MTL - Best Ex-wife: President, Don’t Count on Me-Chapter 4 There is a condition to agree to divorce

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Warm her lips, "I'm going to carry this black pot."

"Do you have a bag in your head?"

Fang Yu politely appreciated the warm chestnut.

The warm curled long eyelashes curled down slightly, and her face was quite calm.

"Because, I don't have any hope for this marriage, this man!"

"That's right! Which woman hasn't encountered one or two scums when she was young? This won't work. Let's change another one. Don't give up a large forest behind for a crooked neck tree, sister support you!"

"However, why are you carrying a gangster for Emperor Juehao? Don't you fall in love with him? Would you rather lose yourself and be swept away by the Emperor's family, rather than be affected by the glorious image of Emperor Juehao? A man like him, you, you Is it interesting to protect him? Warm, warm, is your head kicked by the donkey? I, I want to kick you now! "

Fang Yu was surrounded by warmth, irritated, and frantic.

Look at her helplessly, "You think too much."

Fang Yu stopped, "Huh?"

"Even if I revealed the conspiracy of Emperor Juehao, this marriage will not be maintained, and I will not be able to stay in the emperor's family. With the power of the emperor's family, they are fully capable of reversing the black and white, and it is me who finally loses his reputation.

"So you choose to swallow it?"

Fang Yu began to circle around the warmth again, turning his sleeves as he turned.

"No, I have to find a way to get the kid crazy!"

"No, that kind of person is not worth dirtying your hands at all. To be honest, I would rather be a cowboy last night, or even a beggar on the street, without me coming to make me sick! But now, things have been done In this way, I ca n’t escape my fate anyway. I might as well gamble with this so-called face and reputation to win myself an opportunity, a chance to live with dignity in the future! "

"Okay, no matter what you want to do, I support you! But one thing, no matter how bad things are, you must be good!"

Warm stood up, took a deep breath, and nodded hard toward Fang Yu.

"Fang Yu, first go back and clean the floor for your man. I'll go back to the emperor's house and come to you after signing the divorce agreement with the emperor."

"Then I'll go with you! You don't know. I was afraid you were uncomfortable. I didn't dare tell you when I entered. There are media everywhere outside the hotel. The front and back doors are blocked by those paparazzi. I cover you! "

"Fang Yu, thank you! But this is too much trouble. I don't want to involve you!"

"I'll smoke you again!"

Fang Yu ran to the window, jumped up, yanked a curtain, and covered his warmth, "Go!"

Warm, touching, and funny, it's really nice to have a girl friend.

The two went down the stairs all the way and deliberately walked through the side door of the hotel. A look at the door, alas, long guns and short guns, each paparazzi stretched their necks, and the water around the door could not be leaked. Even when an 80-year-old lady came downstairs, they would rush to inquire a word or two.

Fang Yu wrapped the warmth tightly with curtains, leaving only two eyes exposed. She patted her warmth behind her back and whispered, "You can just walk down your head, don't talk, leave the rest alone!"

Nod warmly. Fang Yu immediately helped her rush down the stairs and shouted in a dialect: "Let Jean! Let Jean!"

The paparazzi all rushed around when they saw the warm dress. Out of professional sensitivity, they are here!

When Fang Yu saw the paparazzi rushed up, he quickly blocked the warmth, and asked cheerfully, "Are you from the TV station?"

The paparazzi were stunned by the woman who was speaking in dialect and with a smirk on his face, and for a moment there was no pestle.

Fang Yu continued to pretend to be stupid: "Everyone said that the people on TV are very knowledgeable. I'll ask you something, where is this infectious disease hospital?"

"infectious disease!"

Someone screamed, and everyone dared not flutter forward.

"Yeah!" Fang Yu's eyebrows burned. "We came from a foreign country. I heard that the infectious disease hospital here is particularly good. My sister has leprosy."


Before Fang Yu's words were finished, the paparazzi who blocked the door fluttered.

Who is not afraid of death these days? Although headlines are important, your own life is more important!

"Ah, don't hurry to leave!" Fang Yu held back a smile, pulled warmly together and continued to pretend to be anxious and asked in dialect: "Where is it? You talk to me!"

The paparazzi quickly spread out a circle, and a guy hurriedly reached out and pointed out: "Just over there!"

"Thank you! Thank you!"

Fang Yu helped the warmth and went out. As soon as she walked out of the paparazzi's perimeter, she immediately ran away.

"Quick, here!"

Fang Yu pushed the warmth to his second-hand Volkswagen, and stepped on the accelerator to run.

"No! It's them! Catch them!"

The paparazzi behind reacted and chased immediately. But because they were too many people, they turned suddenly, and they were immediately squeezed into a ball. Some people fell and were trampled. Some people were squeezed out of the camera and smashed their feet. Some people were kicked off. The scene was chaotic. 100%.

Warmth and Fang Yu looked in the rearview mirror, smiling back and forth. After a wild laugh, the warm and terrible mood actually eased a lot.

"Fang Yu, I didn't expect you to be so talented in acting. If you join the entertainment industry earlier, you might get an Oscar gold prize!"

"That is!"

Fang Yu shook her head as she drove.

"When I was in college, everyone disliked my hometown. At the time, I was laughed at by my classmates several times. You didn't disapprove me at all, and you corrected my pronunciation. I did n’t think that today, the thing was so big use!"

"To be honest, you suddenly said, I almost didn't hold myself up!"

"It doesn't matter if you don't get stuck, big deal, sister will kill you a **** road!"

Warmly twisting the curtain cloth in his hands, his eyes were slightly moist.

After dozens of minutes, Fang Yu sent the warmth to the door of the emperor's mansion.

Compared to hotels, it's much cleaner here.

The emperor's house covered the sky in city A. Even if there was such a big news, paparazzi did not dare to guard at the door, at most they squatted quietly in the vicinity.

Fang Yu stopped, and put his hands on the warm back of his hand. "Will I go with you?"

Shaking his head warmly, "You go back first, I can do it myself!"

Fang Yu patted the back of her hand, "Then I am waiting for you!"

Get off warmly, took a deep breath, and walked into the door of the imperial house.


As soon as she entered the hall, a cup blew open at her feet.

"Do you know how to come back? You have lost all the face of the imperial family!"

Stopping warmly, looking up, the old couple of the Emperor's family, Emperor Jue, and Emperor Qingya all sat on the sofa in the living room, waiting to confess to her!

It was the old man, the Imperial Emperor Hong, who was losing his cup. He was panting, his face was black, and his eyes were staring at her with red eyes. He could not wait to peel her skin and cramps.

The old lady Bai Lanxin and the youngest aunt Di Qingya were sitting on the two sides of the old man, stretching his left and right hands to caress his chest for a smooth breath, and from time to time they both cast a contemptuous look on the warmth.

Emperor Juehao sat alone on the single sofa on the side, a cold handsome face was cold and could not see any expression.

Walked slowly and warmly, and deliberately glanced at the emperor.

The guy was still wearing the shirt from yesterday, and he seemed to be in a hurry.

However, despite this, there was no trace of mess on his body. Only the button on the neckline was opened by him two or three, revealing a small half of a strong wheat-colored chest, which looked particularly sexy.

His warm eyes fell on his third button, bare there.

It really is this dregs!

A warm, ironic chuckle, "Jiaohao looks so busy, he didn't even have time to change his clothes."

The emperor looked up fiercely, with a trace of inquiry in the dark cold eyes.

Warmly staggered his eyes, fearing that he had seen it for a long time, and he could not help vomiting with nausea.

"Huh, you know you care about Jue Hao now, why did you go there early?"

The corner of Bai Lanxin's mouth was in the shape of an inverse character, and his face was undisguised and disdainful.

Di Qingya looked anxious and heartbroken, "Sister-in-law, you must quickly apologize to your parents and elder brother! You know, the emperor's family attaches great importance to reputation!"

Auntie will do bad things as soon as she exits.

Sure enough, Di Qingya's voice just came to an end, and Imperial Hong slammed the table fiercely, with a pair of brass-like eyes staring at the warmth, "Our emperor's house doesn't have your unscrupulous daughter-in-law like you! Divorce Juehao immediately! You Get out of the house! "

Looking warmly at Emperor Juehao, I saw the guy's lip corner ticked.

"I can agree to a divorce, but I have a condition!"

"Oh, sister-in-law, you're so confused! You don't know how nasty it is on the Internet! Parents are fine without punishment. How dare you talk about divorce conditions?"

Warm hands dragged the button tightly, staring straight at the blank space of Emperor Hao's shirt button, word by word, clear and firm: "I only have one condition, promised, sign immediately! "

Emperor Hao looked up at her with a cold voice, "You talk about it!"

Just when warmth wanted to open his mouth, the old man roared thunder: "You don't even think about those 10% shares!"

A warm smile, "I hope to get a chance to study at the Milan Design Institute."

This requirement is somewhat unexpected, because the warm marriage into the emperor's house is for the 10% share.

The emperor raised his eyebrows slightly. "You don't want to save Wen's family?"

"I've done everything I need to do. Next, I want to live for myself!"

The warmth still smiled, the quiet and calm look, with a sense of transcendence.