MTL - Bent By the Male Protagonist’s White Moonlight-Chapter 59

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Meng Xia's body froze, she bit her lower lip lightly, and the water mist in her eye sockets dissipated instantly as her eyes flowed.

"Don't want to cry anymore?" Ning Qingwan let go of her ear, stared at her for a while, and said half-jokingly and half-seriously, "I only like you to cry at that time, and I will feel distressed when you cry at other times."

The original warm and moving atmosphere was completely broken by Ning Qingwan's two shy and impetuous words. Meng Xia was stunned, and shyly said, "Then...Isn't it distressed at that time?"

"When?" Ning Qingwan asked knowingly, pretending to be completely ignorant.

Meng Xia's ears were hot, and she gave her a shy and annoyed look.

With a hint of embarrassment in her warm eyes, she looked even more charming and charming. The spark in Ning Qingwan's heart suddenly lit up. She leaned forward and said in a hoarse voice, "It will be special to see you cry while doing this..."

The last two words were said with his lips in his mouth. Meng Xia's face was flushed red, as if a fuse was ignited in his mind, it exploded with a "bang", and a ball of fireworks burned so much that he lost his thoughts.

Ning Qingwan kissed fiercely, as if she was trying to **** all the air and moisture out of Meng Xia's mouth.

After a while, she retreated reluctantly, "I have to go back, I'll let you go for now."

Meng Xia hadn't realized what this sentence meant, and didn't think too much about how long it was. She only saw that Ning Qingwan's eyes were deeper than usual, and the burning heat had not disappeared.

With her heart pounding, Meng Xia hurriedly sat upright, swallowed subconsciously, her mouth was extremely dry.

On the way back, Ning Qingwan went around to the milk tea dessert shop. Meng Xia got out of the car and bought milk tea, and bought small cakes for the other guests of the villa according to Ning Qingwan's instructions.

The strength of the capitalist, Meng Xia only reported the phone number that Ning Qingwan told her, without having to wait in a long line, directly entered the VIP channel, and bought it in a while.

After getting in the car, Meng Xia put on the seat belt and counted the weights. She calculated with her fingers, and said in confusion, "Brother Zhang Yang is not here, remove me and my sister, and there are five more people right."

"Ji Tong won't be back at night." Ning Qingwan glanced at her and teased, "You still count him...are you so kind and cute?"

Meng Xia was silent, poked the straw into the milk tea and handed it to Ning Qingwan's lips.

Ning Qingwan chuckled lightly, "Does this make me talk less?"

"..." Meng Xiayu's eyelashes quickly slapped twice, softly coquettish, "This milk tea is highly rated, I want to give my sister the first sip."

Ning Qingwan stared at her, Meng Xia smiled so her brows and eyes were like stars, Ning Qingwan's heart was rippling, and following her intention, she lowered her head and took a sip from the straw.

"Is it delicious?" Meng Xia looked at her expectantly.

"Guess what?" Ning Qingwan looked at her amusingly, holding the milk tea cup without letting go, took another sip in front of her.

"?" The kiss made her mouth numb and thirsty before, but now watching Ning Qingwan take sip after sip, Meng Xiaxing blinked again and again.

Ning Qingwan let go and let go, as if she wasn't going to drink anymore, Meng Xia was about to withdraw her hand when she hooked her around the neck.

The warm and fragrant milk tea crossed the mouth from the lips and teeth, slipped over the tip of the tongue, and spread across the throat.

"Is it delicious?" Ning Qingwan asked her with a smile.

Meng Xia couldn't help blushing. She turned her face away and looked out the window. She put the straw in her mouth and drank milk tea in silence.

Ning Qingwan hooked her lips and didn't tease her anymore, she pressed the handbrake, and turned the steering wheel to drive the car out.

As the car drove up the main road, Meng Xia whispered, "Delicious."

Ning Qingwan's lips curved deeper.

After arriving at the villa, Meng Xia found that the people in the program team came back 20 minutes earlier than them, and she suddenly understood why Ning Qingwan had specifically asked her to buy small cakes for others.

If it weren't for the VIP channel, she would have to queue for more than 20 minutes at the dessert shop. When they came back with a small cake, the people in the program group would not wonder why they drove a sports car slower than a commercial car.

This thought was too meticulous, Meng Xia looked down at the cake in her hand and couldn't help smacking her tongue.

The other four guests in the villa ended their appointments early and gathered in the living room activity area. As soon as Meng Xia and Ning Qingwan entered the door, they were seen by the sharp-eyed Su Jiabei. He said in surprise, "Ah? Aren't the three of you on a date? Where's Mr. Ji?"

what a good question...

"I said that there was something wrong with the company, so I left early." Ning Qingwan explained calmly.

"I brought you a small cake." Meng Xia put the small cake in her hand on the coffee table.

Shen Lan happily took a box, and impatiently opened the box and took a small spoon to dig and eat.

Su Jiabei complained, "Didn't you say weight loss?"

Shen Lan glanced at him angrily, "This black tea cake is super hard to buy, you can't buy it without waiting in line for half an hour."

Susan pushed the silver-rimmed glasses, and his eyes hidden behind the lenses glanced sharply at Ning Qingwan. After all, he was considered a singer with a little traffic, and it was impossible to queue up, only Meng Xia queued up to buy it. She silently picked up the cake.

"You've brushed your teeth, so let's eat it tomorrow." Xiao Sixuan looked at Susan and persuaded.

"..." Susan rolled his eyes.

Meng Xia watched the interaction of the four with a light smile on her face. The atmosphere of the two couples was strange two days ago, but now it feels a lot easier.

"Tired, go back to rest." Ning Qingwan looked away from Meng Xia's smiling face. She put an arm around Meng Xia's shoulder and walked upstairs with her.

"Hey? Sister, slow down." Meng Xia stumbled to keep up with her pace. Looking at the backs of the two of them, Susan placed the cake in his hand on the coffee table. He hadn't pulled his hand in the villa before, but now he's starting to hang his shoulders on his back?

As soon as she entered the room, Meng Xia was rushed by Ning Qingwan to the bathroom to take a shower. She took Ning Qingwan's tired words seriously.

Meng Xia adjusted the water temperature, and when the bathroom was hot, she took off her clothes, took out the clip, and twisted her hair as she walked inside.

The door was pushed open unexpectedly, Meng Xia looked back in amazement, and Ning Qingwan's graceful and graceful body came into view without any cover.

It's not that they didn't wash together, but Meng Xia couldn't help but panic when she saw it under the light. She turned her back at a loss, and let go of her hand that was holding her hair, and her long hair fell apart in an instant.

The blue silk is waist-length, and the ends of the hair are just round and upturned. It is black and white for a while, and the looming scenery is even more beautiful.

A chuckle came into her ears, and then her cool and soft arm went around and held the clip in her hand.

Meng Xia forgot to breathe in an instant, her back stiffened, she felt the uneven curve behind her, and she was flushed red by the hot air in the room.

Fortunately, Ning Qingwan took the clip in her hand and took two steps back to help her pull up her hair. Meng Xia let out a long sigh of relief.

Under the shower, Meng Xia stood with her head down, her arms around her chest and her back to Ning Qingwan.

His long black hair was tied high with clips, revealing a graceful, lustrous and clean neck.

The soft kiss was like a spring breeze brushing past her ears, lingering on the back of her neck, sliding slowly over, and Ning Qingwan bit her shoulder behind herself.

Not too light, slightly painful. Meng Xia gasped and raised her face subconsciously.

The sound of water in the shower room could cover up many sounds, but Ning Qingwan was too hard, Meng Xia couldn't restrain herself against the wall, Ning Qingwan raised one hand to cover her mouth.

Meng Xia opened her mouth and bit her hand with tears in her eyes, but she didn't dare to bite too hard. She turned her head and sobbed, "Sister..."

"Baby, don't cry." Ning Qingwan coaxed softly.

Meng Xia thought of the words she said in the car in a trance—

When I see you cry, I will be special


Just thinking about getting hit again.

Meng Xia shuddered until her scalp was numb, and when she was about to lose the urge to scream, Ning Qingwan reached out and covered her lips.

When she returned to the soft bed, Meng Xia only felt exhausted. If it wasn't for the fear of someone being a wolf again, she probably wouldn't even bother to wear pajamas.

Nestled in Ning Qingwan's arms, Meng Xia found a comfortable position and stopped moving. Ning Qingwan squeezed her waist and suggested sincerely, "Baby, if you have time, go to the gym."

The faint scent of mint was faint, and the strength of pinching her waist was just right. Meng Xia was drowsy. Hearing this, he muttered, "Sister, do you think I'm fat?"

The original dog blood, in fact, Meng Xia's body can be said to be very good, and the flesh is very sensible and grows where it should be.

Ning Qingwan laughed and stroked her waist. The arc of the line made people want to pinch her tightly, "I hate that you are too easy to get tired."

"..." Meng Xia raised her eyes with difficulty, and couldn't help but complain, "You've been out for a day during the day, sister, aren't you tired?"

"It's okay, that's why I want you to exercise too."

"Fitness, sister's vest line is very beautiful." Meng Xia unconsciously reached out and touched Ning Qingwan's lower abdomen, thinking about whether to exercise or not, and thinking that her eyelids were getting heavier and heavier.

Ning Qingwan's breath stagnated, she held down her unbridled hand, and when she turned her head to the side, the person who set off the fire was already asleep.

"...Forget it, I'll let you go." Ning Qingwan lightly kissed Meng Xia's lips and muttered, "Good night."

Ning Qingwan didn't expect her to make such a proposal, Meng Xia really took her good sister Luo Ke to run to the gym, and the little rabbit came back every day and shouted that she was tired, which made her feel distressed every day and could only follow abstinence. :)

At the end of September, the weather in City C was cloudy and rainy, and the autumn chill was getting heavier, but Ning Qingwan's personal popularity continued to rise because of the "decryption" fire.

At 11 o'clock on Friday night, with the broadcast of the latest "Decryption", Ning Qingwan was on the hot search again, and even Meng Xia, who had a cameo appearance on NPC, was "searched" by the whole network

The date Reuters followed "Fortunate to meet you" was also exposed.

Meng Xia found that the hot search on Weibo was thanks to the little surfing expert Tiantian. She was ready to go to sleep after finishing "decryption". After seeing the news of Tiantian in the small group, she was completely drowsy.

: Check out Weibo! @all members.

:seen it already! Being with her husband like this every day, Buwan is a saint! How are you and your husband now? @xiaxia

: You guys are still really together after frying CP! @xiaxia

Meng Xia's heart skipped a beat, so she quickly opened Weibo and refreshed the hot search, "Ning Qingwan's eyes", "Looking at the face with heartache, looking at the heart's heart", "Fortunately to meet you Reuters", several topics are almost next to each other, because The decryption has just finished, and the popularity is not low.

"@WANWAN Sugar in Pocket: #ningqingwaneye# Who can stand this! I died laughing, and the other challenges failed several times. When my husband came out, Miss NPC couldn't hold it. Searching all over the net #My face hurts, my eyes are heartbroken# Miss Sister. Hahahaha~”

"@Sour and big lemon: #Fortunate to meet youReuters# I am not sour to decrypt Miss npc, I am sour of this lady! Save the galaxy in my last life, my husband is so pet, I am so sour."

"@Fire Eye Jingjing: hhhh, although the Reuters photos and videos are blurry, I have a bold guess, whether the decrypt NPC and the Reuters lady and sister are the same person."

! Your guess is correct, Meng Xia was stunned, Ning Qingwan, who was reading a book, glanced at her, looked down, and then swept across the screen of her mobile phone.

Ning Qingwan said lightly, "This kind of hot search will last for a long time, try to watch it as little as possible."

Meng Xia looked at her with a certain understanding that everything was in Ning Qingwan's plan. Meng Xia nodded, and after exiting Weibo, saw the news of the small group, and instantly frowned again.

"What's wrong?" Ning Qingwan asked her with concern, closing the book.

"Well, when we went to the school to record, did you remember the three girls in the front row?"

Ning Qingwan thought for a while and nodded.

"They are my little sisters, I met when I was chasing stars. They all know when I was deciphering the matter of being an NPC. They watched the school recording before, and now they read Weibo again and began to guess my relationship with you. I haven't Tell them." Meng Xia paused to explain the reason, "You said earlier that it was not suitable for publication."

Ning Qingwan thought for a moment and asked her, "You don't want to hide from them, do you?"

Meng Xia nodded, "No one will hope that they are the last to know about the good sisters' dating. Can I tell them now? They will definitely not spread the word."

"Then tell them it doesn't matter if it goes out, I'm here."

Meng Xia looked at the tender doting in Ning Qingwan's eyes, the corners of her lips could not be restrained, she said softly, "Thank you sister~"

After he finished speaking, he poked his head at the screen and typed.

: Really together. Keep it confidential, I will tell you the specifics tomorrow.

: What the hell!

: What the hell!

Silently pretending to be stupid: What the hell! !

After a while, the group chat voice call came over, and Meng Xia swiped his hand to join.

Coco: "The show hasn't finished recording yet, is your husband right next to you now! When did you two get together!"

Tiantian: "Did you hold hands! Did you kiss! Does our husband feel special when kissing?"

Meng Xia collapsed, she looked at Ning Qingwan subconsciously, and she was so ashamed when she met a pair of peach blossom eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

Mosquito: "When will you bring your wife! Our husband! Have a meal with us! Are you still a good sister!"

Sisters are all bad friends. Meng Xia trembled and was about to leave the group chat, but Ning Qingwan suddenly leaned beside her with half-eyelashes, and smiled at Meng Xia's phone, "Can I set the time and place?"

After two seconds of silence, the three of them heard Ning Qingwan's voice and let out a groundhog scream one after another, "I can!!"

Meng Xia hung up the phone neatly.

Ning Qingwan smiled at her, "Are you sleeping?"

Embarrassed and ashamed, Meng Xia put down her phone and burrowed into the quilt. The smile on Ning Qingwan's lips deepened, and she turned off the light.

The room fell into darkness, and the quilt was too stuffy. Meng Xia reached out and pressed down the quilt. Just as she showed her face, Ning Qingwan's lips pressed up.

"Does your wife feel special when kissing?"

The author has something to say: The little rabbit went to exercise, and Ning Wanwan was very angry: not exercising is tiring, but exercising is even more tiring.

Little Rabbit kisses Wanwan: It's good to be angry or not to be angry

Ning Wanwan glanced sideways, annoyed: What's the benefit?

The little rabbit answered shyly, hesitating and hesitating: When counterattacking... my sister will not want to be dissatisfied.

Ning Wanwan: ... (pounces on, gritted his teeth) You want to be dissatisfied.

bunny humming, crying

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-10-1602:34:25~2020-10-1706:35:55~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 Sven Scum, 1 shy;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of execution; 10 bottles of Kagura classmates; 7 bottles of insomnia and dreams; 6 bottles of haha ​​(?w?) bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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