MTL - Befriending The Most Powerful Person-Chapter 135 Another World (19th)

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[Because the horn on the devil's head is like the wings of the heavenly clan in the world before, it is a very sensitive part, and only close people can touch it. 】

Shao speech: "!" Hello? !! What a weakness ... Well, this is indeed a weakness, but it's different from what he thought!

[Also, it seems that the act of directly touching the opponent's corner will be regarded as a marriage proposal among the demons. 】

Shao Ci: "???" What?

Then the system passed the corresponding data to Shao Ci's mind. After all, the Devil is a very weak and strong race. If they see anyone, they will be robbed directly.

And the ordinary Devil will try to avoid being touched by the other side of the horns ... If it is really touched, it can be said to be a great shame, if the strength is not as good as the other side, they must forcibly marry the other side.

In short, Shao Ci's behavior is probably similar to human sexual harassment.

Shao Ci looked up again and looked at his hand, "..."

He actually, when not paying attention, sexually harassed the devil who is the ultimate villain boss ...

What the **** to say! This is simply to die! !! No wonder the original work pointed out this weakness, but Wendell never used it. He absolutely knew it! !!

Shao Ci felt that 80% of himself was over, and he would definitely be killed the next moment. Although it is said that healing power can brush non-human favorability, the possession state of the devil is not the same. I don't know whether it is the favor of the Holy Tree Spirit or his favor!

But the devil looked up, and the strange, strange-colored pupil looked at Shao Ci coldly, just because the pale red on his face had not faded, but he seemed less murderous than before, "You are the first I have ever seen Someone who dares to do such a thing. "

Shao Ci: "Huh ..." Others estimate that they can't die before they meet the Demon King's side.

Speaking of this time, he was able to succeed, or because the other person really looked down on him, but because he was provoked, he wanted to slowly kill him up close ... The result was successful. Is this lucky or unfortunate? !!

The next moment, the murderous spirit of the demon king seemed to become more intense.

Shao Ci closed his eyes tightly, only to die.

"I need to think again."

Consider, what to consider?

Shao Ci did not respond for a long time, opened his eyes, and saw that the devil's body had turned into a mist and dissipated—the possession was over.

"Don't ..." Shao Ci was surprised by his own thoughts. "Is he really thinking about whether he would agree to my proposal ?!"

This heartbroken man never put his life in his eyes. The ultimate goal is to destroy the villain boss of the entire continent. He actually left because he was thinking whether he would agree to his proposal. That's it!

This is really too magical. Shao Ci simply wondered if he was dreaming. He felt that the image of the Devil in his heart was refreshed a little ...

Later, the surrounding vines spread out directly, Shao Ci fell to the ground, and looked up again. The spirit of the holy tree with pale green hair was leaning against the vine, it seemed very tired, eyes closed slightly.

It seems that the devil is really gone.

Shao Ci once again healed himself with his powers, and his body returned to normal after a while. After all, he was too hurt before ... fortunately, he had the power of healing, otherwise, he might not even be able to stand now.

"But will things really go so smoothly ..."

The devil ran like this, wouldn't he leave a trap for him?

So Shao Ci was very vigilant to support the defense magic and walked over there, but nothing happened along the way. Occasionally, a few vines still stained with magic attacked him, but this was against Shao Ci. Words do not constitute a threat at all.

In this way, he has come to the Spirit of the Holy Tree.

Shao Ci: "..." It was so smooth!

Shao Ci lowered his head and reached out to touch the Spirit of the Holy Tree, feeling that the magic on the other side is still as strong as before, and it will be impossible to purify at half past one. Even if he is willing to purify here for a few months, the outside The dark elves can't wait!

It seems to still use the least manner.

Shao Cishen said: "Sorry, but I also do this kind of thing to save the world ...!"

Seems to be sensing something, the Spirit of the Holy Tree opened his eyes, but this time was a pair of green eyes, extremely clear.

"You came."

Shao Ci's body suddenly became stiff. "..." He had wanted to take care of the incident while the other was unconscious. What happened to the other person when he suddenly woke up?

"So, that, it's really embarrassing that I didn't come to rescue you before." Shao Ci quickly said, and his hand, which was going to untie the other's clothes, quickly retracted.

"It's okay." The other person smiled softly. "After all, I beg you to be a strong man."

Is the spirit of the holy tree actually such a gentle person? Seeing so many vines before has also produced bad associations.

"But do you trust me like that?" Shao Ci said, "I am just a human, isn't it? What if I try to hurt you?"

"In that case, there is no other way." Holy Tree Spirit said: "Also, you have a special power in your body ... As a Holy Tree, I can also feel the share of all dark elves against you Feelings, you are definitely not that kind of person. "

"It was like this ..." Shao Ci was relieved, and it would be a lot of trouble if he hadn't brushed the elf's favor before.

Now that this is already the case, I don't think there is much to be done.

So Shao Ci broke his head and said, "In fact, I have a method that can completely purify you, but, but that method is a little ..."

"I know." Unexpectedly, Shao said so.

Shao speech: "Well?"

"I have a heritage memory anyway," said the Holy Tree Spirit. "I have heard about some people who have purified bodies."

Shao Ci: "..." It turned out that his plug-in was not randomly thought out by the system, or was there an example? !!

The next moment, the vine wrapped around him, Shao Ci looked up and was kissed gently on the cheek.

"As long as this is done, right?" The hands of the handsome young man with light green hair still gently touched Shao Ci's cheeks, but those vines had been tangled up.

Shao Ci: "...!" Ahhhhhhh yes, what is going on! Why did he feel like he was pitted again!

Although the process is a bit of a beast, the ending is still similar to that of Shao Ci. In short, one more monster has been purified.

When that relatively unharmonious thing was over, the magic energy was also quickly purified. At this time when it was supposed to be happy, Shao Ci seemed to hear the Holy Tree Spirit sigh gently.

It's like expressing regrets about something ... Those green eyes looked at Shao Ci with reluctance.

"Finally, I will give you a gift."

Shao Ci seemed to feel that the other party printed a kiss on his forehead, as if something warm had poured into his body.

Opening my eyes again, I found that I was still standing outside the holy tree ... Was it his spirit that had entered the tree before?

Cheering voices could be heard faintly behind him. Shao Ci took a closer look. The black on the tree had faded, and the huge crown had restored its green color.

It seemed to be expressing joy, and the colorful light dots fell from the leaves. When the light dots fell on the body, Shao Ci only felt that the spirit was refreshed, as if it had become the most perfect state in an instant.

The other dark elves are almost the same. They thought it was a death, but they had such an unexpected joy that they couldn't wait to kneel down and worship Shao.

The banquet, which was halfway through, was more lively, and when the dark elves didn't notice, Shao Ci, the protagonist of the banquet, had no idea when he had disappeared.

In the palace, the atmosphere was a lot more tense than outside.

"Do you really want to leave?" Iglesia glanced over with a complex look, his hands clenched secretly.

"Yes." Shao said, "The holy tree has now been purified. I don't think there will be any problems with the dark elves in a hundred years, and I should go."

"If ..." After Iglesia had spoken these two words, he never retained anyone, and never showed any kind of humanity to him, as if it was extremely difficult, then he spit out the words, "You stay Then, I can sign a contract with you and share half of your life ... so, do you still want to go? "

For Iglesia, this is the first time he has tried to say such soft words to whom.

If I changed to any other human being, I'd be tangled and hesitated for a long time after hearing Iglesia's words.

As we all know, the life of dark elves is extremely long. Human beings are too powerful to live only two or three hundred years old, and the most common dark elves have a life span of five to six hundred years.

What's more, it was such a beautiful Dark Elf King who raised this sentence that it was impossible for an individual to refuse.

"I'm sorry," Shao said without hesitation. "I still have what I should do and can't stay here."

Iglesia's expression faded for a moment, and then he returned to his indifference. "I just want to be gracious. You don't need to apologize, you refused to lose this thing."

Shao Ci was relieved. He didn't know that Iglesia had a good opinion, but of course he couldn't make any reply.

Fortunately, Iglesia is a relatively normal person, who was rejected and gave up directly, otherwise there will be a lot of trouble.

In fact, Iglesia originally wanted to play in captivity, but after seeing that Shao Ci actually sacrificed himself for the Dark Elves, he could no longer do such a thing to force Shao Ci.

"However, if you regret it later, you can come back to me at any time," Iglea said, looking at the Dark Elf Guardian, "Get the fruit of the **** tree."

The fruit of the Shenmu is exactly the fruit of the sacred tree. It can grow up in one hundred years. Direct human consumption can improve physical fitness, enhance mental strength and magic affinity. There are also many benefits to other races, it can be said to be extremely precious.

Shao Ci looked at the crystal clear fruit in the box, and his heart was relieved. His purpose of coming here was finally completed!

Although a lot of accidents happened during the process, I met the mother who was beaten by the villain boss, and later sacrificed my own discipline to a tree ... but the ending is good!

"Then I will leave first." After all, Shao Ci created an image here and spoke a little bit more seriously.

"Do you want to stay a little longer?" Iglesia looked a little disappointed in his eyes, and then turned his head. "You are the hero who saved the holy tree now. Everyone likes you, so why not stay longer? How many days? "

Shao Ci actually wanted to stay, but the time was too tight, he shook his head, "I must go back now. And if I say farewell, it will destroy the current atmosphere, won't it?"

"Okay." Iglesia raised his head this time, facing Shao Ci, and said, "Our dark elves will be your friends forever. If you are in trouble, you are welcome to continue, we must be I will do my best to help you. "



In this way, Shao Ci left the Dark Elves from the teleportation formation. Iglesia specifically asked the Dark Elf Guard to **** him away, but Iglesia himself seemed to be in a bad mood and went straight to the dormitory.

When teleported to the outside world, the Dark Elf Guardian pointed out the direction, finally bowed deeply, and turned back.

"Master Brave, is the matter finally resolved?" Ewings quietly appeared beside Shao Ci, "I was completely shielded from my perception before, and I don't know what happened."

"The matter is completely resolved." Shao nodded and nodded. "It was a bit of trouble in the middle and it should be all right."

It must be like the villain boss of the devil, and it is not so casual to possess. The holy spirit of the holy tree is not everywhere, and he can rest assured for a long time.

Then, the relaxed Shao Ci looked at the trail covered with weeds and bushes, which could not be called a road at all.

He forgot ... he alone can't do things like crossing the forest, okay!

I knew it wasn't so pretending, so wait for those of the mercenary group to come back together!


Shao Ci had to look at Ewings aside for help, "Trouble you ..."

"As long as Lord Brave needs it, I'll be happy to help you." Ewings smiled slightly, then raised Shao Ci to his back, and hurriedly moved in one direction.

"... Actually, I mean to carry it on my back!" Shao Ci said.

Ewings said, "It's too late?"

Shao Ci thought that Ewings must have been deliberate, "Forget it ... just be happy."

After a long day of exhaustion, and Ewings' arms are quite stable, there is no need to worry about any danger (other monsters have scared away the breath of this higher-level monster far away), Shao unknowingly Asleep in his arms.

Looking at the sleeping Shao Ci, Ewings's mouth evoked a radian, and that gorgeous face had a rare kind of tenderness, "Have a good rest, Master Brave."

You will have a good dream.


Soon, Shao Ci returned to the Holy Capital.

Of course, he didn't come back here as hard as he did when he went away.

After getting the items needed for the mission, there is no need to conceal his identity any more. Shao Ci indicated his identity as a brave man, and immediately shocked a large group of people in the mercenary association.

The members of the First Mercenary Group were even more shocked. They finally understood why Shao Ci was so terrible. Unfortunately, they had held such prejudice before. They had once humiliated the brave so much. Thanks.

And when people in this remote town knew about the changes in the Dark Elf City, they felt less shocked than before. After all, that is the brave chosen by God.

Then, as the grandfather's son, Shao Ci brain powder, Shao Ci immediately sent the best carriage to **** Shao Ci back to the holy capital. If it wasn't for his family, he is said to want to go straight to be a priest.

The speed of this return is almost several times faster than the speed of going.



"Yes, this is indeed the fruit of the magic tree." The young pope with long silver hair and perfect looks looked at the wooden box in his hand, looked at Shao Ci in front of him, and said blankly: "Brave, congratulations, finish The first task. "

The eyes of people around him looked even more reverent. What happened in the Kent Mountains where the dark elves were located was probably clear, and they felt that Shao was indeed a very good brave.

Shao Ci said: "Excuse me, is there any news about Wendel now?" To him, what is more important than this task is Wendel!

The young pope's eyes were cold, but no one noticed that he spoke in the same tone as usual, "You don't need to care about this."

Shao Ci bowed his head silently, and it seemed that Wendel had not been caught like this, as long as Wendel was okay now.

"You're tired after completing the first task. Take a good rest tonight." The other party's voice suddenly softened a lot.

Shao Ci was a little surprised. When he looked up, he saw that the pope was still indifferent, as if what he had heard before was his own illusion.

After Shao Ci rested in the Holy City for a few more days, the Pope then said the content of the second task.

It is to obtain the essence of water in Ruth Lake, which is said to inhabit extremely powerful water fairy.

Shao Ci, who knew the plot of the original text, successfully obtained the essence of water in just a few days. After all, this method was only copied from the original text, and there was no difficulty at all.

And that water fairy is not infected by magic gas at all, so it has not become the target of the strategy.

When there is no monster purification, Shao Ci's Raiders target is temporarily determined as Ewings with the highest military value around him.

The task was completed for the second time, and it was done so smoothly. The eyes of everyone looking at Shao Ci became softer, and those who did not like him completely changed their attitude.

After completing these two tasks, Shao Ci was given an opportunity to inherit. This is said to be the legacy of the first brave man, who was also the strongest man on the mainland at the time, but was ultimately defeated in the hands of the demon king.

It was only when he died that he also severely damaged the demon king. Otherwise, the continent would have been occupied by the demon king.

This inheritance is left by the brave with his last strength. It is said that it is about the memory of the demon king, which can make people understand something about the devil's moves.

Shao Ci was tangled. This inheritance should have been for Wendel, but now there is no way to get Wendel back ... Anyway, I just look at the memory or something, it should not affect the ending.

With all kinds of complicated moods, Shao Ci walked into the hall in this way.

At this point the Pope was already waiting inside. He changed his complicated clothes, only wearing a white coat, and stood there quietly. Anyone who saw him could not contact this cool beautiful boy to the position of the Pope.

After seeing the environment inside the hall, Shao Ci opened his eyes suddenly.

He feels familiar with this place, and Shao Ci is sure he has never been to this place.

What surprised him most was the crystal coffin in the center of the hall.

Shao Ci still remembers a dream long ago, and in the dream, he seemed to lie in a transparent coffin.

Is it true what the dream was to predict?

"You're here." The silver-haired pope over there looked up, gave Shao a slight glance, and said, "Do you care about the holy coffin?"

"Ah, yes, yes." Shao Ci thought that this was not nonsense. Anyone would be shocked to see a coffin in front of them.

"This is a sacred thing." The pope gently reached over the crystal coffin, "It is said that those who are beloved by God can have immortal bodies, and after they die, they lie in this sacred coffin and can be resurrected . "

Shao Ci: "... Lord Pope, this is just a legend? After all, you have never heard of any resurrection? There are so many brave men chosen by God."

"No, this is true." The faint tone of the silver-haired boy made him subconsciously believe his words. "Those people cannot be resurrected, just because they have not been placed in the sight of God ... even if they have been chosen by God. Whatever the brave is, it's just a tool. "

Shao speech: "!" Hello, is it really good for you to say that others are tools in front of a brave man? !!

At this time, the other party looked up at Shao Ci, and while being watched by the ice-blue eyes, Shao Ci felt that his mind was blank, and he had forgotten what he was about to say.

Those eyes, extremely cold, without a trace of emotion, did not look like humans at all. Let Shao subconsciously take a step back.

The silver-haired Pope didn't care about Shao's move at all, but slowly walked to him and said, "Now, you lie in the holy coffin. This is the first step to start the inheritance."

From the beginning, Shao Ci had a sense of resistance to this holy coffin. He always felt that something bad would happen if he approached. Because it is not very important in the original text, it is only a passing-through for this heritage, but this situation is not tolerable at the moment. He escaped.

Shao Ci took a deep breath and lay in the crystal coffin. The temperature around him seemed to drop a lot in an instant, and the sight in front of him was instantly distorted.

In between, he seemed to be attached to a person, using a first-person perspective to watch a terrible battle destined to fail.

The legendary devil is far more terrible and ruthless than when he appeared before him.



The silver-haired pope looked down at the person lying quietly in the crystal coffin, leaned down, and a very beautiful flower condensed with ice emerged in his hand, and placed it next to the other person's cheek.

The pair of ice-blue eyes reflected the other's face, he lowered his head slowly, and gently kissed Shao's forehead.

"Don't worry, only you ... is special."

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