MTL - Big Time 1958-Chapter 978 Iran asks for help

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  The embarrassment of being old and having a child only lasted for a while, and the big spy is now shameless. How can children and grandchildren be the same age, there are so many people in the world, it is certainly impossible that he is the only example.

   Back in the room, after little Valya asked about the phone call just now, she said with a half smile, "Don't you feel any guilt in your heart?"

   "Nothing at all! Besides, you pushed me." Shelov's tone was so righteous, which fully explained what it means to lift his pants and not recognize someone, causing the little girl to roll her eyes. Even if this is the truth, now that it has developed to this point, as a man, can't you say some soft words to coax yourself?

   Little Valia, who was holding the baby in her arms, lost her face, kissed the baby's cheek and muttered, "The mother can only rely on you in the future!"

Seeing this scene, Serov had a headache again, and said slowly, "I've always been like this, you know, I'm not a person who is soft on the mouth. Sometimes the mouth doesn't necessarily work. Explain what's on your mind..."

   It was true that he had no feelings at the beginning, but the other party was young and beautiful. The old hooligan had no resistance in this regard. The biggest resistance was often his mouth. After such a long time, no one's heart has grown, and feelings will naturally develop.

   "What are you thinking?" Seeing the man's face changing constantly, little Valya thought that the man was angry, but in her heart, the little girl still had some fears of the old wanderer, and her identity was there, and she was not afraid.

"Oh, I'm going to replace all my assistants with men in the future!" Serov returned to his senses and replied, he is sixty years old this year, and his career as a Soviet gunner should be over, otherwise even if he has been in good health, he may not be able to look at it. By the time the youngest child is an adult, if he is not careful, there will be no one to protect the mother and child. Compared with other women, the age gap of little Valiya is too small, and she has never entered a circle, unlike other women.

"I will take good care of him. It seems that there is only the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the moment." Shelov looked at the baby who was born not long ago, and looked at this very young little Valiya, and said faintly, "I hope I still have enough time. ."

   Little Valia nodded solemnly, she still believed in this old man very much, and there would always be a solution. Of course, Valya knew about the existence of this little secretary. The two women had similar experiences, except that there was a gap of thirty years.

A few days later, the old hooligan whose conscience had completely disappeared arrived in Kyiv without changing his face and heart, to visit his newborn grandson, and stopped by to stimulate and stimulate Sierbitsky. She wanted to tell him the news, but later, because the conversation was unpleasant, Sherbitsky chose to hide it.

"You're already like this, and you don't have anything to cause me trouble. When I see you next year, maybe you'll be on crutches, and you still have the energy to fight against me." Shelov looked like I almost laughed out loud, Looking at his in-laws, he said, "What? Do you still regret the final defeat of the Dnipro gang?"

"What if you come to Ukraine as a guest? I welcome you. If you come here to look for something, I don't want to talk to you." Sherbitsky is not polite at all. He is at this age, and he still cares how long he can work. ? It's okay to retire now, so I'm not afraid of Serov at all.

"If you didn't suppress us back then, would I need to find a cadre to take over now? Everyone knows that according to age, our group of people should complete the normal cadre rotation." Seeing Shirbitsky like this, He was out of breath.

   "It's a pity that a fish slipped through the net, and I didn't think about it for a while, otherwise why would you be here?" Shirbitsky's face was calm, but he deliberately lowered his voice, not wanting the daughter and son-in-law who was looking after the child to hear.

"Be content, unless you never die, that day will come sooner or later. It's not me, maybe the situation will be worse." Serov thought of the fight between Shcherbitsky and Gorbachev at the end of the Soviet Union, but in the Soviet Union The cadre class has caused a huge negative effect. In what way, he believes that he is still stronger than Gorbachev.

   Seeing that the other party still has something to say, Serov made a stop gesture and said, "It's useless to say anything else, there is no Serbilova now, only my son's wife, Serova, you have already lost."

   It is a tradition in the Soviet Union to change the husband's surname after marriage. Serov is because the Chinese no longer have this habit, so without this thinking, even naming his daughter is a mess. Several of his sons are completely Soviet people, but there is no such thinking of Serov. From the perspective of the winner, Serov ruthlessly beat the giant of the Dnipro gang, and his heart is full of joy, "Seeing that No, I finally made it to this day..."

This sentence made Shcherbitsky feel so tired. It was said by Brezhnev after he had cleaned up all his opponents. Unfortunately, when Brezhnev said this sentence, he happened to be there. , and now Serov repeats this sentence and gives him back...

   Serov can't stay in Kyiv for too long, even if he has to inspect everywhere. During the Soviet Union, Ukraine was very powerful in the fields of radio, radar, and electronics. The investment and resource allocation of the Soviet military industry in Ukraine is huge, and Ukraine is an important base for the Soviet military industry. The Ukrainian military industry accounted for one third of the former Soviet Union's defense potential. Many Ukrainian enterprises and scientific research institutions are related to the defense industry, mainly in the machinery manufacturing, metallurgy, fuel power industry and high-tech sectors, as well as military products such as rocket devices, aerospace devices, military ships, aircraft and missiles. Several famous aircraft design bureaus, among which the famous Antonov Design Bureau is located in Ukraine.

Many industrial layouts were completed in the Brezhnev era, so under this first-mover advantage, let alone Serbitsky is now Serov's in-laws, even if it is a complete adversary relationship, with Reagan outside, he would not be able to. Nor will it do to Shcherbitsky. The most important part of the Soviet marine military industry, one-third of the shipyards are concentrated in Ukrainian cities, responsible for a quarter of the Soviet Union's warship production tasks, and almost all large surface ships are completed in Ukrainian shipyards.

   The production capacity of Ukrainian armored vehicles accounts for one-third of the entire Soviet Union. The Ukrainian armored fighting vehicle industry has become one of the most important fields of Soviet machine manufacturing. The whole of Ukraine is the war machine of the Soviet Union. There are 4,000 military factories in operation, and the population of military manufacturing is nearly 4 million, which is more than one-tenth of the total population of Ukraine.

   During the general secretary's inspection, Serov was always accompanied by Shcherbitsky. During the inspection of the major machinery factories, the mutual understanding between the two was an example of proletarian brothers. The friendly attitude and comradely pure friendship fooled the factory workers for a while.

   "As long as our military industry operates normally, we will always have the strength to compete with the United States." Serov, who had completed the continuous inspection, took the time to say to Shcherbitsky, "When I came to Ukraine, my Xinxin suddenly increased a lot."

   "Oh!" In the absence of anyone else present, Shcherbitsky was not interested in continuing the performance. "What do you think? Are you ready for a showdown?"

   "No, the medium-range missiles haven't been withdrawn yet. But after the withdrawal, I'm going to tease Reagan, and then you'll know! The conditions are not yet ripe!" Shelov didn't say much, just satisfied with the military industry.

   It is not him who is most anxious. Some people are more anxious than him. Jalali, the general secretary of the Iranian People's Party, will visit Moscow soon.

  At the end of last year, the price of oil fell to ten dollars a barrel at one point due to the full-scale operation of Saudi Arabia, and then briefly rose to maintain the price of fourteen dollars a barrel. This price actually exceeded the cost of mining in the Soviet Union, but the Soviet Union's industry was very strong after all, and the total amount of oil exported to Western Europe was not large. Seventy percent of the export quota is to help Eastern Europe stabilize energy from being affected by world energy prices.

   was nothing more than an oil crisis. What was really fatal to the Soviet Union was the food problem. As long as there is no problem with food, there will be no fundamental problems in the Soviet Union. It is countries like Iraq and Iran that are really worried. Now the oil price has not improved, and the foreign exchange reserves of the two countries are in the process of depletion. This time the Iranian People's Party must be because of this.

  The economic growth rate of the Soviet Union last year was not high, only 4%, roughly the same as that of the United States. This is the result of the revision of the Soviet Planning and Economic Commission, which on the one hand is to confuse the United States. On the other hand, it was repaying debts. In the year before Brezhnev's death, in order to celebrate the achievements of the great leader, the Soviet Union at that time made some virtual indicators in the economy, indicating that the Soviet Union was imminently surpassing the United States.

   The revision of the gross industrial and agricultural production at the end of last year is just a return to the real data. Of course, this incident had a certain impact on the Soviet Union, and cadres at all levels have also explained these issues specifically. Serov also said about this problem. It is very normal for the economy to decline to a certain extent.

   But now it seems that the most important influence should be on Reagan, which has increased the confidence of the other party that the Soviet Union is dead.

   At the end of September 1987, Jalari, the general secretary of the Iranian People's Party, came to Moscow. Serov received the leader of this allied and fraternal party in the Kremlin, and listened to the other party's grievances.

"General Secretary Serov, I think Saudi Arabia's behavior of following imperialism now needs to be punished!" Jalari, General Secretary of the Iranian People's Party, said very directly, "Saudi Arabia's behavior is also a provocation to the Soviet Union and weakens the leadership of the Soviet Union. ."

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