MTL - Befriending The Most Powerful Person-Chapter 96 Holographic tour (3)

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The moment Shao Ci was drawn in by the portrait, his mood was broken.

He thought he would eat lunch like this.

However, when he opened his eyes again, he was still in this place.

It's just that everything around has changed, the decoration is completely different from what I saw before, and the window turned out to be a bright sunny day.

It is completely different from the thunderstorm night before.

"Is this the world in the portrait?" Shao Ci turned his head, and the portrait was still hanging behind him.

It's just that when looking at this lifelike portrait, Shao Ci feels cold for some reason, always feeling that the eyes seem to be staring at himself.

Footsteps soon came. Shao was shocked and wanted to find a place to hide, but it was too late.

I saw two maids coming over, they were holding something in their hands, saying something, with a dignified expression.

There is no doubt that they are not ghosts, but living people.

But the two maids went straight as if they had not seen Shao Ci.

Shao Ci tried to reach out, as if he was in the air, he couldn't touch the other party at all.

Shao hesitated, then followed closely, listening to the conversation between the two.

Soon, Shao's speech was determined from the content of the other party's conversation. Now he stayed where he was a few years ago ... the manor where Duke Stuart was alive.

This is probably the role of that portrait.

And although he could see these two people and hear them speak, he actually was like watching a movie and could not interfere with each other's behavior.

"Huh ..." Shao Ci reluctantly relaxed, it seems that this time it should be just to look at some memories to kill, there should be no danger for the time being.

Then Shao Ci came to the hall. This hall was completely different from the run-down he had seen before. It was very gorgeous and there were many servants coming and going.

But even with so many people, the whole manor is filled with a gloomy and oppressive atmosphere. All of them are nervous, almost no one jokes, everyone is doing their own things in silence.

Shao Ci went upstairs with a servant who was delivering dim sum. Now the most important thing is to see the Duke Stuart.

The servant's expression was very ugly. It looked like he was about to die in the next moment. When he came to the door of the study, his hands were shaking, and he almost let the snack in his hand fall to the ground.

Then he opened the door and Shao Ci could see the situation inside.

This study is huge, with many rows of bookshelves. The books on it are thick and heavy, and it is difficult to understand what the title looks like.

A teenager was sitting at the desk.

His face was unusually pale, and coupled with that delicate appearance, it was easy to recall the existence of bloodlines and the like.

He was looking at a book, and a row of servants standing behind him were very respectful and afraid to speak at all.

Next to the teenager's seat was a servant kneeling, the servant's face was covered with cold sweat, and there was a fragment of a cup beside him.

Shao Ci can guess what is happening now even if he guesses blindly.

After being silent for a long time, the servants outside the door trembled over the dim sum, seeing that they did not attract the attention of the young man, and then he was relieved and resigned respectfully.

Shao Ci stood by the door and looked at it. He didn't know what was affecting the main line. He could only try to write down everything in front of him as much as possible.

The servant on the ground seemed unable to bear it at last, and he begged for mercy, his voice trembling a little, and he was scared to the extreme.

The teenager did not even drop the book, and said quietly, "Stay your life, of course."

The servant did not rejoice, but his face became more ugly, and he almost fainted.

Hearing the young man again, "But the hands you made mistakes must be left ... Ah, these eyes can't see the way, it's useless to keep them, just dig."

His tone was bland, as uncommon as talking about the weather.

The servant's complexion turned pale in an instant, and he wanted to continue to plead, but when he opened his mouth, he heard the other said, "It's annoying to say too much."

The servant didn't dare to move immediately, and was pulled out by others directly.

The other servants didn't seem to see it, maybe they were already used to such things.

Shao Ci: "..." Is it true that you are a villain?

Should I be grateful that this villain died at a young age ... but he didn't stop when he died. Instead, he became a big boss to pit people!

The thought of facing the villain boss in the future, Shao Ci felt dizzy.

At this time, the teenager was still slowly looking at the book, as if nothing had happened.

The faces of the servants next to him started to blur.

Shao Ci suddenly realized that the reason why he felt dizzy was because the surrounding space began to distort.

It seems that this memory killing is about to end.

But what's the use of this memory kill, what kind of grieving servant will the servant who has dug his eyes and cut his hand?

When Shao Ci was thinking wildly, the boy over there suddenly raised his head, and those light blue eyes looked straight up.

Shao Ci was startled, taking a few steps back subconsciously, "... wait ?!"

Could the other party see him?

Fortunately, the next moment, everything around was completely turned into black and white colors, and then maintained for a moment and then completely disappeared.

However, Shao Ci felt a drowsy mind. He sat up on the ground, looked up, and was sober by the cold wind blown out of the window.

He is back.

Shao Ci's heart turned back, and he saw that the original picture on the wall had disappeared.

It seems that he escaped. Shao Ci bowed his head and saw the necklace on the ground. He immediately grabbed it and returned to the same way.

He didn't dare look back and look at it again, for fear of seeing any more portraits.

Shao Ci faintly had this premonition. If he was drawn in by any portrait, it would never be so easy to leave alive.

The way back this time was very smooth. When walking back to the door of the room, Shao's spirit became tense again. After all, he is now facing a female ghost. I hope it will be so smooth after waiting.

After opening the door, Shao Ci walked to the position in front of the cabinet.

Suddenly a shadow emerged slowly. It was the ghost of the pale-faced maid. She looked at Shao Qu with no expression on her face, and said very stiffly.

"Finding ... arrived ... not?"

"I've found it." Shao Ci's body was tight. If the other party had a problem, he would just move away a bit, and then picked up the necklace on his hand.

But speaking, this task is too simple, just look at the diary and find it in minutes, you don't even need to solve the mystery ...

The female ghost suddenly grabbed the necklace, and held it like a treasure, and looked up, "I found ... I found ..."

She was silent for a moment, then threw the necklace to the ground fiercely, her face suddenly narrowed, and her eyes became red, "No, not this, not ... not this ..."

Would you like this!

Shao Ci: "... wait, we can have something to say, even if the necklace is wrong, we can look for it again. If I die, I can't find a necklace ...?"

As he spoke, he slowly backed away, and immediately turned around at the door to run, but how could he be faster than the ghosts of other people, and he was tightly pinched by his opponent's neck.

Shao Ci reached out and tried to struggle, but found that he could n’t touch the opponent at all, and felt a little cool when he penetrated the arm of the opponent. In this situation, in addition to the mental weapon, I am afraid that something else is completely to the opponent Can't cause harm.

"Wait ... kekekeke ... wait ... I ..."

Although the feeling of the game is much worse than the actual suffocation, this feeling of breathlessness and unbearable strength is still very uncomfortable. Now Shao Ci cannot even get a kitchen knife.

The blood volume is also decreasing rapidly. Shao gritted his teeth. Is he really going to hit the street this time?

The surrounding atmosphere suddenly changed, and Shao Ci looked at him suddenly, only to see that behind the maid, a person walked slowly.

The man's green eyes were looking at him, his handsome face was full of indifference, and he held a long black sickle in his hand, like a **** of death from hell.

Shao speech: "!!!" Isn't this Juyt!

However, Shao Ci did not know whether the other party would save himself. After all, it was like the previous couple. It was good not to pit people when they were in danger, how could they save them.

What's more, Juyt still has such a cold personality, and he is too lazy to save people.

Shao Ci was desperate for a moment, feeling that his body was slowly getting colder, and the sight in front of him turned into black and white. This is a reminder that the blood volume is less than 5%.

The next moment, a dark sickle was suddenly drawn down against the maid ghost, and his head was cut off directly.

The maid's ghost seemed to make a loud scream, her body suddenly swelled, and the skull on the ground became more emaciated, but the black flame caused by the black sickle quickly burned the ghost's body.

The female ghost could only dissipate into an unwilling light spot, and the key tied to her waist fell to the ground and made a crisp sound.

Shao Ci suddenly fell to the ground, covered his throat and coughed, breathing fresh air in a big mouth, and his vision gradually returned to normal color.

"Thank you very much," he said hurriedly, and Shao Ci had no idea that Juyt would save himself.

However, it is indeed a powerful character. Such a trick can easily kill such an elite monster ... Shao Ci suspects that if he himself, he must use a kitchen knife to cut a hundred times.

That black sickle, Shao Ci remembered mentioning it in the original, is the most famous spiritual weapon of Juyt. It is said that it was dropped after clearing an ss-level copy. This weapon is very rare, and it is targeted at ghosts. With the added effect, it can definitely be sold at auction.

The ss-level copy is the copy that most powerful characters will play now, while the sss-level copy is very rare and the difficulty is quite high. I heard that only one person has passed the customs clearance now.

And that man is also one of the villains of this article, the prince of the empire-Elisis.

"It's really useless." Juyter looked at Shao Ci, and said coldly, "You haven't picked up the keys on the ground yet? Haven't you not only been weak, but have your brain broken?"

"Huh?" Shao said for a moment, and suddenly thought of something, quickly picked up the keys on the ground, and looked at each other carefully, "Do you want to take me with you?"

"Otherwise?" Juyt said, "Don't you want to?"

Shao Ci replied almost immediately: "Why wouldn't I want to!" Who doesn't hold the opportunity to hug his thigh!

"Huh," Juyter said again, "I'm not here to help you, I just need this bunch of keys."

Although it ’s the game ’s rules who triggers the side mission and who the thing is, it ’s impossible for others to grab it, not to mention that Juit also saved himself, and loved the type of one ’s actions, so Shao said early Then he was ready to leave with the other person.

But I didn't expect that Juyt was going to take him with him ... Presumably Juyt had just seen how salty he was, and it was a complete burden.

Shao Ci really didn't expect that Uite was still a character with a knife and tofu heart.

As for the words he said when he was poisoning his tongue, Shao Ci didn't care ... Compared with being touched by a ghost and being choked by a ghost, there was nothing more important than being scolded.

Uyte glanced at Shao Ci casually, and walked towards the room. Shao Ci quickly followed in and said what happened just now.

Juyt flipped through the diary and said, "You seem to be lucky, and you can leave alive."

He closed the diary and said, "Wait for the portrait in the manor. There must be only one such portrait."

Just in case, Shao Ci brought the string of necklaces together, maybe he'll meet the hostess's ghost later, and then the other party wants the necklace or something ...

"I just found it on the first floor." Juyte handed a map over, indifferently, "show you now ... don't think too much, I just don't want people to hold back."

Shao Ci took a look. This is actually a map of the manor. Some stains are still on it, but most of the places are still very clear. The functions of the rooms on the first and second floors are clearly marked on the top. Attic on the third floor.

Shao Ci looked at the keys again. These keys were marked with the paper in which room they were used. Most of the handwriting on them was ambiguous. Only the keys on the storage room and the master bedroom were the clearest.

Juyt also decided to go to the storage room first. After all, it appears from the map that the storage room is the closest to this room.

Then he found oil lamps and matches in the maid's room, and let Shao take it.

Shao Ci: "..." This hint is really simple and rude, as if facing a newbie's guidance.

In fact, this copy is a grade, and the difficulty is already quite high. It stands to reason that only the lowest-level copy that novices stay will have such treatment.

Shao Ci remembered the accident that happened when he gave the necklace before, which was not so simple.

Afterwards, the two met monsters emerging from several waves of black shadows on the road, but most of them were solved by Juyt's one move, and there was nothing to say about Shao.

Shao Ci looked down at his kitchen knife and felt the importance of having a good weapon. If he can successfully complete the copy this time, I hope he can drop a good weapon!

Soon the two came to the storage room.

Shao Ci opened the door with the key. Unlike any room where the window can barely be seen with the light, the darkened hands in the storage room can't see the five fingers ... Shao Ci can look at the brain to make countless scary pictures. .

Fortunately, Youyt considered it enough before, Shao Ci lit the oil lamp, and the two went in.

Putting the oil lamp on the table, Shao Ci looked around.

There are many messy things in the storage room, all kinds of furniture and sundries, most of them are very old and very messy. It seems that some people have beaten here in the past.

The most obvious is that there are several documents scattered on the ground.

This is simply for others to see directly. Shao Ci immediately picked it up and looked at it.

I do n’t know who collected it on this. It is all about the Duke of Stuart, which is more detailed than the one that Shao Ci brought with him at the beginning.

It is said that although the duke is very handsome, his character is cloudy and ill, even his relatives are very afraid of it.

After his death, all the people of the manor disappeared overnight, and the Stuart family kept it under control so as not to cause any trouble.

The manor changed hands several times later, and the people who lived in it did not end well.

Shao Ci: "..." I don't know how many people have died in this place, if the ghosts of these people have become grievances, it would be terrible.

Fortunately, this is just a game ... Shao Ci feels that if he wears some spiritual world someday, he can die immediately.

The next moment, he patted Shao Ci's shoulder with one hand, and Shao Ci quickly turned his head, thinking to himself, was Yuut's hand so cold?

Later, he discovered that the man in front of him was a horrible female ghost.

Lying down! !! !!

Shao Ci almost scared away his soul, and almost pulled out a kitchen knife almost subconsciously, chopping at the female ghost in front of him.

The female ghost could almost ignore his attack, slowly approaching Shao Ci, Shao Ci attacked while dodging, but was tripped by something.

Shao Ci was simply discouraged, and waved wildly with a kitchen knife.

I don't know how many times I cut, Shao Ci suddenly felt a change in the surrounding atmosphere, looked up, and the body of the female ghost in front of her was actually a twist, but it turned into a light spot and disappeared. article.

... It seems his kitchen knife is still useful.

Shao Ci was still a little shocked. Picking up the items on the ground, this was still a necklace.

But unlike the previous pearl necklace, this necklace is very simple, with a thin silver chain surrounding it, and a diamond-shaped lilac gemstone falling below.

It only took a moment for Shao Ci to understand that this must be what the maid was looking for.



The next moment, Shao Ci opened his eyes suddenly, and found that he was still standing in the warehouse, holding the information in his hand, and it was completely the same as before, except for the necklace that had been worn on his neck.

At that moment, he seemed to be unknowingly pulled into some other space.

Sure enough ... even if there are two people, you can force you to face the ghost alone.

Juyt stood behind, looking at another document, seeing that Shao Ci wasn't looking right, he immediately said, "What's wrong?"

Shao Ci was preparing to answer, but several ghosts emerged.

This time it wasn't those monsters like shadows, but several female ghosts with extremely ugly looks. They rushed towards this place, looking at Shao Ci one by one, their expressions were crazy, as if they were trying to grab something.

With a cold look, Uit took the black sickle and stood in front of Shao Ci.

Shao resigned, thinking that having thighs is really different, but those female ghosts want to grab ... Is this the necklace?

What exactly is this necklace ...

While Shao Ci was thinking, a cold and sticky feeling suddenly came from his ankle.

Shao's speech: "Sit down!" Such old-fashioned tricks have come again and again.

But it is undeniable that such a trick really works ... Shao Ci simply did not dare to look down to see what was holding his ankle.

There was a moment of strength at the foot, and Shao Ci's body fell forward immediately, his hands grabbed indiscriminately, and the black cloth on the side shelf was torn down by him, and a portrait appeared before his eyes.

The person above was still the Duke of Stuart, but this time it was obviously a little bigger than the past, his appearance was a little childish, and he looked more handsome.

In the dim light of the oil lamp, the Duke in the portrait is still clear.

Shao Ci reluctantly supported the shelf to stabilize his body in midair.

Although there seems to be nothing in the previous oil painting, who knows if something will happen this time ... he must not come across this portrait so easily.

However, the next moment ... there seemed to be something in his ears.

"... come ... I ... always ... wait ..."

Shao Ci didn't quite understand what that sentence was saying. He could only feel the cold air blowing on his ears, making his cold sweat come out.

Then, it seemed that something soft was licking on the earlobe, extremely cold, but with a little **** taste in it.

Shao Ci was already bad for the whole person, his face became extremely pale, but his throat couldn't make a sound, and he couldn't even call for help.

At the next moment, there was a strength behind him. Shao Ci no longer had the strength to grab the frame, his body fell uncontrollably on the portrait, and he bowed his head to the eyes on the portrait.

Shao Ci's heart was about to jump out of his throat. He was struggling to get up, but he was directly pulled by one hand and pulled directly into the portrait.