MTL - Befriending The Most Powerful Person-Chapter 153 Another World (37)

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Yurius's voice sounded, "Here ...?"

After hearing the voice, Shao Ci subconsciously looked at Yurius aside, but the expression of the other side was a little blank, and he stretched out a hand to cover his forehead.

"No way," Shao said in his countless reading minds, all kinds of plots of dog blood emerged in an instant. He even started to make up his brain. Will Yurius be the lord's son who has been separated for many years The plot of the class.

"Welcome you here." With a sound of cold voice, it immediately brought a great sense of oppression.

Everyone just felt that their bodies seemed to be under tremendous pressure, and they couldn't move instantly. They could only look at the scene in front of them, realizing that there was a fundamental gap between their own strength and their lords. Kill them all.

And a person with a high spirit like Shao Ci can easily feel how powerful it is, and even the magic in this space is drawn by it.

He had felt this power in his previous lord Freier. It is entirely possible to kill these passersby here.

"Absolutely right." Shao Ci became nervous, "This man is definitely the lord."

The next moment, an illusory shadow appeared on the stairs. He stood there and looked at it from afar. His expression was cold and proud, and his appearance was beautiful. "It is really hard for you to come here."

What makes him different from others is that the body seems to be illusory, appearing from time to time, as if there is no entity ... Is it the legendary undead lord?

Others were suddenly shocked when they saw his face. This was not because the lord was shocking, but because he was very similar to a man.

That's right, that person is Yurius. The two are similar in appearance, and no one will believe that they are not related!

Shao Ci was also at this time, feeling the pocket watch in his arms slightly warm.

Shao Ci quickly asked the system, "How is it, system, is this the lord?"

[Although the test looks like it, it is not ... retesting, detection errors ... detection errors ...]

"Hey, what's the answer!"

However, Shao Ci also realized that the key to this problem may lie with Yurius.

Yurius also couldn't believe it, he never thought that he had anything to do with the lord.

"What the **** is going on?" "How can this be ... are these all conspiracies of the lord?"

The crowd immediately panicked. After all, things will develop to the point where they are now under the leadership of Yurius. As a result, they are now suspected of fishing enforcement.

In this bewildering situation, Yurius couldn't help clinging to Shao Ci's hand. He turned to look but found that Shao Ci's expression remained calm, and he couldn't help feeling relieved.

As long as Shao Ci is with him, it doesn't matter how things develop ...

"Don't worry, I won't kill you." The lord over there seemed to appreciate enough of their panic and finally spoke. "After all, you are also my people, how can I kill you casually?" "

"Master Lord ..." "Master Lord, we were wrong!" "We should not be here ..."

The crowd was already in a panic under pressure, and they even knelt down and begged for mercy.

"It doesn't matter." The lord said lightly: "You are helpless to do these things. In fact, in the final analysis, or my strength is not enough, so that you can restore those memories of time, is it hard?"

These people did not expect that the lord not only did not blame them, but also cared for them, and they were almost moved to tears.

Shao's speech: "..." is over, this time Yurius's teammates are all gone.

He quickly turned to look at Yurius, but found that the other side was also in a state of silence, but just grabbed Shao Ci's hand a little harder.

"Did you really want to go back to that past?" Shao Ci couldn't help but start talking, thinking that what he said was quite a second, but it was also a doubt in his heart.

"Isn't it very happy for other people anyway?" "Yeah, I won't know about this kind of thing anyway." Many people started talking.

"I can get everyone out of this curse." The lord smiled.

Shao Ci always felt that this smile made people feel a little cold, and when the other party noticed him, he turned and looked at him deeply.

There was a momentary stun, and they couldn't believe it would be so simple.

"Let's go, you go straight back, everything will change." The lord said so, the others were busy leaving, they did not dare to stay in this horrible place, anyway, their purpose has been achieved.

The only people who were present were Shao Ci and Yurius. Shao Ci always felt that things would not be so easy.

The lord looked at Yurius again, and slowly walked down, "I didn't expect you to come here, the fragment of my soul."

"... Soul Fragment?" Yurius was surprised.

Shao Ci: "..." This is really the development of dog blood, although it is not a son or something, it is almost the same!

[After testing, it is still quite a lot. 】

Shao Ci: "..." Don't be so serious at this time!

However, it is no wonder that the lord can't accomplish the task. It turns out that the soul of other people is incomplete.

"Yeah." The lord said lightly. "After all, it takes a lot of power to support the operation of this place, and it is too boring. I don't know when I fell into sleep. Even part of my soul didn't know where to go. "

His face turned ugly.

Shao Ci can also understand. After all, he has no memory. When he wants to find his own past and the meaning of living in the world, he learns that he is only part of others. It is really a ruin.

But if Shao Ci encountered such a thing, he would not care so much.

"Come, come back to my body," said the Lord, "this is your destination."

This is no different than asking someone to die.

"No ..." Yurius stepped back subconsciously. Although he was ugly, he said coldly. "I have my own will and my own thoughts now, and I am no longer a part of you. . "

"Really?" The lord sighed, but his expression remained unchanged, as if he had expected it, "It seems you are not willing to give up your past life, but this is also to be expected, then I will let you go. . "

Yurius froze.

"But soon you will realize that it is too difficult for you to live in this world ... after all, you are not a complete person." The lord's tone was extremely firm and could not help but make people feel uneasy.

Shao Ci felt that everything in front of him seemed to be in the calculation of the other party ... Maybe such things have happened countless times before.

"What about you?" The lord looked at Shao Ci again. "Foreigner, how did you get here?"


Before Shao had finished speaking, the other side said lightly: "But since you have already come in, it is impossible for you to leave."

Shao Ci: "..." Your place is so overbearing? !!

"Looking at the fact that my soul shards have a good impression on you, let you think about it for a while, and you will have to make a decision at that time." The lord smiled gently, "Relax, I am a peace-loving person I wo n’t do it easily. "

The more it feels, the more dangerous it is. Hey! And it doesn't say what the decision is.

"Now, let you leave."

After hearing this sentence, Shao Ci felt dizzy.

By the time he was awake, he was already in bed, and Julius was sitting next to him.

"Are you finally awake?" Yurius leaned over quickly.

"Well, how's it going?" Shao Ci still felt dizzy.

The decoration here is completely different from the previous ruins, and it is obviously brand new.

"Now, the situation should be good." Yurius's look was not good. He helped Shao Ci to the window, and saw that people outside were celebrating, like a festival.

"Everyone is awake." Yurius said, his expression inevitably a little lonely. "Everyone has found their loved ones and friends, and they are very happy now."

But only he is incompatible with these personalities.

Shao Ci thinks that although Julius looks very mature, this state is actually about the same as a child. Life expectancy is not yet one year old, and there are no relatives or friends ... It is miserable to say.

So Shao Ci embraced the idea of ​​encouraging the children, patted Yurius' shoulder, and said softly: "No matter what the past is, as long as you are now you are enough. Friends or something, what is alive or something, the future They will definitely be found. The outside world is more than here. "

This place is mainly difficult for residents to have a background, otherwise it would not be so troublesome.

"Um." Yulius was comforted by Shao's resignation, and immediately refreshed. "It doesn't matter. Other people don't matter ..."

As long as you are by my side.

But things are really not that simple.

At the beginning, everyone felt very happy after regaining their memories. Finally, they finally got rid of the endless cycle of the past and regarded those people as heroes.

But just a few days later, the problem appeared.

Everyone is getting too old, perfectly explaining what it means to be ten years old when you wake up.

You must know that the life of the demons is several hundred years, but it can't hold up the speed of aging.

The original festive atmosphere changed instantly. Everyone seemed to become depressed. Soon, they all began to regret it. At this time, nobles began to ask the lord.

The lord sighed, "This is also no way out. After all, everyone's soul has been here for hundreds of years. Now, if the curse is lifted, it is estimated that it will die in a few years."

"However, they have lived for such a long time. Even if they are about to die, can they feel satisfied when they recall those memories?"

The lord's words spread, and the atmosphere was even stranger.

For the Devil who has a life span of several hundred years, a few years have passed in a blink of an eye, and most of them think that they are still in their prime, how can they accept such things.

In contrast, if you go back to your original life, although you will lose memory every day, it is better than dying completely.

In this case, they could not help but hate those who were regarded as heroes.

After the death of an elderly demons, they even detonated the emotions of the people. They all kneeled in front of the lord's house and hoped to return to the past life. They did not mean to change back to normal at all. The cursed man's fault.

And if Julius wasn't because of his image with the lord, he would be caught and killed by others.

Under such circumstances, the lord finally stood up and expressed that if everyone hopes so, then I will respond to your wishes.

At this moment, everyone almost regarded the lord as a holy father, with tears in their grateful faces, as long as they wanted to continue their daily life, which they repeated every day.

Shao Ci: "..." Hey, if it was someone else, you might leave for freedom.

But the people here made it clear from the beginning that they themselves prayed to the lord for eternal life. At a glance, they knew that they were afraid of death. This attitude is now normal.

This place was restored to the past. Only Shao Ci and Yurius seemed to be excluded.

In fact, Shao Ci was very skeptical that this was a game that the lord was bored of, and it looked like he was enjoying it. In fact, everyone was enjoying it ... and outsiders like him seemed too far away.

Shao had no choice but to comfort Yurius. Seeing that it was getting dark, he went out to find food. Anyway, no one would arrest them now, and he could go anywhere.

At this time, the lord appeared again in front of Yurius.

"Are you willing to return to my body now?" The lord asked.

"I don't want to," Julius said.

"This choice is not the same as before. It really is because of the relationship with this outsider." The lord said lightly: "But have you thought about it, will he not leave you?"

Yurius froze immediately.

"After all, he is an outsider, how can he stay here forever." The lord said, "You have that power, can you keep him?"

"I ..." Yurius couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

"You don't have it. Not only that, you don't even have the power to control yourself." The lord smiled coldly.

When the words fell, his body disappeared and he returned to the lord's palace.

Standing in front of the huge portrait, the lord sighed softly and reached out to touch the person on the portrait slowly.

"It is indeed a fragment of my soul." When I saw the other person, it was as if I saw myself, and I couldn't help but want to see what else he could do.

But it is clear that the end of everything is long doomed.



There, Shao Ci also found food, but found that Julius was absent-minded.

"Will you go?" Yurius asked. After all, he is too young to know how to hide his mind.

"Of course I will leave," Shao said, "but if I leave, I will take you with me."

No big deal, don't let this lord's inheritance be good ... Anyway, it doesn't have to follow the process.

Yuri Uston was relieved. He believed in Shao Ci. Since Shao Ci said that he would not leave alone, he would not leave him.

He also realized that his only reliance here was on Shao's resignation. He didn't know what would happen outside, and he wasn't interested.

As for the people in this city, he didn't care. It is better to say that from the beginning, they were completely different, and he couldn't treat these people as his companions even if he tried harder.

Those people were taken under their own hands before, just to use them.

But Shao Ci has always thought of him in a good direction, so Julius did not want to reveal his true thoughts in front of him, anyway, as long as he disguised as the other person's favorite look, would it be better?

Anyway, now there is only Shao Ci, and he will never leave his side.

Yurius couldn't help but reach out, trying to hold Shao's words.

At this time, Shao Ci's pocket watch suddenly became hot again.

At the same time, the sound of the system also sounded.

[Detected that this pocket watch has the power to leave this space and is about to teleport its host to other places. 】

Shao Ci: "...?" "Wait, wait, can't this be alleviated, now it's still crucial."

[This is something that cannot be controlled, and if it is not good, the host may even stay here forever. 】

"..." Then let him teleport.

So Shao Ci's body became transparent for a moment, and Julius looked at it suddenly, "What's wrong?"

"I probably have to leave." Shao Ci could not help but smile, "This power is beyond my control ..."

"How, how can this be ..." Yurius wanted to grab Shao Ci's hand, but he could only grasp the air. Although he could still see it, Shao Ci's body was obviously no longer here.

"Sorry, if I could ..." I came back.

Before Shao's words were finished, his body had disappeared.

Yurius stared blankly at the empty spot in front of him.

And his hand caught nothing.

He couldn't help remembering what the lord had said, yeah, in the end, he didn't even have the strength to keep the other side.



On the other side, when Shao Ci was teleported to halfway, his body was light, and he opened his eyes to find himself in a strange space.

It seemed that the previous teleportation was forcibly interrupted, and his expression was a little ugly.

However, this place is not like the previous world, but more like a dream or a fantasy. The surrounding area is filled with fog, and everything is unclear.

"It's not that easy to leave." The voice came from the mist, the voice of the lord.

The next moment, the ground collapsed, exposing the dark outer space.

If you think about it, you know that no good things will happen, and some golden sand floats in the mist.

Shao Ci had to turn around and run along a safe road, and at the same time tested the surroundings with mental strength, but could not see anything ... After all, this space was too far away from the outside world, and those golden sands could actually isolate the exploration of mental strength .

Now the lord doesn't seem to want to kill him, maybe he can find a chance to escape.

In the lord's palace, the lord stood in front of the portrait, and a smile appeared on the pale and clear face, "No matter how you escape, you can't leave ... in the end, you can only come back to me."

"The same mistakes as in the past, I can't make them again."

Suddenly, his face changed.

"Some bugs came in ..."



On the other side, Shao Ci was still running along this long road, in order to avoid the collapsed space behind him.

"It always sounds familiar to me ..." It seemed to have happened to him several times.

It caused him to get used to it, abominable, why have to get used to such things!

And I knew Ewings in a dream before, and I do n’t know what happened to Ewings after his lunch. After all, the contract was automatically cancelled after death ...

Hey, Ewings helped him a lot in the past, and now he is a little missed.

If Ewings were there, it wouldn't be so troublesome now.

At this moment, Shao Ci finally lost some energy and a puppet fell to the ground. Seeing that the ground was cracking behind him, he tried hard to stand up, but one hand grabbed his hand and pulled him up.

Shao Ci looked at it suddenly, looking at the person in front of him, he doubted that he was dreaming.

The dark-haired young man with beautiful red eyes is looking at him with a slight smile.

"Master Brave is still so clumsy, I wouldn't know how many times I would die without me."

"Ah, no." He approached again, picking up Shao's speech, his tone was still as loose as in the past, "Master Brave has already died once, otherwise, I would not find you now."

When talking about this, his eyes were a little cold, it seems that things are remembering the previous things.

"You, Ewings?" Shao Ci was already stunned. "How are you here ..."

"This is a dream, of course, it can't stop me."

It turned out to be like this ... but the point is that Ewings would come over to save him? !! Shao Ci thought that if people like Ewings were free, they would never come to see him again.

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