MTL - Black Bellied Husband’s Indulgence: His Wife is not Allowed to Hide-Chapter 1869 What's up with him?

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The loving looks of my parents, my elder brother, and my elder brother and sister, actually made Jiang Xing's eyes look envious ...

In my mind, a dreaming picture suddenly appeared.

One day in the future, she will be able to walk towards the restaurant happily, just like them, in the middle of the night that has just returned from the outside ...

"Sister, let's go to the restaurant too!" Just when Jiang Xingnuan was absent-minded briefly, Jiang Ziyi's voice suddenly sounded around him.

She just came back and nodded.

"Okay ..."


at night.

After dinner, Jiang Xingnuan and his parents explained some of their recent situation.

Of course, it was edited by her wisdom, because nothing special happened, so no one doubted anything.

The engagement matter ended like this.

Back in the room, Jiang Xingnuan retrieved his original mobile phone, which was out of power ...

After charging, you can see many missed calls.

Among them, the most incoming call is Ji Mubai.

Jiang Xingnon watched the phone for a few seconds, then dialed back.

However, there is an unreachable sound coming from the mobile phone ...

She hung up and frowned ...

Immediately after, she called the deputy general manager of JS's entertainment company.

"Miss ... are you back on vacation?" The other party was surprised by her call.

She disappeared for a while and said straight away that she was on vacation!

"Well ... do me a favor." Jiang Xingnan gave a perfunctory response, then said.

"What are you saying!"

"Ji Mubai's agent will call me later."

"Okay, wait a minute."

"Um." Jiang Xingnon answered, and then hung up.

Within a minute, she received new news on her phone!

Opening it, it was the agent of Ji Mubai's agent, and she dialed that number.

It was quickly answered ...


"I'm Jiang Xingnuan." She didn't bother to greet the other side, and her identity was made straightforward.

When she heard her name, she was clearly surprised!

"My Miss Jiang, you can be seen!" Followed by the cry of the agent, "If you don't come back, we will really ruin Mubai!" Helpless and anxious!

"He ... what's wrong?" Jiang Xingnon was surprised for a moment, also startled by the agent's words.

"Well ... Since you disappeared from the engagement, his entire body has been decadent, and then he has simply disappeared! Several previous advertisements and movies that were signed were also in breach of contract and did not participate in the shooting! Now the partners are all hot, a lot Everyone has an opinion on him! Even more competitors in the circle use his breach of contract to make a big fuss, saying that he started playing big names because he married into a giant! Mu Bai's reputation is very bad now, but he is unwilling to explain. We have no choice but to worry! "

Ji Mubai's popularity in recent years has been steadily rising!

But this time, it became very bad!

The breach of contract is okay, because several advertisers and JS have a cooperative relationship, so in the face of the Jiang family, they dare not say anything, and promised that as long as Ji Mubai resumes shooting, it can be Do not care.

But this time it was deliberately hyped, and it hit his popularity and reputation very much!

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