MTL - Befriending The Most Powerful Person-Chapter 162 Another World (Forty-six)

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When Shao Woke up, he found himself in a dark space.

The first time Shao Ci realized that his body was different from the past, he now has even stronger power than in the past. That powerful power is hidden in the body, no matter what anyone has, I am afraid that it will have an invincible feeling.

"Ereike ..." Shao Ci clenched his hands subconsciously, his face faintly pale, "Is this your wish?"

He had no idea that Eric was willing to do this ...

However, Shao Ci obtained not only ordinary power, but also acquired a lot of Eric's ability.

At this time, Shao Ci felt that he could gain the strength of the person who killed him, and that he could even take the memory of others as his own.

Shao Ci was shocked. "Is this Eric's power?"

This can be said to be the one selected by God. This is the same talent as BUg. Whoever knows in this world will be jealous.

But Eric didn't have that kind of pursuit ... maybe it was doomed from the beginning. Although he has such talent, he has no fate as the main character.

"But since it has been passed down, now I have come to the next lord." Shao Ci found that he couldn't wake up from the dream, and could not help but frown, and stood up with vigilance. .

After just a moment of effort, Shao Ci sang in front of his eyes, with exotic and cheerful music ringing from his ears, and the surrounding light slowly brightened. He just stepped forward as if stepping directly into a luxurious hall.

And here, it seems that there is a ball.

The sweet girl's laughter resounded all around, the demons in gorgeous costumes danced around, the actions were consistent and neat, everyone's expression was so focused, and she was completely immersed in this world.

Shao Ci, who is at the center, is completely like a stranger who broke into it.

"Here is ...?" Shao Ci always felt that the sight in front of him gave him a very familiar feeling, but he had participated in such dances many times.

When he wanted to leave, a girl next to him suddenly hit him. Shao Ci originally wanted to say something, but looked down but hesitated.

The Mozu girl he met was just a moment of effort, the flesh had faded and turned into a skeleton, and the two **** holes in the eye socket were staring at this shame.

Shao Ci stepped back subconsciously, turning his head to look elsewhere, all the demons at the dance scene have become like this.

They didn't mean to attack Shao Ci, they just stood still, all looking at them.

If the former Shao Ci might scare the whole person bad, now that he can remain calm, he still feels that this situation is too weird.

And this kind of dance in the dream reminds him of a familiar person ...

"This must be that ..."

Shao murmured in his mouth. Suddenly he heard footsteps. He looked up and saw the beautiful young man standing on the second floor. His red crystal eyes were looking at Shao Ci with interest. He smiled. He reached out and said hello, "Master Brave, we met again."

"Ewings." Shao Ci breathed a sigh of relief, and he immediately relieved when he met an acquaintance. "You scare me again. Wake me up quickly, I have to find a third lord."

"I'm not scaring you." Ewings said with a smile. "Just brave, here is the territory of the third lord. The world of dreams is also a very important existence in the Devil."

Shao Ci: "..."

Shao Ci: "........."

"You, you are the third lord ?!"

"Did you guess it now?" Ewings smiled.

"No, it isn't." Shao said, "It's very easy to reach the contract before Mingming !!! Will the lord be restrained so casually!"

The magic pet of the brave is actually the lord of the demons-well, there is nothing wrong with thinking about it.

Ewings said: "At that time, it was only a part of me. I couldn't use my power at all ... Plus, I like you."

Shao Ci: "..."

Is this OK? !!

After struggling for such a long time, I thought that I was going to get a difficult Demon lord, but after doing a good psychological construction, I found that the lord was an acquaintance who had helped him several times! !!

Such a good thing actually happened to him.

But think about it, that is, the strength such as Ewings can appear in various places of the human race so casually. It was also the side of the Dark Elf King before, and it has a story even in the past ... and also in Erechen Bian was also rescued once--

Shao Ci suddenly felt that Ewings was really good to himself, just like his old father.

"But even if you are brave, I won't agree with it casually." Ewings said: "There should be no shortage of tests."

Shao immediately became nervous, "So, what kind of test do you want?"

It's also said that Ewings is a lord, so how can he open the door to people with a fair water ... What he thought was still too good. Still think about how to pass the test. With the previous experience with Ewings, it should not be too difficult.

"Come and dance with me, how about it?" Ewings braced his face and said, "Will it be too difficult for you?"

Shao's speech: "..." Is this worthy of his nervous construction? !!

Sure enough, this is still a casual discharge!

"Of course this is not difficult!" Of course, Shao Ci directly said so.

After the words fell, the surrounding music sounded again, and the demons dancing around slowly dissipated, leaving only two people in the large hall.

And Ewings slowly walked down and extended his hand to Shao Ci, "If you can't complete the test, the test is not complete."

"I know!" Shao nodded and nodded, and put his hand on the other's hand.

With melodious music, the two stepped onto the dance floor together.

Shao Ci feels that this atmosphere can be completely described by romance, especially there is such a beautiful young Devil staring at him in affectionate style.

Then Shao Ci stepped on the other side.

Shao Ci: "..."

The atmosphere seemed to stiffen instantly.

Ewings stared at him with a smile, "If you make a mistake, it doesn't count?"



Shao Ci has no idea how many times he has jumped.

If this is in reality, it is absolutely bright! Fortunately, he was not an ordinary person, otherwise he would have become faint.

But even then he was very tired!

Obviously it is not difficult dance, why anyway there is a problem at a critical time! There have been times when something almost came to an end ... this might as well be engaged in other tasks.

"Congratulations, brave, this test, you finally passed."

This sound sounded like a sound of nature in Shao's ears, and he did not respond at once.

Ewings chuckled and kissed Shao's forehead.

Shao Ci woke up in an instant, he took a step back, then looked up, only to realize that he had just finished a dance just now.

"Me, have I really passed?"

"Although it's still a little problem ... but I'm very happy." Ewings said. "Still, Lord Brave wants to come again?"

Shao Ci: "No, no, no, never come again!"

"Master Brave, this way I'm very sad." Ewings said, "Last night was arguably my happiest night. Although I moved a little hands and feet."

"Just now, you did it on purpose!" Shao Ci suddenly realized that even if he never danced again, he could not dance well all night! It was Ewings who did it on purpose!

"It's too late to find out now." Ewings smiled. "But it doesn't matter if I'm slow in front of me. I won't make fun of Lord Brave."

Shao Ci: "You are already making fun!"

"Okay." Ewings held Shao Ci's hand, and fixed his eyes on him. There seemed to be some complicated feelings in it, but with a little pride, he said softly, "I Now, acknowledge your qualifications as the heir to the Demon King. "

With the words falling, a huge magic circle lit up from the feet of the two men, and winds rolled around them, and their clothes were blown up.

Shao Ci felt as if a few strands of power poured into his body, and the familiar drowsiness appeared again. He could not help closing his eyes.

At this time, Shao Ci had only one thought in his mind.

Could it be done without kissing anything? !! So what did he do before ...

Ewings embraced Shao Ci's body lying in his arms, and then saw his body gradually become transparent. After all, this is just a dream world.

"I will stay with you for the rest of the way." He said softly, and didn't care if anyone heard it.

After Shao Ci was routinely unconscious, he woke up and found himself lying on a luxurious big bed.

Shao Ci: "...?!" Is the treatment so good this time? !!

He looked up and saw Ewings sitting beside him.

Shao Ci: "... Is I still awake ..."

"I have something to say to you before you teleport completely." Ewings smiled in his eyes and reached out and touched Shaoyan's hair.

"Huh?" Shao said, "You say it."

"What I want to tell you is the weakness of the last lord."

Shao Ci: "... kekekekeke--"

Ewings is too fierce selling teammates!

"With your current strength, you don't need any test. Tossing more time is also a waste. It is already a matter of you to become the next Demon King. If that guy doesn't choose you, he will destroy the Demon Sinner. "Ewings said casually.

Shao Ci: "..." Is it really okay to provoke such terrible accusations to his own kin?

"Or ..." Ewings looked at him. "What else do you want to happen with the last lord? Uh?"

Obviously, it was a gentle tone, but Shao Ci heard the eerie feeling from it.

"I don't know it! Am I the kind of person ?!" He seems to be a philately monster! It wouldn't be what he wanted!

"Of course I believe in Lord Brave." Ewings grinned. "However, I would rather believe what I see?"

Shao Ci: "... Of course, of course, you did as you said!"



The last lord, unexpectedly, was a teenager who looked only eleven or twelve years old, and was quite arrogant and arrogant. He also said that only when Shao Ci hit his doorstep would he recognize his successor.

By the way, Shao Ci successfully spread the three lords, and even rumors said that Shao Ci conquered these lords with his strong charm ...

The Shao Ci in it was shaped like a romantic man, seeing one loves another. Some people also said that Shao Ci was once the fiance of Her Majesty the King, so he only got the position of the heir. He did not expect to do such a thing, and His Majesty's head was green.

Shao Ci: "..." No! !! not like this! He is not such a person!

Although, although this rumor is true in some places ... Shao's retorts have no confidence.

The fourth lord hated Shao Ci because of these rumors. Shao Ci felt very innocent. Even if he was really as mad as rumored, he would not have shot at a primary school student who looked 11 or 12 years old!

This lord is really difficult to deal with, his defense is very strong, and the castle is also a very strong fortress, which is difficult for outsiders to enter. Only at a certain time will the defense be reduced for a period of time due to its own weaknesses.

If it had really been tossing, it would have been tossing for ten and a half months.

However, due to the weakness that Ewings informed, it is not a problem at all now.

Shao Ci relied on the road map obtained by Ewings to mix directly into the castle, and then when the lord weakened, he was directly a mammoth-probably the feeling of educating primary school students.

Because of the shadow of failure to educate children before, now Shao Ci is not at all vulnerable to elementary school students!

After the beating party cried, he reluctantly acknowledged the position of Shao Ci's heir.

In this way, the shackles of Shao Ci's power were completely unlocked. He was even better than the past with four lords admitting.

At this moment, a servant suddenly came over anxiously, "Not good ... the people of the human race ..."

"What's wrong?" Shao Ci felt a little uncomfortable.

From this servant's words, Shao Ci understood the situation outside.

During his hard time brushing the lord, the power of the Terrans has skyrocketed. Due to the relationship of God's almost presence, many Terran warriors have gained divine power, and their strength has increased more than before.

The monsters that once raged on the mainland are now either hidden or under siege.

On the contrary, because of the demon king's seal, the demon side has been intimidated a lot, and was hit back to his hometown by the human race all the way.

The human race even wanted to take this opportunity to directly break into the old nest of the demons and directly kill the demons. Now the frontline is almost out of line.

[If the land of the demons can be taken as his own, then God will have complete control of the world and will wipe out all consciousness threatening him. By then, the consciousness of the protagonist Wendel will completely disappear. The world is likely to collapse. 】

Shao Ci: "...!" Is the situation so urgent? !! He felt the burden on himself again.

"What if the world collapses?"

[Because it is too complicated, it cannot be calculated according to the current data. The only thing that can be speculated is that the host's ending will be miserable. 】

Shao Ci: "... I see."

Ewing's figure suddenly appeared beside Shao Ci's side, even if he frowned slightly at this moment, "There is no time now, go to the final ritual ... It is only you who can stop this from happening. . "

"Huh ..." Shao nodded.


The human side is also full of cheerful atmosphere like never before. After all, they can now be said to be going forward, seeing that the greatest threat to the demons will be destroyed.

But these people do not know at all, after the demons are destroyed, they will die next.

The **** did not protect them, but saw them as obstructing ants.

At this time, in the holy capital of the human race, Silia was kneeling in front of the statue, her face pale as paper.

By now, of course, the gods don't need any avatars to give orders in the human race. He has recovered enough strength. Not to mention that this avatar is not so obedient.

"It seems ... is it time to end ..."

After all, he is just a clone. How can it be so easy to disobey the will of the gods? It can be said that it is a miracle to persist.

This ending was expected by him long ago, and he would not fear anything about it.

Only in the end, Silia had some regrets, and his blue eyes looked far away.

"If, finally ... can see you again ..."

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