MTL - Befriending The Most Powerful Person-Chapter 125 Another World (9)

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"Are you all right?" A soft voice sounded.

At the moment when he heard the voice, Shao Ci only felt drowsy, raised his head to look, saw the person in front of him, and said in surprise: "Wendall ...?"

The handsome young man with blond hair and blue eyes who was half-kneeling in front of him was undoubtedly Wendel.

But that's not right, obviously this place is ... eh? What is this place

Shao Ci suddenly couldn't remember anything.

"I just left for a while, how could you hurt like this?" Wendell frowned, lifted Shao Ci from the ground, and put it on the side chair.

Shao Ci looked down stupidly, and saw Wendel's body covered with blood, and he was startled, "You are, why did you suffer such a serious injury?"

Is there such a powerful monster?

Shao Ci quickly reached out to support the other side. Although there was a little doubt in his heart, it soon disappeared, as if it was forcibly ignored by some external factors.

Wendell sat directly beside him, reaching out and holding Shao's hand, "My injury is fine, as long as you are fine." When he lowered his head, there seemed to be a tricky light in his eyes.

Shao Ci didn't notice it at all, and said, "It's not the way to go for this injury. Let me treat it."

He has learned healing in the temple in name, and he is not afraid of using this power to be perceived as wrong.

"Tough work for you." Wendell reached out and touched Shaoyan's hair.

Everything seems to be the same as before, nothing strange.

Shao Ci pressed his hand against the wound on the other side's abdomen, and sent the power into the other's body. The original scary wound was restored in no time.

But Wendell suddenly froze, as if he had known him for the first time, and looked at Shao Ci several times.

"What's wrong? Is the injury still okay?" Shao Ci was the first time he saw such a situation that his power could not solve.

……strange? It seems that from the beginning, there is something particularly strange. What is something he didn't notice?

"It's okay." Wendell smiled, looked at Shao Ci's fuzzy feet with distress, and said, "You are now worried about it. The wound on the foot is so serious. Why not treat yourself first? What about? "

"Of course that's because my abilities can't ... eh?" Shao Ci froze, obviously his ability was limited before, but why did he just use it.

He tried to heal the wounds on the soles of his feet with powers, but the powers seemed to have disappeared.

When Shao Ci was shocked, Wendell squatted down, washed the wound on Shao Ci's feet with clean water, and then wrapped it with a clean cloth. Then he said gently, "It doesn't matter. It will soon heal. "

"Um." Shao Ci nodded absently, then took a few steps back and whispered, "Thank you ... but you are not Wendel."

The other person looked at it with some worry, and said, "It seems you are too tired, and you should take a good rest."

"No." Shao took a deep breath, and said positively, "I can feel it, you are not him."

At the beginning, Shao Ci couldn't detect the wrong place, but after all, Shao Ci's mental strength was high, coupled with some subtle things in this place, as well as those things that were forcibly ignored, he soon realized that Here is the dream.

And this "Wendell" that suddenly appeared in the dream, although he has already imitated it very much, there are still some similarities.

The other party heard Shao Ci's words, smiled low, then raised his head, the surrounding scene instantly darkened, several monsters crawled out from the side, they looked ugly like a pet, lying on their feet.

The people in front of Shao Ci have changed their looks.

It was a young man with dark hair and blood-like eyes. He looked very beautiful but did not look feminine. He was looking at Shao Ci with a playful look, and reached out and directly raised Shao's chin. Covered up, but did not expect to be discovered by you so soon, should you really be brave? "

The sound of the system rang immediately.

[嘀嘀 嘀 ... A character with a higher force value was detected ... According to the rules of the system, the replacement of the Raiders was started ... The replacement is completed. The current Raiders is Ewings. 】


Shao Ci: "..." This should not be the race name of any monster, but his own name? Looks amazing ...

[At the same time, this is also the second monster to be purified by the host. The race is a nightmare. Please come on. 】

Nightmare ... Shao Ci started to understand a little bit about what happened in the city before.

Nightmare this kind of monster was a relatively weak kind in the past, but it can make people have nightmares and then absorb their small amount of soul power.

However, under the infection of the devil's magic, the nightmare is now several times stronger than before. Many people can be killed by dreams alone, and swallowing the human soul can make them stronger.

It's just that at the same time, the number of nightmares has been reduced a lot, and now each one is extremely rare.

And because this kind of monster has no entity, it is also the most difficult to deal with. It has never appeared in the original ...

Shao Ci: "Wow!" He encountered such a terrible existence only slightly deviating from the original, and it is impossible to say that the relationship without the will of the world is in it! Hey, when will he be out of luck?

In this way, it seems that the problems in Langton City are not caused by the external monsters, but are caused by the nightmare existing here. No wonder those ordinary people will become vegetative ... Think about it and know how a scorpion monster can do this. To the point!

"You, what do you want to do, and want me to sleep like this forever?" Shao Ci sank.

Although he used the power before, he didn't know if it could be achieved. After all, these monsters didn't feel like the objects to get along with. In a place where his mental power is limited, can he not fight against this monster? You know, one accident is the end of eating bento.

"It's really smart, Master Brave." Ewings squeezed Shao's chin tightly, his eyes filled with coldness, but he smiled and said, "After all, what kind of bravery? Such a ridiculous existence, just looking at it, I feel It's annoying. Now that I'm in my realm, of course I can't just let you leave easily, don't I? "

"Well." Shao Ci's face suddenly became ugly. "So why did you pretend to be Wendel?"

"Of course, it is interesting to watch the brave being killed by someone he trusts." Ewings said with interest: "What's more, the painful and struggling soul is even more delicious."

Shao Ci's expression was distorted for a while. "..." Ah, this is the pervert he is not good at dealing with!

"But now, I want to give you a chance. If you can find where my body is, I won't kill you." Ewings suddenly said: "But if you lose, you want to be My servant. What a tempting offer. "

What a tempting ghost! Fools know that things are definitely not that simple!

However, this is already very difficult. Shao Ci knows that he must have used the power to brush the other side a little bit, and the other side just let him go. Otherwise, now it is not a test, but a direct battle between life and death.

Ewings added: "Of course, you have no right to refuse."

His words fell, everything around him changed, and the two appeared directly outside a palace.

Shao Ci of this palace has never been seen, and it is obviously not a building existing in Langton City, full of quaint and solemn atmosphere. Shao Ci speculates that it may be the capital of a certain country.

At this time, a ball was being held in the banquet hall, and music could be heard from it.

"'I' exists here," Ewings said, and pulled Shao into it.

Shao Ci followed him into the banquet hall. There were at least dozens of people in front of him. Everyone looked so real. Some were dancing and some were eating food. They completely ignored the two who just came. Seems like they didn't notice them.

"Come on," Ewings said. "As long as I find out my body before I get bored?"

Shao Ci: "..." Although there is no specified time, isn't this more troublesome? !! Who knows how much patience Ewings has ...

Is there any way he can use his mental power now ... Wait, wait, Shao Ci tried to exert his mental power, but he actually used it.

Shao Ci: "...!" What's going on here, hey, what's fair for the other party? And lifted his mental control?

This is indeed what this kind of person would do.

However, Shao Ci had another idea in connection with the previous use of abilities.

Does it mean that in this dream, you can use the power of the power as long as you touch the body of the opponent? Well, think of it first.

Shao Ci closed his eyes and explored the whole castle with his mental strength, but even then, he couldn't find out who was wrong. It would be better to say that ... everyone here has a weird atmosphere, there is no way to find out more weird. .

"This is really troublesome." Shao Ci's original confidence suddenly disappeared.

Obviously, the mental strength should be able to easily find out what is wrong, and it could be done in the virtual world before ... but he couldn't do it here.

Is it precisely because of this that the other party allowed him to use mental power?

Shao Ci walked blankly in the banquet hall, but the dark-haired young man holding his hand did not let go, as if determined that he would never be found. He followed leisurely and looked at Shao with interest. Resigned expression, as if you can have fun.

Shao Ci's scalp was numb with the eyes he looked at. He looked at the face of a dancing man next to him, and suddenly he froze.

"Wait, because it's a nightmare relationship, I always thought it was my dream." Shao Ci suddenly realized something, "But no, my dream can't be so complete ... even if the other party is more powerful, it can't be so Real dreams. "

And if you look closely, these dancing people really don't look like aristocracy.

Shao Ci suddenly hurried over and grabbed the hand of a person next to him to see that it was all cocoons. If it was a real aristocrat, it would never be possible to have such a long-term calluse.

"Here, not my dream ..."

"Yes," Ewings said, "I didn't expect you to find out. This is really not your dream, but the dream of everyone in the city?"

Suddenly, Ewings leaned in and leaned close to Shao Ci, holding down Shao Ci's chin with his hand, and let him look aside.

"Look at these civilians, it is very difficult to live normally. Every day you work hard, and most of the money you earn will be turned over to the nobles. What is the meaning of this kind of life?"

Shao Ci: "What do you want to say ..."

"And me, let everyone come here, and never have to worry about other things again, can everyone live a happy life, don't they?" Ewings smiled and said, "As long as this place , You can enjoy daily enjoyment without any worries, so no one wants to leave. "

Shao Ci couldn't help but want to refute him, "but they will not be able to bear it in the real body ... so that they have been in a coma, and sooner or later they will weaken and die, and they also have relatives and friends."

"So what?" Ewings said calmly: "Human beings are like this, as long as they live a happy life in front of them, where do they care about the future? As for relatives and friends, as long as they don't think about it Now. "

"Well ..." For a while, Shao expressed his resentment that he wasn't a young man, or he could definitely come up with the words of Ewings instead of being stopped here by him all the time ... What's wrong but can't think of refutation!

Obviously just a villain, he actually said that he was doing something to benefit humanity.

"You can stay, too?" Ewings' words seemed to have a deceptive power. "As long as you stay here, you can get whatever you want, and you don't have to go to the hard work of killing demons. Do n’t have to be ridiculed by the high-footed knights, would n’t it be nice? ”

"How could I stay!" If Shao Ci could not stay in this world, he might think about it, but now he is very determined!

The thought of the last world seems to have this kind of thought, Shao Ci felt cold sweat for a while, it seems that what is systemic is his last exercise ...

"You don't have to refuse so firmly?" Ewings said, "Others stay, and what they want to contribute is their soul ... but if it is you, I can keep your soul here forever."

This statement is indeed very tempting. Any human being will probably hesitate after hearing it. After all, no one does not want eternal life.

It was just Shao Ci, for the reasons mentioned above, he refused even thinking.

Although it is not possible to sign a master-slave contract with the other party, it will not be possible, but this will become a very troublesome development. You can go wherever you want to go.

In short, Shao Ci began to search in the crowd seriously ... What he was looking for was no calluses in his hand.

Although the reason is nonsense, now you can only use this stupid method to find the **** nightmare ontology!

But it ’s really scary. In the past six months, there have been so many people in the city unconscious. If it continues like this, it will be possible that the whole city will be finished one day.

And this nightmare was obviously very cunning, and it was only from civilians that it delayed things for so long. If it weren't for this time, he couldn't help but fight for himself with the name of a brave man, maybe he could drag it on for another year and a half.

"Ah, I'm a little impatient," said the dark-haired young man with a gorgeous face. "Master, have you found my own body?"

--of course not.

"It doesn't seem to be." Ewings let go of his hand and looked at Shao Ci with a smile. His eyes looked like a beautiful ruby ​​in ordinary times. "Then give you another chance at last. "

His shape disappeared immediately, while those around him who were doing their own things seemed to have been manipulated, looked at Shao Ci with extremely fierce eyes, and suddenly squeezed over to him . The whole picture is as horrible as a zombie tide.

"As long as you can find my place before being caught by these people, the previous agreement will still count, Lord Brave." The other party emphasized the last four words, obviously with a bit of irony.

"Shit!" Shao Ci has no time now to care about the demon's sarcasm or sarcasm. Looking at so many people, he is almost okay. He turned around quickly and ran quickly towards a few people Go, and from time to time, to avoid the attacks of people in front.

It would be miserable to be caught by that group of people! This nightmare will definitely wait for him to get a half-dead before coming out to save him ... No, it's not clear if it will be saved! !!

And he couldn't do it casually. If he did, the other person died completely because of this. It would be bad to think about such things.

I was almost caught by these lunatic guys a few times, and Shao Ci felt that the wounds on his feet began to hurt again ... he hadn't healed before, and now he has to run again. If this is the case, he may be disabled.

"Abominable ..." Shao Ci was chased by the crowd to the stairs, where he had no choice but to run up, panting heavily, feeling like he couldn't hold it any longer.

Shao Ci ran hard to the highest point. There were no stairs going up. He could only walk to the balcony next to him. From here he could see the scene outside.

Looking at it here, there is only a darkened city of Langton below. No matter how you look at it, it looks exactly like the outside world, but there is no trace of anger. And farther away is the place covered by clouds, and it is completely unclear what will be there.

Shao Ci suddenly thought of something, reached out and pressed his hand against the wall next to him, and said loudly, "I know! I know where your body is! Come on out!"

"Oh?" It sounded from the void with a icy voice, making it impossible to guess exactly where it came from, "You know what?"

Shao Ci gritted his teeth. "Yes, since it is a nightmare, of course, it is of no substance ... So, this whole dream is your body."

"I didn't expect it to have been guessed by you." But the other person's voice was not a bit surprised, and the gorgeous young man with dark hair and red eyes appeared in front of Shao Ci, "but I never said my identity?"

Shao Ci: "... this and this kind of things can be easily guessed." What he said was very guilty, after all, it was based on the help of the system ... Otherwise, in this era, not many people knew about nightmares. This monster.

"Really?" Ewings smiled. "Then I'll let you go this time, Master Brave."

His words fell, and people who rushed to the balcony like zombies instantly returned to normal, and went downstairs like no one else.

In fact, Shao Ci felt that ... Where is this special place to come to enjoy in the dreamland? I don't think I have any consciousness anymore.

"However, everything will not end so soon." Ewings said, and wanted to leave, at the same time, the color of the surrounding dreams also faded.

Obviously what he said is true, this time to let Shao Ci leave.

At this time when Ewings should have been sent away happily, Shao Ci grabbed each other's clothes.

"Oh? Do you have anything to say?"

"I have nothing to say, I just have something to do." Shao Ci's face was a lot ugly.

Even today, he is not able to bear the daily tasks given by the system ...

"If you want to do it to me, then--"

Before the other party finished speaking, Shao Ci grabbed Ewings' placket, stomped his feet together, and kissed him directly on his lips.

That's right, this daily mission is to kiss others ... Shao Ci thinks that just to purify is also something to contact, in fact, it is just right.

It's just that compared to Siren, who seems to know nothing, kissing Snake like Ewings makes people several times more stressed.

Ewings froze, and his fair white ears were red for a while, but the light was dim and the hair was hidden, no one could detect it at all.

Shao Ci seemed to be very reluctant to the other party, and kissed for a few seconds before he let loose.

After letting go, Shao Ci's face turned red, and he took several steps back as if ashamed.

In fact, the longer the kiss, the more purification ... Otherwise, Shao Ci would not do such terrible things, it is like a pervert.

"I didn't expect Lord Brave to be such a enthusiastic person. It really surprised me." After Ewings reacted, he smiled immediately, reached out and raised Shao's chin, his red eyes looked straight. Shao Ci, "Then I can't be rude, right?"

"!?" Shao said: "No, actually I ..."

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