MTL - Bent By the Male Protagonist’s White Moonlight-Chapter 28

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The entire car was plunged into low air pressure, and Meng Xia glanced at Ning Qingwan anxiously from time to time.

But since she got in the car, Ning Qingwan kept her head down, her long blue-black hair fell naturally along her forehead, covering her side face, and she casually used her knuckled hand to hold the phone while playing.

Whenever the phone turned 180 degrees and landed on the armrest, Meng Xia's little heart trembled.

"By the way, the program schedule of 'Fortunate to meet you' has changed." Mo Li sat in the co-pilot and turned to look back at the two of them. She observed the words and expressions, keenly aware that the atmosphere was not right, and opened her mouth to speak.

Ning Qingwan glanced at her and said lightly, "Continue."

Mo Li cleared his throat and organized the language: "You and Su Jiabei's fans are arguing too fiercely. The comments under the official blog are all against tying CPs. The program team is worried about the ratings of the broadcast, and deliberately tying up to avoid suspicion. cp, they made a big adjustment to the rules this season."

"Last season, the program group separated male and female guests. Anonymous text messages can only be sent to the opposite **** every day, and dating invitations can only be of the opposite sex. This season has changed, regardless of gender." Mo Li paused, remembered something, and smiled sarcastically. , "The last season was said to be a love observation show, but this season has been directly changed to a social observation show between different professional groups."

Ning Qingwan looked at the receding scene from the window, was silent for a few seconds, and snorted lightly, "In this way, even if a CP is really formed in the show, it is the choice of the guests themselves, and it has nothing to do with the show team, they just provide a way to get along. environment and opportunity.”

Li Mo nodded, "It's true, but there's one thing I find very strange."

"Huh?" Ning Qingwan raised her eyebrows and joked, "Is there something else you don't understand?"

While talking, Li Mo watched Ning Qingwan. Seeing Ning Qingwan's calm appearance, he didn't seem to be surprised by the changes in the program at all, and there was a vague answer to the guess in his heart.

Since the program team revealed that they invited Ning Qingwan and Su Jiabei, there has been a scolding war on the Internet. The reason is that Su Jiabei's fan "North Star" said that Ning Qingwan was using Su Jiabei to cover up that he was a lesbian. By the way, posted a lot of fake black material. After that, Ning Qingwan's fan "Mint Candy" quickly counterattacked, going back and forth, causing a lot of quarrel.

The half-truths and half-truths were very good, and Li Mo once guessed that someone was working behind the scenes to deliberately provoke the relationship between the two. When the black material first came out, she had a bold guess that Ning Qingwan herself was the one in the dark.

After that, the situation got out of hand. The two fans boycotted the show together. The show team was worried about the ratings of the broadcast, and they couldn't bear the current popularity, so they could only adjust the rules.

But that's only cosmetic.

"When the fans were not so fierce, I had a discussion with the director. But Sheng Tian disagreed, and the program team never let go despite the pressure from the investors. Later, President Chu revealed that the program team's investors had gone out of business. Some questions." Mo Li shrugged and speculated, "It should be a change of investors, and the new investor agreed with the plan I proposed at the beginning." She stared at Ning Qingwan, intuition that Ning Qingwan should know the truth s reason.

Ning Qingwan smiled. She turned her head to look at Meng Xia, who had been obediently listening and didn't speak, and said word by word, "Chu Shijie didn't tell you that it was because of Ning's intervention? Shengtian's withdrawal has no right to speak. "

It's a pity that the program team thought "Leave a line of friendship and see you in the future", and Ji Tong from the guest list could not be removed directly.

Mo Li's words were just a simple explanation. She didn't know the relationship between Ning Qingwan and the Ning family. Although she had suspected it before, Ning Qingwan responded indifferently to her with the words "it's okay".

But it was different in Meng Xia's ears. Ning Qingwan used a lot of methods to protect her in this show. And when he had a spring dream, he avoided Ning Qingwan, not only that, but also lied and lied to her, and all of a sudden, guilt and shame were intertwined in his heart.

Meng Xia bit her lower lip tightly, her hand on her knee slowly clenched into a fist, how should she apologize to Ning Qingwan, she couldn't open her mouth in front of Mo Li and Cheng Xu.

There was nothing to say after that.

After the car stopped, Meng Xia looked at Qingba in front of her, with a big doubt on her small face, why Ning Qingwan brought her here.

At 6:30 in the evening, it was the opening hours of the bar, but this Qing Bar closed early. The curtains were drawn on the door of the store, and a small wooden sign of "closed" hung on the door.

Mo Li glanced at Meng Xia, whose face was full of confusion, and tugged at Ning Qingwan's sleeve, and said in surprise, "Did you kidnap the little girl directly?"

"Well." It should be taken for granted, and I don't think there is any problem at all.

"Don't keep your face calm." Seeing Ning Qingwan's cold face, Mo Li pressed his eyebrows and lowered his voice to remind him, "I saw the little girl before that she was scared to cry by your black face."

Ning Qingwan was stunned for a while, and she calmed down her face.

There were only a few dozen people in the Qing Bar. Meng Xia was the first to see Lai Xiaomeng, who was familiar. She was wearing a beautiful sleeveless white gauze skirt, which made her petite and exquisite, and wore a small crown on her head.

"Wan Wan! You guys are so slow~" Lai Xiaomeng rolled her eyes, seeing that the four of them were all empty-handed, and said unhappily, "Why didn't any of them prepare a birthday present for me!"

Meng Xia was stunned. Is today Lai Xiaomeng's birthday? When Lai Xiaomeng saw Meng Xia, she immediately rushed up. She liked this little girl so much, she held Meng Xia's arm and swayed, "Little cute~ are you here to celebrate my birthday too?"

"I..." Meng Xia smiled apologetically and said softly, "I'm sorry, I didn't know it was your birthday today, so I didn't prepare a birthday present for you. I'll make it up next time."

With a soft voice and pleasing words, Lai Xiaomeng smiled and rolled her eyes, and said nonchalantly, "It's alright~ Your presence is the greatest gift~" After speaking, she tilted her head and rubbed her head on Meng Xia's shoulder.

Before she could drop her head, Ning Qingwan blocked it back with her hand. Lai Xiaomeng was about to roll her eyes to see who was bullying Shouxing so boldly. She shivered when she met Ning Qingwan's cool eyes, and subconsciously let go of her grip. The hand holding Meng Xia's arm.

"Pfft." Cheng Xu snickered while covering his mouth, and said pompously, "Sister Meng, then it's the biggest gift that we can come."

Lai Xiaomeng was still scolding that Ning Qingwan, the big devil, was too possessive, but Cheng Xu's words brought her back to her thoughts, she immediately raised her foot and kicked it lightly, and said angrily, "You don't know that little cutie, you know what? If you don't send it, can it be the same!"

"The gifts are in the car, they're all in the car." Cheng Xu was kicked to hide and quickly confessed.

After hearing this, Lai Xiaomeng smiled and drove away, pushed Cheng Xu, and said happily, "Go and take it to my car~"

Because the band wanted to use the party to discuss the concert tour, Lai Xiaomeng urged Ning Qingwan to go to the small box for a small meeting.

Ning Qingwan led Meng Xia to sit on the sofa on the side, and handed her the small cake prepared by Lai Xiaomeng, "Sit here and wait for me." She paused and reminded, "Think about how to get along with me. Explain lying."

Meng Xia's face paled. She thought about it all the way and didn't know how to explain it. When she looked back, Ning Qingwan had already been pulled away by Lai Xiaomeng.

"It's all my own, let go of eating, let go of playing~ You're welcome!" Lai Xiaomeng greeted again with a smile before entering the small box, and whispered when she walked beside Susan, "I don't worry about that little cutie~ Wan Wan is not here, go and accompany her."

Susan followed Lai Xiaomeng's line of sight to look at the person on the sofa in the corner, her eyes brightened under the gold-rimmed glasses, and she nodded quietly.

Apart from the members of theone band, Mo Li, and Susan, there are more than a dozen friends of Lai Xiaomeng in the Qing Bar. They are all about the same age. Most of them are women, some are mature and stable, and some are charming and enchanting. At Xiaomeng's birthday party, they are all familiar with each other, chatting in twos and threes in one place.

Meng Xia and these big sisters really had nothing to talk about, so they sat on the sofa on the side, holding the small cake that Ning Qingwan gave her, digging and eating it one by one, thinking about what to do with Ning Qingwan. Explain the apology.

"Don't you choke just eating the cake?" Susan put the glass in her hand in front of Meng Xia and sat aside, half an arm's distance away from her.

"It's you~" Meng Xia turned her head to see the familiar face, raised the corners of her lips happily, and smiled brightly.

Susan turned her face away, feeling that the smile was a bit dazzling, she pushed her glasses unnaturally, and pretended to be calm: "You can call me Susan, or Sister Su."

It's too rude to call your name directly. Meng Xia thought about it and chose the latter, "Sister Su~"

The voice was soft and soft. Susan immediately thought of the cat at home. She smiled and pointed to the cup on the table, "I made it, can you try it?"

Meng Xia followed the direction of her fingers and looked at the glass on the table. The liquid in the glass gradually changed from light orange to crimson, as if the sunset was rubbed into the glass.

"Can Sister Su know how to mix drinks? It's amazing." Meng Xia praised sincerely.

The curvature of susan's lips became larger, "I've won the prize, let's try it out."

Meng Xia hesitated, "Actually, I'm not very good at drinking."

"You should be fine with a sip. I'll get you some water later."

Meng Xia took a sip. The taste was fruity and sweet, and it didn't taste like wine. "It's delicious~ It's like juice~"

Then susan brought her juice, which tasted somewhat similar to that glass of wine. She chatted with her without a word. Most of the time, Susan asked a question and she answered.

Someone came to the stage and sang, and the lights in the bar dimmed for a moment, and then dimmed when they turned on again. The people on the stage sang a ballad, which was nice but not as sultry as Ning Qingwan's.

"Sister Su, how long have you known your sister?" Meng Xia asked suddenly.

"Three years." Susan recalled his past with Ning Qingwan and laughed.

"Sister Su remembered something interesting?" Meng Xia heard the laughter and asked curiously, "Can you tell me?"

Susan pushed up her glasses and smiled helplessly, "It's not interesting, I was chasing her at that time. I wanted to style her the next day after my confession, but I found out that she was blocked by her, and I almost lost my job. . And later I avoided her with this kind of character."

Meng Xia's eyes dimmed in an instant. She stared at the people singing on the stage, and in a trance, she recognized Ning Qingwan, and she remembered the dream that seemed both true and false, how to face it in the future.

The lights in the bar were dim, Meng Xia picked up the cup on the table with trembling hands, and drank the liquid in one gulp without noticing the liquid inside.

It wasn't until he was dizzy that he realized that he had taken the wrong glass and was drinking wine made by susan. He was even more thirsty, so Meng Xia drank another glass of juice.

"What's wrong?" Susan asked with concern when she saw her rubbing her head.

"I seem to have finished drinking the wine you made, Sister Su, as juice." Meng Xia explained, her face became hot and her head became more and more dizzy, she asked weakly, "Is the stamina of this wine a little big? "

Susan said helplessly, "Both are wine."

"...Sister Su, you are too unkind." Meng Xia said with a pouted mouth.

The foggy eyes stared at herself aggrievedly. Susan rolled her throat. Seeing Meng Xia's distressed appearance, she suggested, "If you don't mind, I'll lend you a shoulder to lean on."

"Sister Su, no need."

Meng Xia waved her hand and declined, and her body swayed slightly. Susan reached out to help her, but her hand hadn't touched Meng Xia's shoulder.

Another pair of slender and good-looking hands first placed Susan on Meng Xia's shoulders, and took the drunk Meng Xia into his arms.

Ning Qingwan's clear and cold voice penetrated into Susan's ears like the cold wind of winter.

"I mind."

The author has something to say: Ning Qingwan: All those who refused back then came back with revenge... I'm about to die of anger

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-09-0507:26:39~2020-09-0605:25:20~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 or not;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: 2 whether it is or not; Princess Tsundere, shy, not fond of Nan at all, difficult to start anything, ? viiness 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 8 bottles of meow; 3 bottles of analysis; 2 bottles of so-and-so;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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