MTL - Best of Hollywood-Chapter 405 Nate Shyamalan

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Orion Pictures did not get the distribution rights of "Hero", and China Film finally chose to cooperate with Sony.

Sony Classics won the North American distribution rights of the film, and Sony Pictures won the overseas distribution rights of the film.

However, Orion Films did not have nothing to gain. Golden Harvest obtained the distribution rights of Xiangjiang and several countries in Southeast Asia from Sony Pictures.

Although Sony Pictures has global distribution channels, it still has to cooperate with other distribution companies besides North America and Japan.

This is the norm for films released overseas, and Orion Pictures needs the same.

There is not any film company in Hollywood that can distribute completely alone. Apart from being unnecessary, there are many reasons.

The box office market regulations of each country and region are different. If foreign films want to be released, they must cooperate with local distribution companies.

For example, on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, any foreign film must be released in cooperation with China Film.

In addition, the collaboration on "Alexander the Great" made Ryan very hesitant.

Rationally, he should directly reject this project, but judging from the DVD sales data of previous life movies, he can try it.

Of course, the premise is that the cost of filming must be controlled. The budget of 155 million US dollars is not realistic at all.

As for the copyright of the film adaptation of "Charlie's Angels", Ryan didn't worry at all, and directly threw it to the lawyer.

Big deal, see you in court with ABC Network.

For the next few days, Ryan spent most of his time in the digital realm, working on special effects for Spider-Man.

During the period, I also took time to attend the premiere of "Undead".

This is an invitation from Knight Shyamalan and Bruce Willis personally, not Disney, the production company of the film.

The relationship between Orion Films and Disney has not been very good.

"Nate, aren't you afraid of causing Disney's dissatisfaction!"

Through the car window, Angelina-Jolie looked at the crowd outside the premiere, which seemed to be less than expected.

Even, for a $75 million project directed by Knight Shyamalan and starring Bruce Willis, it's a little shabby.

"Actually, this is the dissatisfaction expressed by Knight and Bruce towards Disney."

Ryan chuckled, pointed to the premiere outside the car window and said, "In addition to "Undead", Disney has another film premiere today, with an investment of 85 million US dollars."

"At the same time, Disney released two films!" Angelina Jolie asked doubtfully.

"Yes." Ryan nodded and said, "The release time of "102 Dalmatians" is the same as "Undead".

"However, Disney's main focus is on "102 Dalmatians."

"Undead" has the combination of Knight-Shyamalan and Bruce-Willis, which is really strong.

But "102 Dalmatians" is not an ordinary film, it is a derivative film of "101 Loyal Dogs" released a few years ago.

In 1996, Disney's "101 Faithful Dogs" cost $75 million to film and earned $136 million in North America, $184 million overseas, and $320 million worldwide.

Surprisingly, the film is based on a 1961 animated feature and is part of Disney's attempt at a live-action film.

The huge sales of "101 Dogs" directly led to the entire live-action film project. Disney not only filmed "102 Dalmatians", but also prepared to shoot "101 Dogs" sequel live-action movie and animated feature film.

It shows that for Disney, the importance of "102 Dalmatians" is obviously more than that of "Undead".

Incredibly, the two films were chosen to be released on the same day.

This involves an internal battle at Disney.

Not long after, the two tidied up their clothes, opened the car door and walked onto the red carpet. Ryan put his arms around Angelina Jolie calmly.

Many Hollywood producers and directors, although they are more chaotic than him when it comes to women, are very taboo in front of the media, and almost never walk on the red carpet with female stars.

Ryan didn't bother to hide anything.

In addition to being a director, he is also the owner of a film company, a well-known young rich man in North America.

The public will only envy, and will not cause any trouble.

Speeding down the red carpet, Ryan stroked Angelina Jolie's halter.

Today she wore a very **** evening gown that exposed her entire back.

"Have you read the script?" Ryan whispered in her ear.

Angelina-Julie moved her red lips slightly, and said, "You're talking about "Alexander the Great"!"

"Oliver, I just wrote an outline, but there is no script yet."

"However..." She hesitated, and continued: "I checked the historical information about Alexander the Great. He was a very famous emperor who once conquered the Eurasian continent."

"Alexander the Great was very famous in Europe."

Hearing this, Ryan couldn't help laughing. Angelina Jolie said a very crucial point. Alexander the Great is very famous in Europe, but it doesn't include North America.

"Warner Bros. intends to cooperate with Orion Pictures on this project." Ryan shrugged, "It's just that I haven't considered it yet."

"Do you think I am suitable to play the mother of Alexander the Great?" Angelina Jolie asked with concern.

A project with an investment of up to 155 million US dollars is a fatal temptation for any Hollywood female star.

"That depends on what you think."

Ryan watched someone say hello, nodded with a smile, and then continued to say to Angelina Jolie: "If you just want to try an epic movie, you can consider accepting the invitation to star in it."

"At least you can get a big paycheck."

With Angelina - Jolie's fame, the pay will not be a small amount.

"I'm not short of money for now." Angelina Jolie didn't have much desire for money.

Her daily expenses, including all kinds of luxury goods, etc., are almost all paid by Ryan. The money she earns from film remuneration and endorsements is enough to make her rich, and a large amount of money is spent every month to help her mother and brother .

This is different from previous lives.

In her previous life, Angelina Jolie had just become famous with "Tomb Raider", and she couldn't refuse the remuneration offered by the crew of "Alexander the Great".

Hollywood stars are also short of money.

While Ryan was talking with Angelina-Julie, when he walked into the VIP room, he could see some familiar figures, and many people came over to say hello.

Many of them have worked with people before.

"Hi, Ryan." Jonathan Mostow came over.

"Long time no see Jonathan." Ryan hugged him.

When filming "Terminator 3", the two had a good cooperation.

"It's been a while."

While speaking, Jonathan Mostow's eyes fell on Angelina Jolie, another female star promoted by Orion Films, "Hello, Miss Julie."

Looking at Angelina Jolie in front of him, he couldn't help but think of Charlize Theron who hadn't become famous back then.

In just a few years, she has become a first-line actress in Hollywood, and even starred alone in a film with an investment of tens of millions of dollars.

"Hello, Director Jonathan." Angelina-Jolie reached out and shook him lightly.

Jonathan Mostow let go of his hand quickly, he didn't dare to take advantage of Angelina Jolie.

When he turned his gaze back to Ryan, he couldn't help showing a hint of envy. A beautiful and loving female star like Angelina Jolie is simply the best partner.

It's really enviable.

After chatting with Jonathan Mostow, Ryan met Nate Shyamalan and Bruce Willis.

Knight-Shyamalan made no secret of his dissatisfaction with Disney, "I should have chosen to continue working with Orion Pictures."

For the "Undead" project, Knight-Shyamalan chose to cooperate with Disney.

Ryan smiled and said, " Orion Films welcomes you."

"I just had a good idea recently." Nate-Shyamalan's tone showed a hint of excitement.

He is not only a director, but also an editor.

"The Sixth Sense of Spirituality" and "Undead Tribulation" are both his creations.

"When the script comes out, you can come to Orion Films to find me at any time." A smile flashed in Ryan's eyes.

It was a windfall.

Bruce Willis on the side was very quiet, he didn't show his dissatisfaction with Disney, he just greeted him enthusiastically.

As a veteran Hollywood action star, he knows exactly what to say and what not to say, and he is not as impulsive as Knight Shyamalan.

Ryan chatted with Nate Shyamalan for a while, then took Angelina Jolie into the screening room.

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