MTL - Best Ex-wife: President, Don’t Count on Me-Chapter 916 Must apologize to your mummy

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After dinner, the emperor went to the study.

Although he said no matter what he said, he was actually worried. After all, holy was smart enough, but lacked practical experience. He didn't know enough about the fraud in the mall. He just showed extraordinary talent in the field of electronics.

If holy does not need help, the emperor will not take the initiative to intervene, but at least you can go to sit and give some necessary advice!

Warm went out for a walk, did not go too far.

The emperor and the twins are busy, and she walks alone with no interest.

After passing through the plan about "catching turtles in the urn", the warmth turned back.

The twins ate very little dinner, hesitated for a while, and went to the kitchen. They boiled a pot of sweet white fungus soup. After thinking about it, they also served some desserts and shortbread.

She filled these things with a tray and carried them upstairs to the study.

The door of the study was not locked. Warmly pushed the door in. I saw Emperor Hao and the children sitting in the middle of a pile of computers. The Emperor Hao controlled three, poppy controlled three, and Holy was in a row Between the four computers, bow left and right.

"Da Da Da Da Da Da ..."

The sound of intensive tapping on the keyboard is like rain in spring.

Warm put the tray on the side table, which is a conspicuous and unobstructed position, everyone can see it as soon as they raise their heads.

She holds the white fungus soup in an insulated cup. Both desserts and shortbread are served on delicate silver-covered trays. This way, you can ensure that the food is fresh and clean, and it wo n’t let the smell of the food come out, which will interfere with the preparation. Things people.

When they are free, they can eat it when they want to eat.

Warm thought in my heart, sideways, ready to exit quietly.

The emperor raised his head and glanced at the warmth, his eyes soft and spoiled.

"Stop to eat something!" He said.

Poppy turned his head first, glanced at the things on the table, and quickly turned his eyes back, scanning the screen computer in front of him.

"Mommy! Would you please bring me the dessert?" She said.

It took two seconds of warmth to realize that poppy was talking to himself. After all, the child had been doing her own things all the time, and just when she said this, she quickly knocked on two computers. Entered a string of codes and locked several sets of data.

The poppy used to be soft and cute, and naive, except for caring about eating and being beautiful, there are almost no obvious specialties, but now, she has become so capable!

Looking warm, proud, and distressed, he quickly brought the dessert to Poppy's hand.

This girl loves desserts the most!

Poppy reached out and pinched a small dessert from the plate accurately, stuffed it into his mouth, and then glanced at the data on the screen next to him. His thin and white fingers reached over and hit the keyboard: "Dada! Da da da……"

Warmly look at her bulging cheeks to concentrate on doing things, crying and laughing, in the end is a foodie!

Turning around, she served the white fungus soup, a little hesitant, not knowing whether to disturb the emperor and holy who were working intently.

The emperor reached out his hand and warmly handed the white fungus soup to him, intimately: "The temperature is just right!"

The emperor put the white fungus soup on his lips, drank it in one breath, and handed over the empty bowl, "Thank you!"

She smiled warmly and turned her face to look at holy. However, before waiting for her to speak, holy didn't raise her head: "No, thank you!"

The warmth was a little helpless, quietly tidied up the things and put the holy one away. Eat it when he is free, alas ...

The emperor stopped his business, looked at holy's direction, and frowned.

"Holy, I suggest you stop and have a rest and eat something!" Although the emperor was suggesting, the tone was heavier, almost commanding.

"I know."

Holy replied briefly, still not looking up, his eyes staring sharply at the screen like an eagle.

Warmly found that holy eyes had red bloodshot blood.

If he goes on like this, will he suffer?


The warmth just started, and holy's hand suddenly hit the keyboard, making a short muffled noise.

In just one second, he returned to his focused look and re-entered his work as if it had just been an illusion.

Did he bother him and make him angry?

He bit his lip warmly, and he didn't even dare to say sorry, so he turned and walked out.

If you can do it a little bit more and you can help them, it will not be as passive and weak as it is now!


The emperor's voice was a little deep, and he could not hear it.

holy finally raised his head, there was a trace of trouble "chaos" under his eyes.

"what's up?"

The emperor's voice cannot be tolerated: "You must apologize to your mummy! Immediately! Immediately!"

His tone is very tough, completely a hard "sex" command. For the twins, from small to large, the emperor's requirements for holy are stricter, and in the face of warmth, even his favorite daughter, poppy, has to step aside. Now, holy is so rude to his mom, It must be criticized!

"Juehao, don't do this!" Warmed softly persuaded.

Although he would be aggrieved by being murdered, but now is the crucial moment for holy work. His little child, who has to bear such a great pressure, cannot help himself and should learn to be considerate!


The Emperor Hao couldn't make a move, and even the work at hand stopped, and he walked towards Holy.

holy turned his head to look warm, his eyes tired.

"I'm sorry mommy, I know you are working hard to prepare these meals, but I really don't have time to enjoy them now, I'm sorry!"

Warm quickly waved his hand: "It doesn't matter, I interrupted your work, I just watched you eat too little for dinner, I ..."

The warm words hadn't been finished yet, and found that Holy had turned her face and continued to devote herself to her work, immediately stopped her words and sighed in her heart.

The emperor walked to holy's side, stood behind him and watched for two seconds, suddenly stretched out his hand, covered his big palm on his computer keyboard, and commanded: "You must stop immediately!"

The sternness of the sound made the poppy wince, and looked up nervously.

Warm thinks that the emperor is angry at this time. Something is overkill. Hurrying over and pulling the emperor's sleeve, he also emphasized the tone and reminded: "Earl!"

He should understand that at this time, do not care about the child too much, do not put some extra pressure on him!

holy stopped, and looked up at the emperor, his plain eyes filled with indifference and resistance.

"I have apologized!"

Read The Duke's Passion