MTL - Becoming A Dragon In A Martial Arts World-Chapter 348 Desolate beast? Star beast origin blood creature!

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  Chapter 348 Desolate Beast? Star beast origin blood creature!

   "Because the base camp of the Psionic Race is built on my former **** body, standing on the peak of the center of the world..."

   "Once the existence of the non-spiritual race approaches, it is bound to trigger the barrier, ushering in the thunder of destruction..."

   "So, if your Excellency wants to save that dragon, only you and I will besiege the Psionic Race together!"

   "Of course, you don't have to worry too much. You and I are working together, but we are just juniors who have just been promoted to true immortals. It is not a problem at all."

   "Besides, we don't need to fight him at all. As long as you find the right opportunity to rescue the dragon in the chaos of the siege, we can retreat..."

  It seemed that Bai Chuan's question had been expected. The moment Bai Chuan asked, Nenya Zhenxian gave a statement that seemed reasonable and could not fault it, as if everything was considered for Bai Chuan.

   But is it really that good?

  Merely just a real immortal, what he said made Bai Chuan not even know what to complain about...

  Bai Chuan smiled, looking at the jasper bud that looked harmless to humans and animals, "According to what you said, it seems that I benefited from everything? Then what do you want?"

   "Your Excellency seems to have misunderstood me, I don't know what I did..."

  In this way, it must have the ability from the legendary star beast that is a star-level existence once it reaches adulthood—LV6!

   Is it the star beast I know?


"The center of the world, the weakest and weakest part of the world is also where your **** body is. When the pavilion is close to your former **** body, you can use this connection to communicate with the most advanced power. Open the cage on the cloth of the psionic tribe in that world, and escape from it, free to be restrained."

And the creatures in the original world were all born of the creatures infected by the blood of the existing creatures. Although their potential is higher than that of the offspring born from the real birth of the star beast, each of them also possesses the earth. The potential of the fairy level is a super creature that is enough to dominate under the planet.

   "Oh~ how do you say that?" Bai Chuan was noncommittal, the ghost knows what kind of tricks you true immortals have.

  After all, what I want is the seed and energy in the blood of the star beast, and it's just the ability model in it!

   And improve the blood?

  Because, the original desolate beast was originally like that!

Finally, after leaving, the real fairy suddenly remembered something and stopped again, looking at this young bud that seemed to be less afraid, Lai Lidao smiled and said: "It's been so long before I suddenly remembered, dare you?" What's your name?"

  Once I got that ability, no matter there is no conspiracy, even if the other party wants to plot against my split body, so what, before I can really promote the spiritual heart, behind the absolute power, everything is possible!

For this, I almost annoyed the half-disabled soul, the real fairy stopped a hundred thousand whys of the nasty baby behavior, and looked at the bud that seemed to be wilting so much, then Only then did I say goodbye.

   That sentence seems to reveal a very important information for me!

In that world, the original source of all the desolate beasts came from a creature infected by the source blood of an adult star beast. Even a drop of star beast that is almost enemy in the realm of spiritual heart, the blood of its heart The most quintessential blood in the world—creatures infected by the blood of the heart!

   "Riley, right? Okay, you, Riley, remember."

After saying that, the consciousness of the real fairy disappeared in that space, and returned to the small hall of the giant city of the Far West Alliance, leaving only the still alive plant world, a delicate green bud like jasper swaying in the wind, but this The silk gray fog is still so dazzling and obvious.

   In the blink of an eye, half a month has passed since Zhenxian communicated with Bai Chuan.

   After all, those are the little enemies I will face next, and it will be bad if I don’t understand anything.

  Just the word source blood means that it is only the special blood under the body of the star beast, but a more important common blood that I will come into contact with later.

  Listening to the questioning and distrust in Bai Chuan's words, a branch and leaf of Nenya Zhenxian swayed in the wind, and there seemed to be a hint of distress in his voice, "Your Excellency has already paid for what I asked, and helping you is helping me..."

  At the end, Niaoya Laili pretended to be false, and said:

  Lady Riley understood clearly, and the turquoise light spots under his body spread out like touched fireflies, and then closed again, "In this case, besieging the Psionics is the only chance."

However, as that world was under the watchful eye of the Psionic Clan, Bai Chuan was killed by the ancestor of the Psionic Clan, and the bloodlines of the desolate beasts that have disappeared since then have all been polluted, polluted by the power of the gray mist, and turned into this ancestor. His minions, the supernatural Zaozi and Shicun, part of the star beast's bloodline, need to rely on the power of the gray mist to grow.

  Speaking of which, Riley doesn’t have any bad intentions. After all, we are all in the same lineup for the time being, but I have communicated with him for so long, and it’s still the same name as Zi and the other party. It’s really not rude.

Even if the owner of the blood may not be dead, it doesn't matter if I can scan the ability model directly with the ability panel, because I can also ask the other party to help me improve the blood of the split body according to what the other party said, so as to indirectly Bring down that power, then I only need to scan my split body!


  In an instant, Zhenxian decided to ruin all the next plans, and immediately looked at the other party and nodded heavily, "Bad!"

  The tender heart was also taken aback when he heard the words, and for a long time, when the real immortal thought that the other party was willing to reply, he said: "The things that have passed away can be kept, so he can call you 'Bai Chuan'..."

  That kind of painstaking effort, even a star beast that has grown to its peak, will definitely have more than ten drops, and every drop and drop will cause a slight injury to its vitality.

  As soon as those words came out, Riley's eyes moved, and he keenly grasped some important information, Star Beast? source blood? !


   "Your Majesty, are you going to leave this world after all?"

At the same time, it will be used as materials and consumables for various creations by the psionic race only before adulthood, and it is necessary to constantly and passively obliterate the remaining spirit of Bai Chuan when he is alive, so that it will continue to decline until it dies completely .

Before the most important thing was decided, the real immortal then asked him about some important matters, such as the super civilization of the psychic clan, the "ancestor" he called, and the spiritual heart that guarded that world. Implementation, when will it end, etc.

   "If you refuse, you are willing to give a drop of star beast blood to improve your bloodline..."

  Perhaps that is the most precious gain of my trip!

"So, from the very beginning, you and your majesty have had any conflicts. If you cooperate, you will both benefit, and if you divide, you will hurt both. What your majesty paid was only to carry and protect your movable disability in that battle. Spirit, go back to your divine body, and take you away when you leave."

   "Your divine body has been lost, and this world has turned into a cage for our generation, but this world was born because of you, so you know where this world is weak and strong, and how to break it."

  Now I understand why the former Rage God felt sad for the seventh-ranked Stormbird, and spurned his bloodline to be polluted.

   And I finally absorbed the star beast origin blood bestowed by Bai Chuan, and completed a new transformation.

  Thoughts turned, but the real fairy's surface was sensual, and he didn't care what the other party had no purpose. Just relying on the bait thrown by the other party's star beast origin blood, I was determined to eat it!

  (end of this chapter)

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