MTL - Becoming A Dragon In A Martial Arts World-Chapter 346 Lord of the Old, True Immortal?

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  Chapter 346 Lord of the Old, True Immortal?

   "Damn, damn! Why did those guys come here?!"

  High in the sky, sitting on the head of the mechanical beast, watching the scene leisurely through the light curtain, from time to time, he was shocked by the order of the Starry Sky Fleet, and suddenly stood up from the head of the beast, exclaiming.

  When he exclaimed, the electronic eyes of the powerful mechanical beast under his feet, which should have been motionless, seemed to light up for a moment, and it seemed to be just an illusion.

Zida glanced at his feet as if aware of it, then stepped heavily on the top of the beast's head, turned off the light curtain with a crisp sound, and looked at the place where the comet was shown by the previous light curtain with an ugly face. Dust Center, "When did this group of guys hook up?"

   "Things are getting a little troublesome. Rage God is beyond my control. It seems that I have to report it. Fortunately, the fleet is ready and should be able to capture its body."

   "That group of trash, don't let me down."

   After the words fell, Zida re-integrated into the beast, and the raging flames gushed out and flew towards a certain direction.


At this moment, as the smoke and dust dissipated slowly, a desolate beast that looked like a giant tiger appeared in everyone's eyes. It was silvery all over, and its four claws were unusually large and exaggerated. He Se's current-like energy kept jumping on it, exuding an extremely strong breath, as if it could penetrate everything.

  In this chaotic battlefield, an unbelievable cleanliness is maintained around it!

   Yes, clean!

  Whether it is the poisonous gray mist, smoke, or airflow, etc., you must not get close to it, as if a three-dimensional circular hood is guarding Him!

  Her tiger beast turned slightly, and its blue eyes looked in the direction of Jucheng, as if staring at the dragon-horned Bi An, and seemed to be examining it.

  The next moment, He suddenly looked back and moved!


"hold head high!!"

Amidst the chirping of birds piercing through gold and cracking stones, there was the sound of violent airflow suction, which was the sound of some kind of engine-like structure on its four claws running at high speed. This terrifying amount of suction almost turned the surrounding air into a vacuum. The storm bird, which had just recovered its stance, didn't even have time to finish its angry cry, and then folded its wings halfway, as if it had suffered some heavy blow, and turned into a mournful cry.

The huge and heavy body lost its balance and was sent flying high. Before it landed, it was knocked and flew to the left side strangely. However, before flying to the left, its body folded and flew to the right and down. …

   Sounds like iron strikes sounded one after another, and at this moment, there was a strange rhythm, like a moving movement!

   "This, what's the situation?"

   "What happened? What about the creature that came just now?"

   "What happened to that Stormbird?"

   "Fly! Fly!"

   "Strange, monster!"

   "It seems that invisible monsters are constantly attacking! The gray fog has dissipated?"

In the giant city, someone exclaimed, with their eyesight, they couldn't see what happened, they could only hear a sound barrier explosion, and immediately saw that the mysterious wild **** who had just fallen disappeared, replaced by It was the Stormbird who was still flaunting its power just now, accompanied by a strange and rhythmic sound, and kept twisting its body strangely in the air like a convulsion.

  At this moment, on the entire battlefield, perhaps only Bai Chuan and the two parties involved knew what had happened.

  This creature that just arrived, strong! Very strong!

Others may not be able to see clearly what happened, but in his line of sight, they can see the vacuum belts like passages intertwined on the entire battlefield like spider webs, and one of the four claws has a powerful engine-like structure. The desolate beast moved across it at a speed invisible to the naked eye, creating a terrifying vacuum zone every time it passed by. He was teasing that storm bird! Like hitting a volleyball!

The strength of that desolate beast, even if it was just the strong wind pressure brought by its passing, many soldiers in the entire battlefield were continuously thrown into the air, and as it passed by, the difficult gray fog directly Torn apart!

   Is this Aragami?

  Seeing that powerful Rage God wreaking havoc, Bai Chuan whispered in his heart.

   It seems that he should not need to do it.

  Thinking of this, an explosion suddenly sounded.

That was the Stormbird, who had been teased all the time, came to his senses. With his wings folded, strands of incomparably thick gray mist spewed out continuously, and immediately turned into an invisible light blue gust of wind, which began to linger around like barriers. Around it, the color became thicker and thicker. At first it was only light cyan, but later it completely turned into a cyan-colored gust of wind, and the next moment the wind exploded!

  The huge wings like wings covering the sky suddenly trembled, and countless extremely sharp and indestructible flying feathers shot out from it, like a terrifying storm, attacking the Rage God.

  The invisible pillar of wind followed the flying feathers and was born!

   It turned into a storm of flying feathers in this world! The powerful storm swept around with a suffocating suction force, the ground was broken, and a large amount of soil, rocks, and trees flew up continuously, and were sucked into the storm and shattered.

   "Dirty breath!"

   "Your blood is weeping!"

Facing this scene, the tiger-shaped barbarian jumped nimbly, avoided the flying feathers that were rushing, and spoke for the first time, with undisguised disgust and a trace of sadness in his tone, as if I'm mourning for that storm bird.

  However, in the next second, his face became serious again, and there was a sense of sacredness in his voice:

   "Let me purify you!"

   After the words fell, the louder sound of the engine sounded!

  Mixed with the sound of a powerful electric current, the air completely disappeared here at this moment!

  All movements are quiet because of the loss of the transmission medium!

  Even the huge pillar of wind that seemed to be able to link the sky and the earth was overshadowed. The storm bird faintly sensed something was wrong, and seemed to run away in fear, but it was too late!

  The next moment, the eyes of the Rage God suddenly lit up, and a terrifying roar resounded:


  An astonishingly large amount of air burst out of its mouth in an instant, with a huge roar that could eclipse the world, and twisted in the void to present a transparent roaring tiger head with its fangs open!

  The transparent air tiger head moves forward slowly and quickly with an unstoppable attitude, crushing everything in the world inch by inch.

  In an instant, the pillar of wind broke in the middle, collapsed and died in an instant. The mighty and extraordinary Storm Bird froze in mid-air, and after a few breaths, it was directly shattered and turned into a pool of fragments!

  Besides that, the entire battlefield was completely empty, and an unimaginably huge circular dent stretched from the sky, nothing else!

   Looking from a distance, this place is like a piece of sweet cake, someone scooped out a spoonful of it!

  It's hard to imagine, this is the wild gold known as one of the ten hardest metals in the universe! It's just broken!

   Throughout the whole process, Bai Chuan, who was supposed to be the protagonist in this battle, turned into a spectator.

   Although he doesn't want to admit it, he does seem to be protected? The Rage God didn't need him to make a move at all, and won the victory directly by crushing it.

  But what is the reason for the other party to do this?

  He never remembered that he knew such a desolate beast.

  Looking at the tiger-shaped Aragami who put away all his aura and slowly approached with a friendly attitude, Bai Chuan's thoughts turned, but he didn't let go of his vigilance.

   Enemy! Absolute enemy!

   "Dear outsiders, don't be nervous, I have no malicious intentions."

  Seeing this, the Rage God stopped in his tracks, with a gentle expression on his face, and even withdrew the jumping energy of his limbs to show his sincerity.

   "Oh? Really. Why are you here?"

  Bai Chuan didn't know if it was possible, so he asked.

  In fact, until now he has not been sure who the force that attacked him before was, whether it was the local force of this world, the psychic clan, or other hidden mysterious forces.

  Of course, among them, Bai Chuan is more inclined to the psychic family. After all, his previous star-destroying cannon was so obvious. As the real master of this world, how could he not know.

  But, if it is true as he guessed, then which force is this comer from? Among the wild beasts, those who are dissatisfied with their group being exploited by the psionic clan?

   But like this, why did the other party say that the breath of the storm bird is dirty, and the blood is crying? Because of taking refuge?

  The more he thought about it, the more Bai Chuan realized that he had more doubts. The world was like a messy ball of yarn, messy, and he was a little unlucky to get stuck in it.

   "I followed the will of my lord and came here just to find you."

   "My lord has been waiting for you for a long time, all doubts are here."

   While Bai Chuan was thinking about it, Tiger Gaming Aragami didn't add too much politeness, and directly stated his intentions frankly.

  After the words fell, a seed exuding a strong and fresh breath of life slowly emerged from the crystal plate on his forehead, suspended in mid-air.

  Suddenly, a strange fragrance emanated from it. Just by smelling it, Bai Chuan felt that his consciousness was much clearer, and his body's activity also increased a little, and his energy kept increasing upwards.

   There is no doubt that this seed must be a good thing.

  But Bai Chuan didn't speak, just glanced at it, and then stared at Tiger-shaped Aragami motionlessly, as if waiting for his explanation.

  Although this seed intuitively told Bai Chuan that it was a good thing, but no one knew whether it was sugar-coated shells, poison wrapped in icing sugar or something like that. After all, there is no such thing as a free pie in the world. The other party came to the door for no reason, and it was a meeting gift to kill a fifth-rank wild beast, and it was a gift. If there is no picture, it is a joke.

  Don't talk about Bai Chuan, even a three-year-old child doesn't believe it.

  Sometimes, the free things are the most expensive.

  Even Bai Chuan had a hint of suspicion, whether the other party was playing a show, and specially found a powerful desolate beast to create a crisis, and then came to rescue him.

  So he didn't panic at all. Judging from the other party's attitude at the moment, it was obvious that the other party wanted something from him. If he didn't seize this opportunity to learn more information, he would be foolish.

Tiger-shaped Rage God was helpless, facing this pair of Bai Chuan, who was like an old fried dough stick, sighed faintly, obviously the opponent was not strong, and his blood was also poisoned by the gray mist, why did my lord treat him? Such a weak person so important?

  Ordinary people would be so excited if they got such an opportunity.

  He couldn't figure it out, but his master's order was still vivid in his mind. It was obviously a very important thing. If he couldn't finish it, how would he go back and return to his command?

   Alas, after all, they were the ones who fell into despair.

   "This thing is my lord's spiritual seed, it can enable you to communicate with my lord, and it can relieve the poison of your blood."

   "Who is your master? Blood poison?"

  Bai Chuan's eyes moved, and he grasped the key point and asked.

  Tiger-shaped Aragami was silent for a while, with a bit of bitterness in silence, before saying:

   "Once the owner of this world..."

   "Your blood is contaminated with the poison of that gray mist, and it is no longer pure."

  As soon as these words came out, Bai Chuan narrowed his eyes, his face was calm, but his heart was shocked.

  Once upon a time, Lord of the World.

   This sentence is already obvious, and enough information is exposed in it! So much so that he didn't even have time to pay attention to the second half of the sentence, after all, his body is just a split that doesn't affect his body in the slightest, and it doesn't matter if it is lost.

   This world did not belong to the psionic family at first, but was snatched away by it.

   And being able to be called the master of one world is still the master of the vast and powerful world under his feet. Thinking of the predicament he encountered in this world, the other party is probably in the realm of real immortals!

  Even if it is not, it is very close to the existence of true immortals, but such a powerful existence is still falling under the iron hooves of the psionic clan, how powerful should the psionic clan be?

   Are also true immortals?

   Even beings above?

  What kind of realm is that?

  But such an existence, why did you find him, a little shrimp who can't even be a real fairy? And it seems that there is still something for him?

  At this moment, Bai Chuan already understood that he must accept the seeds sent by the other party no matter what.

  It turned out that he had already unknowingly entered the eyes of the real fairy realm. After realizing this, Bai Chuandang even controlled his body to call out the ancient clock, and was always ready to activate the power of the ancient clock if something went wrong.

   As for whether to fight or withdraw, we will talk about it later.

   Then, he continued to speak: "That one? Who is it again? A true immortal of the psychic clan?"

   By saying this, he was not only asking about the existence of the other party's psychic clan behind the scenes, but also secretly extracting the other party's words to determine whether the other party was in the Realm of Immortals.

   After all, everything before is just his guess, whether it is a real planet or a real fairy is still unknown.

  However, he will know the next moment.

   Tiger-shaped Rage God glanced at Bai Chuan, shook his head, "That kind of existence is not something we can discuss, and I have told you everything I know."

   After speaking, he stopped talking.

  Bai Chuan could only give up, this guy was obviously completely drained by him.

   It seems that he can only communicate with the former master of the world in person.

  The existence of the Realm of Immortal Realm is not only a risk, but also an opportunity.

  Bai Chuan has never forgotten what he is most powerful—the ability panel!

   As long as he can successfully scan, then he can successfully enter that realm!

At that time, even if his split body is destroyed, it doesn't matter. It's better to say that his split body is the idea at the beginning. Although it can't evolve, it never said that it can't be scanned. This consciousness projection carries the scanned model back and can only be viewed.

  Thinking of this, Bai Chuan directly accepted the seed, and watched the other party leave.

  Finally, the other party also kindly reminded him that the appearance of the old Rage God inevitably means that he is also regarded as a group by the Psychic Clan. No matter what kind of confidence he has, he must make plans early.

   Regarding this, Bai Chuan only chuckled, since there was no possibility of reconciliation between him and the psychic clan from the very beginning.


  (end of this chapter)

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