MTL - Bent By the Male Protagonist’s White Moonlight-Chapter 75

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After a brief earthquake in the deep consciousness space, it returned to peace. The white mist was misty and misty all over the body, and there was no end to the whiteness around him. The feelings of emptiness, loneliness, and confusion also spread and expanded infinitely.

she can't go back...

No matter where it floats, it cannot be separated from this space, it will always be like hitting a sponge and being bounced back softly.

"Would it be hard to stay here all the time?" Meng Xia reached out and poked the ground.

As if across the water, ripples appeared on the white ground, and the ripples gradually disappeared.

"Yeah. It's boring after all, no mobile phone, no TV." Rou Rou shrugged, she also stretched out her finger and poked the ground, "I have to be forced to write articles every day."

Her fingertips glowed, and when she touched the ground, a small daisy suddenly appeared. The petals swayed slightly, blooming delicately and stubbornly.

Meng Xia looked at the little daisy in disbelief, and asked in surprise and curiosity, "How did you do it?"

"You can create things with soul power." Flesh pulled the corner of her mouth, she stroked the daisy with her hand, and the lovely flower disappeared in her palm, "But she doesn't allow me to create in this space."

"Why?" Meng Xia asked suspiciously. She also wanted to try it, but unfortunately she didn't know how to use her soul power.

There is no space for anything, and if you don't create something fresh and lovely, staying for a long time will only make people more depressed.

Rourou flipped her hands and stroked lightly on the ground. The ground under her hands that was as white as water instantly turned into dry ground, and a thorny rose was squeezed out of the crack.

The petals are red like fire, delicate and charming. Flesh looked at the rose, and there was a softness in her eyes that she could not perceive. She reached out to touch the flower, and the rose wobbled, the thorn cutting through the fleshy hand.

Meng Xia understood, and sighed leisurely, "If I disobey her, will I be punished? I saw you when I came here last time..."

She remembered the scene she saw last time, Ji Tong dragged the original heroine into the house and wanted to use it, and then Flesh fell from the image, where the heroine was actually Flesh.

The two looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes. After a while, Flesh responded, and suddenly realized, "Oh, you said that." She explained after a while, "'s not too much, every time Ji Tong uses She would let me out before she was strong. But just like that, it scared me a lot."

It's just so frightening, not to mention the real experience of infinite reincarnation time and time again.

When I first read the article, Meng Xia felt that some plots were too perverted. She didn't quite understand why this kind of plot was so popular, and she couldn't understand why the author wrote it like this...

So even if Rou Rou said that for money, Rou Rou had difficulties, she couldn't empathize. She also suffered from no money, but this is not the reason.

Naturally, no one would have thought that paper people would have ideas.

The two did not communicate any more, and I don't know how long it took before the heroine came back.

Meng Xia found that the ball of light surrounding the heroine seemed to be thinner, and the light source was so weak that it was almost transparent.

The female protagonist's deep gaze swept across the rose beside the flesh, and in the blink of an eye, the graceful rose turned into a wisp of white smoke, curled up, and dissipated in the air.

Startled for a moment, Meng Xia subconsciously looked at Rou Rou. Perhaps after experiencing it many times, Rou Rou's expression was unexpectedly calm.

"She's waiting for you." The ethereal and cold voice of the hostess entered her ears.

elder sister…

The hand hanging by his side slowly tightened, Meng Xia pleaded, "Can I go back?"

The heroine floated towards her, a soft and thin halo instantly enveloped her, her eyes were stabbed by the light and she couldn't open her eyes, as if she was on a roller coaster, and the dizziness hit her brain.

In the tumultuous turn, Meng Xia fell into a warm embrace, with an incomparable sadness permeating her body, as if she had fallen into the deep sea, with a suppressed suffocation.

The heroine's words blew past her ears like the wind, the suffocation disappeared, and the wind passed without a trace...

There is no heart-breaking pain when the soul is pulled away, and there is almost no feeling when returning to the body. It is just that many memories flood into my mind in a flash, and my head is buzzing, and it feels like it is about to explode.

Meng Xia sat up from the hospital bed in shock, the wound on her back was pulled, and she gasped in pain.

It's like having a long, long dream, bizarre and chaotic.

Xia Nianzhi, who was awakened by her movement, hurriedly sat on the edge of the bed, caressed her back, looked at her lovingly and lovingly, and said softly, "Have you had a nightmare? It's all over, don't be afraid, Mom. here I am."

The moment Xia Nianzhi's hand touched Meng Xia, the picture flashed in Meng Xia's mind. She was shocked to find that those pictures were all the beautiful and precious memories of the heroine before she met Ji Tong.

Meng Xia remembered what the heroine said in her ear at the end, in a very gentle and sad tone.

"I'm sorry for dragging you into this whirlpool. I'm glad that my fate was finally reversed. I'm very grateful that you took me out of the abyss. Thank you, Meng Xia."

Her mother, her carefree childhood, her youthful youth, and the name.

All were delivered to her.

Meng Xia's nose was sore, and tears flowed out of her eyes uncontrollably. She could hardly bear the kindness from another "Meng Xia", so she couldn't help but whimper.

At first, Meng Xia was too calm, and Xia Nianzhi was still worried that she was suppressing herself too much. Now that Meng Xia really vented it out, Xia Nianzhi only felt heartbroken and distressed.

"It's good to cry, it's good to cry." Xia Nianzhi took out a tissue and wiped Meng Xia's tears.

Meng Xia cried for a long time before recovering a little.

After coaxing Meng Xia for a while, Xia Nianzhi glanced at his watch, "Mom has a meeting this afternoon. I'll call Wan Wan to accompany you later."

Wan Wan? Why are you so intimate all of a sudden... Meng Xia suddenly remembered Xia Nianzhi's phone call saying that Ning Qingwan had a car accident, is her sister also in the hospital? She sobbed and wiped away her tears, lifted the quilt and was about to get out of bed.

Seeing that one of his legs was wrapped like a zongzi, he was stunned.

"If you're like this, don't run around. Mom will help you call her." Xia Nianzhi helped her sit upright and tucked the quilt for her. "I've never seen you in such a hurry before."

Meng Xia blinked, it wasn't her before.

Xia Nianzhi sighed, stretched out his hand and poked her forehead, and said, "The raised daughter will not stay."

"No." Meng Xia wrapped her arms around Xia Nianzhi's waist, she closed her eyes, and the image of Xia Nianzhi holding her when she was young flashed in her mind, "I will always accompany my mother."

Not only for herself, but for another "Meng Xia", she will also be filial to Xia Nianzhi.

Xia Nianzhi laughed and joked, "How can I stay with you Wanwan?"

"Mom, you..." Meng Xia raised her head and looked at Xia Nianzhi in surprise. It was obvious that Xia Nianzhi's words didn't agree with her and Ning Qingwan very much.

"She's a good child." Xia Nianzhi rubbed her head, "It's the hardest to find a lover, so cherish it."

Seeing that Meng Xia's eyes were filled with water again, Xia Nianzhi reluctantly kneaded his temples for a while, "Mom has to go, be good."

Meng Xia held back her tears and nodded obediently.

Xia Nianzhi simply packed up, peeled an orange for Meng Xia before leaving, and told Meng Xia a few words before leaving.

The oranges were sweet and delicious, Meng Xia ate two petals absentmindedly, the other was attached to Ning Qingwan, and he was uneasy.

Is the accident serious? Xia Nianzhi asked Ning Qingwan to come to see her, is it not serious... It will hurt if it is not serious.

All the messy thoughts were dispelled the moment they saw Ning Qingwan.

Ning Qingwan was very surprised that Xia Nianzhi would let her accompany Meng Xia. These two days, she and that "Meng Xia" were completely different.

There is no topic to talk about, and each other is unhappy with each other. The root cause of this unhappiness, Ning Qingwan instinctively did not want to explore. Every time she mentioned her girl, there was a burning warmth and tenderness in that person's eyes that made her alert.

Especially when the man said to her, "I thought you could protect her, but that's all."

The frustration almost overwhelmed her. It was an indisputable fact that there was little she could do about it, and she even thanked this man for coming back and saving her beloved girl from suffering.

This man was very clever. He took advantage of Ji Tong's lover and provoked the relationship between them. In one move, he used a knife to kill someone. Without blood on his hands, he made Ji Tong cut off his son and never speak, and sent him to prison after a few confessions.

After that, on the condition of returning Meng Xia back, and borrowing her Ning family's power, Ji Tong's life in the rest of his life would be worse than death.

Every step is bold and decisive.

Ning Qingwan had never been so suppressed in her life, that person was like an elder in front of her, with a kind of majesty.

The two of them were in the same room, and doctors and nurses always asked, "Do you need to turn up the air conditioner a few degrees?"

After seeing him a few times, the person said, "The body belongs to me, how can I say that I will pay it back? I won't pay it back."

If it wasn't for that body, Ning Qingwan really wanted to strangle her to death.

Not returning the person to her, but also wanting her to accompany her, what to accompany, to cool the room?

Ning Qingwan entered the ward with a calm face, subconsciously not wanting to see those frosted eyes, she lowered her eyes and did not look at the person on the hospital bed, her tone was indifferent and indifferent, "What's the matter?"

The coldness between these words made Meng Xia stunned for a moment, her eyes flickered, her eyes fell on Ning Qingwan's fixed left hand, and her heart was slammed.

Not caring about Ning Qingwan's indifference, she lifted the quilt and jumped out of bed, jumped in front of Ning Qingwan on one leg, and fell into her arms after losing her footing.

Ning Qingwan was stunned when the person jumped in front of him, not grasping the fleeting thought. When Meng Xia was about to fall, she subconsciously grabbed Meng Xia's arm. She frowned slightly, and when Meng Xia stood firm, she took a half step back to keep her distance.

"..." Meng Xia Jinji stood independently, fluttering her eyelashes innocently, and softly called out in grievance, "Sister..."

That fleeting thought popped up again, like a power outage, with a "snap", and the flames blazed everywhere. Ning Qingwan rolled her throat, raised her eyelids, and met those clear almond eyes, she couldn't help being stunned.

The thick fog dissipated, the icebergs melted, it was a lake in spring, full of sunshine, warm and full of love.

It was her familiar demeanor and her familiar gaze.

Is that the girl she loves...

Meng Xia pursed her lips and tentatively stretched out her hand. She didn't dare to touch Ning Qingwan's left hand, but only grabbed her right hand to balance her body. Her eyes glued to Ning Qingwan's left arm, "Apart from here, where else is injured? Does it hurt? How could there be a car accident?"

Ah, it's her beloved girl.

Ning Qingwan's red lips moved, but her throat seemed to be choked and she couldn't make a sound. The heartbeat coming from her chest showed that she was alive again.

came back…

The palms to the fingertips were trembling, Ning Qingwan shivered and hugged the girl's body, tightening it tighter and tighter, as if to rub her into her body and melt it into the blood.

Even with this kind of hug, Ning Qingwan carefully avoided the wound on her back, a soft light rippled in Meng Xia's eyes, and her voice trembled slightly, but it was so gentle and calming.

"Sister, I'm back."

Meng Xia patted Ning Qingwan's back soothingly. It's only been a few days since I hadn't seen each other. It was obvious to the naked eye that Ning Qingwan had lost a lot of weight. So much, you won't take good care of yourself when I'm not here - um"

The rest of the voice was drowned out between the lips and teeth.

Unpredictable, Meng Xia suddenly opened her eyes, and her feathered eyelashes slid twice, slowly drooping. This posture was too unnatural, and Meng Xia reluctantly relied on Ning Qingwan's right hand to hold her thoughts.

It was a very light kiss, as carefully as if she was afraid that she would disappear again, and each time she felt the warmth and breath that belonged to her with the utmost tenderness and nostalgia.

Meng Xia was also enveloped by Ning Qingwan's breath, familiar and missed. She faintly tasted a hint of saltiness in the fresh and cool mint flavor.

The frequency of the heart's beating gradually became less fast, becoming slow and heavy, and every beat was mixed with a throbbing pain.

"Sister, don't cry."

The author has something to say: it will be finished tomorrow!

Then a few chapters off.

It's hard to follow the text, thank you for your company~

The next book "Unforgettable" will open at the end of November. Beg for collection, beg to see or not to leave~ Let’s see if it is Zhu Yizhen, or Zhu Yi really.

Read The Duke's Passion