MTL - Bent By the Male Protagonist’s White Moonlight-Chapter 32

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A ray of sunlight slipped through the gap between the curtain and the window and fell on the floor. The **** the bed raised her brows, her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and she opened her eyes shyly. Meng Xia narrowed her eyes due to the light, and raised her hand and rubbed it twice to get used to the light.

The hands on her waist also moved slightly with her movements. Meng Xia lowered her eyes, with thin white arms on her waist. Her hands were slender and fair, her nails were bald and round, and her fingers were covered with crescent moons. .

It's really a hand-controlled welfare, Meng Xia couldn't help but touch it carefully, Ning Qingwan didn't wake up, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and the corners of her lips rose unconsciously.

Meng Xia slept soundly this time, and it seemed that as long as she was here with Ning Qingwan, she would not dream much.

Meng Xia gently and slowly removed Ning Qingwan's hand, got up, changed her clothes and washed, and went downstairs to the kitchen. The last time she stayed and ate with Ning Qingwan, she was familiar with the kitchen a lot and dug out some ingredients. , thinking about making a simple breakfast.

The boiling porridge in the pot was bubbling. Potato and ham cakes were fried in the hot pot. Meng Xia stirred the porridge twice with a spoon. The pumpkin was soft and rotten and merged with the millet porridge.

When the kitchen door was opened, Meng Xia was still busy with breakfast. She was about to turn the cake in the pot, and suddenly tightened her waist, followed by the softness on her back. She breathed stagnantly, and she felt stiffness from the waistline. up the spine.

"Tsk, Miss Tianluo." Ning Qingwan hugged her from behind, put her chin on her shoulder, held her hand and led her to turn the cake over.

When I was busy before, I didn't feel hot, but now Meng Xia felt steamy. Ning Qingwan's face was pressed against her neck from time to time, itchy and numb, Meng Xia tilted her head.

"Sister, you go to wash first, I'll be done soon."

"I have washed." Ning Qingwan turned her head to look at her, and saw that her cheeks were flushed with goose bumps, and the corners of her lips were slightly raised.

so sensitive...

"Then why don't you go to the living room and wait for me?" Meng Xia suggested in a low voice with a blushing face.

"Not good." Ning Qingwan refused and held her hand loosely, while the other hand still held her, "Hold for a while."

Meng Xia didn't say anything, let her hold her, and the pursed lips curved into a clear and shallow arc.

In the past, cooking was always in a hurry, more like a task. Meng Xia didn't hate cooking, but he didn't like it either.

But now preparing breakfast for Ning Qingwan, being held by her like this, the sense of happiness is intertwined with the sense of belonging, like a river pouring into the lake and sea, and it melts into my heart naturally.

After the potato and ham pancakes were fried, Meng Xia turned off the fire on the stove and filled a plate with porridge. No matter what she did, Ning Qingwan, who was behind her, stuck to her like a koala, and a smile spread across Meng Xia's cheeks.

Ning Qingwan is really cute...

"Sister, it's time to have breakfast." Meng Xia poked the hands around her waist, signaling Ning Qingwan to let go.

"I'll bring it." Ning Qingwan released her hand and took out Meng Xiasheng's good porridge.

Meng Xia lowered her eyes and looked at the place she had been hugged, she really let go, and felt a little lost. She made up her mind, took potato cakes and chopsticks and followed them out.

Halfway through breakfast, Meng Xia noticed that Ning Qingwan had stopped moving. She raised her eyes to meet Ning Qingwan's deep eyes. She couldn't see through the emotions inside. ?"

"No, it's delicious." Ning Qingwan lowered her eyes, looked at the yellow pumpkin porridge in the bowl, and sighed, "I want to eat breakfast like this every day."

Meng Xia was stunned for a moment, she didn't mean to come around to Ning Qingwan, she just thought that she was sometimes too busy to make breakfast, so she could not help but blurt out, "If my sister likes it, I can…"

Halfway through the conversation, it stopped abruptly. Meng Xia turned the corner at this moment, biting his lower lip, unable to say the second half of the sentence shyly, and stirred the slightly hot porridge with a spoon in his hand.

"What can I do?" Ning Qingwan asked knowingly, staring straight at Meng Xia with a pair of beautiful peach eyes, she just wanted to tease Meng Xia to say it herself.

Meng Xia pondered for a moment, then whispered, "You can often make it for my sister."

Often, not every day, Ning Qingwan raised her eyebrows and responded after a while, "Okay."

This topic did not continue, Meng Xia breathed a sigh of relief, her heart was still pounding, and if she made breakfast every day, she had to live together. She was looking forward to it but a little nervous.

Now living with Ning Qingwan in this state, she will definitely heat herself up...

Ning Qingwan drank the porridge quietly, calmly taking in her relaxed expression.

Gee, bunny is a little cunning.

After dinner, Ning Qingwan cleared the table, and Meng Xia was sitting on the sofa. She hadn't looked at her phone much since last night. She took out her phone and looked at it. The other three people in the small group chatted almost all night.

Meng Xia climbed a long building. Because Luo Ke told her that she was going to record the show, the three of them were chatting about the show at first, and then the chat record was that Luo Ke and Tiantian complained about their boyfriends.

His eyes fell on "Guard Wanwan's husband, ah! Husband is so arrogant, both men and women will pinch off the peach blossoms!" Meng Xia was slightly startled, and her eyebrows were slightly frowning... This is too difficult.

She thought so and posted it in the group. She thought about confirming her relationship with Ning Qingwan, but she didn't tell them.

Mosquito and Tiantian immediately cheered her up, and each sent a "Come on, you are the best.jpg"

Soon Tiantian and Rocco will send

Meng Xia paused for a moment, and suddenly remembered that in the original text, Ji Tong went to the heroine's school during the recording of the show, and then ate with the heroine and Luo Ke, and bought Luo Ke in minutes.

Eating together is probably unavoidable, but now that Ning Qingwan has joined the show, maybe the butterfly effect will bring different results, then we can only adapt to the situation, the mosquitoes @ her in the group, Meng Xia retracted her thoughts and hurried back One.

"Baby." Ning Qingwan's voice came from behind, in a very natural tone, as if she had been used to calling it countless times.

"Ah..." Meng Xia looked back, blushing shyly because of this title.

This is completely different from the feeling of Xia Nianzhi calling her. Ning Qingwan's voice is unique, her tone is gentle, it catches her ear, and it stirs her heart lake.

"Can't you call it that?" Ning Qingwan hooked her lips, looked at her with a half-smile, and handed her the yogurt in her hand.

"Okay..." Meng Xia put down the phone, took the yogurt, slowly poked the straw into the box, and silently took a sip from the straw, peach-flavored and sweet.

"Only auntie calls you that?"

Meng Xia blinked, remembering what Ning Qingwan had just dug a hole to make her jump, her eyes turned slightly, and she replied, "Well, that's what the elders in the family call her."

Elder... Ning Qingwan was stunned for a moment, but she randomly caught the slyness in someone's eyes that couldn't be hidden, smiled softly, walked to Meng Xia and pinched her face punishingly, "I'm really angry, am I? "

She didn't enter the pit just now, and now she said this deliberately, pinching her face couldn't make her slightly annoyed, and immediately changed it to tickling. Meng Xia held the yogurt in one hand and was not very resistant to resisting. After dodging a few times, Ning Qingwan knelt on one knee on the sofa and wrapped her in her arms without stopping.

Meng Xia laughed out of breath, and quickly begged for mercy, "Sister, I was wrong."

The voice was soft and soft, with silk grievances, Ning Qingwan let go, looked at Meng Xia's red face in her arms, laughed so hard, Xingxing's eyes were covered with a layer of water mist, and looked at her in confusion. , Ning Qingwan's eyes gradually sank.

"Do you think age is a problem?" she asked naturally, "Baby, I'm 6 years older than you."

Meng Xia looked at Ning Qingwan's heavy eyes and pursed lips, and felt remorse. She shouldn't have played such a joke on Ning Qingwan. She quickly put the yogurt on the coffee table and hugged Ning Qingwan. , said seriously, "Sister, gender is not a problem, how can age be a problem."

After being silent for a long time, Meng Xia heard Ning Qingwan's voice cold and indifferent when she began to panic.

"I said it yesterday. If I promise, there is no room for regret."

Meng Xia raised her eyes. Ning Qingwan's eyes were sinking like a pool of stagnant water, hiding all her emotions. She nodded solemnly and said softly, "I know. Sister, I won't regret it."

Immediately after that, a chuckle came into his ears, a very soft voice, Ning Qingwan smiled and said, "So I don't really care about this."

Meng Xia looked at her in astonishment, the haze in her eyes had already dissipated. Ning Qingwan pinched her nose, "I just think it's good for you to coax me."

"Sister, you deliberately scare me..." Meng Xia pouted, looking resentful, but her tone was very condoning.

Ning Qingwan hooked her lips, "You'll be mad at me first."

Meng Xia couldn't help laughing, "Sister, you look like a child like this."

"Maybe, love makes people young?" Ning Qingwan did not deny her childish words and deeds.

The confession was too candid and blatant, Meng Xia bowed her head uncomfortably, not wanting Ning Qingwan to see her blushing with shyness, and thus say something to tease her.

Ning Qingwan really stopped talking and teasing her, but reached out and pinched her red ears.

In an instant, the crimson became much more intense, and Meng Xia felt that heat was emitting from the top of his head in a trance.

The phone placed on the coffee table vibrated, followed by the ringing. Meng Xia picked up the phone, the caller ID was Meng Yuanxiu, and subconsciously, she didn't want to answer the call, but Meng Yuanxiu didn't mean to hang up.

Meng Xia pursed her lips, a hint of helplessness flashed in her eyes, she swiped the screen to answer the phone, Meng Yuanxiu's voice was a little tired and vicissitudes, Meng Xia listened to what he said, the blush on her face faded and gradually paled, she trembled. Said, "Is it serious... I'll go now."

The phone had been hung up over there, and Meng Xia's hand holding the phone couldn't help shaking.

Ning Qingwan looked at her with a wrong expression, and asked with concern, "What's wrong?"

"My mother was in a car accident." On the phone, Meng Yuanxiu told her that Xia Nianzhi's car had collided with someone else's car and was being checked in the hospital. Meng Yuanxiu said it should not be serious. But the ending of Xia Nianzhi in the original text immediately came to mind, she got up and got a little flustered.

Ning Qingwan frowned, held her hand, and said comfortably, "Don't worry, I'll take you there." Then she took the car keys and dragged Meng Xia out.

Meng Xia was very uneasy along the way. Even if Ning Qingwan comforted her not to think about it, even if Meng Yuanxiu said it was not serious, she still couldn't help thinking about it. As long as she thought of the ending, her heart hurt. She was afraid that something would happen to Xia Nianzhi.

Before the car had reached the hospital, Xia Nianzhi called, and Meng Xia answered the phone with trembling hands, "Mom..." Her throat was blocked, and she choked her voice.

On the other end of the phone, Xia Nianzhi sighed, as if he had cried, and his voice was hoarse, "I don't need to go to the hospital, it's nothing. Mom will go to your place later." Xia Nianzhi paused for a moment, "These days live with you."

Meng Xia was stunned, vaguely aware of something, "Okay."

Xia Nianzhi over there was afraid that she would be worried, so he said a few more words, repeatedly saying that he was really fine.

After hanging up, Meng Xia looked at Ning Qingwan and asked, "Sister, my mother said she's fine, can you take me home."

"Okay." Meng Xia turned his head to look at the receding scenery outside the window, his fingers resting on the rabbit ears on the phone case.

During the red light, Ning Qingwan glanced at Meng Xia. Seeing that her eyes were full of melancholy, she freed up one hand to hold her hand, clasped it between her fingers, and said, "What are you thinking?"

Meng Xia looked at the intertwined hands of the two, and confessed her uneasiness frankly, "Mom said that she has been living with me for the past few days. I feel that there is something wrong with her relationship with my father. Although I thought about persuading her to divorce, But now it's a little sad."

After being silent for a while, Ning Qingwan said, "Then spend more time with your mother these few days. Emotions are like drinking water and you know yourself. If there is really a problem, I believe your mother will have her own decision and way to deal with it. "

Meng Xia nodded and stopped thinking about it. Indeed, whether this kind of thing is good or bad, whether to leave or not to continue, can only be decided by Xia Nianzhi herself, and all she can do is spend more time with her.

When the car drove downstairs, Meng Xia put her arms around Ning Qingwan's waist before getting out of the car, "Sister, thank you."

"Are you so polite with your girlfriend?" Ning Qingwan rubbed her soft hair and raised her eyebrows, "It's not enough to say thank you."

Meng Xia immediately understood what she meant, blushed and quickly kissed Ning Qingwan's face. As soon as she pulled away, Ning Qingwan grabbed her waist and sipped her lips, "That's about it."

With a touch of water, Ning Qingwan let go of her hand without teasing her, and said softly, "Go."

Meng Xia pursed her lips and blushed brightly. She got out of the car and instructed, "Sister, remember to report safety when you go home."

"it is good."

Meng Xia turned her head and left. Ning Qingwan watched her enter the unit building, put her hand on the steering wheel and tapped lightly with her fingertips. It took a while for her to drive the car away.

The author has something to say: Where does the little rabbit like my sister the most~~~

The little rabbit poked the hand of a "koala" and whispered: "Hand control means it's really good looking~~"

Ning · Koala · Childish Ghost · Ji Wan: Not only good-looking but also easy to use

biuyour rabbit has been cooked by itself~

(Bare and round nails, you taste, you taste carefully! Ning Aning, what are you planning)

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-09-1012:37:37~2020-09-1211:02:45~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: 411898292;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 411898293;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: 3 for mya; 2 for mya; 1 for hskbd and Ziqing;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 30 bottles of Mojiu; 20 bottles of a Xixing Yao and Ziqing; 10 bottles of no love, no hate, no trouble; 5 bottles of almost a waste sheep; honey black tea, milk wine, 2 bottles of Tianzai water; Zuo, 201196341 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!