Yun and the others.

  At this time, the two people who were protected suddenly realized what Xiaguang was, it was a half-human tall bat!

  Protruding ears, rat-headed fangs, black and full of wrinkled fleshy wings, clinging to the fuzzy flesh and blood, the whole body is shrouded in the luster of blood or the red glow emitted by itself.

  In the blink of an eye, the leader of the earth and sand beast withered away at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   Under the crisis of life and death, the earth and sand beast also broke out!

  The khaki-yellow light began to flicker from all over its body. In the cave that was originally sandy soil, the yellow sand began to squirm and absorb under the khaki-yellow light.

   "chi chi..."

   There was a sound of crushing and breaking, and then the adsorbed yellow sand became wet at a speed visible to the naked eye, sticking together into one piece.

  However, the wasted effort of the group of heterogeneous bats was not in vain, just a few breaths. Under the attack of a large number of heterogeneous bats, the sand armor became more and more shattered, faintly revealing the dense white bones that lost their flesh and blood!

  Suddenly, at this time of crisis.

  A gray-white light rushed from a distance, ejected up and down from the cave at an extremely fast speed, and a large number of bats of different species lost their lives and whereabouts as they passed.


  (end of this chapter)

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