MTL - Bent By the Male Protagonist’s White Moonlight-Chapter 49

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Lin Hui's words about Ning Qingwan's birth, and Chen Silin's words about her and Ning Qingwan's childhood without guessing, hovered in Meng Xia's mind over and over again.

While feeling distressed for Ning Qingwan, there was also an inexplicable complex emotion that was entangled in his heart like a mess of hemp ropes.

This vaguely oppressive feeling faded when Ning Qingwan hugged her to sleep at night.

But on the second day, according to the program team's arrangement to watch Ning Qingwan's work, Ning Qingwan took her to the downstairs of the company, and at the moment of parking, she saw Chen Silin standing not far from them with a smile on her face.

Mind, uncomfortable feeling stretched out tentacles again.

Chen Silin was wearing a long red dress, bright and moving, and walked towards them gracefully: "You actually rode this here."

The day before, Ning Qingwan said that the vehicles larger than bicycles are heavy-duty locomotives, which are fast and inconvenient to follow. come up.

Ning Qingwan turned off the gopro installed in the car, took off the helmet, brushed her hair from the side, and said in a neutral tone, "Why are you here?"

Chen Silin watched her movements, raised her hand and hooked the broken hair behind her ear: "Passing by. I'll come to see you by the way." Her eyes fell on Meng Xia, who was behind Ning Qingwan, a loose white top and pencil pants. The legs are long and straight.

Meng Xia just climbed out of Ning Qingwan's car. Even though Ning Qingwan had already tried to ride as slow as possible, Meng Xia's legs were still weak when he got off the car, and after taking a step, he staggered.

"Are you okay?" Ning Qingwan held her arm with one hand, made her lean against him, and naturally helped her take off her helmet, curling her fingers to lift the long hair stuck to her face.

Chen Silin looked away from Ning Qingwan's hand, looked at Meng Xia, who had a pale face, and said kindly, "It's very uncomfortable, I vomited the first time I rode in this kind of car."

What she said was ambiguous. She didn't directly say whether she was in Ning Qingwan's car, but there was such a meaning in it.

Meng Xia suppressed the discomfort in her chest and said slowly, "It's okay..."

Ning Qingwan opened a bottle of water and handed it to Meng Xia, and said to Chen Silin, "I'll be recording the show later."

Chen Silin smiled: "I know, you said it during dinner yesterday. I was watching from the side, and I didn't get into your camera, just like before."

Ning Qingwan said nothing.

The water flowing into the stomach from the throat did not make the stomach more comfortable, but it was a little uncomfortable. Meng Xia took the bottle away from his mouth and found that the bottle cap was in Ning Qingwan's hand, so he reached for it.

Ning Qingwan turned to look at her, "Stop drinking? Is it better?"

Meng Xia nodded, Ning Qingwan took the bottle from her hand, moved it to her lips and took a few sips before closing the bottle cap. The smile on Chen Silin's lips narrowed slightly.

Not long after, everyone from the show team arrived. Chen Silin followed behind the camera as she said, but Meng Xia couldn't ignore her eyes glued to her body.

Ning Qingwan took her to experience a recording studio. Meng Xia's musical skills were very weak. After Ning Qingwan taught those melodies a few times, she still sang her unique Meng style.

It's just that there isn't a single word in the tune that it should have been in.

In Ning Qingwan's unrestrained laughter, Meng Xia pursed her lips tightly, no matter how Ning Qingwan coaxed her, she was unwilling to sing.

"Actually, it sounds pretty good." Ning Qingwan's eyes filled with a smile.

Meng Xia glanced at her with distrust in her eyes, and muttered, "It's nice that you are smiling so happily, you fooling the child."

"Really." Ning Qingwan rubbed her head, her tone was much more serious than before, "Your voice is very nice, even if you don't adjust it, it sounds very comfortable."

Meng Xia smiled happily because of these words, and Ning Qingwan pinched her nose affectionately. Outside the recording studio, Chen Silin watched with gloomy eyes.

After experiencing it for a while, Meng Xia didn't want to disturb Ning Qingwan to record the song, so she excused herself to go to the toilet and slipped away.

When she came out of the compartment, she saw Chen Silin smoking standing by the door. The slender Yan Mengxia in her hand felt familiar, but didn't look at it much. She didn't want to confirm her guess.

Chen Silin saw Meng Xia raised her lips and smiled gently: "How does it feel to sing in the recording studio?"

Meng Xia pursed her lips and smiled back at her: "It's interesting."

Chen Silin: "You have a good tone, and you should sing well."

Meng Xia put her hand under the sensor faucet to wash her hands, her voice was soft, and her tone was a little shy: "I, dysphonia."

Chen Silin took a puff of cigarette and exhaled slowly: "Me too. When Ah Qing took me to experience the recording studio for the first time. I didn't say a word on the tune, my mother was laughing at me, only Ah Qing comforted me and told me that I Good sound."

"So don't feel embarrassed. Ah Qing sometimes takes care of other people's feelings."

Meng Xia stopped washing her hands, lowered her eyelashes, and squeezed the word "good" out of her throat after a while.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, in order to take a concept photo for the new album, Ning Qingwan took pictures in the studio where the scene had been arranged.

The shooting time is expected to be relatively long. In this episode, the program team only recorded a few scenes of Meng Xia watching Ning Qingwan's shooting, and then they all took advantage of Ning Qingwan's filming to take a break.

In order not to interfere with Ning Qingwan's shooting, except for assistant Cheng Xu and manager Mo Li, everyone else moved from the studio to the lounge next door.

Chen Silin went out for a trip and ordered afternoon tea for the staff. Not only the program crew who followed the filming, but also the people from Ning Qingwan Economic Company participated, and the arrangement was very thoughtful.

As the saying goes, eating people has a soft mouth, and the people in the show team praised her for a while, and the staff of the economic company smiled and said, "Every time she comes back, she will buy delicious food and drink."

"As soon as she came, I knew I had good luck."

"It's Muji's strawberry mousse! You really like this one~"

"Mr. Ning also prefers this mousse cake."

Meng Xia sat on the soft chair in the far corner, watching and listening, slowly looking away, took out her mobile phone and chatted with Luo Ke and the others. Chen Silin walked towards her and handed her the cake box and milk tea in her hand, "For you."

After hesitating for a moment, Meng Xia took it and politely thanked him.

Chen Silin: "A-Qing likes this cake the most. I remember that when I shared my favorite cake with her for the first time, her eyes lit up, as if she preferred this cake after that."

Meng Xia knew Ning Qingwan's preference, but it was all based on fans' understanding of idols. She could vaguely understand what Chen Silin wanted to express.

It means that Ning Qingwan likes it because she likes it.

The people around were eating cakes, drinking milk tea and chatting with each other, which was very noisy.

Chen Silin's voice was not loud at all, it was like a whisper, and it was lowered, but it all fell into Meng Xia's ears.

"Look, I always share good things with her, she's a bad person, and what she taught me is not good."

Chen Silin took out the pack of cigarettes from her bag. Meng Xia looked over and saw clearly that it was the same cigarette that Ning Qingwan smoked before.

"One day I saw her smoking, and I felt novel, so I took the cigarette from her mouth and put it in my mouth in front of her."

Meng Xia listened, and couldn't help constructing a picture in his mind, a very ambiguous picture, and his thick eyelashes lightly fanned twice.

Chen Silin saw the change in her expression, hooked her lips, and continued, "I thought she would blame me, but I didn't expect that she actually taught me to smoke."

"Is it bad?"

Meng Xia opened her mouth, not knowing what to respond to, her chest was stuffy, and she couldn't breathe.

"I, I'm going to the bathroom."

As soon as she finished speaking, she got up and walked out the door. When she arrived at the bathroom door, she looked at the cake box and milk tea in her hands.

But I don't want to go back to the lounge anymore.

Not knowing what time Ning Qingwan took the photo, Meng Xia sent a WeChat message to Ning Qingwan and PD, and then left the company building.

Walking aimlessly on the street, she has never been to this block before, and the surrounding environment is very unfamiliar.

The words Chen Silin said, the pictures she made up in her brain, the two cups with hand drawings in Chen Silin's house, intertwined like an old movie, and played back frame by frame in her mind.

She couldn't stop thinking about it, almost masochistically.

Mindfulness, jealousy, and a sour feeling so strong that it can't be dispelled filled my heart.

Meng Xia was immersed in her annoyance, completely unaware that as she walked away, the surrounding environment had changed.

When he regained his senses, Meng Xia walked to a small park, where children in twos and threes were playing on the slide, and their parents watched from not far away.

Meng Xia picked up the phone and glanced at it, but there was no reply, Ning Qingwan should still be shooting. She looked around, the environment became more unfamiliar, and a little girl sat on a wooden bench in the corner.

There are also vacancies to sit. Meng Xia walked over to the bench, and when he got closer, he could see that the little girl was covered in gray, as if she was rolling around on the ground.

The sleeves were rolled up, and there was a tooth mark on the exposed arm, biting quite deeply.

Hearing the footsteps, the girl raised her head and gave her a lukewarm look.

So beautiful... The eyes are like Ning Qingwan, and there is also a little mole under the eyes, but it seems that there is a bruise on the forehead.

Meng Xia blinked, feeling good about her.

"Why are you sitting here alone?" Meng Xia sat down beside her.

The girl frowned and moved aside, ignoring her.

Meng Xia: "Where are your parents?"

The girl pursed her lips and spit out after a while, "You are so annoying."

Meng Xia: "…"

After being silent for a long time, Meng Xia still didn't hold back, and handed her the cake in his hand: "Would you like to eat the cake?"

The girl glanced at her, "Are you a trafficker?"

"..." Meng Xia choked, "Do I look like a bad guy?"

The girl pursed her lips, looked at her carefully, and shook her head, "It's not like. It's just for looks."

I'm young, and I'm thinking a lot.

"Okay." Meng Xia smiled, brows twitching.

The girl looked at her smile and lowered her eyelids.

"Then do you want to eat my cake?" Meng Xia opened the cake box, took out the strawberry mousse cake inside, and handed it to the girl.

The girl didn't answer, "I've watched TV, and after eating the food given by strangers, I fainted, and then they took people away and sold them."

"...Well, the TV show is very correct. Strangers can't eat it." Meng Xia nodded, wanting to withdraw his hand.

The girl snorted softly and took the cake from her hand.

Meng Xia: "Aren't you afraid that you will be sold by me after you eat it?"

The girl shrugged: "It doesn't matter. Even if it is sold, no one will care."

These words... Meng Xia glanced at the clothes on her body, "Did you quarrel with your parents?" She said carefully, "Are you doing something wrong and being beaten by your parents?"

The girl froze for a while, then shook her head, "They never hit me." She lowered her head and dug a scoop of cake into her mouth, "No matter what I did wrong, they wouldn't beat or scold me."

"It's like they won't praise me no matter how good I am. I got full marks in the test and got a certificate. Mom and Mom just glanced at me and didn't say anything."

"But my brother has only improved by one point, and she will praise him for being great."

"I had a fight with Wang Chen today. The teacher said to invite parents. Wang Chen's parents came. I waited for a long time. They just made a phone call."

"I used to watch my brother fight with others, and my mother scolded him for a long time. I feel very envious."

"I sometimes wonder if I picked it up. But they all say I'm biological and that I look like my mother."

"When my brother was injured, she would hug him and say 'my little baby, it doesn't hurt anymore', but she never hugged me."

"I want her to hug me too and tell me..."

The girl paused, her voice was choked, and she couldn't cry. She raised her hand and wiped away the tears on her face.

Meng Xia felt a lump in her heart when she heard it, it was so painful that it was hard to breathe. Her mother died early, and she had never experienced maternal love. But not experiencing it is better than having a mother who turns a blind eye to her.

She took out a tissue and squatted in front of the little girl, carefully wiping the tears from her face, "Don't wipe with your hands."

The little girl's teary eyelashes trembled, and her beautiful eyes full of tears stared at her without blinking.

Meng Xia wiped her face clean and raised her hand to cover her head. The girl was stunned for a while, and wanted to hide, but she moved and didn't move. Meng Xia smiled softly and rubbed her head gently.

"If you don't mind, I can play your mother."

The girl looked at her and sniffed: "What?"

Meng Xia picked her up and sat back on the stool, letting the girl sit on her lap. She brushed off the dust on the girl's body and said softly, "My little baby, it doesn't hurt anymore."

The girl looked at her incredulously, her thin lips moved, and after a while she said a little embarrassedly, "What? I won't call you mother."

"I don't have a daughter as big as you."

The girl pursed her lips and said, "Can you call me again?"


The girl was a little shy, but she stared at her with wide eyes, and bent the corners of her eyes, "Yeah!"

Meng Xia was a little amused, first she touched the tooth marks on her arm, and then raised her hand to rub the bruise on her forehead.

The girl "hiss".

"Does it hurt?"

The girl rolled her eyes, "What do you say?"

Meng Xia smiled, "Then don't fight with others next time, it will hurt."

"I'm not afraid of pain." The girl muttered, she let Meng Xia rub her head, it hurt, but also very comfortable.

"I will feel distressed. You are very beautiful. What should I do if the fight breaks."

The girl blinked, looking a little embarrassed. She lowered her head and ate the cake. She fed Meng Xia all the strawberries. "You looked a little unhappy before. You can tell me if you are unhappy."

Meng Xia sighed leisurely, and said that love troubles to a child is not good.

The girl, Bingxue, is very smart. She asked, "Are you broken-hearted?" Seeing Meng Xia looking at her in surprise, she explained like a very young adult, "You are either worried about money or feelings at your age."

"..." It hit the nail on the head, really incisive.

Meng Xia looked at her and couldn't help but want to ask her opinion, "If someone likes it, maybe they want to take away the person you like, what would you do?"

The girl took a sip of the milk tea Meng Xia gave her, "Then the person I like likes me."


"Oh, no one else can take my things away."

"..." At such a young age, so domineering.

This topic did not continue, Meng Xia was afraid of bringing crooked children to three views. She took out her mobile phone and glanced at it. It was 4 o'clock, and there was still no news. Does it take so long to shoot? She thought about it, and it would be better to make a phone call and ask.

But the signal in the small park doesn't seem to be very good.

Meng Xia put the girl down from her lap, "I'll go make a phone call."

The girl nodded, "I'll wait for you here."

Meng Xia rubbed her head and walked towards the intersection with her mobile phone in her hand. She looked down at the mobile phone and felt a little strange. The signal was full, so why couldn't the call be made.

She turned around and wanted to go back and tell the girl that she had to go first. She thought about it and asked the girl's name. She wanted to take the girls out to play more if she had the chance.

As soon as she moved, she was dragged into her arms. Ning Qingwan's voice was hoarse, suppressing her anger, "Why didn't you answer the phone?"

Chen Silin clenched her hands beside her, her face was calm, she said with half resentment and half concern: "It's not about going to the toilet, how come here, we are all worried to death."

Meng Xia's attention was all on that corner of the park. The wooden bench became a stainless steel bench. She looked at the slide not far away, and the slide and even the people near the slide changed.

She scanned every part of the park, and there was no girl anywhere.

"How can this be... people... I haven't asked for names..."

Ning Qingwan, who was behind him, suddenly sank his face.

The author has something to say: hhhhhhhhh

Read The Duke's Passion