MTL - Becoming A Dragon In A Martial Arts World-Chapter 355 Awakened old gods, continent-level super giants

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  Chapter 355 Awakened old god, a continent-level super monster!

  In the early morning, when the dawn is about to dawn.

  A few crisp cuckoo-like voices pierced the tranquility of the forest, and the tranquility gradually dissipated. The morning mist like a veil shrouded the forest, adding a bit of moisture to everything.

The wild-toothed leopard, which has been starving for a day, is carefully watching the cat in the dense bushes. Regardless of the hair stained with a few drops of crystal water, it is staring at the fat mountain rabbit that sneaked out of the cave in the distance. His hunger is urging it, hurry up! Hurry up! Tasty and juicy food is waiting for it.

  But under the urging of this hunger, its forward movements became more and more careful.

   It is weak in this forest and has not hunted successfully for several days. Once this opportunity is missed, it will waste another whole night and suffer from hunger.

   So, no rush! Don't rush!

  The hunting instinct from the body made it lower its breath and approach the past inch by inch.

  It's getting closer, getting closer... The breath of the rabbit that lures the beast's heartstrings has drifted into its sense of smell with the wind, and its body is getting ready to go...

  Suddenly, the fat, stupid mountain rabbit raised its head, showing a panicked expression.

   Not good!

  The rich experience of failure told the Rabidtooth Leopard in an instant that its hunting was about to fail, and it would once again guard against the ravages of hunger, without caring about hiding it!

  In an instant, the Rabid-toothed leopard was about to charge forward with all its might.

  At this time, the earth suddenly shook!


   A thunderous sound sounded, the earth was trembling, the sky was trembling, and the deafening sound continued to explode.

   Cracks continuously emerged from the ground and extended out.

  The terrifying vibration directly made the Rabid-toothed leopard, which was about to charge up and bite out, lost its balance and fell beside the mountain rabbit.


  It sounded like a baby crying. It was the sound of the mountain rabbit being startled by its natural enemy. Anyone who climbed out of the cave early in the morning and met his natural enemy would be frightened non-stop.

  The panicked mountain rabbit ignored the abnormality he just felt, so he wanted to spread his powerful legs and run away.

  However, just as he jumped his legs, the next moment he was stopped by a big tree that collapsed due to the crack extending over.

As if the earth-shattering huge movements are still happening, the hard ground seems to be softened into a carpet, constantly rising and falling, just a few breaths, making the two former natural enemies unable to move anymore, not only here, but the whole place. The same is true of the huge forests.

   It seems that a powerful sleeping creature on this land is waking up and getting up.

  Looking at such an exaggerated picture, Rabidtooth probably felt that he was going to be useless.

   After a few breaths, Rabidtooth and all the creatures in this forest saw an unforgettable scene in his life.

  The earth was torn apart, and even the clouds above the sky were afraid of this mighty force. With the help of the force of the strong wind, they drove themselves away, and the big trees collapsed one after another.

In the spacious and unobstructed forest, a mountain that has stood here for a thousand years, ten thousand years, or even millions of years stretched out a big and generous hand with distinct textures. , full of tangled and strong muscles, He just pressed on the ground like this, as if borrowing strength, the whole mountain suddenly rose in the next second.

  A rough face that seemed to be chiseled by a knife and an axe actually stood up against the broken mountain!

   That is a super giant with all kinds of scars! Just standing up, the untouchable clouds in the past can only float around the waist and turn into the hem of her skirt!

  The majestic and wild mist breath continuously escaped from his body, making this place completely silent.

Even the desolate beasts who were known as the overlords of the earth in the past are the same. In front of these giants, they can only hide all their movements, lest they attract the attention of the other party. The memory hidden deep in their blood seems to have awakened. , sky and sea gods high above!

   This is a deity that should have passed away long ago!

   On this day, after an unknown number of years, the earth once again reappeared.

  The gigantic giant seemed to have just woken up, and gently relaxed his waist, causing a series of shocking thunder, and then slowly opened his eyes with divine light, and looked towards the unknown distance.

   "I don't know the years in the deep sleep. Now that the Spirit Venerable has finally awakened us, the time hidden in the previous prophecy has come?"

   "I just don't know, how many old gods like me are left? Can we still have the strength to fight against the rebel gods..."

   "Hateful Zu!"

  Muttering to himself, the giant stepped out in a certain direction, leaving huge footprints along the way, and all the creatures could only tremble.

   At the same time, in several directions of the whole world, there are gods awakened, following the guidance of the dark, step by step.

  It was the last remaining fruit of the spiritual heart that was still in the realm of true immortals in the past. It is a pity that winners and losers, with the fall of the spiritual heart, the world is occupied, time has changed, and there are very few people in the whole world who know it.

  Where is the demeanor of the gods who controlled the world in the past.

  If Bai Chuan saw this scene at this moment, he would probably be amazed. True immortals are worthy of being true immortals. Even if they fall like bereaved dogs, they can still have a few gods who have gone to the end of the earth.

   It can be said that the sentence is completely interpreted: there are still a few catties of nails in the broken ship.

  Yes, these gods are all powerhouses who have reached the end of the realm of the earth fairy and have nowhere to go.

  Perhaps only this kind of existence can barely survive in the situation of the past.


   All of a sudden, the wind and clouds moved.

  Countless remnants of the last remnants hidden in this world, whether human beings, gods, or desolate kings, are all waking up now, and under the call of the Lord of the old world, they are bound to contribute their last ounce of strength!

   In the blink of an eye, one month later.

  Countless powerful creatures finally rushed to the center of the world after all the trials and hardships.

  What attracts the eyes is in the hazy gray mist that seems to exist all day long, a verdant jasper sky-high building tree stands here, and countless mechanical creations exuding exaggerated movements fly in and out.

One of the huge starships that just docked here a few days ago is particularly eye-catching. On its side, there is a very special and incomparable pattern clearly-inside the golden circular pattern, a majestic The divine bird is spreading its wings and singing!

   That is another symbol of a super civilization in the universe!

   That symbol represents the pride of its civilization!

  Tongtian Jianmu Psionic Race Base.

   "Hahaha, rare customer, rare customer!"

   "Welcome, my friend."

  The spring-faced Zida is no longer as unruly as before. He is striding out in the straight and luxurious costumes unique to his civilization, leading a group of people to welcome another superpower who has just arrived in their psionic clan—Luo!

   That is a colossal creature in the starry sky that is also not inferior to their psionic race, and it made its fortune tens of thousands of years ago.

The rise of this civilization is really a matter of luck. It used to be just a subordinate cultivation civilization belonging to their psionic clan, but it turned out to be a star beast heir by some kind of **** luck. By chance, with sufficient resources, it was quickly cultivated to the strength no less than the "ancestor" of their civilization, and thus escaped from their control before the psionic race could react, and was promoted to a new super civilization.

  Thinking about it, it's really hateful, and it can already be regarded as a big stain on their psionic clan.

   However, today is not the time to think about these old grievances.

  Carefully recalling the information he read not long ago, Zida also knew that he must not be sloppy. Although he didn't know what kind of deal he had with him to let the other party come to this special and important true realm, he knew that he must entertain the other party well today.

   "Hello, Mr. Zida from the Psionic Clan, I'm from the Luo Clan..."

   Facing Zida's warm welcome, the serious and mature man headed by the Naluo tribe also nodded without saying anything, giving people a meticulous and serious impression.

It was a three-eyed humanoid creature with a vertical eye between its brows, but before it could finish speaking, a violent explosion sounded suddenly, accompanied by a terrifying sonic boom, tearing apart the floating dust in an instant. Fog, and even the entire base trembled.

  The next second, a piercing siren sounded. It was the siren of an enemy attack.

   It's ironic that on this planet controlled by the Psionic Race, which claims to be one of the strongest civilizations in the starry sky, there was a time when the base camp was attacked by strange enemies.

  The object attacked was actually a rock spear that seemed to come from beyond the monitoring range of the Psionic Race!

  The terrifying rock gun... No, that is no longer a gun. It can already be said that a gun-shaped mountain penetrated into the Psionic Race's base plate, splashing countless sparks.

  Thrower, a super giant standing upright—the old god, the **** of the top of the mountain!

The **** who had suffered in his hands and studied the psionic race for countless years bearing in mind his shame, did not step into that continent at all like other companions, but gathered a majestic divine power across a vast ocean It turned into a rock spear capable of penetrating everything, and threw it out in one fell swoop.

  At this moment, the void sensing device and defense detection system that are enough to cover a continent, the Ten Absolute Exorcism and Exorcism Guardian Array turned out to be as if there was nothing, and was directly hit by the rock gun thrown by the top mountain **** to the base plate at the bottom!

  This rock gun seemed to trigger something, and the other remaining gods standing beside it also moved.

  The moonlight was shining, and a round of bright and clean moon fell from the sky; thunder and lightning roared, and the lightning flashed, and a thunder snake as huge as a mountain swayed and fell; the shadows condensed and turned into giant hands covering the sky to shoot...

All of a sudden, under various attacks, the entire base of the Psionic Race seemed to be activated. A large number of people began to walk in and out, and countless creations loaded with destructive weapons flew up, or flew in different shapes. Objects, or mechs of various shapes, or even mechanical war beasts!

  The seven desolate gods under the tent of the spirit heart have also brought all kinds of desolate kings who are dissatisfied with the exploitation and oppression of the psionic race, and rushed towards the group of comers.

  Suddenly, there were various explosions and fighting sounds, mixed with thick black smoke and ash.

  In just a short moment, it has become a terrifying battlefield!

   "Mr. Zida, what's the explanation?"

  Amidst the turmoil, Luo Wenming, who had just arrived at the Psionic Clan base, also frowned, and the vigilance suddenly rose in his heart, since the mysterious power in his mind burst out from the vertical eyes between his brows.

  He never expected that their Luo Wenming comers would encounter such an exaggerated attack just after arriving in the Psionic Clan, and they were still guarding the most important base camp of the Psionic Clan. The situation here is very intriguing, and it has to remind him of some dark thoughts, especially their civilization, which was separated from its control in the past.

   But in view of this trip, it is also very important to them.

  So he suppressed his inner impulse and prepared to listen to his explanation.

   "Sorry!" The child who realized it was big, and his head was also big.

  He never imagined that this kind of attack would appear in the base of their Psionic Race. This was the first time he had seen this kind of attack in his life.

   But he knew that this exchange was very important to their psychic clan, so he ignored the cold sweat on his forehead and his almost soaked clothes, and directly bowed at ninety degrees, apologizing first.

  After hastily explaining to appease the honored guests, Zida was also furious, and hurried to the command center, ready to check what happened.


   On the chaotic battlefield, after the psionic race reacted, within a short period of time, the wild gods and old gods who had just destroyed wantonly fell into the next point.

   At this time, far away in the Far West Alliance, which has not yet set off on another continent, I feel the message of invincibility from the gods in the distance. In the quiet space, there is a faint voice from the soul:

   "Your Excellency, the subordinate gods under my account have gradually run out of money, so you are not leaving yet?"

  Hearing this, Bai Chuan also slowly opened his eyes. Hearing the other party's seemingly plain, but actually anxious voice, he also laughed a little in his heart.

  Obviously he was the one who caused the other party to start the dispute, but he was the last one who arrived late.

  However, the former true immortal, who seemed to be insipid and without fireworks, was still in such a hurry. It seemed that the other party's energy-raising skills were not good enough.

  The ever-increasingly growing perception power instantly moved under the command of its master. In just a few breaths, it crossed the vast ocean and touched the distance, knowing the dynamics of its own forces.

   Here, Bai Chuan finally moved.

  The ground suddenly bulged, distorted and deformed, and an extremely dark abyss suddenly emerged, and the sea water suddenly boiled and rolled back, as if it was about to pour into the land.

  It was the continental plate breaking away from the seabed, and an unimaginable scene was staged at this moment, and all creatures on the entire continent were trembling and panicking. They inhabited the body of an unimaginable creature without knowing when and without knowing it!

In the next moment, two giant claws covering the sky and the sun propped up from the boundless land, and the earth wriggled and deformed like flowing water, and within a few breaths, it turned into a gigantic giant beast, which was an unknown number of miles long Behemoth!

   If the previous super giants are already considered big, but that is only relative to normal creatures, as burly as a mountain, towering into the sky.

  But at this moment, this giant beast truly interprets what a super creature is! What is a mountain behemoth!


  (end of this chapter)

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