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When filming the last scene, Ryan repeatedly filmed for a whole day, and almost didn't force Toby Maguire and James Franco to jump off the building.

Of course this is just a metaphor.

However, this is what Ryan wanted, and the almost crazy fighting scenes made him very satisfied.

Next, Ryan did not solve the crew, but took people to New York to film the scene. It was not until mid-October that the crew was temporarily disbanded and fully transferred to post-production and special effects production.

Compared with the shooting plan of the film, the special effects production work of "Spider-Man 3" can only be described as slow speed and huge amount of money.

Fortunately, Industrial Light and Magic and the digital field have enough time to perfect the special effects production of the film.

On the second day back in Los Angeles, Ryan accepted DreamWorks' invitation to attend the premiere of "The American Version of Midnight Ring".

This is a typical Hollywood remake of the original film, a classic Japanese horror film "The Ring", with an investment of only US$48 million.

DreamWorks has high hopes for the US version of "Midnight Ring", a big entry into the low-budget horror film market.

This can be seen from the release schedule. This "American version of Midnight Bell" was not released in September or early October, but in late October.

In this way, part of the release schedule of "The American Version of Midnight Ring" can be released within November, while avoiding competition with other large-scale commercial films.

To this end, DreamWorks held a large-scale premiere and invited many Hollywood people.

"The low-budget horror film market!"

Walking into the Chinese Theater in Hollywood, Kylie-Jenner glanced at the crowd around her and whispered, "It seems that the situation of DreamWorks is worse than expected."

Although the low-cost horror film market has a large box office capacity in North America.

However, Hollywood’s top second-tier film companies rarely focus on low-cost horror films. Only some third- and fourth-tier film companies will focus on low-cost horror films.

"Except for the rumored "War of the Worlds", it seems that DreamWorks has no major shooting projects."

Kelly-Jenner cryptically pointed out that DreamWorks should be in trouble with funding.

"This is normal." Ryan greeted people, and said with a relaxed face: "The success of "Minority Report" and "Road to Perdition" cannot change the status quo of DreamWorks."

"Besides, both of these films were co-produced by DreamWorks and 20th Century Fox."

Speaking of which, this matter is very speechless.

"Minority Report" and "Road to Perdition" co-produced by DreamWorks and 20th Century Fox.

The former "Minority Report" had a production cost of 100 million U.S. dollars, and won a box office of 132 million U.S. dollars in North America and 226 million U.S. dollars overseas.

The global box office of the latter "Road to Destruction" is also as high as 181 million U.S. dollars. Compared with the production cost of 80 million U.S. dollars, it has achieved commercial success.

However, the box office of several films independently invested and shot by DreamWorks was not very good.

Among them, "Time Machine" invested as much as 80 million US dollars, but the North American box office was only 56.83 million US dollars, and the overseas box office was not very good, only 66.89 million US dollars.

Another "Fantastic Tuxedo", an action movie starring Jackie Chan, had an investment of 60 million US dollars, but it only returned 104 million US dollars in global box office.

If DreamWorks wants to recover the investment cost, it can only rely on peripheral derivative copyrights.

In addition, there is a love movie "Hollywood Ending" written and directed by Woody Allen. The North American box office of this film is less than 5 million US dollars, and the global box office is 14.56 million US dollars.

Although I don't know the production cost of this film, Ryan can be sure that DreamWorks will face at least tens of millions of dollars in losses.

"It is said that Paramount has always wanted to annex DreamWorks?"

Seeing that there was no one around, Kylie-Jenner changed her voice and mentioned Paramount.

In fact, Paramount is not the only film company in Hollywood that is interested in DreamWorks, but in comparison, Paramount is more familiar with DreamWorks.

In other words, from the first day Paramount cooperated with DreamWorks, it was to swallow the entire DreamWorks in one bite.

"It's not that easy." Ryan shook his head and said, "Stephen Spielberg, he won't give in so easily."

Regardless of the few films produced by DreamWorks this year, which have encountered many setbacks, Ryan knows that the premiere of "The Bell at Midnight" in front of him and "How to Get Away with Law" released in December.

Both films have done well at the box office and are expected to bring in valuable cash for DreamWorks.

Among them, "The American Version of Midnight Ring" has a North American box office of 129 million US dollars and an overseas box office of 120 million US dollars. Compared with the production cost of 48 million US dollars, it can be said to be a great success.

"How to Get Away with Murder" is a hit movie. DreamWorks paid a production cost of 52 million US dollars in exchange for a global box office of 3.52 US dollars.

What really made DreamWorks lonely in the previous life was not just the financial problem, but the split of DreamWorks Animation Studio, which made DreamWorks, which was already in financial difficulties, even worse.

In addition, the internal contradictions of DreamWorks could not be eased, and Stephen Spielberg could not support the entire DreamWorks alone, and was finally forced to agree to Paramount's acquisition conditions.

"'Hollywood Ending' didn't fail."

In the interview area, facing a group of reporters, Woody Allen said convincingly: "It was a success."

"The film is very popular in France."

Looking at Woody Allen not far away, Jeffrey Katzenberg walked over with an ugly face, "Woody Allen, you should go to hell."

One thing Woody Allen said is right, "Hollywood Ending" is not only very popular in France, but also gained a lot of fame at the Cannes Film Festival.

These can't change one thing, DreamWorks needs to face at least tens of millions of dollars in losses.

Jeffrey Katzenberg took a deep breath to calm himself down, pointed to Gore Verbinski and introduced, "Gore is the director of this film."

"Mr. Gosling, I am very glad that you can come here in person." Gore Verbinski greeted very warmly.

"Nice to meet you, Director Gore." Ryan looked at Gore-Verbinski with a strange look in his eyes.

Ryan was very impressed with Gore Verbinski, even compared to Woody Allen, Gore Verbinski is the director that Hollywood film companies like.

In his previous life, Gore-Verbinski directed many hit films, and "The Bell" is just one of them.

The three most familiar films "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl", "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest", and "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End" made him directly among the top commercial directors in Hollywood.

"If we have time, we can sit down and have a cup of coffee together." Ryan said half-jokingly and half-invitingly.

Seeing this, Kylie Jenner took out a business card with only a phone number printed on it, and handed it to Gore Verbinski.

A gleam of joy flashed in Gore-Verbinski's eyes, he reached out to take the business card and carefully put it in his suit pocket, and said, "I'm always available."

Jeffrey Katzenberg glanced at Ryan, then at Gore Verbinski, and couldn't help but smile.

It seems Ryan is interested in Gore-Verbinski.

Gore-Verbinski didn't stay long, and when he reached the door of the lounge, he said his goodbyes and left.

Now is obviously not the time to talk too much, and no matter what Ryan or Orion Pictures has planned, it is a good opportunity for him.

"You seem to see Gore very much."

Walking into the lounge and sitting down, Jeffrey Katzenberg looked at Ryan and said, "Paramount is also in contact with him, interested in letting him direct a comedy film."

"It is said that William Beasley, the person in charge of this project, intends to invite Nicolas Cage to play the role."


Nicolas Cage!

Ryan couldn't help but pay the name of a film in his mind, "The Weatherman", a low-cost comedy film, with a budget of only $22 million for the entire film.

What makes him unforgettable is that this film is one of the many blockbusters starring Nicolas Cage.

"Just a touch." Ryan didn't care much, not to mention that he hadn't figured out whether to invite Gore-Verbinski to direct the new project.

Plus, Gore-Verbinski is an easy choice to make over a low-budget comedy.

After all, the project that Orion Films plans to prepare, only with an initial investment of more than 100 million U.S. dollars, is a real Hollywood large-scale commercial production.

Jeffrey Katzenberg glanced at his watch and said very seriously: "Some time ago, Pixar Animation and Disney held an internal audition, and all Disney executives had great prospects for the release of "Finding Nemo" next summer. Look good."

Next year's summer holidays will be particularly lively. In addition to "Finding Nemo" produced by Pixar Animation Studios, "Ice Age 2" by Blue Sky Studios and "Sinbad of the Seven Seas" by DreamWorks Animation Studios will be released.

The selected release time of the three animated feature films are all summer files.

In this way, there will be an inevitable competition.

Among them, "Finding Nemo" does not need to say much, it is only the name of Pixar Animation Studio, and no one dares to underestimate it.

"Ice Age 2" is a sequel animated feature film. The first "Ice Age 1" created Blue Sky Studios, one of the three major animation studios in Hollywood.

"Sinbad's Legend of the Seven Seas" produced by KemengWorks Animation Studio is only a traditional animated feature film, and the production cost is only 60 million US dollars. No matter how you look at it, it cannot compete with "Finding Nemo" and "Ice Age 2".

"I will try to convince Steven Spielberg to delay the release of "Sinbad of the Seven Seas" until Christmas."

Jeffrey Katzenberg sighed and continued, "I need the cooperation of Orion Pictures."

The overseas distributor of this animated feature film is Orion Pictures, and the North American distributor is DreamWorks.

However, "Ice Age 2"

"No problem." Ryan nodded and agreed.

Hearing this, Jeffrey Katzenberg breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Okay, I'll go to the screening room first."

Ryan waved his hand, indicating that he would go over in a while and don't worry about himself.

It took a while before Ryan and Kylie-Jenner left the lounge and headed to the premiere screening room.

In his previous life, Ryan hadn't watched "The American Version of The Ring", but he had watched the original Japanese version of "The Ring", a classic horror film.

So he was somewhat looking forward to it.

Especially Naomi Watts' acting.

The cast initially selected by the crew was not Naomi Watts, but Jennifer Connelly, Gwyneth Paltrow and Kate Beckinsale were all candidates for the role of Rachel.

Unexpectedly, the crew chose Naomi Watts unexpectedly.

Of course, those who are familiar with Naomi Watts will not be too surprised, she is very suitable for the scream queen.

In her previous life, she contributed an Oscar-level screen scream in "King Kong".

It's a pity that as her salary increases, few horror film crews will be able to afford Naomi Watts in the future.

This weekend, in addition to the American version of "Midnight Ring", there is also a film produced by Paramount and directed by Stephen Scat, "Never Give Up".

This film tells the story of a person with congenital cerebral palsy who is unwilling to be a failure and hopes to succeed in life through his own efforts.

During the three days of the weekend, "The American Version of Midnight Bell" overwhelmed "Never Give Up" which was released at the same time, and easily won the championship of the North American box office chart.

The first weekend box office in North America was 15.01 million US dollars, and it has a good audience reputation.

As can be expected from this is a very successful horror film.

"During the nearly two-hour screen time, Naomi Watts dedicated a screaming feast, and her performance in acting is also very satisfying."

This can be said to be a very fair comment.

The outside world is unanimously optimistic about Naomi Watts' performance in the film. Many professional evaluation agencies predict that Naomi Watts will be one of the biggest selling points in the film.

At the same time, the large-scale publicity of "Spider-Man 2" has reached a critical moment, and huge promotional posters belonging to "Spider-Man 2" can be seen in movie theaters in major cities in North America.

Compared with October, November and December are the most popular months in the North American market, and Orion Films has set a release date of November 8, co-produced with Warner Bros. "Harry Potter 3: Azkaban" "The Prisoner" chose to release it in December.

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