MTL - Befriending The Most Powerful Person-Chapter 150 Another World (34)

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"Lord, Lord Lord ?!" The rest of the talents reacted to what just happened.

"No, how could the noble Lord Lord suddenly appear here? And it still seems to be with the lowly demons?"

"Wait, just now I seemed to see the black cat's body glow, and Lord Lord appeared afterwards ..."

Could it be said that the minds of all people could not help but emerge a speculation that would subvert their three views. Could there be any unexplainable relationship between the black cat and the Lord Lord? !!

The reason why the status of the black cat is so noble here is that Lord Freir also has a relationship, and the strongest pet is naturally the best.

As for Frere's cat ears, no one has ever contacted any Warcraft. After all, many demons are born with animal ears, and they can't change into other forms.

But now ... the crowd couldn't help but compare the cat's ears with that of the black cat.

The black-haired lord indifferently transformed an identical cat from his arms and held them in his arms.

Everyone was relieved. It turned out that the lord was not a cat, but that the light was too dazzling when he just used the teleportation magic, so that they didn't notice the place where the black cat was. How could a Demon race turn into a cat?

At this time, the face of Augus, who had fallen to the ground, was finally better, and he quickly got up. Of course, he did not dare to sit arrogantly in front of the lord, and then said respectfully: "I did not expect the Lord When he got on the cat, the villain gave it to the Lord Lord ... "

It is absolutely impossible for him to admit in front of the Lord Lord that he had just slandered that civilian. Anyway, the unpopular civilian is now fainted, not just what he wants to say.

Compared to other people, Augus did not consider whether the Lord Lord would become the kitten. He just thought it was Lord Lord who happened to visit the territory, and then ran into this scene.

As long as he flattered appropriately, maybe he could win the lord's blue eyes. Augus became more and more excited and seemed to have seen his glorious future. Only his men were pale and could not wait to run away.

"Oh?" Frehr said, "You said, this is your pet?"

"Yes, yes." Augus looked frankly. People like him never knew what his skin was.

"But it has the mark I left on it ..." Frere said lightly: "I was thinking about where the pet had gone, and followed the mark to find it like this ... As a result," he paused, cold His eyes turned to Augus, "Is it your pet?"

"No! No, Lord Lord ..." Augus turned pale, his legs were once again weak, and if he was not supported by his men, he would fall directly to the ground. Quickly said: "This is all, this is all this pariah deceived me!"

Other onlookers almost understood what was happening, and who didn't know what kind of person Augus was. And his nobles secretly rejoiced that he had not shot before, otherwise the person involved in this trouble is now himself.

Seems to find a reason, Augus's complexion improved a bit, and pushed things to Shao Ci, "It is this pariah who wants to sell a cat to a villain at a high price. The villain thinks how such a lowly person might Such a noble pet, so he wanted to scam him, but he didn't expect him to pass out ... "

Other people's hearts are full of contempt. What is this scam? It is clear that they want to rob.

But anyway, even the Lord Lord, it is impossible to punish the aristocracy for a civilian. It seems that the end of this matter is already obvious ... As for this civilian, he can only be regarded as his own bad luck.

Almost all of them thought so.

"Oh? Are you telling the truth?" Freyer raised an eyebrow.

"Of course it is!" Auggs said quickly.

"It's all here, do you still want to deceive me?" Frehr's expression immediately cooled down, and the powerful momentum made the surrounding ground faintly cracked, and of course, the first Augus was caught by that. The force directly knelt down on the ground.

"No villain!" Augus also tried to struggle, "How dare I deceive Lord Lord? It's really this dalit's fault!"

"I know exactly what happened." Freier reached out and touched the top of Shao Ci's hair next to him, his eyes were a bit gentle, and he said coldly, looking at Augus's eyes. What ants are looking at, "If you always admit it, it's OK. Now you are trying to deceive me. Are you ready to be punished?"

"Master Lord !?" Augus glanced over, his body shivering. "You want to punish me for such a pariah?"

"So what?" Freier said lightly, "I will never forgive anyone who deceives me."

Augus immediately remembered the past of those who angered the Lord, and he begged for mercy. "Master, I know I'm wrong! I shouldn't deceive you--"

Before the words were finished, a huge magic circle lit up from the air, and countless **** arrows appeared in the dark.

Augus' expression turned so pale that the others could not help exclaiming, "This is the highest level of magic, it is really powerful." "I didn't expect to see the Lord Lord use this trick today." "It was too lucky. Now. "

The crowd didn't care about Augus' mood at all, anyway, he usually behaved badly. Only Augus glared angrily at those around him, anxious to remember everyone's face, waiting for revenge later.

"Fall," Freier said casually.

Thousands of arrows fell quickly, all stabbed at Augus, almost to become a hedgehog. After the stabbing, these arrows disappeared in full, turning into dark lines throughout Augus's body.

Augus' screams rang almost throughout the square.

This is simply the most terrible punishment for advanced demons. These magic patterns will accompany their bodies for hundreds of years. During these centuries, they were unable to use advanced magic, and they were physically weak. Many things Nothing can be done, it can be said that it is like a waste.

Augus, who had fainted, was carried away by his men like a dead dog.

"Lord Lord, what should this civilian do?" His rushed men respectfully spoke.

Everyone felt that this civilian had offended Augus, and even Augus had been punished in this way. He couldn't possibly get it anyway.

After all, in the devil world, the status of the low-level demons is just like the ants on the ground. Even if the high-level demons kill as much as possible, others will complain that they have less labor.

What's more, Augus has been so miserable before Shao's killer is resigned. In this way, everyone feels that there should be something in Shao's safe and sound.

Frere looked at Shao Ci, who was still in a coma, with a softer expression, "brought back to the palace."

"Sir, this humble civilian will tarnish your place ..." The men next to him changed their faces.

"You want to find death?" Frehr turned and looked at them with a smile.

"Of course I don't dare." His men kneeled for mercy.

The rest of the crowd were stunned, and even the nobles were stunned.

This is fundamentally different from what they thought. Why does Lord Lord pay so much attention to a lower-level demons, and actually takes him into the palace-a place where many advanced demons cannot step on.

"During this time, he took good care of my pet." Frere touched the cat in his hand. "Of course I have to thank him well. You also have to respect him."

"Yes." The men nodded one after another, and when they looked at Shao Ci, their eyes were completely different from before, and they were carefully picked up and put into the carriage.

The crowd was already stunned, and they suddenly began to be jealous and envious of the lower demons. It is conceivable that with the attention of the Lord Lord, the future of this low-level demons is boundless.

Why didn't such a good thing fall on them!


When Shao woke up, it was already the next day.

He couldn't remember what happened yesterday, just felt as if he was standing and just fell asleep ... Could it be said that this was the sequel caused by Silia's resurrection?

"Wait ?!" Touching the soft sheets and quilts, looking up and looking at the gorgeous veil, Shao Ci froze, "Did I just eat bento yesterday? Is this the holy capital?"

He sat up suddenly from the bed and saw the maid standing beside the bed.

The maidservant bowed her head respectfully, and they could clearly see their sharp ears that were very different from humans.

Determined that this is still the demon world, Shao Ci finally relieved and said, "That ..."

"Excuse me, do you have anything to ask?" The maid apparently received instructions from someone, and she had a very good attitude towards Shao Ci.

When Shao Ci saw the other party's performance, he was slightly fixed in his heart. It seemed that he was definitely not arrested by that arrogant demon noble.

Shao Ci: "May I ask, where is this?"

"This is the Lord's Palace." A bit of pride appeared on the maid's face, apparently she was quite satisfied with the job.

"Master Lord?" Shao Ci's face changed. The surprise came so fast that he couldn't believe it all at once. "Then ... do you know how I got here?"

"Don't worry, you came here as a guest." The maid said, "You brought back the Lord's love cat."

Shao Ci's heart was immediately relieved, "Is that so?"

I used to think that the black cat knew that it was a noble's pet at first glance. I didn't expect that it was the lord's pet who accidentally hit and accidentally.

"Then I ..." Shao Ci remembered his purpose here and couldn't help but get excited. "When can I see Lord Lord?"

If it goes well, wouldn't it mean that he can solve the matter here soon?

"I'm very sorry." The maid's expression was a little difficult. "The Lord Lord has to deal with the territories. It seems that there is no time to receive you. He only asks us to take good care of you."

Shao Ci: "Is that so ..." It also makes sense. Generally speaking, there are so many people who can be seen casually.

"Speaking of which, black cat, is it a rare magic pet here?" Shao Ci could not help asking.

"Yes," said the maid, "because the Lord Lord keeps one, it is also the second noble existence in the palace ..."

"So it is." Shao nodded and nodded, and suddenly felt that the cat who had been raised for so long had good luck, and it had not been discovered by others, otherwise things would have been troublesome.

And the Lord Lord is so special about cat control, where the status of cat is actually the second in the entire palace!

"Then ... the cats, what can they be, advanced magic?"

Shao Ci still remembers that the little black cat suddenly made his shabby room so luxurious.

"Magic?" The maid frowned slightly. "Is that adult ... yes, but ..."

At this moment, the door was suddenly pushed open. A middle-aged man who looked like a housekeeper held a cushion in his hand, and there was the little black cat lying on it. It was lying lazily on it, with beautiful eyes. Look at the people in the room.

"Ah! Xiao Huang--" After Shao yelled out the nickname, he saw the little black cat on the opposite side suddenly exploded. He quickly realized that something was not so good, and asked the maid on the side, "Is this cat it? The name is ... "

The maid's face changed. "How can I call the name of an adult directly?"

Shao speech: "..." Hey! Sure enough, the status of this cat is higher than that of him ... lower demons!

He looked at the steward again, and the steward apparently did not dare to speak out, and seemed to be afraid of something.

Shao sighed, feeling that it was impossible for him to know what the cat was calling.

But he has always been a comfortable person, so he quickly left the issue behind. In any case, it is an undeniable fact that Shao's careful care of Xiao Huang improved his living conditions now.

After the maid and housekeeper left with the noble black cat, Shao Ci suddenly fell on the soft bed in the Lord's palace. Ah, his life is really better now than he was. Sure enough, a good man like him will have a good reward ...

With such a thought, the tired Shao Ci fell into a dream.

On the other side, the hall was brightly lit.

"Master, you ..." The steward looked at the handsome young man sitting on the throne, with a little hesitation on his face, "Do you really want to give this heavy task to that lower demons?"

"Is there anything you can't do?" Frehr smiled slightly. "These days, did he take good care of me?"

The steward said, "But what if the Lord Lord's curse was discovered by him, what should this low-level demon leak out ..."

"Isn't it better to lock him up?" Freier said: "I just lack such a cute pet, and it's just a low-level demons. It's not easy to leave."

"Yes." The steward knew that the meaning of the lord could not be changed. Respectfully, "then do what you want."

Freir whispered, "As for the curse ... maybe this person, or the key to unlocking my curse?"

That's right, as a higher demons, Freier naturally can not have such a cute magic pet form, and his noble birth, has a strong magical power by nature, this form is actually his weakness.

All of this is because when Frere was still an aristocracy, he was cursed because of grievances and other grievances.

After all, if the heirs of the family have such weaknesses, then of course they must be replaced.

But no one thought that Freyer would easily kill all the people and competitors, so he became the next lord.

No one would fear him because of this. For the demons, this is the Lord Lord they need.

It was just that the curse caused some trouble for Frere's life after all, he had to use his magic to create an avatar, and described the form of the black cat as his pet.

All this is well concealed, and no one will think about what the Lord Lord has to do with the black cat. And no one knew in the palace except for the steward who served Frere for hundreds of years. Others only knew that if they disrespected the black cat, the lord would be angry.

I just didn't expect that when I went to the mine to investigate because of something, I would encounter such a lower demons disguised by humans, which aroused his interest.

"Lord Lord, but the curse is only to be healed ..." The steward widened his eyes and looked at Frere in disbelief. "Do you want this? Isn't this suitable ..."

"What's not suitable?" Frere smiled. "I've tried everything before I know?"

He stood up and looked at Shao Ci's bedroom, "I hope you can surprise me."

Shao Ci, who did not worry about his situation at all and slept soundly in the big bed, did not find that the door of the room was pushed open.

A dark and elegant figure quickly entered. Soon Shao's quilt, he swelled a moving bag. That bag is getting closer and closer to Shao Ci's direction, getting closer and closer ...

Soon, a fluffy cat head emerged from the bed and slept with Shao Ci. His Excellency the black cat laid his head next to Shao Ci's chin, and his tail patted Shao Ci's cheek gently.

After seeing the signs that Shao Ci did not wake up at all, the black cat glowed with light.

Soon after, a beautiful teenager appeared in Shao Ci's quilt. His cat's ears shook a few times, and his blue eyes stared at Shao Ci. Then he lay on his body and held Shao Ci's face looked up as if studying something.

"Well, speaking of it, humans seem to be a little bit weaker than the lower demons ..."

He murmured, lowering his head and hugging Shao Ci, frowning slightly. "But this body is too thin ... It must be good to eat. Otherwise, it is uncomfortable to hold."

After that, the teenager played with sexual hair again, unbuttoned Shao Ci's clothes, and bite several softly on his neck.



In the evening, Shao Ci only felt that he slept hotter and hotter, and became hotter and hotter, as if a fireball was moving around him, and no matter how he avoided it, he could not push the thing away.

It seems that there is something else holding him on his hands and feet, making Shao Ci feel hard to breathe.

After Shao Ci was awoken, he saw the black cat in his arms.

"Xiao Huang--" his face was scratched immediately, but this still could not stop Shao Ci from saying the next words, "how are you here ?!"

No wonder it was so hot before ... No, wait, the second noble cat in this lord's palace actually ran here. If the lord misunderstood, it would be troublesome.

Shao Ci sat up, only to find that the buttons on his clothes were opened, and his neck felt a little weird ... probably it was scratched by the cat.

After Shao Ci quickly got out of bed, he wanted to go out holding the cat, at least to prove that it was not something he stole.

Then the moment he opened the door, he saw a row of maids outside and a housekeeper standing at the end.

The eyes of the people stared straight at them, giving Shao Ci a sense of being penetrated, and they didn't know why their eyes were condensed around Shao Ci's neck.

"This, this is it?" Shao Ci froze. Why are there so many people standing at the door? It feels like they have already prepared something.

At this time, the maids next to each other respectfully waited for the cat, combed it, re-tied it with a bow or the like. Shao Ci thought that such treatment was enough to make more than half of the demons envy and hate.

But the steward came to him, and his expression was a little complicated (as Shao Ci seems to have the same feeling as marrying a daughter), his attitude was much better than yesterday, and he said a few words.

It took a long time for Shao to digest the meaning in the other person's words.

Probably-the lord sees that you have a good cat, and has made you the chief **** officer, happy.

Shao Ci: "..."

Yes, yes ... no! Wait, he came to save the world and accepted the devil's heritage, not to feed cats! !!

"Well, when does Lord Lord have time ..." Shao Ci asked: "I have something to ask him ..."

"The Lord Lord has always been very busy." The steward said very decisively, remembering what the Lord said to himself last night, but added a sentence, "But if you take good care of that Lord Lord, Lord Lord may also meet you. of."

Shao Ci: "... It turned out to be like this, I know."

As a result, for a long time, what test does he have to do before being the chief **** officer before he can see the lord? !!

Forget it, this is at least better than any test of life and death, and there are still cats to slap ... still such a cute cat!

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