MTL - Best of Hollywood-Chapter 476 Future 0 gold

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"Of course it would be best if you could buy Pixar Animation Studios."

If there is a chance to buy Pixar Animation Studios, Ryan will definitely not hesitate.

The premise is that Steve - Jobs can offer a reasonable price, rather than the lion's mouth.

In fact, the biggest problem in buying Pixar Animation Studios was not the agreement between Pixar Animation Studios and Disney, nor the obstruction from Disney, but Steve Jobs.

Based on what Ryan knew about Steve Jobs, he would not only open his mouth, but would even make demands other than money.

Such as Apple shares or Orion Pictures shares and so on.

"Pixar Animation Studios!"

Sofia Coppola shook her head, and said very directly: "Disney will not allow other Hollywood film companies to easily buy Pixar Animation Studios."

Once the Pixar animation studio is lost, it will be no less than a disaster for Disney, and it will even cause Disney to lose its share in the animated feature film market.

Therefore, in the previous life, Disney would rather agree to Steve Jobs' sky-high acquisition fees and shares, and gritted his teeth to buy Pixar Animation Studios.

Ryan shrugged helplessly. He naturally knew that Disney would not let other Hollywood film companies easily buy Pixar Animation Studios.

"By the way." Sofia Coppola seemed to suddenly remember something, and said, "Ivanka, she wants to find a part-time job."

"Ivanka?" Ryan looked at Sofia Coppola suspiciously.

The name seemed familiar to him, but he couldn't remember who it was.

"Ivanka-***." Sofia Coppola introduced, "Her father is the owner of a real estate company, you have seen it."

"Donald-***!" Ryan suddenly remembered who Ivanka-*** was, his face became very strange and said: "The tallest building in New York?"

After 9/11, facing the collapse of the World Trade Center in New York.

Donald - *** has boasted that he owns the tallest building in New York, which has been criticized by the media.

Ryan had met Donald—*** a few times, and that was very much in his character.

"Yes." Sofia Coppola nodded somewhat helplessly.

Apparently she also knew about Donald-***'s various behaviors.

"You can arrange a lighter part-time job for her."

After Ryan finished speaking, he thought for a while, and said again: "You can ask her opinion."

Compared with Donald-***, Ivanka-*** is much smarter.

Thinking of the report about Ivanka-*** in her previous life, Ryan had to admit that she was indeed very capable.

She has worked odd jobs as a model since high school and has hosted the Miss Teen America pageant.

After graduating from university, she joined the *** group, then became an adviser to the White House, and was among the list of new World Bank presidents that the United States plans to nominate.

Although she has the support and influence of Donald-***, Ivanka-*** herself is also very capable.

Inside Pixar Animation Studios, John Lasseter, Graham Waters, Andrew Stanton and others are working hard to produce a 3D animated feature film about the ocean.

After watching the production progress of "Finding Nemo" for a while, Steve-Jobs looked up at Graham-Waters and asked, "It is said that Orion Pictures plans to shoot a feature-length animated film with real-time motion capture technology?"

The director of "Finding Nemo" stopped his work and said very seriously: "It's not difficult to shoot real-time motion capture technology."

"Many special effects studios in Hollywood have real-time motion capture technology."

"For example, Weta Studio's real-time motion capture technology works very well."

Graham-Walters turned to John Lasseter and said, "We also have some technical co-locations with Weta Studios."

John Lasseter nodded, and said, "Weta Studio's technology is really good, especially in motion capture, which is better than Industrial Light & Magic and the digital field."

"As for real-time motion capture technology, it's hard to say, and..."

He hesitated for a moment, "If it were a project of Chris Welch and Blue Sky Studios, maybe this would be a pioneering work."

"But Robert Zemeckis and Tom Hanks don't know what an animated feature film is."

John Lasseter said meaningfully: "Technology is not everything."

"John is right." As the director of "Finding Nemo", Andrew Stanton agreed: "The real-time motion capture technology only looks very good, and no one can guarantee the specifics."

For Pixar Animation Studios, real-time motion capture technology is not new, even very familiar.

Real-time motion capture technology can indeed bring technical advantages, but once a successful 3D animation feature film is not only technical.

"Chris Witch and Blue Sky Studios will release "Ice Age 2" next year. This sequel 3D animated feature film is our biggest competitor." Andrew Stanton changed his voice, talking about Blue Sky Studios and "Ice Age 2". Ice Age 2" above.

The release time of "Finding Nemo" is probably next year's summer file, and the release date of "Ice Age 2" is also expected to be included in the summer file.

In this way, the two 3D animation feature films will become the biggest competitors.

Hearing the name of Blue Sky Studios, Steve Jobs couldn't help but think of the scene when "Ice Age" was released, almost a replica of the second Pixar animation studio.

There is also Ryan Gosling and Orion Pictures, Blue Sky Studios with the support of the two, if it is not too small, I am afraid that it will become Pixar's biggest opponent.

Even, it can compete with Pixar Animation Studios.

"What's going on with Disney?" Steve Jobs asked suddenly about Disney.

The development of Pixar Animation Studios has not been smooth sailing.

The biggest problem right now is from the partner Disney.

Don't look at the successive successes of "Toy Story", "A Bug's Life", "Toy Story 2", and "Monsters, Inc" produced by Pixar Animation Studios.

Among them, "Toy Story" has a global box office of 394 million US dollars, "A Bug's Life" has a global box office of 363 million US dollars, "Toy Story 2" has a global box office of 497 million US dollars, and "Monsters, Inc" has a global box office of 579 million US dollars.

Pixar Animation Studios can make a lot of money.

However, the actual income of Pixar Animation Studios is far less than imagined, and Disney intercepts most of the benefits.

This is what Steve Jobs was most dissatisfied with.

"Disney agreed to reduce the distribution percentage." John Lasseter said with a dissatisfied look: "But Disney has been unwilling to back down on peripheral copyrights."

Any Hollywood practitioner knows that the main source of income for a 3D animation feature film is not the box office, but various peripheral copyright income.

This is the profit focus of 3D animated feature films.

But Pixar Studios can only get a small part of peripheral copyright income.

Steve Jobs frowned and said, "Get in touch with other Hollywood studios."

"If Disney still refuses to budge, then we can only find a new distribution company."

The cooperation agreement between Pixar Animation Studios and Disney has three remaining film distribution contracts that have not been fulfilled.

Even with "Finding Nemo" to be released next year and "The Incredibles" which has just started production, and a 3D animation feature film, the two parties can terminate their cooperation.

Prior to this, Pixar Animation Studios needed to find a new distribution company to replace Disney.

"The focus is on Warner Bros., Twentieth Century Fox, and Paramount." Steve Jobs quickly made a decision.

Pixar Animation Studios needs a Hollywood giant with the support of a media group, and Orion Pictures obviously does not have the support of a media group. Sony Pictures not only keeps fighting among themselves, but also ranks at the bottom among Hollywood giants. Changing owners many times is also not a good choice.

"I think Orion Films can also focus on it."

John Lasseter intervened, saying, "The box-office success of the Lord of the Rings trilogy and Spider-Man speaks volumes about Orion Pictures' distribution capabilities."

"Ryan Gosling's ambition will not be satisfied with just becoming a publisher." Steve Jobs said coldly.

Several people subconsciously shut their mouths.

After all, Steve Jobs is the boss of Pixar Animation Studios.

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