MTL - Bent By the Male Protagonist’s White Moonlight-Chapter 37

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After getting acquainted with each other, Shen Lan suggested that everyone take turns for lunch and dinner this month. Except for Su Jiabei and Ji Tong who said they could not cook, no one else had any objection.

Shen Lan thought for a moment and suggested, "Why don't people who can't cook help those who can cook?" She glanced at the two who couldn't cook, "The question is, who do you fight for?"

Ji Tong's eyes flickered between Ning Qingwan and Meng Xia, but before he could speak, Ning Qingwan sneered and suggested a better plan, "If you don't know how to cook, just wash the dishes. ."

Su Jiabei nodded in agreement, "I know how to wash dishes."

"Okay." Ji Tong smiled gently, without showing any displeasure on his face, but rubbed the pulp of his thumb with his index finger harder and harder.

So the cooking was finalized, and then the man helped the woman carry the suitcase upstairs. There are only four bedrooms on the second floor. One of the two bedrooms of the female guests has a rattan basket hanging chair and the other has a bay window.

Shen Lan is straightforward and doesn't meander, she immediately said that she wanted to sleep in the room with the hanging chair, she dragged her suitcase into the room on her own, turned to look at Meng Xia and the others, "Who are you? Live with me?"

The three of them didn't speak, and the screen seemed to freeze. Suddenly, Ning Qingwan reached out and pushed the suitcase between her and Susan. The rollers turned, and the suitcase slid forward into the room.

Meng Xia looked at Ning Qingwan's actions and was stunned for a moment, feeling a little lost. She comforted herself not to be too intimate when recording the show, and it was normal for Ning Qingwan to avoid suspicion.

But when she looked down and saw the suitcase beside her, the corners of her lips rose unconsciously.

"You and Shen Lan sleep in the same room?" Susan was surprised, she was still thinking about how to rob Meng Xia with Ning Qingwan.

Ning Qingwan's lips curled into an unintelligible smile. Susan looked at her with a confused expression, until Ning Qingwan's soft voice pierced her eardrums, and the expression on Susan's face was completely split.

"That's your suitcase."

Before he finished speaking, Ning Qingwan had already dragged her suitcase and Meng Xia into another room.

susan: "Can I swear?"

The curvature of Meng Xia's lips deepened uncontrollably. She pretended to be injustice on behalf of Susan, "J, Wan Wan husband, you are very foul."

Ning Qingwan raised her eyebrows, turned to look at her deeply, "Then you want to sleep with them?" She actually wanted to tease the little bunny, but there was a camera installed in the room. Before Meng Xia could answer, Ning Qingwan added calmly, "Shouldn't my wife fan be more focused?"

It's okay if I don't add it. After such an explanation, it becomes even more ambiguous, and Meng Xia's face became hot.

At the other end, Lin Youran looked at the monitor, holding her chin in both hands, showing her aunt's smile, "Ning Qingwan is a world-class wrench. She is first-rate in flirting with girls." She pointed to the screen and told editor Wei Fei, "This CP locks Now, there are Su Jiabei and Shen Lan, Xiao Sixuan and Susan."

Wei Fei nodded and wrote it down, not knowing whether it was sincerity or flattery, and praised, "You have a very sensitive sense of smell."

Lin Youran leaned forward and exhaled into Wei Fei's ear, "Thanks for the compliment."

Wei Fei put her hand over her face without changing her face, and pushed it away, "Go away."

After the rooms in the villa were allocated, a few people gathered in the living room again. Zhang Yang took a deck of cards. He took six cards at random, and a piece of Xiao Wang was inserted in the middle. He put the cards one by one on the table, "Who is there? If Xiao Wang is drawn, who will be in charge of today's meal?"

Everyone expressed no objection, except Ji Tong and Su Jiabei, each took one.

Meng Xia silently put the little ace in his hand on the table and asked softly, "What do you like to eat?"

"Do what you are good at."

The voice of the person who spoke was gentle. Meng Xia followed her voice and looked at Xiao Sixuan more. This surgeon was a little reticent. He didn't expect to be full of kindness when he opened his mouth. smiled at him.

Xiao Sixuan smiled back, his mind was delicate, he was keenly aware of Ning Qingwan's displeasure, the smile on his lips deepened, he looked at Ning Qingwan generously for a while, then poured a glass of water calmly, It was naturally pushed in front of Susan.

Ning Qingwan understood, the displeasure in her eyes gradually dissipated.

Shen Lan echoed: "It is already very good to know how to cook, we are not picky eaters."

Su Jiabei, who can't cook, hummed.

Zhang Yang got up and went to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator to have a look, leaned out half of his body from behind the refrigerator and said to them, "I don't have any ingredients, so I have to go to the supermarket to buy them."

Ji Tong took out the car keys, looked at Meng Xia and said, "The supermarket is a 20-minute drive from here, I'll take you there."

Meng Xia's face turned pale, she pursed her lips and didn't answer. She didn't want to go with Ji Tong, but during the recording of the show, she couldn't refuse directly. Uneasy, at a loss, and fear all hit her heart.

"That would be troublesome for President Ji."

Ji Tong was slightly stunned. The person who answered his words was not Meng Xia but Ning Qingwan. Meng Xia also looked at Ning Qingwan in surprise, and saw the familiar tenderness in those eyes, like a soft wind stroking her heart, rippling.

Ning Qingwan tilted her head and stared at Meng Xia, her eyes full of tenderness and a gentle tone, "I have something to eat, can you make it for me?"

In an instant, those bad emotions were also blown away by the soft wind. Meng Xia raised her eyebrows and pursed her lips slowly into a shallow arc. In a low judo, "Okay."

Ji Tong's face was a little ugly. He should have been happy. Anyone who liked Xiao Xiang could ride in his car and go to the supermarket with him to buy things, but for some reason, his heart was full of astringency.

"I also have something to eat, bring me one." Susan pushed her glasses, she looked at Ji Tong, and asked politely, "Bring one more person, Mr. Ji doesn't mind."

"do not mind."

"The three girls will buy more things, so I'll go too and help carry the things." Xiao Sixuan said warmly, seeing Ji Tong's face getting worse, he smiled and took out his car keys, "I can do it myself. drive to."

Su Jiabei wondered: "Do you need so many people to buy a dish?"

Shen Lan glared at him, "You can also buy some villas that you don't have, but what you need." After she finished speaking, she was surprised that what she said made sense, and immediately said, "I'll go too."

When a group of people were shopping in the supermarket, Meng Xia looked at the followpd and follow-up pictures that followed everyone, and a smile spread on his face.

"What are you laughing at?" Ning Qingwan turned slightly and asked her in a low voice.

"There is a feeling that the supermarket is also contracted by the program team." Meng Xia looked around, not knowing whether it was because of the remote location or because of the working day, there were no customers in the supermarket.

Ning Qingwan hooked her lips, "This supermarket is owned by the Su family."

"Ah?" Meng Xia glanced at Su Jiabei behind him in surprise. No wonder Su Jiabei didn't wear sunglasses and a mask.

"There is another very interesting thing, do you want to know?"

Meng Xia nodded, raised her head and stared at Ning Qingwan, her eyebrows curved and her eyes bright with curiosity.

Ning Qingwan looked at her with deep eyes, and the little rabbit raised her head with a curious look on her face.

"Do you eat snacks?" Ji Tong followed behind with a shopping cart, interrupting their conversation.

Hearing the question, Meng Xia looked at Ji Tong subconsciously, but turned her head halfway, her wrist was suddenly grabbed by Ning Qingwan, caught off guard, her heart also trembled, and Meng Xia's eyes returned to Ning Qingwan.

Ning Qingwan turned a deaf ear to Ji Tong's questioning, she casually looked at Shen Lan and the others walking in front, and held Meng Xia's wrist like a natural, and said softly, "Go and see what they bought. what."

Ji Tong's hands holding the handle of the shopping cart suddenly tightened, and the lines on his face tightened even more. Just when he felt the anger in his heart could no longer be suppressed, Su Jiabei threw a bunch of snacks into the shopping cart and laughed. like a fox.

Suppressing the emotions that were about to burst out from the bottom of his heart, Ji Tong tugged at the corner of his mouth and smiled without revealing the slightest bit on his face. The show had completely escaped his control. Ning suddenly intervened, and the director was temporarily replaced. Among the guests were not only Ning Qingwan, who he was thinking about, but also Su Jiabei, who was incomprehensible, and who suddenly replaced one of the amateurs the day before. susan.

All the changes disrupted everything he had planned in advance, and even he couldn't find out the relationship between Ning Qingwan and the Ning family, the information was too little.

"Ning Qingwan and Meng Xia are really strange. If you like one, would you like the other?" Su Jiabei asked casually.

Ji Tong looked around and found that only the two of them were walking side by side. He asked without looking, "Why ask this?"

"There are rumors in the circle that President Ji is chasing Ning Qingwan." Su Jiabei smiled evilly, and didn't care about Ji Tong's gloomy face, "I have investigated after receiving this show. The show was invested by Shengtian at the beginning. , invited Ning Qingwan and invited Meng Xia after being rejected. So I guessed that it was because Ning Qingwan was too hard to catch up, and President Ji stepped back and asked for a different taste? Yes, college students are better to start with."

His voice was not loud, but the camera and PD who followed him heard him, looking at each other in shock.

"No." Ji Tong frowned, almost squeezing two words between his teeth.

Su Jiabei stared at him and smiled, as if she didn't believe it at all, but it didn't matter. He tilted his head and whispered to his followpd, "It needs to be cut." After speaking, he ignored Ji Tong's reaction and turned to Go to another area.

pd "Haha" laughed twice, slandering what kind of monsters and monsters this guest invited.

Meng Xia, who was out of Ji Tong's line of sight, walked side by side with Ning Qingwan. There was an empty shopping cart in the sauce area, and Meng Xia pushed it.

"What's so interesting?" The topic just now was interrupted, but Meng Xia was still thinking about it.

The corners of Ning Qingwan's lips lifted into a smile, but she didn't answer her directly. When they walked to Susan, Ning Qingwan suddenly asked, "Where's your nephew Susan?"

Susan didn't react for a while, and tilted her head to the back, "It's in the back." After answering, she realized that something was wrong, she looked up at Ning Qingwan in amazement, saw the slyness in Peach Blossom's eyes, and then looked shocked again Meng Xia, she understood at once.

"You frame me!" Susan felt that he could crack his glasses.

"So Su Jiabei is Sister Su's nephew, isn't it?" Meng Xia turned around. Although the two were both surnamed Su, she never expected such a relationship.

Bloody and stimulating.

Xiao Sixuan on the side was also a little surprised, but he pretended to be calm and put the soy sauce in his hand into the shopping cart, Quan Dang didn't hear it.

Ning Qingwan squeezed Meng Xia's hand, approached her, and said warmly, "Apart from that one, all of them are my own, do you feel more at ease?"

This sentence has different meanings to different people's ears.

"Yes..." Meng Xia's heart softened into a puddle of water, rippling with ripples, layer after layer, unable to calm down for a long time.

Susan was angry and funny, and she didn't know if she should be happy for the word "my own person". Seeing the closeness of the two of them, her heart was filled with anger.

Xiao Sixuan's eyes softened, he handed the mineral water in the shopping cart to Susan, "Drink water to reduce fire."

Susan: "..." I'm even more angry!

After shopping and checking out, there are boutiques outside the supermarket, and you can see big furry dolls hanging in the boutiques at a glance.

Su Jiabei's remarks in the supermarket made Ji Tong's heart linger, and he basically understood all his thoughts. But at the same time, it also reminded Ji Tong of the purpose of coming to this show. Ning Qingwan is not easy to chase, but Meng Xia is different, the student girl is simple-minded and easy to start. His thoughts were confused by Su Jiabei, and he even forgot about the unusual interaction between Ning Qingwan and Meng Xia.

Ji Tong looked at the half-height bear-shaped pillow in the boutique, and went in and bought it directly. He handed the bear-shaped pillow to Meng Xia, and said gently, "I feel like little girls like sleeping with dolls, I hope you like it. ."

Meng Xia looked at the furry bear, her lips moved twice, unable to say the word "like", not even "thank you".

"She slept with me at night." Ning Qingwan said lightly, glancing at the bear doll, "This one should have a lot of ashes hanging in the store. If Mr. Ji needs to cuddle and sleep, remember to wash it when you go back."

Meng Xia's eyes fluctuated, and the corners of her lips were bent almost imperceptibly. Ning Qingwan stretched out her hand and flicked her forehead, "Let's go."


Ji Tong held the half-human-high bear and stood there for a while, his eyes fixed on the trash can in the distance for a moment, and he glanced at the PD and camera that followed him. After all, he didn't throw the bear away, and finally gave it to him. Children met outside the supermarket.

After walking far away, I heard the child's mother tell the child to cry, "How many times have I said that you can't take anything given by a stranger!"

Ji Tong took a deep breath, the lip line was bent down, and the jaw was shaking.

After everyone returned to the villa, Meng Xia was in charge of cooking. There were too many people and everyone knew that a little girl was too busy, so they all gathered around the kitchen console to help.

Ji Tong took off the apron from the wall at the back of the kitchen and walked behind Meng Xia. Just as she shook off the apron, Meng Xia took the washed dishes and went to the side. Seeing this, Shen Lan leaned over, "I'm sorry, Mr. Ji~"

Ji Tong: "…"

Su Jiabei, who was eating cherry tomatoes, put down the fruit plate, reached out and took the apron in Ji Tong's hand, and put it on for Shen Lan.

Shen Lan smiled and got ready to thank Ji Tong. When she turned around and saw Su Jiabei, she said in surprise, "Why is it you, cub!"

"..." Su Jiabei sneered, "It is my honor to serve 'Mom'."

Ji Tong endured it, turned to get another apron, the wall was empty, he stood there and looked at the group of busy figures on the console, his eyes fell on Ning Qingwan, and his pupils shrank.

The apron printed with the bear pattern shook off in front of him, his cool fingertips rubbed from his neck, Meng Xia's back stiffened, and the minty scent of Ning Qingwan seemed to linger in her nose.

"elder sister…"


Feeling Meng Xia's relaxation, Ning Qingwan smiled and said, "No one will wear an apron for you except me."

"Ah, why?" Meng Xia wondered, did she look unpleasant? No one will help her tie an apron.

"Because it's too intimate, because I don't allow it." She turned her head to Meng Xia's ear and spoke in a breathy voice.

Meng Xia's little face was covered with a layer of light powder, but her little ears were getting redder and redder.

Ning Qingwan groped for the tie from both sides of her waist, and slowly pulled it from the waist to tie it into a bow. She looked at the soft waist under the apron that was still loose after the two thin ropes were tied, her eyes darkened.

"Xia Xia, let me cook these two dishes for you." Shen Lan said. When she turned to look at Meng Xia, Ning Qingwan had already taken two steps back, and everything looked natural.

"Thank you Miss Lan."

Shen Lan waved her hand, "You're welcome, my sister at home is not half as sensible and capable as you." She asked with great interest, "You call me Sister Lan and Sister Susan Su, what about others? What is Su Jiabei? elder brother?"

Meng Xia thought about it for a while, Brother Bei really didn't sound good, "Brother Jia Bei."

Su Jiabei hooked her lips, which was very useful.

"Where's Xiao Sixuan? Brother Sixuan?"

Meng Xia shook her head, "Doctor Xiao."

Xiao Sixuan showed a touch of admiration in his eyes, "It sounds better than my brother, and I respect my profession very much."

"High! It's really high. Where's Zhang Yang? Brother Yang? Driver Zhang?"

Zhang Yang said quickly, "Brother Yang is just as good as Brother Yang."

"What about President Ji?"

Meng Xia's hands stopped for a while, but this time she answered quickly, not letting Ning Qingwan help her out.

"Same name as Sister Lan."

Shen Lan didn't think much about it. Everyone called Ji Tong the President Ji, which was very appropriate. "Then what's your name Ning Qingwan?"

The air froze for a few seconds, and everyone looked at Meng Xia with different eyes, some curious, some gloomy, some watching a play, and Ning Qingwan herself staring at Meng Xia with a half-smile.

Meng Xia bit her lip and turned her head. Her sister was still Wan Wan's husband. She didn't feel ashamed to call her before, but now she suddenly can't speak in front of so many people.

"Like Sister Lan, Sister Lan is called Brother Jiabei's cub, because Sister Lan is a fan of Brother Jiabei's mother, right?"

Shen Lan nodded and suddenly realized, "Oh! You are a fan of Ning Qingwan's wife." She deliberately teased Meng Xia and asked, "So what's your name Ning Qingwan?"

Ning Qingwan chuckled lightly and looked at Shen Lan with admiration.

The strings in Meng Xia's mind were also broken with this laughter, and she called softly, "Husband Wan Wan."

The voice was soft and soft, and it was very comfortable to listen to, and it was such a call.

After being silent for a while, Shen Lan remembered the way Ning Qingwan looked at her just now, she wrinkled her nose, and felt that she smelled rape/love, "I have a feeling like I was a kid and a movie king!"

Su Jiabei twitched the corners of his mouth, "Is the cub you are talking about me?"

Shen Lan sneered twice, lowered her head guiltily, was so excited that she forgot that the client was standing in front of her.

Su Jiabei: "I thank you straightly!"

Shen Lan retorted: "It's very pleasant to look at."

Su Jiabei sneered: "Hehe, you can verify it yourself."

Listening to the ambiguity, Shen Lan blushed and stopped talking.

After listening to Meng Xia calling Ning Qingwan "Husband Wan Wan", Susan spit out a sip of water and sprayed it all over Xiao Sixuan. She hurriedly put down the water glass and wiped it for him in a hurry. Holding his wrist, Susan broke free twice, Xiao Sixuan let go and said helplessly, "I'll just do it myself."

Susan nodded blankly, the place where her wrist was being held was hot.

Zhang Yang watched several people interact and felt very lonely. He subconsciously glanced at Ji Tong, who should be equally lonely, and found that Ji Tong's face was terrifyingly heavy. Zhang Yang patted his shoulder kindly, "At the same time, Tianya has fallen. Don't worry too much, brother."

Seeing Ji Tong's unpleasant expression, he thought it was because he was dissatisfied with his words, and immediately explained, "Single dog."

Ji Tong smiled, it seemed very gentle, but Zhang Yang could feel the coldness hidden under the gentleness, and he silently retracted the hand on Ji Tong's shoulder.

"It will be a long time to come to Japan." Ji Tong said coldly.

Neither Meng Xia nor Ning Qingwan noticed the situation on Ji Tong's side. Ning Qingwan was turning sideways and biting Meng Xia's ears. Her voice was hoarse and particularly provocative, "It sounds good."

"Call again and listen."

Meng Xia blushed and became hot, but she couldn't refuse Ning Qingwan in her heart, so she called out again obediently, "Husband Wanwan."

Ning Qingwan pushed her nose up, her smile deepened, "Remove the prefix."

After a while, Meng Xia finished struggling, and said softly, "Husband."

Ning Qingwan inadvertently knocked over the sauce beside her hand and splashed both of them. Meng Xia was startled, and before she could react, she was pulled by Ning Qingwan. Meng Xia followed Ning Qingwan in a daze. Go around the kitchen console and head upstairs.

Behind him, Shen Lan asked with concern, "What's wrong?"

Ning Qingwan responded lightly, "The sauce is on you, so change your clothes."

No one doubted him.

Going upstairs, Ning Qingwan dragged Meng Xia straight into the toilet. Meng Xia just entered when the door behind him was closed by Ning Qingwan with one hand. She was locked by Ning Qingwan between the door and her arms. Meng Xia raised her head blankly, her warm lips immediately covered her, and the kiss was tender and tender, her breath blending between her lips and teeth, nostalgic.

The rhythm of breathing and heartbeat were thrown together.

In the other room, Wei Fei was puzzled, "Didn't you change your clothes? Go directly to the toilet without taking your clothes? What are they going to do?"

There are no cameras in the toilets.

Lin Youran glanced at her, leaned over and kissed her, "Do this."

Wei Fei: "...!!"

The author has something to say: hiahiahia wrote floating, writing floating

It's **** and exciting - the official Tucao is the most deadly

It was cool when I wrote it anyway

Is the cp station in the show okay?

Thanks to the little angel who voted or irrigated the nutrient solution for me during the period of 2020-09-17 20:10:23~2020-09-18 21:16:26~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 40 bottles of Wanyou; 5 bottles of Chuanyan 1; 3 bottles of Sanwu Lemonade;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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