MTL - Big Time 1958-Chapter 1010 Iran-Iraq alliance

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   This reaction is understandable, really! If the U.S. maritime hegemony started from the Five-Nation Naval Treaty, the United Kingdom recognized the U.S. Navy as equal to itself, and it has been nearly seventy years this year. This time, a fearless challenger appeared, and this challenger is known to be an army power, which makes the United States even more intolerable.

   In a sense, the United States is also proving something. Therefore, in the face of the dispatch of the two major red flagship teams of the Soviet Union, they quickly made tit-for-tat deployments to reflect the marine advantage. Deep down, Reagan might not just win, but win beautifully, using America's most powerful navy to lift the national spirit.

  Using the ocean as a battlefield, the two largest ocean powers on earth have a unique confrontation. Although the chances of a war breaking out are small, it is also very risky. No one wants to fight intellectually, but who knows what will happen? Danger is always there, and nothing in the world is certain.

   As soon as the sun came out of the sea, the American aircraft carrier, the core of the fleet, accompanied by several destroyers, began to accelerate into the wind. Dozens of fighter jets on the flight deck are ready for flight, and the pilots are all staying in the cabin and doing the final preparations before takeoff with the help of the aviation crew. As a red flare rose into the sky, the first F14 fighter jet was ejected first. Then the fighters behind them left the flight deck one after another.

The accelerated pursuit of the    Fifth Fleet to the Soviet Red Flag Mediterranean Fleet naturally also included threats. F-14 fighter jets are no strangers to the Soviet Union, and the Iranian People's Air Force is equipped with F-14 fighter jets. Because of this, the Soviet Air Force has specially tested the specific parameters of the F-14 fighter jets, and also used a batch of F-14 fighter jets for modification.

Therefore, when the F-14 fighter jets taking off from the US aircraft carrier battle group approached the Soviet Red Flag Mediterranean Fleet, it did not cause panic of the Red Flag Mediterranean Fleet. The radar was turned on, and all anti-aircraft missiles were put on standby. The Red Flag Mediterranean Fleet was still advancing at full speed and continued. Head east.

   This kind of dangerous and restrained contact takes place almost every hour. Whether it is the Americans or the Soviets, they are in a state of high tension. There is a possibility that they will miss out. Of course, this possibility exists. Whether it is the carrier-based aircraft in the sky or the missiles on the Soviet warships, they are all manufactured for display, and their purpose is to fight.

   Of course, the Red Flag Mediterranean Fleet not only has various types of missiles, but also the latest Soviet vertical take-off and landing fighter Yak-141 fighter jets on the Kyiv-class aircraft carrier. A carrier-based vertical take-off and landing fighter aircraft developed by the Soviet Union in the late 1960s. The aircraft carrier will fly on the Soviet Admiral Gorshkov, and after the design is completed, it will be ready to carry the Yak-141 fighter jets on aircraft carriers such as the Kuznetsov.

   As we all know, all kinds of Soviet fighter jets cooperate with the army's tank army to attack, and almost the combat radius is very short. Due to the high accident rate of the Yak-38, too little bomb load and radius have earned the nickname of the mast defender, the Yak-141 fighter is much larger than the Yak-38. It is a new carrier-based fighter for the Soviet Kyiv-class aircraft carrier. In order to be used throughout the year in the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, the Yak-141 is designed based on the international standard atmosphere plus fifteen degrees Celsius. The atmospheric conditions are not completely suitable for the Soviet Union local climate.

"They are here again. This kind of harassment is really disgusting." In the combat command room of the aircraft carrier Kyiv, a commander who was looking at the chart with a pencil said irritably. The harassment of the US carrier aircraft made the entire Soviet Red Flag Mediterranean Fleet invincible. its annoying. Almost every once in a while, the Yak-141 vertical take-off and landing fighter has to take off once to drive the American F14 fighter.

   The Yak-141 vertical take-off and landing fighter is now the most advanced vertical take-off and landing fighter in the world, but it is still somewhat powerless in the face of heavy carrier-based aircraft like the F14. Boxing is also divided into categories. Heavyweight boxers and lightweight boxers will not melee together. This confrontation is a disadvantage for the Soviet Union.

  Even in later generations, no one would think that the F35 fighter, which imitated the Yak-141 vertical take-off and landing fighter, could compete with the heavy fighter like the F22, let alone now. Not even if the Yak-141 is the most advanced vertical take-off and landing fighter.

   The Yak-141 vertical take-off and landing fighter also has a problem caused by the technology of the times, that is, the general deck can not stand up, and the high temperature of the Yak-141 engine is baked.

   "There's no way, move on and rush to Indonesia, we won't bother much." Admiral Geronopoulo, commander of the Red Flag Mediterranean Fleet, ordered calmly, "We have to implement the order of the central government and not have much contact with the Americans."

   "But!" The commander who just spoke wanted to say more, but he was severely stopped before he spoke.

   "There's nothing wrong, just follow the orders of the central government." Admiral Hronopoulo said in an unquestionable tone, "We have to be responsible to the motherland. We do not lack the courage to perish together, but we must also measure whether it is worth it."

   In this history, Admiral Hronopoulo did not order that my ship was ordered to ram your ship. Instead, he restrained the anger in his heart and made the opposite decision to his own in another time and space.

   As Admiral Hronopoulo reaffirmed the command to remain restrained and proceed at full speed. The Red Flag Mediterranean Fleet continued to hurry on its way with all its strength, and continued to maintain a tense state to deal with the harassment of the U.S. Fifth Fleet.

   "Follow the other side, we can't let us out of our attack range. The Pentagon has stated that our base in Australia is ready for supplies!" Such a voice came from the flagship of the Fifth Fleet.

   This kind of harassment is enough. The strength of the Soviet Red Flag Mediterranean Fleet is not weak, and the Fifth Fleet cannot guarantee that it will retreat completely. It is not what Americans want to see the Soviets in a hurry. If you turn to embodying strength and establishing prestige into putting yourself in, you will become a fool instead of pretending to be a force.

  The United States is the least willing to show its strength against an opponent like the Soviet Union. If possible, it would be better to replace the Soviet Union with Nicaragua. The Fifth Fleet, which was chasing the Red Flag Mediterranean Fleet, also began to accelerate, continuing this chase. Likewise, the Fifth Fleet was getting farther and farther from the Persian Gulf.

Because of the dispute over Timor Island, Australia and Indonesia finally became the focus of the world after the United States and the Soviet Union began to stand. At the same time as the ocean confrontation, after Egypt first expressed its support for Indonesia, most of the peace religion countries stood on the sidelines. on the Indonesian side. The reason is very simple. In the eyes of most peaceful people, Indonesia is a peaceful country.

This kind of misunderstanding is common, just like Serov once believed that India is a Buddhist country for a long time, because Buddhism originated in ancient India, but in fact, whether it is modern India or modern Nepal, the biggest religion is Hinduism , Buddhism has long been lingering on the brink of extinction.

  The general people's understanding of the world has a certain lag, and the saying that the world and the believers are brothers is just talk.

  When the attention of all countries has been diverted, some places that really need attention begin to move slowly. The Persian Gulf, the center of the world's energy, is empty like never before in decades. Baghdad and Tehran, began the first serious assessment of the success of the operation.

  When to act and in what name to march, you can control the situation as quickly as possible. Modern countries need to formulate detailed battle plans, and the era of wars at the command of the emperor has long passed.

  The situation facing Baghdad is actually very clear. Kuwait's total military strength is just 10,000, and Iraq's troops deployed in the southern land are not many, only a quarter of the national troops. This ratio is actually not malicious to Kuwait. There were only three divisions near the border with Kuwait. Baghdad has this confidence that as long as the military operation starts, it can take down this southern neighbor in one day, which is consistent with the judgment of Moscow's Serov.

  The situation facing Iran is much more complicated. Everyone knows that Bahrain is a very important island in the Persian Gulf. But many people do not know that although Bahrain is a Shiite country, its geographical location is close to the Saudi side. It is 25 kilometers away from Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain and Saudi Arabia are connected by a sea-crossing bridge. The sea-crossing bridge between the two countries has been open to traffic for three years.

   If Bahrain's geographical location was not important, and it was not easy to divide, Britain would not have taken a fancy to this place. Bahrain, which is 25 kilometers away from Saudi Arabia, is more than 200 kilometers away from Iran.

   Iraq is facing a conventional land war, while Iran is facing a weaker enemy, but it is a real cross-sea battle. Difficulty do not know how much higher than Iraq.

"To be honest, we must ask the help of the Iraqi People's Air Force, otherwise we can't handle it with our own capabilities! We can't put all our hopes on amphibious tanks. Although the surface warships left by the United States in Bahrain are not powerful, they are against the Soviet Union. In other words, if we send a landing ship, it may be completely sunk in the process. The combination of airborne operations and amphibious tank raids, coupled with our hidden secret armed forces, can only guarantee victory.” This is the end of internal discussions in Tehran. result.

  Iran has a division of airborne troops that can be used for combat, and the combat effectiveness is not bad. It was trained by the Soviet military advisory group, and the Iranian People's Air Force also has American and Soviet transport aircraft for combat. When the Soviet Union attacked Turkey, it once crossed the Black Sea with water and land tanks, and this practice was also absorbed by Iran.

The only option that    can't choose is the landing operation that everyone chooses. If Iran does this, it is likely to be sunk by the remaining US military in Bahrain with anti-ship missiles and fighter jets, causing a tragedy. If a warship sinks, many people will die, and whether an amphibious tank will attract missile strikes is a question.

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