MTL - Bent By the Male Protagonist’s White Moonlight-Chapter 61

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Meng Xia's response to messages was too slow, and she was coaxing her to sleep after a few words. Ning Qingwan guessed that Shen Lan's chatter was mostly dragging Meng Xia to chat.

After waiting for a while, no new news popped up, Ning Qingwan pursed her thin lips and threw the phone on the bedside table.

The bed sheets and quilts smelled of Meng Xia, but when no one was beside her, she felt more and more depressed, and Ning Qingwan couldn't fall asleep again after tossing and turning.

Regret hits her heart, she shouldn't compromise with her...

No longer struggling to make up for sleep, Ning Qingwan quickly got up to wash up. After coming out of the shower, she walked straight to the bed when her phone vibrated.

Ning Qingwan's eyes lit up, she couldn't wait to pick up the phone, and when she saw the message on the screen, the light in her eyes dimmed instantly.



Ning Qingwan clicked on the videos and photos one by one. The video was a "fortunate to meet you" dating Reuters. The videos on the Internet were all high-definition, but the video in Ning Jingjue's hand was high-definition, and Meng Xia's face was very clear. The photo is of her hugging with Meng Xia at the concert.

: This is your little girlfriend.

Ning Qingwan exited the chat window and glanced at it, but there was still no news from Meng Xia, she just felt boring, she was not going to reply to Ning Jingjue's news, she put her phone in her pocket and walked towards the dresser.

The phone suddenly vibrated twice, Ning Qingwan paused and wondered if Meng Xia would contact her. After hesitating for a while, she took out her phone to look at it.

: I just met her.

Not seeing, but meeting. There is only a stretch of road between Ning's Group Headquarters and Z University. Both of them are sitting in the car. How could they meet?

Ning Qingwan's heart skipped a beat, typed a line and deleted it, then simply dialed the phone.

As soon as the call was connected, Ning Qingwan went straight in, "Where did you meet?"

Ning Jingjue chuckled and said, "It's really your little girlfriend. I met you on Huaihai Road, and the car she was riding in rear-ended my car."

Ning Qingwan's breathing was stagnant, the blood in her whole body seemed to be frozen, like falling into an ice cave, her throat seemed to be frozen, her voice trembled slightly, "Is she okay?"

"..." Ning Jingjue was stunned for a moment, angry and distressed, angered that this sister didn't care about him first, and distressed that Ning Qingwan's voice was trembling, she said helplessly, "It's okay, it's very good. The other car owner asked her to go back to school first. "

Ning Qingwan slowly let out a breath, even if she heard Ning Jingjue say that Meng Xia was fine, she still felt uneasy.

"Hang up first." Before Ning Jingjue could respond, Ning Qingwan hung up the phone.

After finding the car key, Ning Qingwan walked out of the villa while calling up the map from her mobile phone to check Meng Xia's location through the GPS positioning chip.

Looking at the small red dots moving slowly on the map, Ning Qingwan frowned a little bit.

Meng Xia walked along the road absent-mindedly. According to the comments she recalled, the owner of the luxury car would be with Shen Lan in the future, so she couldn't help but look at the man more.

But why would that person look at her like that?

It was a look that suddenly remembered who the person she saw was. Obviously that person knew her, but they had never met.

Just as she was thinking, the phone vibrated in her hand, interrupting her thoughts.

Meng Xia glanced at the caller ID, moved the phone to her ear, and looked up at the road closure sign in front of her eyes.

This part of the road is closer to the school. Now the road is closed and the intersection is taking a taxi. Meng Xia said as he walked, "Sister, you—"

"Wait for me where I am." Ning Qingwan interrupted her, her voice low and cold like ice.

Meng Xia could hear the displeasure in Ning Qingwan's tone through the phone. She held back the words she wanted to blame Ning Qingwan for not sleeping well, opened her mouth, and stopped talking. In the end, she didn't say anything more. Just answer, "Okay."

Ning Qingwan sighed softly, "I shouldn't have listened to you..."

The self-blame in her tone made Meng Xiaxin tugged, and the sharp pain spread. Ning Qingwan should have known about Shen Lan's rear-end collision, so the deep displeasure was aimed at herself.

Meng Xia said in a low judo, "I'm fine sister."

Ning Qingwan: "Is there a place to sit nearby?"

Meng Xia looked around for a week, because there was no one around Xiu Road, and she didn't notice when she thought about it before.

Looking at the bus stop not far away, Meng Xia replied, "Yes."

She walked towards the platform, and a car horn came from the receiver. Meng Xia instructed, "Drive slowly, I'll wait for you."

Ning Qingwan only felt that the dryness in her heart was ironed out by Meng Xia's soft voice, and replied, "Okay."

She glanced at the map, and the little red dot on it didn't move anymore.

Shen Lan chatted for a day and then rear-ended. Meng Xia was afraid of affecting Ning Qingwan again, so he suggested, "You can concentrate on driving, um, hang up the phone first."

Ning Qingwan guessed her thoughts, couldn't bear it, and replied, "I'm inconvenient, you hang up."

Meng Xia said "um", paused for a few seconds and then pressed to end the call. She looked down at the black screen, her eyes gradually dimming.

How did Ning Qingwan know about Shen Lan's rear-end collision? Shen Lan has to rush to discuss cooperation, and there is no reason to communicate with Ning Qingwan. can know this...

A flash of light flashed in his mind, and Meng Xia suddenly thought of the man in the suit and leather shoes, Shen Lan's true son, the readers in the comments called him "Brother Jue."

Jue...Ning Jing Jue? Ning Qingwan's brother? !

So Ning Qingwan would know about Shen Lan's rear-end collision immediately, so Ning Jingjue would look at her with those eyes.

Meng Xia was shocked and disturbed in her heart. The little sister who was in her hand was abducted by her, and Ning Jingjue, who was full of sister control, could not stab her a hundred or eighty times in her heart...

The more he thought about it, the more confused he became, Meng Xia decided to let himself go and play a mobile game to distract himself and pass the time.

After playing for two rounds and being abused by blood, a shadow was cast in front of him to block the sun, and a low voice came from above his head, "Tsk, it's really miserable."

Meng Xia stood up abruptly, threw herself into someone's arms, and smiled at her, "Sister~"

Ning Qingwan pulled her shoulders away from her arms and looked her up and down worriedly, "Is it really okay?"

"It's really okay."

Ning Qingwan looked at Meng Xia fixedly, and suddenly wrapped one hand around her waist, the other clasped the back of her head, and kissed her soft lips.

Knowing that Shen Lan's fear and fear when he rear-ended her, the rising regret, mixed with her annoyance towards Meng Xia, were all put into this kiss at the moment.

Hasty and domineering, grabbing her breath recklessly, as if to perceive her existence, deep and enthusiastic.

The base of her tongue hurt a little, Meng Xia couldn't bear it, she couldn't help but want to step back, and whispered to her, "Sister, you..."

Ning Qingwan didn't respond, she pursed her lips and blocked the words she couldn't say.

Meng Xia curled her thin white fingers to contain all the emotions in the kiss. She stretched out her hand to hug Ning Qingwan and stroked her back again and again.

Not as intense as before, like the calm sea after a wave, the kiss became gentle and long.

It wasn't until Meng Xia couldn't take it anymore that Ning Qingwan retreated a little bit, pressed her forehead, her breath was a little chaotic, "Send you to school..."

Meng Xia panted, took out the sandwich and milk given by Shen Lan from her bag and handed it to Ning Qingwan, "If you don't eat breakfast, you will have a stomachache."

"You didn't eat it either." Ning Qingwan didn't answer.

Meng Xia pondered for a moment and suggested, "Then let's eat together. If there is time, we will leave after eating."

Two people sitting on the bus platform, you take one bite of mine, eat a sandwich and drink a carton of milk together. It was the first time for Ning Qingwan to sit on the side of the road for breakfast when she grew up.

The sun shines on the body, and it is warm from the outside to the inside.

Meng Xia looked at the car parked in front of the bus stop, "Sister, how did you know I was here?"

At that time, the first sentence of answering the phone was to ask her to wait in place. Meng Xia never mentioned her specific location from beginning to end.

Ning Qingwan confessed, "The necklace I gave you has a GPS positioning chip."

Meng Xia held up the little rabbit pendant on the necklace and looked at it carefully, tsk tsk admiration, "I have only seen similar plots in novels before, but I didn't expect it to happen to me one day."

"Aren't you in the novel?" Ning Qingwan joked.

Meng Xia was stunned for a while, and was inexplicably hit with a smile, and the smile fell on Ning Qingwan's shoulder, "Yes."

She looked sideways at Ning Qingwan's pure and cold face without makeup, moved the hand that was held by Ning Qingwan, and interlaced her fingers, "It's good to meet you in the novel."

Ning Qingwan lowered her eyes, feeling the texture and temperature of Meng Xia's palm, her thick eyelashes trembled twice.

She clasped her hand, stretched out her other hand and rubbed Meng Xia's head, "Let's go."

Meng Xia looked at the tips of her slightly flushed ears with a bright smile on her face.

The two got into the car, and Meng Xia asked while wearing his seat belt, "Sister, the car that Sister Lan hit is your brother's car, right?"

Ning Qingwan glanced at Meng Xia in surprise, "How did you infer it?"

Meng Xia smiled and told her the content of the comment she recalled, "I don't think Sister Lan would tell you about it. It can only be told to you by another person. They all have Jue in their names."

The more we get along, the more intelligent Meng Xia feels. Ning Qingwan loves her intelligence so much, she fondly scratches Meng Xia's nose and praises, "Smart."

"The book says that my brother is the sister-in-law, and I... I'm with my sister." Meng Xia bit her lower lip lightly, unable to hide her anxiety, "Will he hate me particularly?"

Ning Qingwan turned the steering wheel for half a turn, raised her eyebrows, and asked strangely, "Why does he hate you?"

"Because... I kidnapped his favorite sister." Meng Xia was a little embarrassed.

Ning Qingwan sneered softly, "Wrong wording."

"?" Meng Xia blinked, puzzled.

"With one more sister, he will be very happy." Ning Qingwan explained.

It wasn't abducted, it was abducted in. Without a word to refute, Meng Xia covered her face and snorted softly.

"Don't think about it too much. My brother's preference for me has always been that he will give what I want, and he will not hate you. Besides, according to that comment, he wants to chase Shen Lan, and Shen Lan treats you as a little sister. It's even less likely that he hates you."

After the joke, Ning Qingwan gave her a tranquilizer.

Meng Xia's eyes twitched. As long as Ning Qingwan was there, all the problems would not be problems. She replied softly and earnestly, "Yeah."

At school, Ning Qingwan instructed before Meng Xia got off the bus, "Send me a message at the end of the afternoon."

Meng Xia was about to open the door and get out of the car, when she heard the words, she turned around and said, "Can't my sister see my location?"

She couldn't hide the slyness in her tone.

Ning Qingwan hugged her and bit her lip as punishment.

"Got it." Meng Xia gave her a soothing peck, "I'll wait for you to pick me up~"

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the course of the day ends.

As soon as the get out of class bell rang, Luo Ke dragged Meng Xia to the meeting place. People were at the same table with her, but they couldn't gossip in advance, but Luo Ke was suffocated.

Mosquito ordered a small package from a KTV on South Street in C City exclusively for Meng Xia's confession.

When Meng Xia and Luo Ke arrived, Mosquito and Tiantian had already ordered hundreds of roaring songs. Standing outside the box, they could only hear the singing but not the conversation inside.

As soon as he entered the private room and sat down, Luo Ke said, "The day you came to the school to record, you were pushed by that dog woman in Nanhua, and Wan Wan was still injured, do you remember?"

Meng Xia nodded, how could she forget, she felt distressed for several days because of the scratch on Ning Qingwan's back.

"Later Nanhua was expelled from the school by the school! I heard rumors earlier that Wanwan requested it." Luo Ke tutted his head and shook his head, "I didn't believe it at first, Wanwan! He is tolerant of illegitimate meals, but actually So true about Nanhua."

Tiantian held her chin and sighed, "Wife-loving madman~"

After that, Meng Xia did not see Nan Hua again, but she did not go to inquire about it, so she did not know that Nan Hua was expelled from the school. She doesn't have that white lotus flower, so she won't sympathize with Nan Hua's result. During that time, she felt uncomfortable when she saw the scratches on Ning Qingwan's back.

Now, hearing Luo Ke say that Ning Qingwan asked the school to dispose of Nan Hua because of her, she was shocked as if she had been given a mouthful of hot sugar water, which was sweet and warm.

After that, Tiantian and Luo Ke held Meng Xia's arm from left to right and asked a lot of things.

I thought that Mosquito would help her because she had a crush on her, but Mosquito is the one who asks the most ruthless questions.

It was almost impossible for Meng Xia to elaborate on the details of doi.

During this confession, Meng Xia almost didn't break down completely. During the period, Meng Xia gritted her teeth and refused to say anything about the details that she was ashamed to reveal. When Tian Tian and Luo Ke tickled her, she saw the ambiguous traces under Meng Xia's collarbone between the clothes. .

Mosquito stroked his forehead, "Beasts."

Luo Ke exclaimed, "It's about being cold and abstinent!"

Tiantian covered her face, "My idol design has collapsed!"

Meng Xia was so embarrassed that her face was flushed red, and she was ashamed.

The private room was booked until 5 pm. Luo Ke pestered Meng Xia to have dinner together. Meng Xia thought about it and agreed, and was about to send a message to Ning Qingwan when Shen Lan called.

Meng Xia took the mobile phone to the safe passage, and just after the connection was connected, Shen Lan's slightly tired voice came.

"I'm not late in the morning, I'm really sorry today."

"It's okay to be late." Meng Xia asked concernedly, "Sister Lan, is your car alright?"

"Wow, I get angry when it comes to cars. That person doesn't want me to pay."

Meng Xia wondered, "Isn't that... good?"

Shen Lan was furious, "Haha! That gentle scum is clearly treating me as a poor man, so pity I can't afford to pay. I checked and found that the only one who bought that car in the whole city was Mr. Ning from Ning's family. I took the cash, I just got to the service desk of their company, and I'm exhausted."

"..." Meng Xia rubbed his eyebrows, too cruel. So maverick, no wonder Ning Jingjue wanted to chase after him.

Shen Lan complained for a while, knowing that Meng Xia was playing outside, and ended the call without saying any more.

After hanging up, Meng Xia sent a message to Ning Qingwan.

On the other side, Ning Qingwan received a call from Mo Li at the same time as she received the news from Meng Xia.

Li Mo's voice was very deep, "Wan Wan, I just bought a photo from the reporter of Zhou Qi Entertainment and sent it to you, you can take a look."

Ning Qingwan clicked on the photo that Mo Li had sent, and immediately raised her brows.

The author has something to say: Later—

Ning's family reunion

Ning Jingjue grilled a saury and handed it to Wan Wan

Wan Wan turned her hand to Xia Xia, her eyes full of pampering: Baby, eat more~

Ning Jingjue grilled a big squid and handed it to Sister Shanfeng

Sister Shanfeng gave it to Xia Xia, her eyes full of pity: Xia Xia is too thin, eat more~

Ning Jingjue glanced at the mountain-like dishes on Meng Xia's plate, for fear that Xia Xia would have a bad stomach, so she didn't bake it again.

That night, Sister Shanfeng and Brother Ning slept in separate rooms. Wan Wan blocked her brother.

Ning · wife does not love · sister does not hurt · brother: ? ? ?

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-10-18 23:47:37~2020-10-1922:37:42~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: 2 shouted kiki while covering;

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: 042;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 9 bottles of Kagura students; anti. Xiao Chen opened the box, 5 bottles of cool silence;. . . , 1 bottle of Qianwanxing;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!