MTL - Best Ex-wife: President, Don’t Count on Me-Chapter 907 Chilling family

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"Who did you offend?" The Dorsett asked.

"No one offended me!"

Empire Hong glared angrily, and then silently lowered his head to drink boiled water. Seeing that he had all sipped out a glass of water, the emperor stood up and silently added a glass to him.

"If you don't think it's easy to say, don't say it. I just want to get a rough idea. In the future contests, it is a good measure! Or, you can give a bottom line!"

Reich Hong shook his head: "Don't fight against them!"

The emperor sat down and tapped his finger twice on the armrest next to it.

He didn't want to be tough. On the overall strength, the Emperor Ai Lan's family was above the Emperor Clan, but in the financial institution, the Emperor Clan was slightly better than the Emperor Ai Lan. It's just a small-scale friction. If you really make things bigger and bigger, you will definitely lose both sides!

He bet that Emperor Ai Lan's family is so big that he will not be willing to lose his entire net worth!

Unless, there are no hardships, deep, hatred, big, hate!

Imperial Hong looked at the emperor with a little dignity, and he comforted: "Maybe things are not as serious as we thought! They have lived so calmly for so many years, they will not be without reason. Come find fault! We have to figure out their purpose first! Emperor Ai Lan ’s descendants are not many, I do n’t believe them, they are really cruel to kill them! "

The emperor frowned slightly.

The emperor's family really belongs to the Ai Lan emperor's family, and he is still an heir!

The larger the family, the more cruel the mutual crushing will be. After so many years of calm and quiet, but now they suddenly shot, will it be because of their red eyes? What's more, there is still a warm sk, making yourself even more powerful.

"Is there something wrong in their family?" The Dorsett asked.

Sometimes, the brighter and brighter the family, the more ugly and ugly things are hidden behind them. If they have problems in a certain place, they will find ways to pass on and seek new support points.

Di Shi is undoubtedly a good choice.

A descendant of the heirs who was kicked out, they can use all their means without conscience pressure!

Because he took care of the heart of the old man, the emperor did not ask much, but only made various speculations in his heart.

Imperial Wang sat in a chair, silent, as if doing a fierce ideological struggle.

Perhaps, to uncover a period of time, is to uncover a scar of yourself!

The emperor waited quietly.

"After the family of Emperor Ai Lan was the royal family of country f, in order to ensure the purity of the lineage, the family has extremely strict control over the marriage of young people, especially the heirs!"

"However, you also understand that under political marriage, few couples are happy, and there are always those who will steal from behind, so after a few generations, a huge branch has appeared. However, the Ai Landi family has strict It is stipulated that only the descendants of the heirs can inherit the family business! "

The emperor thought of the emperor wind and glanced at the old man.

Father and mother also belong to the marriage, will the Monarch wind be the illegitimate son of the old man?

But this question is not easy to ask, at least not now.

The old man took a sip of tea and continued to say slowly: "Your grandfather ranks the third in the family. At that time, he was one of the most heir candidates for the family. Unfortunately, he fell in love with an oriental girl ... "

The following things, the emperor can guess a rough idea. Because he didn't listen to the family's marriage arrangement, Grandpa was kicked out by the family!

"It's not as simple as you think!" Empire Hong glanced at the emperor. "Your grandfather's life, there is no chance to take a half step of the Ai Landi family!"

The emperor was startled: "He was imprisoned?"

Imperial Wang's voice was a bit bleak: "Yes, I haven't even seen him."

The emperor clenched his fists subconsciously. In such a cruel and ruthless family, the children and grandchildren in their eyes are not people at all, but commodities based on quality!

"That grandpa ..."

Imperial Wang shook his head gently, "I don't know if I am still here!"

"Although I am a descendant of Emperor Ai Lan's family, I have never made a half step of their family! Even, I dare not let them know about my existence!" Imperial Wang mocked and indignant.

To put it bluntly, he is an illegitimate child not recognized by the family!

The emperor silently added new hot tea to the old man.

At this time, any extra language or comfort may harm him!

No wonder the old man never mentioned the Ai Landi family. How could he, a man who loves face so much, expose his shameful identity?

The emperor would like to tell him that you are the product of two people who love each other, and there is nothing to be ashamed of! However, after all, it is the elderly, and some things have been deeply ingrained in his mind, then only slowly come along.

"At that time, Emperor Ai Lan's family slayed us to death, not only" forced "your" milk "and" milk ", not even let me go! I grew up relying on a butler near your grandfather to help . "

"That housekeeper was in charge of economics and finances in the family and taught me a lot. Your grandfather, through him, also brought me a little bit of his private possessions to me!"

"Later, when I was a little older, I took the money that your grandfather left with me and came here. I buried your" milk "and" milk "on her homeland, and left me with your grandfather. Money, opened the first bank, and then a little bit bigger! "

"When you were young, I gave you a hard heart to train you, even very unsympathetic, that is, I hope that one day you will be strong enough to fight against those people! But I think I was wrong, if not you did the emperor's When they reach the top of the financial industry, they won't attract their attention! We can still live our lives here safely! "

The line of the emperor's face was stretched a little tight, and the hands hidden under the table had already been clenched into fists!

Just because he didn't listen to family arrangements and gave birth to other women, grandpa was imprisoned for life by the family!

The child grew up and became stronger while hiding from Tibet, and after a few decades, he wanted to kill him!

Such a family has no popularity at all, which makes people shudder!

"Do they want to strike me now? I don't think it's that simple!" Emperor Shen Shen said.

"Yes!" Empire Hong was drinking tea. "The descendants of the Ai Landi family are getting fewer and fewer, and even the selection of an heir is a problem, or they have seen your excellence, and their conscience has found it!"

The emperor raised his eyebrows, "Huh?"

Empire Hong snorted coldly.

"Why do you think they have so few children? Because the Ai Landi family has a very harsh method for the selection of children. Except for a small part of them because it is difficult for close relatives to marry and have children, most of the children are in this selection system. , Was eliminated, and died, from a few months to a teenager. "

Emperor Hao burst into a chill!

Read The Duke's Passion