MTL - Befriending The Most Powerful Person-Chapter 102 Holographic tour (9)

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Shao Ci: "... this."

These are all bad plots used in many plots, and nothing can be turned back.

But ... still afraid! And the more I do, the more I want to know what will happen!

If it is a game that can be read, Shao Ci Jubi is the first wave of death and then develops the plot, but this game cannot be archived at all ... It is too desperate.

Although it ’s been used up, you still have to pay attention ... And the premise is ‘when he looks at you’. Is this related to the ability of this boss?

"What's wrong?" Kevin aside said, "Did you find anything?"

"Nothing. That book won't open. It should be useful in the future ... Still, there are no trigger conditions or something like that now." Shao said, passing the note on the table to Kevin, "but I saw This piece of paper. "

Kevin glanced casually, "Maybe it can come in handy." Then he put the paper away.

At this time, the sound of the system also sounded.

[Mission completed, the lobby is open. 】

[Current task: Find the secret room and open it with a key. 】

After hearing this news, the two were about to leave immediately, Shao Ci remembered that the statue was a little hairy before, and did not know how Allen solved them.

Kevin first opened the door of the room, looked cautiously outside, and nodded when there was no monster.

The two came out and hurried toward the hall.

Only a few monsters were encountered along the way, which was easily solved by Kevin, and Shao's opportunity was not used at all.

Of course, if Shao Ci wanted to use that kitchen knife, he would definitely use up a bottle of holy water after a few chops ...

In this case, the two quickly reached the place at the end of the previous corridor, at which point the door was already opened.

The hall is extremely spacious, exactly the same as Shao Ci saw in the memoir, but with more details that were not taken care of at the time, and the tall idol in the middle is even clearer.

This idol is a male figure praying with his head down and can't see his face clearly. What evil **** should be in the setting of this copy. Just looking at the idol made me feel numb.

And Allen was standing in front of the statue, and the other person who had followed him had disappeared.

Shao Ci thought of the previous thing, maybe that person was also used by Allen as a cannon fodder ...

"It's too late." Seeing someone coming, Allen lifted his chin at once, looking proud, "I've waited for a long time."

Shao Ci felt awful in his heart. This guy was okay waiting for them ... Looking up, he really saw a tall statue on the side of the staircase, which looked just like ordinary ornaments, and his extended palm Holding a key ... obviously a routine.

Then Allen looked at Shao Ci, "Useless guys need to be more aware."

Shao Ci: "...!" Hey, although he is useless now, he will be angry if he is said so.

Although these monsters can't be killed, it should be no problem to force Allen. It may not be able to bear to attack the opponent directly with mental strength.

Shao Ci is afraid of monsters in some copies, but he is not afraid of other players.

"If you go up automatically now, when you are sent out a copy, I can still give you points to compensate." Alan said, with a condescending tone, "If you don't go, I won't let you go . "When I said, I picked up the weapon in my hand.

There is really no way to say it. After all, the force is not enough and can only be persecuted by the other party, and the other party has already done things to compensate the points. If it is someone else, it will probably agree.

Shao Ci almost took out the kitchen knife, but Kevin stood in front of him and looked coldly, "According to your strength, even if you grab the key, you have a chance to escape, you must let others do this Is it something? "

Shao Ci: "???" Although a little moved, why is Kevin so good to him?

"So you are going to fight me?" Alan looked at Kevin angrily. "I let you go for a while, not because I was afraid of you, but I didn't want to cause unnecessary disputes ... It seems you are now Toasting without eating and drinking. "

Kevin didn't mean to let go, he saw the two fight like this.

However, Shao Ci suddenly noticed a place behind the statue, immediately hesitated, and then said, "Don't hit, let me get it."

Kevin looked a little surprised, and didn't seem to expect that Shao Ci would say so.

Shao Ci quickly said: "My Tao has an opportunity to resist attacks, it should be okay ..."

"It's yours." Allen glanced at Kevin proudly.

When Kevin saw that Shao had made up his mind, and couldn't help it, he whispered, "Be careful, try this if it doesn't work."

"Um." Shao nodded and walked to the statue in front of his head.

Looking at the statue, he took a deep breath, then suddenly took the key from the statue's hand.

Almost instantly, the statue's eyes lit up, and Shao Ci apparently felt that his body seemed unable to move and fell directly to the ground ... In this case, it was impossible for him to even run.

The moment the opponent attacked, Shao Ci tightened the necklace in his hand, and a pale white shield appeared around Shao Ci's body, blocking the statue's attack.

Resisting for a moment, the shield had a tendency to crack, but it only cracked a few slits.

"It is now." Shao Ci said to himself in his heart, and then took the opportunity to grasp the thing in the gap next to the statue.

That was what he saw in the memory killing. There was a glittering thing in the corner, but it flashed for a moment. At that time, Shao Ci hadn't noticed at all, but after seeing it from that angle, he just burst into his heart, feeling This thing is absolutely related to the plot, you must get it.

The moment he got it, Shao Ci saw it. The item in his hand was a golden key. It was a circle smaller than the one obtained from the statue. It didn't look like a door but a box. key.

Shao Ci: "...?" Is it the key again?

No matter how much it is, Shao Ci collected the key directly and crawled out.

"Good job, give me the key," Allen said out loud.

Shao's resignation was strange to him, and the next moment, the shield shattered and the statue chased immediately.

Shao Ci didn't even have time to run towards Allen's side. All he could do was grit his teeth, throw the key from the statue directly to Kevin's side, and then ran towards the corridor.

Now in this situation, he can only run towards it, or he will be caught by the statue immediately.

But it seemed to be attracted by the movement here, and other forks actually ran out a lot of monsters, chasing Shao with the statue.

"Oh, lying down." Shao Ci was almost ill. In fact, he suspected that these monsters were randomly refreshed by the system.

And his only weapon is a kitchen knife! Depending on the weight of that small bottle of holy water, it is estimated that it will be gone a few times. You can kill a few at most, and you can't deal with these monsters at all.

I don't know if Shao Ci is unlucky, no matter which direction he runs from, he can encounter more monsters, and can only continue to run in another direction.

The only good thing is that after a few laps, the statue seemed to realize that the key was not in Shao Ci's hand, and then turned around and left ...

It seems that the key is the weakness of the statue, and I don't know how Allen had dealt with the statue before.

What's worse, if you still remember the road faintly at the beginning, now Shao Ci has been completely forgotten. It seems like a lost road in this castle ... There are too many rooms and forks.

"Wow." Shao Ci felt that his physical strength was beginning to feel a little out of luck. Fortunately, in this copy, there is still no setting that will be hungry and thirsty ... that is simply **** difficulty.

After another turn, Shao Ci grabbed the doorknob on the side, but he only tried it out, but he didn't expect the door to open.

This was the first door that could be opened after the escape, and Shao Ci couldn't care much about it. He rushed in and closed the door.

This time, the monsters were not fooled, and hit the door from time to time, making a popping sound.

According to previous memories, these monsters have more strength than ordinary humans. This door is not yet strong enough in the basement, and I am afraid that it will be knocked open in a few minutes.

Shao Ci's face was hard to look at. "..." Ah, this is terrible. If the door was knocked open, surrounded by so many monsters, he would never escape.

Shao Ci can only look around the room to see if there is any way to solve the situation at hand.

This was obviously a utility room, with messy things on the ground, and blood stains in many places.

But there is no such thing as bones. According to what I saw in the memory killing before, the owner of the castle must have dragged the corpse to the idol for sacrifice.

… Although these players were killed and sent directly, they did n’t know what to do, but Shao Ci was not the owner of the castle, so he was too lazy to think about such things.

What is shocking is that there really is a way to escape in this room.

As soon as Shao Ci looked up, he could see that there was a huge hole in the ceiling in the middle of the room, and it was possible for one person to enter it.

I don't know what caused this result, but if you can go up, you will definitely be able to escape. These monsters will definitely not be able to climb up.

The monsters who want to come to this copy are so difficult to deal with, and it is quite normal to set up these escape routes.

The only problem is that Shao Ci's height can't reach above that, and his jumping ability is not good.

If you have some advanced props, maybe you can ... think of this, Shao Ci is going to vomit blood. Everything is because there is no relationship between points, so he wants nothing, and because of the relationship between mental strength, he has to challenge this The advanced copy is really too sad.

Otherwise, Shao Ci feels that he can hit a few low-level copies casually, and he can definitely solve them easily, and he won't feel like he is going to finish as he is now.

Fortunately, there are enough debris here, and there should be a way to work hard. Shao Ci quickly dragged the surrounding things over and placed it under the hollow.

At this time, the wooden door had heard a cracking sound. Shao Ci turned his head and saw that the entire door had been deformed. If you think about it, you will know how long it will last.

Shao Ci was frightened, and quickly speeded up the speed of dragging debris. His strength was not good. He moved a few things with a feeling of panting ... Waiting for almost the same time, standing on these debris, Shao Ci finally reached out and barely touched the ceiling.

On the other side, an overwhelming voice came from the wooden door. By this time, Shao Ci finally knew how important it was to have a strong door.

Shao Zi gritted his teeth, stepped on the sundries, jumped up, and grasped the ground on the second floor. At this instant, the wooden door was finally completely opened.

Shao was about to cry, "...!" He was lying down, he couldn't turn it up if he didn't have enough energy.

Just want to play a game and people need to exercise to play!

Shao Ci tried his best to climb up, but he didn't have anything to grasp, and it was good to keep it hard to keep it from falling.

... He will definitely be torn by these monsters in this way!

At this moment, one hand grabbed him suddenly, and then a strong attack came, and the other side suddenly pulled Shao Ci up.

At the next moment, the monsters rushed towards the ground and pushed the sundries away. If it was at night, Shao Ci would have been caught by the monster.

Looking at all the words in front of him, Shao was scared, looked up gratefully, and found that the person in front of him was the passerby who had followed Allen before. The name seemed to be Xu Xuelai, and he looked very gentle with glasses. ...

"Thank you very much," Shao Ci quickly said, thinking that Xu Xue had already eaten a bento.

"It's nothing." Xu Xue waved his hands and said, "Since I saw the hand to help."

"I'm curious about that." Shao Ci couldn't help but ask, "How the **** did you deal with that statue monster?"

Xu Xue said that he fled with Alan at the time. When they ran to the door, they were almost overtaken by the statue. When they were ready to die, the statue broke when they opened the door. Already.

Then Allen wanted him to take the key, Xu Xue remembered that the previous thing naturally did not want to go, he fled up the second floor, and then hit several monsters, was chased to this room It happened to be Shao Ci.

"I saw something else on the second floor before," Xu Xue frowned. "In this copy, the more dead people, the stronger the boss will be, so let's make as many people as possible to compare it is good."

Shao said, "..." I don't know what happened to Allen and Kevin. Although people like Allen are very angry, they should live the longest.

"Now this castle is almost full of monsters." Xu Xue said: "The strength of the two of us is not good. It should be better to return to the hall now."

Anyway, he learned from Shao Ci that the statue below had been solved, and Alan would not tell him to kill him.

Shao Ci said: "... don't know what your weapon is?"

Xu Xue hesitated for a moment before taking out a syringe and saying: "Actually, I still have a weapon, but one copy of that weapon can only be used once ... and the amount of holy water is so small, I think this would be more appropriate . "

So he only tried to hold Alan's thigh in the beginning, but he didn't expect the other person to be so bad.

Shao Ci looked at Xu Xue's eyes suddenly felt a little bit more sympathetic to the disease. I did not expect that someone in the world had a weapon worse than his kitchen knife ...

Then the two checked the room. The room was empty. There was almost nothing. The inspection didn't take long.

In fact, the rooms that can be entered are basically empty, and even if there are traces of other things that were once placed, they are basically empty now. It's almost like someone deliberately removed these furniture or something.

However, this thought only appeared in Shao Ci's mind for a moment, and then disappeared in a blink of an eye.

There were so many monsters staying under this place, it was impossible to calm down, and there seemed to be no movement outside, and the two of them went towards the outside.

After opening the door, the second floor is similar to the first floor, with various rooms and corridors.

Fortunately, Xu Xue remembers the way, otherwise two people might not be able to walk back. Shao Ci wanted to talk about exploring the second floor or something, but Xu Xue thought that it would be troublesome if he encountered monsters, so he finally decided to go straight.

Before walking far, a monster was encountered on the road.

When they came out, the two naturally discussed how to deal with monsters, but the first cooperation was a bit nervous.

"I'm going." Shao Zi gritted his teeth.

"Be careful ..." Xu Wen pushed his glasses and looked at Shao Ci's thin body. He couldn't think of how Shao Ci would deal with such a monster.

Shao Ci took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and felt the monster in front of him with his mental strength.

Xu Wen suddenly looked at the past, and at the moment, suddenly felt that Shao Ci's aura had changed ...

Later, Shao Ci quickly avoided the monster's attack, and slammed him down with the movement of flowing clouds. All this happened very quickly, and Xu Xue almost did not respond.

"Hurry up ..." Shao Ci looked up anxiously.

Xu Xue hurriedly took out the syringe, and was nervous to inject holy water into the monster's body.

After the monsters dissipated like this, both were relieved.

Xu Xue looked at Shao Ci with a shocked look. "Your strength is actually good. This weapon is not suitable for the present situation. It would have been better to join hands with you than to follow Allen."

In fact, it was more than good. At that moment, Xu Xue almost felt that the other party could hit Allen ... But looking at the current Shao Ci, Xu Xue thought that it might be his own illusion.

Shao Ci also felt that he actually came to this place where holy water was needed to kill the monsters, but it was not good for him, but anyway, he stumbled to this point.

Now as long as you find the place where the secret room is located, you should be able to draw the big boss ... Although the plot seems to have no progress at all.

Then they solved several monsters together, and the two finally came to the position next to the second floor. From here, you can see the back of the tall idol, and all the sights on the first floor are unobstructed.

Shao Ci looked down and suddenly hesitated.

I saw that in the empty hall, the blue light shone, and the situation was clearly reflected.

The handsome young man with light hair holds a knife in his hand. The knife is stabbing in the body of the person being restrained. It is still sliding in it, making a sound of cutting meat with a sharp weapon. Listening makes people feel very Uncomfortable.

When doing this kind of thing, the faint blue light reflected on his face, it seemed that his fair complexion was paler, but his expression was extremely cold, it seemed that he was not facing a person, but something .

Shao Ci didn't recognize it all at once. This was Kevin, who was very gentle to himself before, and felt like he was strange to another person.

And from the point of view of Shao Ci, the position where Kevin stabbed in the hands of Kevin has been mosaiced. Hey! Even if he can't see clearly, Shao Ci can imagine how **** the picture is.

Shao Ci's face turned white. "..." Why is this game so real in such a place? Hey ...

No, it's definitely not this kind of place, but why Kevin did such a thing! Don't even do this because of a conflict before ... this is just a game.

... or that Kevin has been possessed or something, this conclusion makes Shao Ci feel more acceptable.

And the man who was stabbed by the knife was undoubtedly Allen, and he seemed to have completely passed out ... It is normal to think about it. If this is what happens in a sober state, it is a personal retreat. Right.

Even if the pain is greatly reduced, but the body is cut apart or something, just thinking about it makes people feel uncomfortable.

Seeing this scene in front of him, Xu Xue quickly said: "Wait, don't do anything--" Of course he would be happy to see Alan this guy die, but the situation is still a guarantee for more people to clear the customs.

Before he finished speaking, Kevin stabbed into Allen's heart with a sharp cut. Allen moaned, and his body finally turned into a light spot, and it must have been teleported out of the game.

After Kevin had done all this, he shook the blood on the knife, raised his head, and looked at the two upstairs. No ... To be precise, he just looked at Shao Ci, aside Xu Wen didn't get the slightest attention from him.

Kevin reached out and wiped off the blood on that pale and handsome face, and smiled slightly at Shao Ci, his blue eyes seemed to be glorious.

His smile was as gentle as when he first saw Shao Ci, and it made people feel subconscious.

He said, "The person who wants to hurt you is gone."

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