MTL - Bent By the Male Protagonist’s White Moonlight-Chapter 45

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After lunch, Meng Xia took Ning Qingwan from the cafeteria on the east campus all the way to the trail on Lover's Slope.

The two walked side by side on the scenic trail, chatting one after another.

On the right side is the green grassy slope, a couple of couples sitting or standing chatting together, and if you look into the distance, you can see the sparkling lake, and ducks are playing on the lake.

"I heard from the senior sisters that if you look down from the sky, Lover's Lake is in the shape of a heart."

"It's a great place for a date."

Meng Xia stopped to look at the large lake, the wind ruffled her hair, she naturally wanted to reach out and lift it away, but just lifted her hand and put it back to her side.

Ning Qingwan picked up her broken hair that had been blown by the wind and pinned it behind her ear.

The slightly cool fingertips rubbed over the ear bones, Meng Xia turned his head blankly, and murmured, "That's why I want to bring you here."

Ning Qingwan was throbbing, she looked at the person in front of her, her eyes were clear and warm, her cheeks were pink and her lips were...

want to kiss her.

Ning Qingwan retracted her hand and pinched her fingertips into her palm. She looked away, suppressing her emotions.

"Xia Xia!" Luo Ke shouted while pushing his bicycle and running in their direction.

Because Meng Xia said that she wanted to teach Ning Qingwan to ride a bicycle, Luo Ke's bicycle just stopped at the library on the east campus. After eating, she went to get the car without stopping.

Meng Xia said hello to the program team and walked towards Luo Ke.

Luo Ke handed the car over to Meng Xia as if offering a treasure, "Please let my little BMW smell like my husband Wanwan! Please!"

After speaking, he bowed solemnly.

Mosquito and Tiantian on the side are quite disgusted, "Foul!"

Luo Ke shook his head arrogantly, and said, "You are jealous!"

Meng Xia couldn't help laughing, and took the handlebars from Roco, "I'll go first~"

Luo Ke waved, "Go, go~"

Meng Xia pushed the car in front of Ning Qingwan, tilted her head and said with a small smile, "Are you learning to drive?"

"Okay, Teacher Meng." Ning Qingwan teased her with a smile.

Meng Xia was fresh and surprised by this new title, and changing the title was more interesting.

Because Ning Qingwan would not address others so intimately.

Meng Xia bit her lip, a little shy, and whispered, "If you can't learn, there will be punishment, classmate Ning."

Being caught off guard and being counterattacked, Ning Qingwan was stunned for a moment, the corners of her lips rose, tsk, her tongue was sharp. She laughed and teased her, "Will Teacher Meng be rewarded if you learn it?"

Meng Xia pursed her lips. If there is a punishment, there will be a reward. She was only joking, how could she be punished. But Ning Qingwan's words were full of self-confidence, not caring about punishment but only asking about awards.

After a moment of silence, Meng Xia nodded, "Yes."

Ning Qingwan raised her eyebrows, took the handlebars from her hand, straddled the car, stepped on the pedals with one foot, and stretched the other long leg straight to the ground.

The posture is lazy and casual, like a normal bicycle, but she made it look like a prop for a blockbuster.

Meng Xia couldn't help but want to take her mobile phone to take two pictures for her, but it was a pity that the mobile phone was handed over to PD.

"You step on the pedal, and when the car slides forward, lift your other foot to step on the pedal, and step it down, and the left and right feet will step on the scooter to move forward... The front of the car controls the direction."

Meng Xia held the back seat of the car lightly with both hands, "I'll hold you so that you won't fall."

Ning Qingwan looked back at her. Under the sunlight, the seriousness in Meng Xia's eyes rippled into her heart. She raised her eyebrows, "I believe in you."

The sun was just right, the autumn wind was blowing, and it was neither cold nor hot, Ning Qing was riding the bike, Meng Xia was holding the back seat of the bike behind.

Beautiful scenery, more beautiful people.

Ning Qingwan got started very quickly, except that it was very crooked at the beginning, but she was basically able to maintain her balance later.

"Sister, do you really know how to ride a bike?"

Ning Qingwan rode the bike slowly, "No." She thought for a while, "I'll ride bigger than this."

"Bigger than this?" Meng Xia wondered.

Ning Qingwan took control of the front of the car, "I'll take you to experience it tomorrow."


Xu is that everyone's attention was on Ning Qingwan, who was practicing the car. When Nan Hua rushed over with a bunch of flowers, the photo shoot and PD didn't have time to stop him.

In order to avoid her, Ning Qingwan turned the front of the car abruptly, unable to stabilize the body, and when the car fell to the side, Meng Xia quickly hugged her.

But in an instant, Nan Hua became jealous when he saw Meng Xia, and pushed her like crazy.

It was almost full of strength. Immediately after, he picked up the milk tea in the hands of his classmates and smashed it towards Meng Xia's back.

No one could see how it happened. When everyone recovered, they only saw Meng Xia pushing Ning Qingwan against the wall, with her hands on either side of Ning Qingwan's face.

The faces of the two are very close, and they look like Meng Xia's strong wall and Ning Qingwan.

Live version of the wall dong.

This posture was maintained for a while. Meng Xia stood up straight, her eyes were red, her eyes filled with guilt and worry, "I...sister...Did my back hit me?"

It must have hurt so bad just now.

Ning Qingwan endured the burning pain in her back, rubbed her head, and reassured, "It's okay. Don't cry."

The people in the program group came back to their senses. The two big camera brothers put down their equipment and pulled Nanhua away. The rest of the people immediately surrounded them, all of them were full of concern, and came forward to ask for warmth.

"Are you all right?"

"Where did it hit?"

"Do I need to call the accompanying doctor?"

Ning Qingwan smiled and said to the crowd, "It's alright, don't worry too much. Everyone was shocked."

"Mr. Ning, we were negligent." PD said quickly, "Get in the car first and go to the school's infirmary to have the accompanying doctor check it. Meng Xia also check it out."

Under the arrangement of PD, Meng Xia and Ning Qingwan got into the director's car.

Nan Hua was scolded by Mosquito and Luo Ke and cried until she was out of breath. pd frowned and walked towards Nanhua, "Classmate, show me your student ID."

Nan Hua turned pale, biting his lower lip.

Luo Ke was so angry that he reported all the dormitories of Nanhua's professional class in one go. She also saw Nan Hua in the study room last time, and she paid a little attention to it later.

PD nodded, "We will contact the school leaders."

After the program group left, the three of Luo Ke could only take the school bus to run to the infirmary, but the mosquitoes were still angry, "Damn, I'm sick! I just said this in the group, and everyone was scolding her. She was banned, so let her suffer. Before scolding a few words, she withdrew from the group. She was mad."

Luo Ke and Tiantian also scolded a few words.

Luo Ke: "However, that scene just now. It's too exciting."

Tiantian: "I thought my husband was the big one, but suddenly I think I have the potential to attack Xia."

Rocco: "I took a picture~"

Tiantian: "I took it too, show me what you took. Ouch! Xia Xia is mighty!"



After arriving at the infirmary, the school doctor and the accompanying doctor of the program team checked the two of them.

The back was wet, and the milk tea was particularly uncomfortable on the body through the sticky fabric of the clothes, but it was not as strong as the discomfort in my heart.

The heavy curtain was pulled, and the accompanying doctor was applying anti-swelling medicine to Ning Qingwan.

Ning Qingwan's back was scratched with a long red mark, and there was no break in the skin, but the red and swollen appearance was shocking.

Meng Xia didn't see it but heard it, she felt distressed just thinking about it.

pd glanced at Meng Xia, who was pale and with tears in his eyes. He patted her on the shoulder and said softly, "Are you scared?"

Meng Xia shook her head, bit her lip and said nothing.

"I'll take you back to the dormitory later, take a shower and change your clothes." PD got a little closer to her and sighed, "Mr. Ning is really gentle, she's been protecting you all the time, do you know your back? It's wet, you can see the underwear."

Meng Xia was shocked and opened her mouth, not knowing what to reply. She said in her heart that Ning Qingwan has always been gentle.

He was holding her tightly then. When the milk tea came, Ning Qingwan held her hand to help her block the impact of the milk tea cup.

As soon as Ning Qingwan opened the curtain and came out, she saw PD and Meng Xia standing together, the little girl's face was red and her eyes were watery with tears.

? what's the situation.

Ning Qingwan frowned slightly, and looked at the two of them without moving.

When the pd saw her coming out, he immediately expressed his concern and apology, "We have arranged for someone to buy new clothes for Teacher Ning, and they will be delivered later. This is the place to change clothes..." She turned and glanced at Meng Xia.

Meng Xia understood, "Go to my dormitory to change."

Ning Qingwan nodded and said nothing.

Seeing her indifferent expression, Meng Xia's heart skipped a beat, and she felt even more sad.

Ning Qingwan approached her and pinched her nose, "Don't be sad, I'm fine."

Meng Xia raised her wet eyes, bit her lower lip and tried hard not to let herself cry.

"What about you, did you bump into something?"

Meng Xia shook her head, "No, it's just that the back was wet with milk tea."

Ning Qingwan asked casually, "What did the program team PD just tell you."

"..." Meng Xia blushed, Shui Yingying looked at her tenderly, and then lowered her head shyly, "She said you were gentle..."

This reaction was too strange. People praised her for her gentleness, but Meng Xia was not jealous, blushed and shy.

But Meng Xia was too embarrassed to say the latter.

Ning Qingwan: "..." There were several more children in the little question mark inside.

The pd greeted the two of them to get in the car and sent them all the way downstairs to Meng Xia's dormitory. At that time, the person who was sent to prepare new clothes for Ning Qingwan also arrived, and the pd handed the bag containing the clothes to Ning Qingwan.

pd: "We'll just wait downstairs in the dormitory, you can rest for a while."

Ning Qingwan nodded and followed Meng Xia into the dormitory building.

The other two in the dormitory also moved out. In order to accompany the lonely Luo Ke occasionally, Meng Xia left a lot of clothes in the dormitory so that he could come back anytime for two days.

As soon as he entered, Meng Xia locked the door of the dormitory and drew the curtains so that Ning Qingwan could change clothes.

She opened the cupboard and casually picked out short trousers. She took out the remote control of the dormitory TV, and put her ipad on the table. "I'm going to take a shower. My sister has something she wants to watch. I'll change the channel myself. The tablet password is your birthday."

"it is good."

Meng Xia entered the bathroom, her loose hair was covered in milk tea, and it took a long time to take a bath.

When she came out of the bathroom, she looked at the clothes on Ning Qingwan's body, which became more and more familiar. It was her shirt, which she bought after following the trend. She couldn't wear it unruly, but Ning Qingwan's clothes had a unique charm.

Meng Xia looked at it, her heart fluttering, she was still a little unsure, "Sister, are you wearing my clothes..."

"Yeah." Ning Qingwan responded without changing her face, holding her ipad in her hand and playing the small games she usually played, "Is it good-looking."

"Good-looking." Meng Xia wiped her hair, "Don't you like the clothes that the show team bought?"

Ning Qingwan put down the ipad, walked over to her, took the towel in her hand and wiped her hair, "I didn't look at it. I just wanted to wear yours."

With an arrogant tone, Meng Xia thought it was funny, and her heart was sweet.

"Sister, is this also your first time?"

Ning Qingwan was stunned for a moment, and realized what she was saying, "Yes. This is the first time I don't wear my own clothes."

Her hair was half dry, so Ning Qingwan picked up the hair dryer Meng Xia had prepared in advance to help her dry her hair, "It's the first time helping someone blow their hair."

After drying her hair, Ning Qingwan turned off the hair dryer, rubbed her fluffy, dry, warm hair, and slowly moved her hands down to hold her face.

"Kissing someone is also the first time..."

A passionate kiss, slowly sucking, grinding, and demanding. The soft and moist tongue probed into the mouth, wanton absorbing her sweet breath.

It's like eating her favorite dessert, savoring it carefully, tasting every place over and over again. Very possessive, gentle and bossy.

Ning Qingwan's hand moved to Meng Xia's sensitive ears and back of neck, rubbing slowly and gently inch by inch.

Different grind.

This kiss is long and sweet, like drinking honey wine, sweet and intoxicating.

What was even more intoxicating than that was that the unsteady, hoarse voice spoke words that tugged at her heartstrings—

"You can still have a lot of my firsts."

The author has something to say: one day when a little rabbit unexpectedly counterattacked

Ning Wanwan: Has technology improved?

Meng Rabbit covered his face and replied shyly: Teacher Ning taught well!

A certain little rabbit suddenly reacted, why is it the first time, Ning Wanwan is so good at it?

Meng Rabbit: Is it really the first time for Teacher Ning...

Ning Wanwan Rua Rabbit: Yes, as long as I look at you, my mind is teaching automatically.

Your Meng Rabbit is hot as a Roast Rabbit…

Ning Wanwan: You can eat~

ps: Recall who Nan Hua is - Xia Xia is not good-looking in the fan group. He worked as a driver for Wan Wan for a day, and was replaced by Mo Li after the candid photos were discovered.

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during the period of 2020-09-27 21:49:03~2020-09-2822:55:37~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: 1 shasha;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Ye, 88 bottles of Ezeze;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Read The Duke's Passion