MTL - Best of Hollywood-Chapter 395 Overseas financing

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"What script?"

Helen showed a look of surprise on her face. It must be unique to ask Ryan to come up with a good script.

"A sci-fi action movie script with a female protagonist." Ryan got off his horse and handed the reins to the staff, "I have asked someone to buy the copyright of the script, but..."

The investment in the original version of this film was only 30 million US dollars, and the box office was not very good.

However, Ryan is very interested in this script and thinks he can try it.

"In a short period of time, Orion Pictures has focused on "The Lord of the Rings", "Spiderman", and "Harry Potter", as well as "Rush Hour 3" and "Tomb Raider 2."

"So in the future, we won't be preparing to shoot this script so quickly." He shrugged and said.

At least until The Lord of the Rings: The Knight of the Two Towers, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, and Rush Hour 3, Orion Pictures won't be planning to shoot The Violet.

"When I return to Los Angeles in a few days, I will go to Orion Films." Helen showed a serious look, and planned to go to Orion Films as soon as she returned to Los Angeles.

Take back the script that Ryan said, and study it carefully.

As for shooting time!

Not a problem at all.

"Where do you plan to go to shoot the scene first tomorrow!" Helen said about the filming of the "Spider-Man" crew.

"Go to the public library first tomorrow, and then go to the Flatiron Building." Ryan calculated the time and said, "It will take about a week."

It didn't take much time to film the scene, and it didn't even take Ryan to come over.

The crew only needs to take a rough shot of the building, and the rest can be handed over to Digital Domain and Industrial Light & Magic.

Many shots in the film are synthesized with special effects technology.

It can be foreseen that the post-production of "Spider-Man" will be very long.

In the next week, Ryan led the crew to almost visit New York and took a lot of shots.

The crew's location shooting ended and they returned to Los Angeles.

Without any rest time, Ryan devoted himself directly to the post-production of the film. Digital Domain and Industrial Light & Magic formed a joint special effects team to produce special effects for the film.

In terms of special effects production, he can't help much, and most of the time he puts forward opinions and asks the technicians of Digital Domain and Industrial Light and Magic to modify.

In addition, I have to find time to deal with the accumulated work of Orion Pictures.

Until the beginning of October, "Reaper 3" produced by Orion Films was released. In the three days of the first weekend, it earned 21.25 million US dollars at the box office.

A very good box office result.

Unfortunately, however.

The director of the film, the author and editor of the original work, James Huang, officially decided to temporarily suspend the cooperation with Orion Pictures, and instead cooperated with Sony Pictures to shoot "Universal Pursuit".

The budget of this film is as high as 50 million US dollars, even if it is placed in a commercial film, it can be regarded as a medium-scale investment.

By comparison, "Reaper 4" had a budget of around $25 million at best, and it was a horror film.

So James-Huang chose to cooperate with Sony Pictures.

"Mr. Gosling, I'm very sorry."

"For a long time to come, I'm afraid I won't have time to continue directing the next "Death Comes" sequel."

In the reception room of Orion Pictures, James Huang and Glenn Morgan showed apologetic expressions.

The screenplay for "Cosmic Hunt" was written by Glenn Morgan and James Wong.

It seems to be another "Death Comes" script.

"Of course, as long as time permits, we will still join the script creation of the next "Death Comes"." James Huang hastily added.

He didn't want to offend Orion Films by temporarily terminating the cooperation.

The two didn't stay long, and hurriedly said their goodbyes and left to avoid further embarrassment.

After all, it was the "Death Is Coming" series that Ryan and Orion Pictures decided to invest in.

It is somewhat embarrassing for them to give up directing the next "Death Comes" sequel and instead cooperate with Sony Pictures.

Although Orion Pictures first rejected the investment in the "Universal Pursuit" project, they chose to cooperate with Sony Pictures.

"This script looks pretty good,"

Frank Macasso flipped through the script of "Cosmic Pursuit" and said: "As long as the investment scale is controlled, it is easy to succeed."

To be honest, the plot idea of ​​"Universal Pursuit" is really good.

"James-Huang, who has been making horror films before, has never been exposed to commercial subjects. It is too risky for him to shoot a sci-fi action film with an investment of 50 million US dollars."

Ryan said without regret: "Besides, Orion Pictures has a lot of projects right now, and there is no extra energy to waste on "Universal Pursuit."

"Okay." Frank Macasso put down the script in his hand and said, "I have a proposal."

He didn't come here because of James Huang and "Watching the Universe".

"I have seen the revenue ratio of "X-Men", the box office revenue of the film is not the main source of profit."

Frank Macasso paused, and continued: "The production cost of the first "X-Men" was as high as 100 million U.S. dollars, and the budget for the sequel reached 120 million U.S. dollars. Continue growing."

"If you include the high publicity costs, and the global box office of "X-Men", the final box office profits are far less than imagined."

After listening for a while, Ryan didn't quite understand what Frank-Marcasso wanted to say, "Can you explain it a little bit more clearly!"

"Overseas financing!" Frank Macasso said directly, "We can use overseas financing to shoot."

"Most overseas funds cannot share the income from surrounding copyrights and commodities. We only need to pay a small amount of box office revenue to save a lot of money and investment risks."

There is one more thing he didn't say.

Shooting with overseas financing, Orion Pictures can intercept a part of the overseas distribution income of the film.

Even without any illegal means, Orion Films can intercept the film's overseas box office revenue only by setting a high overseas distribution fee.

In this way, overseas funds can at best share the income brought by the North American box office.

Even if the box office hits the street after its release, Orion Pictures will not lose money, and it will only be funds from overseas that will lose money.

Many Hollywood studios do this.

Ryan rubbed his chin. The first "X-Men" didn't bring in a lot of money at the box office because of the high publicity costs.

The promotional expenses for the next sequel film will be greatly reduced, and it is absolutely impossible to reach the promotional scale of more than 70 million US dollars.

So the first thing he thought of was not "X-Men", but James Huang and "Universal Pursuit".

Using overseas financing to film "Universe Pursuit", based on the box office of the original film, Orion Pictures is estimated to be able to make a small profit in peripheral copyrights, merchandise, and distribution.

"How about doing "Universal Pursuit"!" Ryan asked suddenly.

"What?" Frank Macasso was stunned for a moment, then thought for a while, and said, "There shouldn't be a big problem. The other party just wants to invest in the films under Orion Films, and has not clearly indicated the specific project."

"What's more..."

He showed a meaningful look and said, "The film companies on the other side of the Pacific Ocean don't understand how Hollywood works."

Across the Pacific!

"What's the name of that movie company!" Ryan asked, frowning.

"China Film, a film company that has just been established." Frank Macasso said a name called Ryan Wuyu.

To be precise, this film company is called China Film Group, and it is the only company on the other side of the Pacific that has the right to import films.

"Reject it. UU Reading" Ryan said angrily, "Remember to be tactful and don't offend them."

"In addition, thank you for me, Orion Films is very happy to work with them."

If it were an ordinary overseas film company, it would be a trap.

But China Film Group is different. If you can't offend them, you won't offend them.

Even, when the box office market on the other side of the Pacific Ocean matures, Orion Films can properly accept investment from China Film Group.

To put it bluntly, to offend China Film Group is almost equal to offending the scissors.

Can't afford it, can't afford it.

The change in Ryan's attitude made Frank Macasso puzzled, "Well, but besides us, they also had contact with Sony Classics."

Sony Classics is a film company under Sony Pictures, a bit like Touchstone and Twentieth Century Fox Searchlight.

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