MTL - Big Time 1958-Chapter 989 Cole resigns

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  The Turkish representative's face was blushing for a while, and he stood there awkwardly and shouted, "Does the Soviet Union think that it is the world's policeman, and there is no other country in the world that can check and balance the Soviet Union?"

"I don't mean that, but if Turkey declares war on the Soviet Union, I can fight it now." Shelov tilted his head and smiled, pulled out the armed belt under the military coat, and slammed it on the table with a bang, and the other one He pointed to the venue and asked loudly, "Who else? I have 4 million soldiers, 100,000 tanks, 380 nuclear submarines, and more nuclear bombs than other countries put together. Once the Soviet chariot is turned on, unless Aliens come to the earth, otherwise no one can stop the Soviet Union, who dares to stand up to refute me? I will wait here to see if he will appear here..."

   He said the last sentence in English, and he did not hide his arrogant attitude in the air. Shelov knew that the representatives of many countries hoped that Reagan would come out and give support, and Reagan was the hope of these countries.

   "General Secretary, this is the General Assembly of the United Nations!" Reagan appeared at the door, looking at Serov on the podium and responded loudly. In the end, Reagan did not disappoint the representatives of some countries and appeared at the meeting in time.

   "I've been waiting for you for a long time!" Sheloff calmly reattached his armed belt and said with a cold smile, "The mental state is well camouflaged, but the tiredness in his eyes can be camouflaged."

   "I don't need any pretense. The American people know everything about what I do." Reagan kept walking, getting closer and closer to the podium, and he answered not to be outdone when he walked to the front of the position where the American representative did.

"It also includes ensuring that there is no problem with the U.S. economy, and finally letting go of the stock market crash?" Shelov bowed his head slightly and said with a poignant smile, "It has been more than two months, what is your guarantee? What attitude do you have when you come here today? ? To protect the chemical weapons of the Federal Republic of Germany from being investigated?"

  Selov and Reagan were less than ten meters apart, one stood on the podium and the other stood opposite each other below. There is only each other in each other's eyes, in this world apart from the United States and the Soviet Union, there will be no rivals between each other.

   "I heard that the general secretary wants to solve the problem by military means?" Reagan smiled indifferently and said nonchalantly, "It seems that the general secretary is very confident in the military power of the Soviet Union, or thinks that NATO is a decoration?"

   "That's what I think. For many years, NATO is no longer the opponent of the Warsaw Pact." Shelov didn't want to answer directly, "Whether it's a conventional war or a nuclear war, the chances of the Soviet Union winning are much greater than the United States."

   "But I think so too!" Reagan looked at Shelov coldly and said, "I have a strategic missile defense system!"

"At present, there is nothing but a system in the plan." Shelov stretched out a finger and poked it gently forward, as if he had burst a bubble, "You are still with me in twenty years. Say these words, but with your age and body, it is estimated that you will not have this chance."

The General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the President of the United States, in front of the representatives of more than 100 countries at the United Nations General Assembly, talked about the nuclear war as the winner of the nuclear war. The attitude of the situation made the representatives of more than 100 countries here He secretly said, "You are paralyzed!"

  The Soviet Union and the United States treat each other with disdain, and their attitude of self-confidence is a blatant trampling on world peace, but! Because these two countries are the United States and the Soviet Union, other countries are considered not to see it. Some countries think it is a mouthpiece, such as France! Some people dare not intervene because of their lack of strength, such as most countries.

   "President Reagan, are you continuing to pursue a confrontational policy?" Serov was not in a hurry at all. The reason why the United States was able to have a good economic performance during the Reagan era was actually because Americans still had a lot of savings in the previous decades. Moreover, the various accumulations in the previous society, such as education level and technical ability, are not bad. So, when Reagan cut benefits and forced Americans to spend money, it was time for another wave of capitalism.

   Is it okay now? Sheloff doesn't think so, and there is not a few years that the United States will not be able to recover at all. Serov will not give the United States time to slow down. The villain must be killed when it should be killed.

He is not afraid of Reagan jumping over the wall, because Reagan is among the few US presidents who are particularly dependent on big financial groups, and the presidents who really dare to attack big financial groups include Roosevelt and Kennedy. The latter paid the price of his life, but Roosevelt big and small is the real consortium that has curbed the endless expansion of the United States. Temporarily use the responsibilities of the president to prevent those big financial groups from doing anything wrong, and most of the other presidents are mediocre.

   But there are two presidents, who are very dependent on the capital power of the United States. One is Truman of the Democratic Party, and the other is Reagan in front of him. The two have opened a lot of convenience for capitalists.

  Reagan was a little luckier than Truman to catch up with the Soviet Union's suicide. Obviously, he had consumed a lot of internal energy in the United States, but because Gorbachev consumed it faster than him, he won the victory.

   "Let's vote to decide the result?" Shelov is not going to argue with this patient. The other party is the kind of person who can't communicate. Only those big capitalists can keep this president from going crazy. He doesn't have the ability.

   All voted, the Soviet Union launched Eastern European countries, most Arab countries, almost all Southeast Asian countries, most African countries, against Western European countries that supported the United States, most South American countries and some Commonwealth countries.

The result of the vote was over, except for abstentions, 65 to 50 votes passed the resolution proposed by the Soviet Union to conduct a thorough investigation of the Federal Republic of Germany. After the result came out, Serov calmly looked at the entire United Nations venue, and then set his eyes on Reagan. Said, "All countries affected by Germany during World War II, including the GDR will participate in the joint investigation team!"

  This contest in the United Nations ended with the victory of the Soviet Union, but this meeting gave some countries a shock. The Soviet Union has more supporters than the United States, which is different from the Los Angeles Olympics. That time was considered by many countries to be a demolition of the Soviet Union. Because they could participate at the same time, many countries sent two representative teams, so they were not regarded as the same thing.

But this time, the contest at the UN General Assembly was completely different. The general secretary of the Soviet Union and the President of the United States faced each other face to face, but the Soviet Union got more supporters, which surprised many countries. If I remember correctly, this seems to be a For the first time in decades, is the Soviet Union stronger than the United States? This matter needs to be considered by many countries...

   In fact, the Soviet Union must thank France for its strong support. On the issue of chemical weapons in the Federal Republic of Germany, France will not give in at all, even if it is facing the United States. Because France's stance was very straightforward after the vote, it had an impact on many countries.

   "I really want to use the veto to see if that person really dares to force a war." Reagan, who returned to the White House, seemed to be exhausted, and said to Casey, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, very tired.

  Reagan's spirit is disappearing, and the global counterattack launched by the United States has not achieved much. After the stock market crash, although they still supported various anti-Soviet armed forces, they became more and more powerless. This inability was also reflected in Reagan, who also began to feel tired, and it seemed that earlier instigation of more intense confrontation had sunk the Soviet Union and failed.

  Using the veto to veto the Soviet proposal would make the United States morally untenable, especially in the case of a defeated country. Reagan could only choose to win the support of the allies and block the Soviet Union with a majority vote, but he still failed. This was not a small blow to Reagan, and most countries sided with the Soviet Union.

"Reagan is definitely unwilling, but is it my fault? It is also a strategic offensive. I am the gnawing of one country and one country. At least in the name of liberating Africa from colonization, I support the righteousness of Arab countries and make a life-threatening sacrifice. It’s not surprising that Reagan didn’t even look for excuses for his appearance as a liberator, and he said that he would endanger the interests of the United States. First, he would fight Grenada, then Nicaragua and Libya. It’s not surprising that his reputation was worse than ours!” Serov immediately set off for his home country after attending the UN General Assembly. Outside the alert circle, Soviet strategic bombers were already waiting, ready to accompany them back home.

   It seems that the purpose of forming a joint investigation team has been achieved, but in fact, the joint investigation team is not his purpose, nor is it the purpose of destroying the chemical weapons of the Federal Republic of Germany, but one of the purposes is to destroy the confidence of the Germans in the government.

"Mark the area of ​​the Rhine Camp for me. This time we will set up an investigation team. The scale must be a larger country to send me two or three hundred people. At first, I pretended to investigate seriously and arrived at the location of the Rhine Camp. Be sure to dig out the Rhine camp before everyone reacts." Serov, who had not rested after returning from the United States, directly called Chebrikov in for a face-to-face interview and said, "Then we will set up an investigation of 3,000 people. The regiment is still not much for a country. So we must dig out the Germans who died in the Rhine camp before the US military in Germany finds out.”

  At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet Union and Germany were red-eyed, and the fate of the prisoners of war who fell into the hands of local governments can be imagined. The lives of prisoners of war in German concentration camps and Soviet labor camps are not considered life at all. The Soviet Union cannot wash this matter, and Serov does not want to wash it.

   It's too difficult to get the Soviet packing scale white lotus, but it's much easier to peel off the American mask. In the name of finding chemical weapons depots and destroying them, the Federal Republic of Germany can provide the equipment. When these instruments are in the hands of the investigation team, they will be used to excavate the Rhine camp, so that the Federal Germans know that the United States is no more merciful than the Soviet Union.

   In Bonn, the capital of the Federal Republic of Germany, Chancellor Kohl announced in a denunciation that he would resign, pending the conclusion of the investigation and holding a general election.