MTL - Big Time 1958-Chapter 980 US stock market crash

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"General Chebrikov, bring the latest information of the Fourth Division and Second Division of the First General Administration and the Twelve Action Group." After considering the order of the combined boxing for a long time, Serov finally made up his mind, of course, starting from the country with the most certainty. . Any action has a unique number, and these numbers have their own order for easy management.

  The four departments are mainly responsible for the work of the Federal Republic of Germany and Austria. Because Austria is neutral as the European spy capital, it is in front of the Federal Republic of Germany in importance, and the Federal Republic of Germany is the second. In fact, the work of the Stasi is better than that of the KGB. Except for some inherent shortcomings of the Germans, such as always capsize on the password, the Stasi is no worse than the KGB in other fields.

   With the power of the KGB, and the Stasi of the same family, the success rate of operations is much higher than that of other countries. However, as the front line of the Cold War, the Federal Republic of Germany is also the place with the strongest counterintelligence force. Whether the spear on his side is sharper, or the shield on the other side is stronger, there must be risks.

  The favorable condition is that, at least in Western Europe, the Soviet Union's continuous destruction of medium-range missiles and the withdrawal of troops from Poland have dispelled a great deal of vigilance on the other side. The only one who has never given up vigilance against the Soviet Union is the United States itself.

   Looking at the materials sent over, Serov also considered the success rate in his mind. First, he had to check the original preparations.

This opportunity is fleeting, because times are changing, the Soviet Union’s easing policy on Western European countries is effective, and the chemical weapons of the Federal Republic of Germany have never been a problem technically. A little historical knowledge knows that Germany was the first large-scale country during World War I. The country that used the gas bomb, the Farben Chemical Company in World War II, was an authority in the world of chemistry.

After the war, the Allied forces' deliberate plan for splitting not only failed to pave the way for the rise of chemical companies in their respective countries, but instead enabled the emerging companies to get rid of the many fetters of Farben's original management system, make rapid progress in their respective fields and constantly explore new fields. .

   As the Cold War began, these German chemical giants were quickly reborn. Because at the beginning of the Cold War, the hostility between the two camps was serious, and chemical weapons were secretly hoarded again in the Federal Republic of Germany. However, with the passage of time, especially after the Soviet Union launched a de-escalation offensive in the 1970s, the chemical weapons of the Federal Republic of Germany are actually decreasing.

   is now two-thirds less than when the KGB found a hoarding location. The reduced parts have been destroyed, but the Soviet Union still knows where the remaining chemical weapons are.

Germany finally gave up chemical weapons. It was the "Two Plus Four Treaty" signed after the end of the Cold War and the reunification of the GDR. The Federal Republic of Germany also announced the disarmament of nuclear weapons, biological weapons and chemical weapons. NATO military forces cannot be stationed on the territory of the GDR. Germany is a little luckier than Japan in this regard. There are no foreign troops stationed on the territory of the original GDR.

   "It is necessary to do some ruthless things." After careful consideration, Serov finally chose to feed his conscience to the dog, issue an order from the chairman of the KGB, and let the action team receive the standby order.

   This chairman’s decree marked that a bomb in the layout had entered the detonation stage, just waiting for the final countdown.

"Have all our funds been withdrawn!" Serov slowly washed his hands and asked General Chebrikov, who was standing behind him, with a very calm expression, and patted his face gently with water on his hands , sober yourself up a bit.

"Yes, General Secretary, the U.S. stock market doesn't have one kopeck from us. The last money was withdrawn three months ago. Because of the hotness of the U.S. stock market, we are not worried that no one will take over." General Chebrikov did not Serov's calmness, or laziness, maintains that serious expression at all times.

"Come on, if you don't work hard, you have to play this kind of numbers game. Let the Greeks be careful, although the Athens trade is supported by our entire Warsaw Pact industry, you have to be careful not to be influenced by the Yankees. Shelov wiped his face, turned around slowly and said, "After the stock market crash, put all the money into Japan to attract international hot money. You can't let the United States slow down!"

General    Chebrikov nodded. In front of Serov, he only had this one action, just follow the order...

  This time, the circulation of the dollar from the world has been completed, and no one can escape it. Don't say it's Reagan himself, even if Sheloff abandons his previous suspicions and cooperates with Reagan, he can't violate the rules this time.

   With so many countries under the control of the Soviet Union, there will be fewer countries in the capital circulation of the United States. Reagan is right. The Soviet Union will not be destroyed. The United States is no longer the only one in industry, and it is absolutely impossible to maintain the current state of life.

"Once the U.S. stock market collapses, we will dump all our holdings except Japan, including Greece's. We must not hesitate! This is an executive order. Send me someone to watch the U.S. from now on!" Serov finished. With this sentence, the office was quiet for a long time, and after a while, a sudden voice sounded, "Wait..."

"The sun is shining in Moscow today. After entering October, today will be a very suitable day for travel! We hope that all Soviet people will have a happy mood during the weekend. The Komsomolskaya Pravda wishes you a good mood, of course, hope Don't forget to abide by the law, no matter what you are doing, wherever you are, the motherland will always be with you, trust our anti-rebel workers, and pass with justice, sniff out and eradicate traitors..."

   This normal blessing spread all over the world through the magnetic voice of the announcer of the Voice of the Soviet Union…

In a luxurious room in New York, USA, a young man with deep-set eyes and an over-drinking smile still had a lewd smile on his lips. It seemed that he was very satisfied with Hu Tianhei last night. He heard this on the radio. When greeting, the head that was sunk in the pillow moved slightly, and suddenly, a pair of bloodshot eyes suddenly opened...

The HSBC Bank Building in Hong Kong, from here, you can look down on the entire paradise of land and gold, the bright pearl of the British Empire, the bright pearl of the British Empire. I drank the red wine in the glass, and when I looked at the city again, there was a trace of malice in my eyes...

  In Tokyo, Japan, London, England, Frankfurt, Germany, Athens, Greece, Lisbon, Portugal, countless people have heard this seemingly normal blessing that originated in Moscow!

"Walk with justice, sniff out and eradicate traitors..." Serov raised his glass to the red five-pointed star on the Kremlin spire, "Cheers!" For the post-socialist era ravaged by oligarchs, for the collapse of unity The multi-ethnic Soviet Union, Albania, which polarized national property because of pyramid schemes, Yugoslavia, which turned its brothers against **** civil war, Romania, which is famous for its torture movies, Czechoslovakia, which became the center of eroticism, Hungary, which became a German farmer, and which once appeared. The socialist country, cheers...

   All over the world, some former dignitaries, traders, traders, and company executives pack their bags and organize their personal images with unprecedented seriousness! Of course, there are still many people who don't show up. Maybe they will be discovered in two days, but they just became a loser who committed suicide by jumping off a building in the media. It's normal. There are people who insist on their ideals. Why can't traitors exist? It's a pity that they met a Trust a machine more than a human chairman.

It's a new day, as the sun slowly emerges from the eastern horizon, a new day begins in the cosmopolitan city of New York, Wall Street is shrouded in overcast clouds, in the rush and dull "dang, dang, dang" clock With the sound, the New York Stock Exchange started a new day. At the beginning of the market, an ominous premonition struck everyone in the noisy trading floor.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 70 points at the opening of the market. The bad start was like a sledgehammer, hitting everyone's heart. The New York Stock Exchange was silent. The U.S. stock market has been in a bull market for decades. There has never been such a heart-pounding situation as now, and for decades, many people have forgotten what the decline is all about.

   In the blink of an eye, there was a surge of selling. Under the pressure of the swarms of selling disks, all the green disks were turned up on the screen, and there was no red in sight. There was panic in the exchange, and the futures market was in chaos. The entire New York Stock Exchange suddenly exploded, and many companies immediately received news from the exchange.

  In some companies that respond quickly, the heated debate is no less than the noise in the exchange. The successful people who are usually well-dressed are blushing and thick-necked around the debate on how to respond.

   "We can't sell, we want to reflect that we should sell to get cash..." This kind of thinking appeared not only on the New York Stock Exchange, but also at the conferences of many large companies. While CME folks sold index futures in droves, so did the New York stock market, with a dearth of buyers. In the first hour of the market, it was difficult to find buyers in the market, and due to the large accumulation of sell orders and not many buy orders, the market price was forced to drop repeatedly to attract buyers.

   And the Sydney Futures Exchange thousands of miles away, some people are also stepping up their preparations. They have already received the news when the New York Stock Exchange happened, and as soon as the Sydney Futures Exchange opens, they are ready to sell their buy orders.

   In just one hour, the buying orders sold by the New York Stock Exchange accumulated more and more, and once they were released, they would be like a flood of ruptures, washing away all rescue forces. At this time, there is no one who takes the order in the market, and everyone is ready to sell instead of buy!