MTL - Big Time 1958-Chapter 1004 Fermentation

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   "Hurry up, hurry up, those Asian monkeys are attacking us." At the same time as this shouting, a high-pitched whistling sound came out. The ensuing shells slammed into the Australian positions. The explosive shrapnel flew in all directions, sweeping across everything in elusive trajectories. The earth was shaking violently, as if the whole world was distorted.

   The scale of this battle is not large, but its intensity is no less than that of any battle. Either live or die, the advent of war can often reveal such a simple and cruel truth.

  Australians do not understand why the peaceful state of the past ten years has been destroyed. Why do Indonesians do it? Is a tiny Timor island worth it? Ordinary soldiers don't have time to do the work of politicians to weigh the pros and cons. They had to deal with such a surprise attack with all their might. The artillery firestorm was fierce and dense, and the sharp whistling sound was intertwined with the loud explosion.

   The start of the battle on Timor Island was not as powerful as the several major wars in the Cold War, and it was not even a major war in World War II, but it was not weak at all. Being killed by an aviation bomb is of course more spectacular than being killed by a rifle, but it is the same for the deceased.

   walked up to the attacking Australians into the almost filled position, if that could be called a position. It must be stated that the Australians cannot be blamed for this. Timor Island is not the 38th parallel. For more than ten years, the two sides who have been lax have already abandoned the fortifications used to deal with the war. In this case, who is the attacker? Predominant, unfortunately, Indonesia is on the offensive side, and the bitter consequences are for the Australians to bear.

The sound of the landslide and tsunami finally changed from dense to thin, replaced by the suppression of high-speed machine guns, accompanied by the sound of the armored vehicle advancing the tracks, this kind of sound with mixed sound effects from far to near, and had to let God just finished saying hello to God. Australia comes to concentrate on the response, is it a deadly fight or a surrender? this is a problem?

   Gunshots rang out one after another. After the bombardment, there must be an attack. Under the night sky, the flares shone bright white or yellowish light, dyeing the earth with strange colors. Scattered or clustered gun bullets are dark red and orange, flying from the front trenches to the distance at a very fast speed, and the sporadic small trees are interrupted by modern weapons. Australian soldiers know that their waists are no better than these plants. How much stronger, as a soldier, everyone understands that the real gun is shot on the body, it is definitely not like in the movie, it will be over after a little blood, and it can continue to fight after more than a dozen guns, it only exists in dreams...

   Peace has lasted for so many years, and when it comes time to die, many people are still full of hesitations. Raising the gun and shooting is more of an instinctive reaction. On the spiritual level, it is true that Indonesians like us who have been educated for many years by imperialism are stronger. The Indonesians started to attack, and countless figures swayed on the barren land. You can also see something larger than a human figure, with far greater lethality and deterrence - Soviet armored vehicles.

  Heavy tanks in the tropical rainforest area will basically not have much effect. Indonesia is equipped with Soviet main battle tanks, and Timor Island also has them, but they are still far behind. It is enough to use armored vehicles as pioneers.

   On the Australian position, the hot bullets slanted down like raindrops, and the approaching Kuroshio suddenly slowed down, and even reversed in some areas, but this only lasted for a short period of time. The heavily armored Soviet armored vehicles fired violently against the defenders' artillery fire, and the self-propelled artillery immediately behind them also stopped to carry out shelling.

  The brutal battle in front of us continued, grenades rained down on the armor, and light and heavy firearms were also firing desperately, but except for the grenades, the rest was like a scratch on the Soviet armored vehicles. In front of armor, ordinary rifles are no different from burning fire sticks.

  This battle was far from being difficult, but it only shocked the residents of the nearby villages. Ordinary people always sanctify soldiers. In fact, European and American soldiers can surrender completely after fulfilling their obligations. When the Indonesian army took this position, only a few hapless people became corpses, and that was the result of hundreds of mortar shells and machine gun fire.

   How many bullets and shells does a person need to kill? This is a matter of probability. During World War I, 20,000 bullets can only kill one person, so in the eyes of the shivering Timorese, it seems like a disaster like destroying the world. In fact, the sound is rather scary.

"This is aggression, this is a declaration of war on Australia?" Under a big tree that was still burning, the white officer whose face was reddened by the firelight protested loudly against the shameless behavior of the Indonesian army, forgetting to say that he is now a one of the captives.

   It doesn't matter, anyway, it's not that the officer is a shame. Against the background of a string of Australian prisoners, the officer's image is still dashing, especially in the face of adversity, and he is worthy of a thumbs up.

  A few Indonesian soldiers are holding guns. I wonder if this white man who talks about human rights and international law has a sick mind. Can you expect ordinary soldiers to understand English? Still Australian style, no! So what? When an Indonesian soldier in a dark green military uniform stepped forward with a gun butt, the whole world was quiet, how wonderful.

"Liberate the territory occupied by the colonizers, the country and the people are watching us, let's move on." The commander of this army gave a shocking speech, urging the soldiers to continue to move forward to live up to the hope of the motherland. I have to say that Indonesia has changed. After becoming a socialist country, this set of national justice completely changed the temperament of the entire country.

  The soldiers cheered warmly, for the sake of the motherland and the people, they did not turn back. But they don't know what kind of international turmoil the battle on this small island will turn into. Now, they still don't understand...

  In fact, there are less than 1,000 Australians in the entire Timor Island situation, and Indonesia's strength here is similar. For this small island, this kind of power is quite a lot. After all, on the New Guinea side, it is the key confrontation area between Indonesia and Australia. You must know that it involves hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of land sovereignty.

  The Indonesian army that secretly transported troops has long surpassed the Australian army on Timor Island, although Jakarta had ordered it to try to solve the problem by intimidation. But Indonesian high-level officials also know that it is impossible to not shed blood at all, and they have been psychologically prepared for this. Anyway, what are you afraid of with the support of the Soviet Union?

   I have to say that Indonesians are more confident in the Soviet Union than Serov is in the Soviet Union. The Indonesian army, divided into several routes, started from West Timor, which is controlled by the country, and has been hurrying along the way, going straight to the Australian garrison in East Timor. Most of them were not resisted along the way. The time-consuming point was receiving police Institutions to prevent these puppet troops from causing trouble for themselves.

   Throughout the whole night, the occasional sound of gunfire spread throughout the entire Timor Island. With the arrival of the day, the battle on Timor Island was finally reported layer by layer and passed back to Indonesia and Australia.

  Indonesian troops crossed the blockade to occupy part of East Timor, which was still not a big deal at this time. Timor Island is not an important place in Southeast Asia, let alone in the whole world. Africa can starve to death hundreds of thousands of people unknown to the world, even a homeless person killed by a refugee in Europe can cause a sensation, is this fair? It's not fair, but who makes the people irrelevant and the country strong or weak?

  Whether it is a friend or an enemy, what they say is one thing, but in fact it is still an important criterion for international decision-making. If it is an allied country, the European and American media will give sympathy. Similar to the enemy of the Soviet Union, the media in European and American countries will criticize it. This is also because the Soviet Union is powerful, even if this power is the enemy. It is very expensive for weak countries to be featured in the international media. A single case in a European country that kills dozens of people can cause a sensation. In Africa, at least tens of thousands of people die. The world is so unfair.

  Compared to the war of words between Australia and Indonesia, whether it is the socialist camp or the capitalist camp. I didn't pay too much attention at the beginning, isn't it a small island I've never heard of? And the current conflict can only be regarded as a border conflict.

  Some newspapers in the United States have noticed the conflict between Indonesia and Australia, but because it is only the first day, no one knows how serious it is. Only a few newspapers reported it, far from overwhelming. The popularity is not as high as the reporting density of the U.S. stock market crash, let alone the reporting density when the INF Treaty was signed.

"It is indeed impossible for the Indonesian army to occupy 5,000 kilometers of land in one night. Maybe Australia is still ready to talk to Indonesia about ending the war? Although the media of both countries have taken a tough attitude. From our intelligence To judge, it is basically impossible for the United States to take a military posture to support Australia." Chebrikov arrived at the Kremlin with the latest news. He did not know the specific number of casualties, but he did not know much.

   In fact, most of the places that Indonesia occupied overnight were unimportant places. The so-called Australian garrison was only composed of white officers and New Guineans. The pure white army is still a long way off.

"Australia may think that Indonesia's move is to occupy some East Timor territory, so as to give an account to the country. Also, I heard that two-thirds of Australia's troops in East Timor are New Guineans. Maybe Australia doesn't care at the moment, But as long as the Indonesian army continues to occupy more land, Australia will not be able to bear it!" Shelov sneezed and said, "Now this matter still needs to be fermented, time will tell."

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