MTL - Befriending The Most Powerful Person-Chapter 106 Holographic Tour (13)

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Suddenly, Shao Ci felt like being a father.

Although, although the first two copies are somewhat npc-like, this is the first time that there is a direct npc or something like that now! Moreover, the other party called his father directly, and Shao Ci was frightened.

Shao Ci remembers clearly that Jiang Qinghan played only an ordinary passenger in this copy. He thought that everyone should be like this ... As a result, he seemed to be in trouble.

It is no wonder that this child has no problems in combination with the plot of the previous copy. Even if it is not a villain boss, it should be very important to affect the existence of the plot development. In short, we cannot take it lightly.

Shao Ci looked down at the child. The other side was sitting in a chair with his head down. He was very introverted, holding the ragdoll in his hand without saying a word, and occasionally raised his head and looked at him timidly, no matter how he looked Just an ordinary child.

But no matter how cute it is, it's useless ... No, okay ... Shao Ci found that the degree of his face was beyond control.

Even if you know that the other person may have a problem, but just looking at such a beautiful face, you will subconsciously feel good ...! He is also desperate.

[Mainline mission: stay by his side and protect him until that moment. 】

Shao Ci: "...?!" The main task of lying down is so simple that he can't even choose to run! ?

Moreover, he himself may be unable to protect himself, but he still needs to protect a child, and the difficulty is too high ... Forget it, since it is all so, let's check other things first.

Shao Ci stood up, and the child immediately stood up, closely following Shao Ci, as if afraid of Shao Ci leaving him.

Shao Ci was in a very complicated mood, appeasing him and patted his head.

The other party seemed to be frightened at once, and quickly clasped the ragdoll in his hands and took a few steps back, looking at him with some fear.

Shao Ci: "..." What did the original owner do? This way he will panic.

Shao Ci checked the luggage in the room. There was nothing except changing clothes, and there was no diary or the like ...

After all, it is already a future background. Who will write a diary with a notebook!

With this in mind, Shao Ci quickly looked at his personal terminal and clicked to check it.

Sure enough, there is some information about the original owner. The original owner seems to be an employee of the company ... Shao Ci searched and found something very extraordinary. In this copy of the worldview, it seems that mental power has not spread. Most people are ordinary people. Only a few people have mental power. These people seem to be arrested to study something.

When seeing this, Shao Ci immediately filled up a lot of horror routines.

Feed him that this copy is nothing more than grievances. Does it involve anything like studying mental power ...

There is still a lot of information in the personal terminal, but these materials require a password to view, but Shao Ci has no idea what the password is.

Shao Ci: "...!" This is not as good as a diary whose key places have been erased! And since it's so high-tech, can't it automatically sense who the owner is to unlock it? !!

It's irrelevant to set up a plot with this kind of plot, Shao sighed, and suddenly thought in his heart, what would happen if he left now ... Although the main task is so specified ...

Shao Ci stood up and walked directly toward the door, but heard the prompt of the game system the moment he touched the door.

[If going out now will cause the main line to fail, the player will be teleported directly. 】

"Ah ... it really is like that." Think about it and know that it is impossible to leave.

Shao Ci bit his lower lip. He finally came to this copy. How could he meet Jiang Qinghan for a mission before leaving?

Shao Ci turned and came to the child, and suddenly found something tied around his neck.

However, as soon as Shao Ci passed by, the other party shrank a bit scared. Shao Ci had to say softly: "I just want to look at that thing and won't do anything."

Wait, this line obviously looks more like a bad guy, okay?

Although the other party was scared, he nodded.

Shao Ci reached out and picked it up, and found that it was written on it, number x-3271.

Hey, is this really good? It seems that the original owner and the other party are not really father and son. They just called it so as not to attract attention ...

Shao Ci reached out and took his hand, and said, "... Do you have a name?"

The other looked at Shao Ci with a little confusion, then shook his head gently.

Sure enough, Shao Ci knew about it, now that he may have to stay with the child for a long time, he still has a name to call it a little, he said: "Then I call you ... "

Shao Ci found that he still wouldn't be named, so he took out a personal terminal and searched the Internet for any good names, and chose a name that sounded good.

"Then I'll call you Xavier." Shao felt a guilty conscience when he said so.

The child seemed unconcerned, holding the doll in his arms, and looked at him with a little surprise on his face.

So the matter of the name was decided.

When Shao Ci was relieved, he heard the sound of the system.

[Start the side mission: let ‘he’ be full. 】

Almost the next moment he heard the system prompt, Xavier looked up at Shao Ci and whispered, "Daddy ... I'm hungry."

This task is really like being a dad. If he hadn't played two copies before Shao Ci, he thought he was playing another game now ...

But can such a simple matter also serve as a branch line? This task must not be so simple. What if Xavier needs something other than ordinary food?

While Shao Ci was thinking, he suddenly felt a pain in his fingertips.

Shao Ci turned his head and saw that Xavier was biting his fingertips, sucking the blood in it.

When the other party did this kind of thing, the pain of Shao Ci's fingertips had mostly disappeared. Instead, it was a kind of crispy feeling, with a slight sense of pleasure, making people's bodies suddenly softened.

Wait, what is this ghost setting ... Is it for the sake of sucking blood, not to let the prey struggle?

Shao Ci shrank his hand back like an electric shock and quickly healed his wound with a healing power.

Xavier seemed to have just reacted, clutching the ragdoll in his arms timidly, his eyes glowed with water.

Shao Ci: "... alas." Did the original owner often do this kind of thing before ... Is the other party scared by him like this?

Shao Ci would feel terrible if he went on like this. It is better to take Xavier to eat something first, and then he said carefully: "Okay, don't worry about the previous things, let's go eat now."

The other nodded, holding Shao Ci's hand.

Shao Ci pulled Xavier out, but this time he didn't prompt him to go out.

This spaceship is quite large, with a lot of entertainment facilities, where many rich people come to enjoy. It is said that there are many entertainments that are not allowed in the empire. It can be said that as long as you have money, you can do anything.

Of course, Shao Ci did not spend this time to consume, he still remembers to make a copy of it ... By the time it was half played, it would be funny to eat lunch.

Damn, if it weren't for the setting of this world's fan, he must now be playing games every day.

It is also because the spaceship is too big. Although Shao Ci knew that Jiang Qinghan was in the room at first, he couldn't find it ... It was too much trouble.

Following the instructions on the personal terminal, the two came to the location of a restaurant closest to the previous room.

Xavier took Shao Ci's hand carefully along the way. If he saw someone else's words immediately next to Shao Ci, he did not dare to look up. He looked very introverted.

This restaurant is very luxuriously decorated, with transparent glass on one side, which can clearly see the scene outside the spacecraft, melodious music echoing in it, and a huge glass water tank in the center, where many fish are swimming. With.

These fish Shao Ci have never seen before, they are very beautiful, the scales on them are like gems.

Speaking of which, the copy of the game is very powerful, no matter where it is, it really looks like it really exists in the reality, and even the details are done in detail. It would be perfect if it weren't for this type.

Shao Ci thought of setting it a bit before. Now his face has a mosaic in the eyes of other players. If it is seen by other players, he will immediately know that he is also a player. In this case, bringing a child will obviously cause others. Attention.

At that time, it will cause very troublesome things. Maybe it will develop into a situation where it is hands-on with other players.

Shao Ci still didn't want this to happen, so he chose a very remote place to sit down.

The menu suddenly appeared on the transparent tabletop, and you can see the holographic projection of the dish after selecting the dish.

In reality, Shao Ci has been eating nutritional supplements for several days. Even after returning to Shao ’s family, he has not eaten anything good ... Now seeing these foods, Shao Ci is touched for a while, this is a virtual game What's the coolest place? Even in the real world, you can enjoy food in the game!

However, Shao Ci still remembered his mission, looking at Xavier sitting beside him, "What do you like to eat?"

Xavier shook his head in his seat, as if not interested.

Shao Ci casually ordered a few foods that the children loved to eat, and then ordered a large table of food, and spent most of the original coin on the original owner.

Anyway, it's just a virtual copy.

Soon the food was delivered, Shao Ci took a sip of excitement, and found nothing tasted.

Shao Ci: "?????"

He just boasted about the meticulousness of this game. Now how can I be lazy in such a critical place! !!

Then Shao thought of it, the food in this game seemed to be bought for money ... Under such circumstances, of course, it would not be good for the players to eat for free, it is simply a junk game!

Shao Ci, who was still so excited, suddenly became indifferent, only to find that Xavier next to him was carefully watching the food in front of him, but he did not dare to reach out his hand.

Shao Ci used a spoon to put food in front of him, and said, "Come, ah ..."

Xavier opened his mouth cautiously, including food in his mouth as if facing something extremely difficult, but then his eyes brightened.

It seems that NPC can still feel the taste of food, and Xavier can also eat human food, Shao Ci was relieved.

Shao Ci thought so and fed Xavier a few more sips, then simply held him in his arms in order to save trouble.

Xavier's body stiffened for a moment, then he was immersed in the deliciousness of the food, his eyes gleaming.

When Shao Ci came to his senses, Xavier had eaten the entire table.

Shao Ci: "..." This is definitely not what human children can eat ... Although it should have been known for a long time.

Xavier turned to look at Shao Ci, and whispered, "I'm still ... a little hungry."

Shao Ci: "...?!" After so much food, can't you eat enough ...

But if you continue to stay here, it will definitely attract the attention of others ... If something happens to Xavier, his main line fails and he will be sent directly to the game.

It seems to be another place to eat, Shao said, "Let's go to another place to eat, how about it?"

Xavier nodded, took the initiative to hold Shao Ci's hand, and then lowered his head as if embarrassed.

Shao Ci was sprung up in an instant, if only his son would be so cute.

Although I don't know how many years he will be able to get married under such circumstances, he also seems to have some problems with his sexual orientation ...

"Come." Shao Ci pulled Xavier out.

When walking to a remote place, he suddenly found something wrong and stopped Xavier behind him.

A person walks out directly from the side. This is a humble young man who looks very ordinary, and the one who is subconsciously placed in the crowd will ignore it.

Shao Ci: "..." Damn, it seems that this person is too ordinary, so he didn't notice it just now.

"Hello." The young man greeted Shao Ci enthusiastically, but his eyes continued to look at the child in Shao Ci's arms, with only a few points, "You are also a player, what is this child?"

If the players say something that is related to the outside world, npc will automatically ignore it, or understand it as something else, so these players are relatively unscrupulous and say everything directly.

But after the boss thing in the last world, Shao Ci felt that it was still quite unsafe ... but he couldn't stop others from saying anything.

"This is just an ordinary npc." Shao Ci said arrogantly.

"Do you think I will believe it?" The young man looked cold, took out a knife, and slashed away in the direction of Xavier.

Shao Ci quickly stepped forward and grabbed the opponent's arm to block the blow. His wrist was accidentally cut, and he didn't care. He quickly took out his own knife and Shen said, "What are you going to do?"

"I'm just tempting." The young man sneered, "It's just an npc. Don't you think it's strange that you want to protect it this way? What are you hiding?"

"I don't need to tell you," Shao said. "And even if it's npc, he's just a child."

"Since you have to protect him, don't blame me for being rude." The youth's expression suddenly became fierce.

Sometimes the copy will also encounter such a plot to fight other players, after all, not all players in the copy are the same faction.

Shao Ci is very calm, he is not good at solving mysteries and ghosts, but he is afraid of what is hit, and after going through so many worlds, he will be afraid that such a passerby ’s face will be cannon fodder. Role? !!

The two fought like this. Although Shao Ci was difficult to resist in the beginning because of Shao Ci's unskilledness, soon Shao Ci mastered his skills. After using his energy, he was able to find countless flaws in the opponent. Quickly prevailed.

There was something in the mind of that man. I did not expect that a dying person who had been embarrassed by a mosaic on his face like Shao Ci still had such strength. It was a mistake for a while.

And Shao Ci had the idea of ​​kicking the opponent directly out of the copy, otherwise it would be troublesome if this person told the other players ... the others were nothing, Jiang Qinghan's words would be terrible.

Originally, Shao Ci just quit with the intention to complete the task, but he was a bit reassured by the child.

"Huh." The person who was suppressed by Shao Ci hummed coldly. The next moment, Shao Ci felt that his body could not move.

Shao Ci: "...!" Wocao still has such a powerful skill? !!

"I was forced to use this skill, and it's a terrible thing for you." The man breathed a sigh of relief and sneered: "Although I can only make the other party temporarily unable to move, but this time is enough for me to solve this child . "

As long as the guy is solved, he can get a lot of points even if he can't clear the customs, then it doesn't matter if he is dead.

Shao Ci was a little surprised that the other party didn't directly act on himself. Later, he wanted to have such a skill against the sky. There is a limit to this skill, and it is estimated that the opponent can't shoot when he can't move.

"Hum, do you think I dare come here alone without being sure?" The man sneered and walked straight to Xavier's face.

Shao Cixin was about to jump out of his throat, but he was very clear. Although Xavier didn't seem to be human, he was no different from an ordinary child, even thinner than other children. This will definitely be over.

Xavier hugged the doll and lowered his head, as if scared, without moving.

The young man sneered, reached out with a knife and stabbed in the direction of Xavier.

The next moment, his expression was frozen, and he suddenly made a scream with panic. His hand was cut directly by the intangible object, and fell directly to the ground. The knife fell on the ground and sent out. A crisp sound.

Then a black mist emerged from the wound, and the broken hand was swallowed up immediately.

All this is not over, and the black mist continues to spread from the wound of his wrist ... The young man looked at the thin child in horror in horror, and there was no contempt before.

Xavier looked up, and those dark eyes fixedly looked at the young man. There was no expression on his face, but the exquisite face looked more and more frightening.

Looking at these eyes, the fear that came from nowhere suddenly surged into the man's heart, "You ... you monster ..."

After finishing this sentence, his body was completely swallowed by the black mist. After the black mist dissipated, the knife on the ground also turned into light and disappeared. This person was probably teleported out of the game.

Shao Ci was still in a state where he could not move, but there was no less shock in his heart than where the young man went.

He always thought that although Xavier didn't seem to be human, it was actually similar to ordinary children. It was estimated that it was not the villain boss but some key npc. What was the result just now? Shao Ci suddenly felt that he might have been Passed countless times with death.

Xavier slowly walked up holding the ragdoll and saw that Shao Ci did not want to hold him, and his expression was a bit grieved.

The next moment, Shao's speech was finally able to move. He took a deep breath before returning to his normal mood, and asked, "Is it all right? Have you been hurt?"

Even if the opponent is really a boss of the villain, there is nothing he can do. Now he shoulders the responsibility to protect the opponent ... Although it seems from the value of force, it is not clear whether he is protecting the opponent or the other is protecting him.

"Dad, I'm hungry again ..." Xavier's face paled a little after what had just happened.

Shao Ci estimated that using that kind of power would consume his physical strength, and he said, "It doesn't matter, now we go to the restaurant ..."

Xavier gently held Shao Ci's hand, lowered his head and licked the blood on the wound of Shao Ci's wrist that had just stopped the young man's attack. A pale flush appeared on the pale cheeks.

Strange feelings came from the wound. Shao Ci's face turned red and white, but he just put up with it.

After licking the blood on each other's lips, the wound recovered quickly, leaving only a white mark. Shao Ci was a little surprised ... but it was also good, lest he always use the power and then find something wrong.

Xavier got directly into Shao Ci's arms and whispered, "Daddy ... so sweet ..."

Shao speech: "!" Hey, don't say such lines, it's a bit of a ghost!

He hugged Shao Ci, his eyes darkened a bit, "I like Dad the most ..."

Read The Duke's Passion