MTL - Best of Hollywood-Chapter 4 USC Pride

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Helen frowned, flipping through the few thin pages of the script in front of her, and took a few minutes to read it roughly, and then she glanced at the budget again.

"There will be no film company or investor investing in such a script."

"Even creditworthy loans from banks will not pass the review."

Although she has never been a producer or director, it can still be seen that the script in front of her is too ordinary, and probably not much better than that experimental short film.

Three film students went to a small town to investigate the local legend about witches, preparing to make it into a documentary, but they disappeared mysteriously shortly afterwards.

Such a boring content is destined to be uninterested, and the poor filming cost, the quality of the film can be imagined.

Only some novice directors can write such boring scripts.

Even if it is actually filmed, at most, like many experimental films, the offline video tapes will be released directly, and there will not even be a chance to distribute offline video tapes.

"Although there are many financing channels in Hollywood, they are all the way some big companies operate, and you are obviously not one of them."

"What's more, the script in front of me is worthless in my opinion."

Helen stared down at the script on the desk, seemed to think about it, and finally shook her head.

Regarding Helen's attitude, Ryan had already prepared for it. The film "The Blair Witch" was not based on the plot or the film itself.

"Perhaps this can change your mind."

While speaking, Ryan put another promotional camp plan in front of Helen.

If it weren't for the cumbersome procedures for applying for a bank loan, he wouldn't have come here with a publicity plan to impress Helen.

Video promotion and marketing plan!

The words on the file bag made Helen frowned, and she didn't want to waste any more time, but she still opened the file bag and started to browse.

However, the content inside surprised her, and she was deeply attracted after just reading the beginning.

Such a unique publicity model is as dazzling as a shooting star, as if it is a powerful and unconstrained style, which is unimaginable.

Even in Hollywood, there has never been such a way of publicity.

Or it can be said that this film publicity plan has created a new Hollywood publicity model.

Even, in Helen's opinion, it's a pity that such a perfect film promotion plan is used to promote such a film.

With an indescribably complicated emotion, Helen finished reading the promotion plan in her hand, and was silent for half a minute before speaking.

"It's a crazy propaganda method, but it is also feasible, but!"

"However, this kind of publicity will definitely ignite public opinion, and even once the matter is exposed, there will be countless angry media and movie fans, and they will tear you to pieces."

Ryan smiled, and said indifferently: "Infamy is sometimes a way to become famous."

"What's more, I didn't intend to sign the name, and I'm not a member of the directors' union anyway."

"Besides, at least it can show that my publicity plan is very successful, isn't it!"

Such infamy, at least for the time being, is not something he can afford.

Helen took a deep breath and said, "It's really good."

"However, this kind of publicity method is likely to affect the reputation of the distribution company. I am afraid that the future distribution channels of the film will be troublesome."

Ryan spread his hands and said, "I don't think anyone will refuse the dollar that can be easily obtained."

There is never a bottom line for the downline of Hollywood distribution companies, and various means of publicity and hype are emerging in endlessly.

Even if he lowered the downline by a large amount, it was still nothing. To the issuing company, he would only appreciate it and would not refuse it.

"Helen, don't you know a small publishing company!"

If you are a large distribution company, you may still think about it, but a small distribution company does not need to consider these at all.

"Besides, it is entirely possible to register a new distribution company and push it to the front to receive cheers from the media and movie fans."

Artisan, the distribution company of "The Blair Witch" in the previous life, chose to release the director and actors together to meet the wrath of the media and countless movie fans.

The artisan company hides behind the scenes and pushes away the negative influence.

Naturally, he would not choose this method, so in order to quell the anger of the media and movie fans in the future, he had to release the distribution company or the leading actor of the movie.

"It's well prepared."

Helen nodded, a newly registered distribution company is obviously a very good shield.

But for now these are just empty words.

"It seems that we need to sign a formal brokerage contract." Helen knew that for the issuing company, the most important thing was profit, not reputation. As long as there were enough interests, these would not be a problem.

Most of the extras and crew workers do not actually need to sign a formal agent contract. For them, the agent generally acts as a middleman, not a real agent.

Only actors with real potential will be signed by their agents and cultivated with their own contacts and resources.

At this time, in Helen's eyes, Ryan already has the value of cultivation.

Don't underestimate the value of a director, especially for an agent, the director is only worth more than actors of the same level.

"I'm ready for this." Ryan naturally wouldn't refuse, anyway, he had already received a contract termination application from his previous agent a few days ago, and he signed his name very happily.

"But the bank!"

Before he could finish speaking, Helen immediately rejected the bank loan, saying: "The bank loan procedure is cumbersome, and it won't do any good for this film."

"Anyway, forty thousand dollars is not a lot, I can lend it to you privately for a while."

In addition to the publicity plan of "The Blair Witch", the most important thing is to keep it secret, but there are many approval procedures for bank loans, which is not conducive to keeping it secret.

"However, I have one condition."

"The main actors in the film need to be selected from the actors under Starry Sky Company."

Just like what Ryan used to say in his previous life, there is no free lunch in the world, so Helen would not miss such an opportunity to become famous, and notoriety is sometimes a kind of fame.

"no problem."

Ryan agreed without even thinking about it. Anyway, the protagonists in the film don't need any acting skills, as long as they are young enough.

"But they must sign a non-disclosure agreement. Before the film is officially released, they must not appear in front of the media and movie fans."

"It's best to travel to a certain country in Africa for a while and then come back."

Helen didn't refuse, even if Ryan didn't say it, she would do it.

Next, Helen personally printed out a broker contract and asked Ryan to sign it.

The two discussed some important points in the release promotion.

After all, Ryan is not familiar with Hollywood's process, and Helen needs to help supplement many details.

"The distribution company is the key to the success of this film, so we must choose a suitable distribution company."

"At the same time, you have to be mentally prepared. Even if your publicity plan is perfect, the distribution company may still not pay too high a price."

Helen felt it necessary to remind, never overestimate the harshness of the issuing company.

"Even the distribution company I was talking about."

All Hollywood film companies, distribution companies, theaters, or producers, directors, investors, etc., are all interests first.

Facing a second film shot by a fresh graduate of the University of Southern California's film department, even with an almost perfect promotional plan, he still wouldn't pay too high a price.

In Hollywood, the distribution company is the one that decides everything.

"I have seen the miserliness of the publishing company a long time ago in these days."

Ryan made a helpless gesture, UU Reading looked at Helen curiously at the same time, and asked, "Who is the publishing company you are talking about!"

Helen picked up the coffee on the table, took a sip, and said casually, "Twentieth Century Fox."

"My parents have some friendship with George Lucas. You can try to ask him to recommend someone from the distribution department of 20th Century Fox."

Ryan looked at the calm Helen in surprise, and subconsciously blurted out, "Star Wars!"

George Lucas!

The father of Star Wars, one of the four major Hollywood directors, the founder of Lucasfilm, the founder of Industrial Magic Light, the former owner of Pixar Animation Studio, etc.

In the United States, George Lucas can be said to be a household name, and his far-reaching influence is far beyond the imagination of outsiders, and he has a very good cooperative relationship with 20th Century Fox and Paramount.

There have long been rumors in Hollywood that George Lucas intends to restart the Star Wars series, which has made many distribution companies eager to see through.

It is conceivable that with the recommendation of George Lucas, as long as the content of the film is not too bad, 20th Century Fox will never refuse to release it.

"I think there should be only one George Lucas in Hollywood." Helen said softly.

"Twentieth Century Fox!"

"This is the small distribution company you said last time!"

Ryan muttered something in a low voice, and then stared at Helen with bright eyes, wishing he could put his whole body together and at the same time show a smile that he thought was bright.

"Dear Helen, if you have a chance, can you introduce me to the famous senior George Lucas?"

"He's the pride of our entire USC."

Helen glanced at him indifferently, but said nothing.

Read The Duke's Passion