MTL - Bent By the Male Protagonist’s White Moonlight-Chapter 78

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The days are getting warmer after the beginning of spring, and the dawn is also early. The morning sun shone warmly on him.

The phone rang happily.

The thin white hand reached out from the quilt and groped for the mobile phone. Meng Xia glanced dazedly. When Xia Nianzhi called, she connected the call, turned on the speakerphone, and closed her eyes.

Xia Nianzhi's voice exploded in his ears, "I quarreled with your Aunt Fan!"

A year later, the parents of both parties met again, and Fan Yudai and Xia Nianzhi had a very happy talk. After that, the two met regularly and became best friends.

Fan Yudai not only gave Xia Nianzhi the last puppy she just wanted to stay by her side, but also tried to introduce Xia Nianzhi to someone.

The two have a lot in common and get along very well. Fan Yudai introduced a partner to Xia Nianzhi, but Xia Nianzhi was dissatisfied, and the two of them complained about each other and never quarreled. It must be a serious matter to argue at this point.

Meng Xia's sleepiness disappeared, and she sat up from the bed with a skeleton. The quilt slid down, revealing a large area of ​​white snow. She shivered from the cold, and pulled the quilt to lift it.

Ning Qingwan's eyes darkened. She turned up the air conditioner by two degrees, then got up and took a thicker pajamas to put on Meng Xia, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Meng Xia pointed to the phone, shook his head, and asked, "Why did you quarrel with Auntie?"

Xia Nianzhi explained, "I said how romantic your wedding with Wanwan is at the beach. She insisted that it would be more romantic to do it in the snow, and what does it mean to grow old together. But how cold it is for you to wear a wedding dress in the winter."

Before Meng Xia could speak, Fan Yudai's voice came from the receiver, "My daughter should also wear a wedding dress. True love is not afraid of cold, right, Xia Xia."

Meng Xia: "..." Dare I say something wrong? She coughed lightly, "Mom and aunt are together."

"Yeah." Xia Nianzhi snorted softly, "I told her to go and she didn't go."

Fan Yudai: "If you let me go, I'll go."

Xia Nianzhi: "don't keep coming over, I'm calling my daughter, you call your daughter."

Meng Xia turned her head and glanced at Ning Qingwan helplessly. Sure enough, Ning Qingwan's phone rang immediately.

Although she knew Ning Qingwan's phone number, Fan Yudai had never called Ning Qingwan.

After hesitating for a while, Ning Qingwan swiped the screen until Meng Xia pushed her and motioned for her to answer the phone.

After the call was connected, Ning Qingwan turned on the speakerphone. She was still thinking about what to say, but found that she was thinking too much.

Across the phone, Xia Nianzhi and Fan Yudai quarreled again.

Meng Xia imagined two women who were mothers, doing manicures together, and arguing over the phone in a childish manner, helpless and funny.

Ning Qingwan rubbed her brows, "We got married, not you..."

The two mothers said in unison, "We will be there too!"

Meng Xia blinked and whispered to Ning Qingwan, "Actually, one wants to see the sea and the other wants to see the snow?"

The two mothers had extremely sharp ears, "No!"

"We haven't broken our hearts for you yet!"

"Xing Xing Xing, your wedding, where do you want to do it?"

Both proposals are good, but the next one is bound to offend the other. Meng Xia scratched her ears and cheeks in worry, staring at Ning Qingwan with watery eyes for help.

Ning Qingwan rubbed her head and said to the phone, "Then go. I haven't filmed the MV for my new song, so I can provide the material for the MV."

On the other end of the phone, the two mothers chatted, and seemed quite satisfied, and began to discuss what to wear at that time.

Qing and Xia: "..."

After finally dealing with the two queen mothers, Meng Xia put the phone on the head of the bed after the call, collapsed into Ning Qingwan's arms, and sighed leisurely, "Marriage or something, it's too difficult."

Ning Qingwan raised her eyebrows, "Don't want to get married?"

"No, no." Meng Xia hurriedly denied it, frowning and explained, "I guess they will often quarrel because of the wedding dress and the arrangement of the scene."

"That shouldn't be the case. The wedding dress is in charge of Shen Lan, and they will go to the scene. Whoever chooses the location will be in charge." Ning Qingwan stroked Meng Xia's brows, "This is all in the future, you should think about the present. thing."

Her tone was serious, Meng Xia's eyelashes trembled, but she also became serious, and asked suspiciously, "What's going on now?"

Ning Qingwan's eyes darkened a bit, she leaned down and pecked her lightly, "Let me familiarize you with every place in the house."

Meng Xia suddenly remembered that because Ning Qingwan's house was so big, she often kept her mobile phone in one place and had to look for it for a long time. Occasionally go to the wrong room.

However, she has often looked at those rooms and hung a small number plate on the door, but she still can't find anything when she puts it away. Meng Xia scratched his face, "How are you familiar?"

Ning Qingwan pinched her face, "Get up to eat first, I'm hungry."

"There are still quick-frozen dumplings in the refrigerator." Meng Xia got up from Ning Qingwan's arms, lifted the quilt and got out of bed, "Go to the supermarket in the afternoon."

Ning Qingwan's eyes slid over her long straight legs, "Well... let's go at night."

"Anything in the afternoon?" Meng Xia pulled out his trousers from the cabinet and bent over to wear them.

Ning Qingwan curled her fingers, "I have something, a very important thing."

"All right."

Meng Xia changed her clothes, and when she turned around, she saw Ning Qingwan showing a big smile, her face flushed red, she pulled the quilt to cover the person tightly, "Don't catch a cold."

Ning Qingwan stared at someone's flushed face and bent her lips, "Okay."

After Meng Xia washed up, she went to the kitchen to make dumplings.

The hot dumplings came out of the pot, and Ning Qingwan came downstairs slowly.

Meng Xia just thought she had been in bed for a while, and didn't ask any more questions.

During the meal, Ning Qingwan asked, "Which room do you want to familiarize yourself with first?"

Meng Xia thought for a while, there were too many rooms, and he couldn't think of it for a while, "Whatever, doesn't my sister have something important to do this afternoon?"

Anyway, just take a second look.

Ning Qingwan raised her eyebrows slightly, "It's up to me to decide?"

How to look at a room... so serious? Meng Xia didn't think any more and nodded.

After the meal, Ning Qingwan had to take Meng Xia to accompany him to wash the dishes. Meng Xia asked jokingly, "Sister, you are so clingy, do your fans know?"

Ning Qingwan washed her hands seriously and wiped them dry, "Aren't my fans here?" She walked up to Meng Xia, "Ask her, do you know how clingy I am?"

At the end of the sentence, Ning Qingwan licked the red lips that were close at hand.

Meng Xia was stunned, and immediately wrapped her arms around Ning Qingwan's waist, smiling brightly and movingly, "I know, and I like it very much."

"How much do you like it?"

"I really like it."

Meng Xia raised her head and kissed Ning Qingwan's red lips, just lightly, just as she was about to leave, Ning Qingwan grabbed the back of her head and deepened the kiss.

The sun shone into the house through the window, making everything warm, the temperature of the whole body gradually rose, and the two kissed even more passionately.

The foreheads of the two touched, and Meng Xia rubbed the tip of her nose affectionately, "Don't be here."

Ning Qingwan turned a deaf ear, raised her head slightly and held her soft lips, tossing and grinding.

It's hot and scalding like the hottest sunshine in summer that envelopes everyone in it. The blazing sparks jumped all the way, spread out and landed on the collarbone like the wings of a butterfly.

In the sound of friction, the clothes fell from the shoulders like blooming flowers, and spread out on the ground.

Meng Xia's lower jaw was raised unconsciously, her superior neckline was stretched out, her eyes were closed, her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and her red lips moved to **** in the air. Her mind went blank. When she opened her eyes again, she was already sitting on the cooking table. Ning Qingwan put her clothes under her very thoughtfully, so that it wouldn't get too cold.

With his back against the wall, Meng Xia couldn't help shivering, and instinctively leaned forward, which was more convenient for someone.

The icy cold stabbed his consciousness a little, and the feeling in the special venue would be amplified and become more intense. Meng Xia's heart rose and fell faster than usual, and he could hardly breathe.

Meng Xia watched Ning Qingwan bow her body slightly, and watched her lower her head a little, with only black hair in sight.

"Sister." Meng Xia nudged her, moved back and leaned back, her back against the wall, and she was suddenly shivered by the ice.

"It's here." Ning Qingwan refused without looking up.

Meng Xia bit her lower lip lightly, caressed Ning Qingwan's head with her hand, and poked her five fingers into her silky, smooth hair, her light-white fingers tangled in the jet-black strands of hair, restraining her strength, sometimes pulling her hair roots lightly and sometimes heavily.

More mist filled Meng Xia's eyes. I don't know if it was her illusion, but it seemed to be heavier than before.

Whether it's kissing or stroking intensity.

"Sister—" Meng Xia put one leg on Ning Qingwan's shoulder. She raised her hand to cover her eyes and blocked the dazzling light and pictures.

Consciousness gradually dissipated.

Ning Qingwan took her hand away.

She was almost unsteady, pinching the edge of the table with her five fingers, and exclaimed.

Ning Qingwan held her waist with one hand and pinched her palm soothingly with the other.

The child under the scorching sun held the beloved cone and was reluctant to eat it. He licked the cream slowly and melted it. Seeing the younger sister in front of him, he generously shared his love.

Ning Qingwan leaned over her flushed red lips and hooked it to Meng Xia's lips, the breath spreading between her lips and teeth.

The child who shared the cone winked and couldn't wait to ask his sister, "Is it delicious?"

Under the scorching sun, my sister's face was flushed red, and she turned her face away and ignored her.

The musician's fingers are flexible and familiar, plucking the favorite strings and trembling to produce the best music.

She heard her own voice, heard Ning's sour words that should not be said aloud, everything almost made her collapse, and she couldn't help crying.

The sun slanted into the house, the beam fell on the delicate and small face, and the teardrops reflected the gorgeous light on the thick and slender eyelashes.

If she is in the sea, the woman's hand slides in the sea, Meng Xia is dragged to swim in the middle of the boundless sea, the water waves sway around her, ripples, she rises and falls in the waves, another suffocating wave It swept in, and the moment I was washed ashore, a certain feeling went straight to my brain.

It was just the beginning of spring, and it was still a bit cold in the cold spring, but both of them were sweating lightly, and even the cold cooking table was covered with heat.

Ning Qingwan pushed back her sweaty hair, her breath unsteady, "How do you feel?" She touched Meng Xia's earlobe, with a smile in her voice, "Is the kitchen familiar?"

Meng Xia was panting, her heart beating violently still not stable, she released her hand from the edge of the table and covered her hot face.

Ning Qingwan chuckled lightly and picked her up, "I'll decide the next place I need to be familiar with."

"..." Meng Xia buried her head in her arms, her face was so hot that she didn't want to speak.

How can anyone be so familiar with the family!