MTL - Befriending The Most Powerful Person-Chapter 87 Western Fantasy (15)

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One year passed in a blink of an eye.

In this year, after absorbing a lot of power, Shao Ci was finally able to walk well ... However, he has not tried any of the most important flying things in the sky.

And Yu Mier completely gave up the impossible idea of ​​letting Shao Ci memorize the history book, and began to teach him some simple bright magic.

Shao Ci was very interested in this. He used to learn a lot of magic while he was in Terran, but he didn't know anything about the magic of Heaven.

And this year's Holy Light Festival is coming.

But unlike in previous years, this time a grand ceremony will be held in the temple.

At the age of fifteen, everyone in the Celestial Royal Family can perform rituals in the temple, drink the holy water, and obtain the ancestors' inheritance and blessings from the goddess.

It can be said that before the ceremony, Prince Aldridge still had the power to compare with Umir, but if the ceremony was performed, it would be useless even if he did more.

And Prince Aldridge has prepared for so long that he wanted to do it on this day. However, the task given to List was incomplete.

In the end, Prince Aldridge lost his patience and directly caused Rist to be arrested, only to learn that the other party had nothing to do with the cub.

Rist was tense all over, and said quickly: "Hi prince, as long as you give me some more time, I can complete the task you gave me."

He has almost forgotten the recent events, and has been enjoying himself through the power of the prince ... As for the matter close to Shao Ci, because Umil is very tightly guarded, there is nothing he can do.

Prince Aldridge sneered at once, "I don't need your hands, I have other ways."

Fortunately, he didn't put all his hopes on Rist from the beginning.

He then bound Rist, and several people came to the basement.

There are a large number of magical arrays covering the ground and outdoor, and there is actually a black magical array.

You must know that the people of the Celestials hate the dark magic the most. For a moment, Rist suddenly felt a sorrow of regret in his heart, and felt that the situation in front of him was extremely bad.

He originally thought that the prince had only made some dark elements to harm people, but he did not expect that the other party had even created the magic circle, which was almost frustrating.

"Do you know what this does?" Prince Aldridge sneered.

Lister trembled, "Unclear."

"This is the magic circle I got from the Holy See for a large price." Prince Aldridge said: "With this magic array, no matter how far away they are, as long as they are related by blood, they can be taken by them. Affected. "

"This, this ..." Rist suddenly had a strong ominous hunch, "His Royal Highness, please forgive me ..."

"It's okay, I won't kill you."

Following the order of Prince Aldridge, Rist was thrown directly onto the magic circle. The magic circle suddenly extended a lot of dark fog around Rister. Rist felt like a knife-cut, and immediately sent out a terrible misery. Barking.

Then Prince Aldridge had another hair pulled out.

It was too difficult for Umier to get in there, and it took him a lot of hard work to get the bunch of cubs' hair. As for Umir's body, it was even more difficult to get.

Sprinkling his hair, he was completely swallowed by the black mist before falling into the magic circle.

As soon as Rist was dragged to a magic circle, he pushed it into it.

Then he took out the hair he had taken at Umir palace and placed it in the magic circle.

Audrey suddenly smiled proudly, and the blue candlelight reflected on his face, with a strange breath that could not be said.

Now the pup is in the same situation now. Rist is thick and rough, but the pup will probably not be able to bear it.

If Umil is reluctant to watch the cub die, he must take out the dark elements from the opponent, and he will definitely contaminate himself. In this case, the dark elements and the power of light in Umir's body will conflict in the Holy Light Day ceremony tomorrow, let alone inherit the power, it is good not to be killed by the two conflicting forces.

And if the other party stubbornly watched the cub die, the dark elements in that cub ’s body would explode. Even if Umil reluctantly avoided, the temple would be full of dark elements, and his reputation would be influences.

In any case, this matter is dominated by oneself.


Shao Ci originally lay in bed and fell asleep, and suddenly felt a pain in his body. Although the pain was mostly isolated by the system, he still curled up uncontrollably, and the cold sweat on his face fell instantly. Come down.

He could feel the dark elements constantly infiltrating into his body, but he couldn't find out where it came from. The coldness that penetrated the bone marrow made him snoring.

If Shao Ci who had been with Boyce for a long time before would probably be more tolerable, but this body has been in the heavens all the time, from the beginning to the end it absorbs light elements, dark elements and shadows. I haven't seen it before, and naturally I can't take it anymore.

Shao Ci is bad for the whole person, why is he suddenly doing this all right.

[This is because someone is cursing the host. 】

Shao Ci's face was even more ugly, "!" Who else can there be, it must have something to do with that daddy! This is the only person who will pit his son like this.

The origin of the heavenly clan is very clear. It is the divine power of the light god. If you think about it, you know that this creature completely composed of the light power has been invaded by any dark element. The end must be miserable!

And Umir soon woke up and saw Shao Ci's uncomfortable and painful look suddenly stunned, and quickly held Shao Ci in his arms, "What's wrong?"

After inspecting him, Umir soon realized that Shao Ci was in a bad condition.

He had long heard that the prince was studying some dark magic things, and originally planned to catch more of the other party's problems and then started, but he did not expect that the other party would directly kill Shao.

Umir's face became very difficult to look at. It took a lot of time to expel these dark elements, and the dark elements on Shao Ci continued to grow. Obviously, now Shao Ci can never persist.

If he wants to save Shao Ci, he can only use his own body to absorb the dark elements in the other's body.

Tomorrow is the day of Holy Light. The ritual is absolutely impossible. If he does so, he will definitely encounter extremely troublesome things.

Yu Mier did not hesitate to embrace Shao Ci, he can feel the other party's body is very cold, is still shivering, frowning slightly, and the sound of whine in his mouth.

"Don't be afraid, you'll be fine." Umier comforted and kissed Shao Ci's forehead, holding his hand at the same time, closing his eyes, and absorbing the dark elements of the other person's body into his body.

This process lasted for a very long time, and Umil's face became extremely pale. The two pairs of white feathers behind the wings were more like some ink stains, and slowly turned into black. There seemed to be a lot of emotions in his heart. Never thought before.

He had a vague idea that if he followed those thoughts, he would have more power.

But ... in that case, he would lose his current self.

When he felt that the body in his arms had finally recovered its heat, Yumie breathed a sigh of relief, shook off those thoughts in his mind, and then used his strength to suppress the dark elements in his body.

If the ordinary celestial people can't do this step naturally, but Umir's strength is very strong, it is quite easy to do this step.

After doing these things, even though Umir had felt a little tired, he could not continue to rest, but instead called his men to discuss how to deal with Prince Odridge.

It was clear now that the time had come for him to hesitate.

The next morning, Shao Ci became the shape of a hair ball, and the whole hair ball was stingy, and the luster of the hair was very dim, which was worse than when he was full every day.

Because of that incident yesterday, not a lot of bright elements in his body were absorbed, and he could not maintain the appearance of a human body. His body was much weaker, and he felt tired even when he moved.

According to the feeling of Shao Ci, there is a feeling that the body is hollowed out.

Umir was no different from usual, the servants did not see the strangeness of him, but looked at Shaoci with some curiosity.

This cub has been here for such a long time, it is the first time that it looks so miserable. It used to be taken care of by His Highness Umir.

Umier distressed and fed some hot milk to Shao Ci.

Soon it was time for the ceremony to take place. It stands to reason that it should go alone, but Umeer thought about it and brought Shao Ci with him.

Shao Ci looks like this now. If he can absorb the light elements during the ceremony, he will be all right soon.


Everyone knows that today ’s Holy Light Festival is unusual. Many people have been surrounded outside the temple early, and nobles and nobles have come here.

Even for this ritual, there are still the Celestials who lived quite far away and hurried over half a month ago.

The temple door was open, and there were noble seats on both sides. The most honored queen was sitting in front of her, and behind him was Prince Audric.

The high platform in front is where the ceremony will be held.

Everyone was surprised to find that Prince Aldridge was smiling today and seemed to be in a good mood.

Is Prince Prince no longer attached to the throne? Everyone thought so. Only Dolores didn't feel good. Since last night, Rist has no news. I'm afraid it won't be that simple.

Prince Aldridge's mood was indeed very good. He had already inquired that the cub was okay, but he had no spirit.

Unexpectedly, Umir was such a soft-hearted person. For a pup as a plaything, he could do so, and his plan was more than half successful.

He knew that even if it seemed to be fine now, when Umil took the holy water, a lot of light elements would collide with the dark elements after entering the body.

By that time, Umir, who is called by everyone to be the most noble bloodline and the most appropriate heir to the throne, will be finished.

The Queen gave a cold glance at Prince Audric and then looked away.

Soon, Umir came over, his expression was very cold, wearing a white robe with extremely complicated silver pattern on it, the two pairs of wings hanging down behind him, and his whole body seemed to be holy.

From the moment he appeared, everyone's attention was subconsciously put on him.

The only thing that undermined this harmony was the Celestial cub held by Yumir, but His Royal Highness was resolute, and the Queen did not seem to have any objection, so he let him do it.

There are extremely complicated legal arrays on the platform, and Umir stands on it.

After a very complicated process, the priest brought up a delicate water cup inlaid with numerous gems, which contained holy water with great power.

It is not as strong as the holy water in the human temple.

Umir's expression was faint, and under everyone's attention, he lifted the glass and drank it.

Seeing this, Aldridge could hardly control his smile.

Then a burst of light burst from Umir's body, and he frowned slightly, the wings behind him spread out, and feathers drifted down, turning into countless light spots, and then new feathers emerged. A lot of bright elements surround it.

Shao Ci, who was in his arms, felt that his body was much lighter, and he felt like he was bathed in bright elements.

But at this critical moment, Umil's body was a meal, and the power of light was weak for a moment. He seemed to be struggling. At this moment, the power of power of light was turned into a power of darkness Covered by force, and a few pieces of black on the tip of his wing.

Prince Audrich's eyes darkened, and his smile almost couldn't be restrained, but he just expressed anxious expression, "What's wrong? If I read correctly, it's the dark element."

For the Celtics, if the body is eroded by the dark elements, it is almost equivalent to the death penalty.

"How could that be?" "Did I read it wrong ... how could there be dark elements on His Highness Umir?"

When the crowd was dismayed, Prince Aldridge said again, "Although I don't know what happened, it is better to stop the ceremony and see what happens."

Things have reached this level, and this ritual is probably not complete.

The Queen still looked calm, "No need, let the ceremony continue."

Her words seemed to have a strange and calming power, and everyone was quiet.

Prince Aldridge frowned suddenly. "Since Your Majesty has said so, then look at the situation again, maybe things will change for the better."

In his heart, he was very disdainful. In his opinion, the queen must now be strong, for fear that it won't be long before it can continue.

At this time, most of Yumier ’s pair of wings had been dyed black. He hugged Shao Ci, and a lot of thoughts and crazy thoughts appeared in his heart, but he was pressed by him.

If he obeys these desires, he will fall, and he will no longer be his past self.

But if he had these powers, he would no longer be able to protect Shao as he is now.

Yeah ... if he gets stronger.

Shao Ci recovered his strength, opened his eyes, and saw Yumier, who was extremely pale, and immediately realized that the other party must have done something for himself.

However, Shao Ci had no way to help the other party. He could only stun Yumier, and then sent his healing power to the other party's body. He didn't know if this would work.

Umir felt the warm current coming from the fur ball in his arms, and at this moment his chaotic thoughts were directly suppressed.

Umil calmed down, closed his eyes, and then countless bright elements emerged.

On the stage, Aldridge was stunned. The picture he intended did not appear, and a strong light emerged from Yumir's body, and then a virtual image emerged. The black shadow on his wing tip was completely expelled at the moment when this phantom appeared.

Everyone was amazed for a while, then fell into a frenzy. The imaginary shadow was the inheritance of the **** of light who was engraved in the blood of the clan. I did not expect that His Royal Highness Umir could be inspired. He is definitely worthy of the clan Heir.

Aldridge's face became harder and harder to look at, he realized that he had missed the opportunity just now, and now Umir's strength is no longer able to fight by himself.

At the moment when the phantom of the bright **** appeared, let alone a small part of the dark elements that appeared on Umir before, even if he was a monster before, everyone would not care.

When the ceremony was over, Umil raised his head, and those silver eyes looked down without emotion.

The queen finally smiled comfortably, then looked at Aldridge coldly, and ordered her men to seize it.

Aldridge sneered, knowing that he was a complete loser and had no resistance at all.

He now saw that the Queen was measuring. If the ritual was unsuccessful, the Queen would probably choose him as his heir.

Maybe for the clan, a character like the queen is suitable as the king.

The Queen's eyes were a little disappointed, but she didn't say much, and she didn't have too much affection for the younger brother.

Aldridge was imprisoned, after all, members of the royal family had never been executed before.

The guard then found out from the mansion of Aldridge that Rist, who had almost become a futile, survived after being eroded by the elements of darkness, but he had lost most of his strength, and now he was afraid of being young The cub is almost the same.

The queen didn't bother to care about these things and gave it to Umir.

Aldridge couldn't kill him, but Rist wasn't necessarily.

After he was detained in front of Umir, the cold sweat came down, and he quickly said that he did not think so, "I did not expect that the Prince would do such a thing! I am the victim!"

Then Lister said, "I am the patriarch of the Perry family. If something happens to me, the family will be chaotic. Your Highness forgive me!"

Yu Mier held Shao Ci, who was already asleep, and said casually, "Oh?"

Delores on the side quickly said: "His Royal Highness, please be assured, the people of the Perry family have already decided to give up on him."

Rist opened his eyes wide suddenly, then looked at Dolores, and said indignantly, "What did you say? I have sacrificed so much for the family, how can you do this to me!"

Dolores sneered, "What sacrifice do you call?"

"We still have children, don't we?" Rist said anxiously, "Do you want our children to have no father?"

"It's better not to have a stupid father like you," Delores said. "Besides, the Perry family does not need a waste person to be the patriarch."

Umir looked coldly at the past, if in the past he would still consider whether to kill Rist for the matter of Shao Ci, but after the last thing, he thinks that this person died as soon as possible.

Umir directly said, "Go ahead."

His voice fell, and Rist opened his eyes suddenly, unwilling to say anything more, but the guards behind him dragged him down.

And when Dolores left, she also had to reorganize the Perry family. After Riester's death, many people still held the position of the owner.

But now that she has the support of His Highness Umir, those in the family still dare not do anything.


On the other side, Yu Mier returned to the palace holding Shao Ci.

Even if he absorbed some of the power during the ceremony, Shao Ci still had no spirit and is still asleep. After all, that fact had consumed him too much power.

Yu Mier sighed and hugged Shao Ci tightly, but remembered a magic in his mind.

It was a long-lost contract magic that appeared in his mind when he accepted the inheritance. He could share the vitality with the contract object, and he could feel where the other party was whenever and wherever he was.

If you use this, he can stay with Shao Ci forever.

But also have to wait for Shao to raise his body.

So when Shao Ci was resting, Umil was looking for the magical materials, and he also rested Shao Ci in his residence. After all, now that Aldridge has been locked up, no one will do it again What did Shao Ci do?



Shao Ci felt a warm force pouring into his body, and after opening his eyes subconsciously, he saw an unexpected person.

That was Hermione's mother, Her Majesty, the most noble person in the heavenly race.

Shao speech :? ? ?

Why did the Queen find him alone?

Feel what's going to happen.

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